

    ≪トーキョーエクスプロージョン≫から数週間後…。警視庁公安部の霧原未咲は、不可解な殺人事件の裏に「黒の死神」と呼ばれた≪契約者≫BK201の関与を察知した――。 岩原裕二によって紡がれる完全オリジナルストーリー、第3の「DARKER THAN BLACK」登場!! (C)2009 Yuji Iwahara (C)BONES・岡村天斎/DTBG製作委員会・MBS
  • 私の身体を生きる
    17人の書き手が自らの「身体」と向き合って記す、生きるためのリレーエッセイ 私の身体はほんとうに私のもの? 私の身体はどんな視線にさらされ、どのように規定され、内面化されているのか。17人の人気小説家・美術作家・コラムニスト・漫画家・発明家が自らの「身体」と向き合い、ときにユーモラスに、ときに激しく、そしてかつてない真摯さで文章をつむぐ。「文學界」人気連載がついに単行本化。 著者は島本理生、村田沙耶香、藤野可織、西加奈子、鈴木涼美、金原ひとみ、千早茜、朝吹真理子、エリイ、能町みね子、李琴峰、山下紘加、鳥飼茜、柴崎友香、宇佐見りん、藤原麻里菜、児玉雨子の17人。 自分と自分の身体の関係を見つめる言葉が、これまで読んだことのない衝撃と共感をもたらす。 【目次】 島本理生「Better late than never」 村田沙耶香「肉体が観た奇跡」 藤野可織「「妊娠」と過ごしてきた」 西加奈子「身体に関する宣言」 鈴木涼美「汚してみたくて仕方なかった」 金原ひとみ「胸を突き刺すピンクのクローン」 千早茜「私は小さくない」 朝吹真理子「てんでばらばら」 エリイ「両乳房を露出したまま過ごす」 能町みね子「敵としての身体」 李琴峰「愛おしき痛み」 山下紘加「肉体の尊厳」 鳥飼茜「ゲームプレーヤー、かく語りき」 柴崎友香「私と私の身体のだいたい五十年」 宇佐見りん「トイレとハムレット」 藤原麻里菜「捨てる部分がない」 児玉雨子「私の三分の一なる軛(くびき)」
  • 日本鍼灸の極意 管鍼法 <日英対訳版> Kanshin Method The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture Japanese & English bilingual Book
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※英語版は巻末から始まります ※The English version starts at the end of the book. 今や世界のスタンダード! 管を駆使した鍼 江戸期に記された秘伝テクニックも紹介 17世紀に管鍼法を創案し、德川綱吉の侍医も務めた盲目の鍼医・杉山和一。 和一が到達した鍼術の境地を学ぶ。 管頭を叩く、鍼管で針を摩擦する、振動させる…etc. 伝書に記された14技法も詳解! 管鍼法の技術&杉山和一、縁の地のガイド本。 世界中の鍼灸師、必読! A must-read for all acupuncturists around the world! If you are an acupuncturist or student, you may have heard that Japanese acupuncture is slightly different from TCM. Do you know what the differences are? `The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture" is a book about the Kanshin method - an important and unique part of Japanese acupuncture. Simply put, this is the acupuncture practice that uses guide tubes. Nowadays, many acupuncturists around the world use guide tubes daily. But did you know the guide tubes (called Shinkan in Japanese,) were invented more than 300 years ago in Japan by Waichi Sugiyama, the father of Japanese acupuncture. Waichi is known as a master acupuncture physician, who became the court physician for the Tokugawa Shogunate. He was also the first educator in world history to build a school for the visually impaired. However, his life was not always successful, in fact more than half of his life was a chain of difficulties and challenges. But he kept his passion for helping people and making acupuncture safer and more comfortable, expanding the number of people who could benefit from it. Using guide tubes was an innovative acupuncture practice that made it possible to use thinner needles, giving easy, more comfortable insertions, without compromising the efficacy. These attributes represent how Japanese acupuncture can be gentle, yet powerful. This book is written by renowned acupuncturists and sensei who are passionate about letting the world know about the greatness of Japanese acupuncture. The book gives you insights and knowledge about basic Japanese acupuncture principles. Moreover, this book introduces the clinical techniques which use guide tubes. You can incorporate these into your practice to enhance the clinical efficacy. This is a must-read for all acupuncturists worldwide.
  • DARKER THAN BLACK -黒の契約者-(1)
  • クイズ あなたは小学5年生より賢いの? 大人もパニックの難問に挑戦!
    1~10巻1,320~1,430円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 日本テレビ金曜よる7時~放送中(2020年3月時点)、小学生の問題に全問正解すれば賞金300万円をゲットできるクイズショーの書籍化。世界40カ国でフォーマット販売され放送されている「Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?」の日本版。賞金を懸け、小学生でも解ける義務教育の問題に芸能人が挑戦する、人気番組です。大人なら正解して当たり前、と思いそうだが、これが案外やっかい。子どもの教育にも役立つ、ためになって面白い一冊!
  • more than red
  • YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS——恋の味をご存じないのね <矢代俊一シリーズ1>
    1~25巻315~1,246円 (税込)
    天才サックス奏者が不惑を過ぎて初めて知る、狂おしい恋の味。栗本薫、幻のやおい小説がデジタルで甦る。 世界のヤシロとその名を讃えられる天才サックス奏者、矢代俊一。音楽に身を捧げ、妻との死別もマフィアとの軋轢も乗り越えてきた彼が、不惑の歳を過ぎて初めて知る、狂おしい恋の味。男性同性愛という形による、どうにもならない激しい衝動と音楽にかける想いの物語。 栗本薫が亡くなる1ヶ月前まで書き続けられた2万枚もの遺稿は、天狼プロダクションによって自費出版された後に絶版となったが、没後十年を経た今、電子版として、正伝25巻、外伝18巻(未完作品を含む)に及ぶシリーズが復活する。 【著者】 栗本薫 1953年東京生まれ、2009年病没。1977年群像新人文学賞評論部門を、1978年江戸川乱歩賞を受賞して文壇デビュー。小説は栗本薫名義、評論などその他の活動は中島梓名義で発表する。正伝130巻、外伝21巻のグイン・サーガ・シリーズ、伊集院大介シリーズ、魔界水滸伝などのシリーズ作品をはじめとする小説のほか、評論、エッセイなど400点を越える著作が刊行された。また、ミュージカルを手掛けるほかジャズ・アルバムとして「THE LAST LIVE」がある。
  • .Bloom COMICS DIGITAL無料試し読みマガジン
    電子BL誌「.Bloom ドットブルーム」発の人気コミックの第1話を詰め込んだ無料マガジン! 高校の国語教師・八尋×数学教師・吉武の前世は…? 感動の転生BL『転じて恋と生き』(早寝電灯)/顔フェチのイケメン・真田×殴られて興奮するドMヤンキー・鹿嶋のエッチで過激なラブバトル!! 『簡易的パーバートロマンス』(赤原ねぐ×瀬森菜々子)/ワンコ系後輩・吉村×コワモテの先輩・志摩のとびきりスウィートな高校生ラブ『ライクアシュガー』(那梧なゆた)/人気AV男優・仁×訳アリの過去を持つ人気ゲイビネコ男優・光が“いちばん”の愛を探す感動作『目を閉じても光は見えるよ』(丸木戸マキ)/モテ系シスコン高校生・大輝×赤面症の大学生・神谷がゆっくりと惹かれ合う極上ピュア・ラブストーリー『more than red』(幸田みう)/義理堅く人情に厚い漢方医・松庵×謎めいた美形渡世人・雪、宙ぶらりんの二人が互いを求め合う時代劇BL『雪と松』(高橋秀武)/恋愛対象は女性なのに、男性にしか欲情できない大学生・高史×クールな同級生・深町。二人が悩み、導き出した答えが胸を打つ『世田谷シンクロニシティ』(本郷地下)


  • Adventure of the Soul
    The external universe covers an infinite expanse of more than 10 billion light-years. The inner universe is just as immense, extending deep beneath the human mind. The Universe featured in this book embraces them both. All of us are connected to this Universe and can draw forth its infinite force. The time has come for each person who summons the Universe experience to be an adventurer of the soul and initiate a movement of creation and regeneration in all corners of the world.


    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One year after World War II ended, in 1946, two young Japanese children, a sister and her brother, somehow defied the odds and survived a month long dangerous journey from the former Japanese colony of Manchuria in northeast China to their hometown in Japan. Iku was only 10 years old. She and her 6-yr. old brother traveled 340 miles on land, mostly on foot, day and night, with little food, clothing, or money while holding each other’s hands. What kept them going every day? It was the promise that they made to their mother? “Never let go of each other’s hand and safely return to Japan to be reunited with everyone.” They simply wanted to see Mommy again. This is a true story of war, not of who’s on the right side and who’s on the wrong side, or who was crueler than the other, but how war impacts people everywhere, including innocent children, like Iku and her siblings. Most importantly, this book demonstrates how love, courage and determination can see us through the most difficult times. 70 years after the end of World War II, Iku finally decided to let her daughter, Izumi, tell her story to the whole world, hoping her ordeal will play a small part in contributing to world peace. All the illustrations in this book are done by Iku herself. Originally published in Japanese in 2016, this English version is now available to spread Iku’s inspiring story across the world.
  • An Introduction to Aikido Mastering the Basics Through Proper Training ((English translation of Aikido book))
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【内容】 This book has a greater number of sequence photographs than other books on aikido techniques previously published. This will help beginners to understand what they need to pay attention in mastering basic movements. It also has many close-up photographs and photographs taken from some different angles, which I hope will make techniques more understandable. It will also be of great help to instructors in charge of beginners and children The basics explained in this book constitute the fundamentals of aikido techniques. Therefore you have to keep practicing them even after you are promoted to higher ranks. I hope this book will help you to check what you have learned by observing your instructor's demonstrations at your dojo and thereby improve your skills ●Preface ●Before You Start Training ●Nage-waza ●Nage-katame-waza ●Katame-waza ●Developing Kokyu-ryoku ●Aikido and the Aikikai Public Utility Foundation ●Brief Personal Records of Successive Doshus 【著者】 Mitsuteru Ueshiba was born on June the 27th, 1981 (the 56th year of the Showa era) as a grandson of Morihei Ueshiba, he started working for the Aikikai Foundation and in 2015,became the Director of the Hombu Dojo of Aikido.
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 新しい器も100年経ったら骨董品だという もちろん、それは人間が決めたことだ 人間よりも長く生きていることへの尊称だろうか 今や日本人で100歳を超える人は8万人以上いる そろそろ骨董品の条件も変わるのかもしれない Antique seems a title given with respect to those that have existed for more than 100 years since produced by humans. Surely it may be awe of living longer than humans. Currently, there are more than 80,000 people over 100 years old in Japan. Sooner od later the definition Of antique will be destinated to be rewritten.


    Ishibumi: A memorial to the atomic annihilation of 321 students of Hiroshima Middle School, is one of the enduring Japanese classics in atomic bomb literature since its publication in 1970. Made available for the first time in English in 2016 to coincide with former President Barack Obama’s historic visit to Hiroshima. Ishibumi presents more than just horrific stories of 321 young male students of ages 12-13, who were killed by the atomic bomb. One-thirds of them perished instantaneously and the remaining two-thirds suffered a slow and painful death. It describes the uncompromised bond of family kinship, and how children tried to make sense of their fate as Imperial subjects in wartime. Their courage facing deaths and their yearnings to see their parents one more time, compels us to reflect on why they were placed in this crisis. The vernacular daily language is accessible to all generations and, of course, the seriousness of this subject sadly remains relevant to all of us today. 『いしぶみ――広島二中一年生全滅の記録』は、1970年の刊行以来、日本の原爆文学における不朽の名作として知られています。2016年には、オバマ前大統領の歴史的な広島訪問に合わせて英語版が刊行されました。この本は、原爆で命を落とした12歳から13歳までの男子生徒321人の悲惨な物語を紹介しているだけではありません。原爆によって、生徒の3分の1は即死、残りの3分の2はゆっくりとつらい死を遂げました。本書には、家族の絆という揺るぎない絆と、戦時下の帝国臣民としての運命を理解しようとする子どもたちの姿が描かれています。死と向き合う彼らの勇気と、もう一度親に会いたいという願いを読むと、彼らがなぜこのような危難に遭ったのかをあらためて考えさせられます。本書には、生徒たちの語る言葉が誰にでも読めるかたちで書かれています。そしてこのテーマの深刻さは、悲しいかな、現代の私たちにも関係しているのです。
  • The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19:Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned
    In April 2020, the Japanese government issued its first state of emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic. When the then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lifted it the next month, Abe attributed Japan’s success in keeping infections and deaths lower than in other major industrialized countries to what he called the “Japan model” of dealing with the crisis. The “Japan model,” however, can properly be declared a model only if its efforts to bring infections under control work in tandem with its efforts to stabilize the economy. In consideration of this, during the first half of 2020, what were the effects of Japan’s countermeasures? Which policies did not work? What remains uncertain? To review Japan’s preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Asia Pacific Initiative (API), an independent global think tank, launched the “Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19 (API/ICJC).” API originally published the Japanese-language version and submitted it to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on October 8, 2020. The commission conducted 102 interviews with 84 government officials and experts, including PM Abe; PM Suga, who was chief cabinet secretary prior to becoming prime minister; Katsunobu Kato, who was health minister prior to becoming chief cabinet secretary; as well as numerous other senior government officials who provided insight on the background of the events.
  • Enlightenment with Abundance
    Create Your Desired Life by Flower Essence This book is full of revolutionary ideas of how to utilize flower essences for your abundance. The flower essence is not just a healing tool anymore but a tool for transforming your frequency. The time to reach outer world is over. Instead, you become the abundance itself. This book also introduces “7 Practical Steps to Enlightenment” which can take you to “abundance mind” from “poverty mind”. Why don`t you knock on the potential door of flower essence for new era? 【著者】 MizueShima President of “Natural Therapy Shop & School Angeli” Representative of Armonia Corporation, Naturopath Mizue graduated from Japan Women`s University. After 8 years of experience as an office worker, she opened the shop “Aromatherapy Salon & Flower Essences Professional Practitioner Course” in 2005 which has more than 10,000 graduates so far. She is also developing the naturopathic courses nationwide.
  • Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book is about a way to build one’s global-local(g-local) mindset for the 21st century. I have based the book on information about Japan and the Japanese way of life, particularly information related to technology, economics, politics, environment, and society. And I talk about our relations with China and ASEAN countries to show how they influence us to nurture our g-local mindset for the future.  “Civilization may evolve into a merger of technology and humanity. Since Japanese culture seems a good harmony between mystic attitudes and technocratic knowledge more than others, it could be a positive influence on our future Conscious-Technology Age. Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture by Professor Mizuta Kazuo on sustainable development and global consciousness gives great detail on this transition to the required future mindset.”  Jerome C. Glenn, the Millennium Project [Author] Kazuo Mizuta Kyoto Sangyo University    Professor Emeritus    Comparative Culture Studies    Futurist  I am a practicing sociologist in the field of comparative culture, long-time futurist, and professor emeritus at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, one of the leading private universities in the country. I have spent years assessing and comparing traditional Japanese values and institutions with those of other countries both in Asia and the West. My research fields are comparative culture and future studies. I’ve worked all my life thinking and learning about American and Japanese ways of living.  I received a Fulbright scholarship to study at English Department, Western Michigan University as a graduate student. After finishing the M.A. program there, I moved to Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison as I received a teaching assistantship there. While I studied modern American novels and taught basic Japanese in late 1960s at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. I learned how important it was to know the ways that students live, work, engage in sport activities, and socialize in everyday life.  I taught at Kyoto Sangyo University, Department of Cultural Studies. I have also worked for the University Affiliated Research Institute of World Affairs.  I wrote An Introduction to Comparative Culture Studies (1996).and translated The State of the Future2016 of the Millennium Project.  The paper, Human and Robots Interaction: When Will Robots Come of Age? (World Future Review September 2014 vol.6, issue 3: 251-260) shows my future point of view.
  • We can save the planet    12 things we can do to make the world a better place【英語絵本】地球をまもるってどんなこと? 小学生のわたしたちにできること
    ※この絵本は『地球をまもるってどんなこと?  小学生のわたしたちにできること』の【英語版】です。 Every choice we make in our daily lives has an impact on the environment. As we humans have made our lives more comfortable and convenient, we have also polluted the air, destroyed forests and filled the oceans with waste. The climate is changing too and we are experiencing more natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, than ever before. Not only that, there are places on Earth where humans are at war with one another and children are being forced to do unfair work. What will happen if this continues? The Earth may no longer be inhabitable by the time we are adults. In this book, I will share with you my ideas about the actions we can take to make this world a better place.
  • 運命は炎のように
    一瞬にして燃え上がるふたりの時間…… 命を狙われ逃亡生活中のエレン。 最後の頼みの綱である番号に電話をかけ助けを求めるが―― かつて特殊部隊に所属していたハリーは“兄弟”とともにセキュリティ会社を共同経営する一方、暴力に苦しむ女性と子どもを密かに救出する活動をしていた。そんなある日、質素な身なりの美女エレンが事務所を訪れる。元勤務先の不正を知ったことで、その経営者に命を狙われているという。詳しい事情を聞くうち、エレンこそ、彼が心身ともに辛い時期に支えにしていた歌手本人だと気づき、エレンを守りぬこうと決意する。が、ひょんなことから彼女はハリーがその経営者の仲間だと誤解してしまい……? 原題:Hotter Than Wildfire
  • 英語の語源のはなし


  • Spiritual Reading of Novel Coronavirus Infection Originated in China ―Closing in on the real cause of the global outbreak―
    This worldwide pandemic is not a mere act of nature nor a coincidence, but rather, heaven’s warning to humanity, especially China. Through more advanced spiritual abilities than Edgar Cayce’s, Ryuho Okawa conducted a spiritual reading on the novel coronavirus and revealed the astonishing truth that science can never uncover. By reading this book, you can find out: -Why the coronavirus broke out in China and how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved -Why the outbreak had to occur now and what would have become of Hong Kong otherwise -The spiritual background of how viruses mutate into evil beings -What will serve as “the immunity” against the novel coronavirus -The divine will behind SARS, AIDS, the Spanish flu, and the Plague -Whether catastrophes will continue and the shocking prediction on the U.S. among others Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa’s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.
  • 英語訳付き 日本料理 むきものハンドブック Handbook on Japanese Food:四季折々の料理を彩る野菜の飾り切り Carving Techniques for Seasonal Vegetables
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 和食――日本料理をより魅力的に見せるために生まれた「むきもの」。 料理の名脇役にスポットを当て、基本を中心にした美しい飾り切り50点あまりを、製作プロセスを細かく追った写真付きで紹介。 2010年世界包丁細工決定戦のチャンピオン島谷宗宏料理長が、丁寧に解説していきます。 野菜、果物が美しく姿を変えていく精巧な技術は料理の粋を超えて、日本人特有の繊細な美意識や連綿と受け継がれてきた日本文化にも通じるものです。 紹介する事例の数々は一流料亭の皿を彩るプロのワザですが、一般の方でも基本を押さえて練習をすれば、習得できる技術です。 いつもの野菜や果物をぜひあなたの包丁さばきで変身させて、食卓を華やかに演出してください。 パーティーなどおもてなしにもサプライズとなること間違いなし、です。 Washoku, or Japanese cuisine, can look even more attractive when completed with delicately trimmed vegetable pieces. This book, by spotlighting basics and pretty shaping, introduces more than fifty techniques with step-by-step procedures and pictures in English. The recent TV Champion chef shows every step carefully until an ordinary vegetables and fruit turn into beautiful creations. His precise techniques can reach outside the cooking domain and convey the delicate Japanese sense of beauty and culture that has been handed down in an unbroken line. Although the techniques are specially aimed at professional cooks of high-class Japanese restaurants, the techniques themselves are not so difficult as you imagine. Learn the basics steadily and practice, and you will acquire enough skills before you even know it. Let the author unveil secrets to liven up any party table displays with your specialized knife techniques to surprise your guests.
  • 英語リーディングの鬼100則
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 「あの」富士哲也師が、待望の新著を完成! 『英文読解のグラマティカ』『英文読解のタクティクス 』等で 熱狂的なファンを持つ著者だが、 難関大学入試英語専門塾を主宰し すべて自前のテキストで教えているため、 発行書籍は数少なく、 SNS等の発信もないため、ほぼ「伝説」と化している。 「速く」「正確に」はもちろんのこと、 機能文法の考え方を応用して 構造を論理的に読み解きながら、 行間に隠された気持ちをあぶり出しつつ読む リーディングの楽しみも味わえる1冊。 ◆目次 序章 構造・品詞を正確につかむために①文型と品詞 構造・品詞を正確につかむために②修飾要素 構造・品詞を正確につかむために③接続詞の種類 第1章 名詞・代名詞・名詞化の注意点 可算名詞による総称 既出の名詞を受ける代名詞one・ones 既出の名詞句を受ける代名詞it・they 代名詞のさらなる注意点 所有格one’sおよびone’s+ownは何を意味するのか? 後方照応のtheの注意点①同定節 後方照応のtheの注意点② ofのいろいろな注意点① ofのいろいろな注意点② 形式主語Itと「強調構文」のItの見分け方 判断しづらい強調構文 名詞化の基本 名詞化と可算・不可算 名詞化のいくつかの問題 第2章 決定詞の注意点 決定詞の代名詞用法①既出の名詞句を受ける場合 決定詞の代名詞用法②既出の名詞句を受けない場合 注意の必要な決定詞 not…any・not…ever 第3章 形容詞・副詞の注意点 「ほとんどない」のいろいろ 形容詞句になる前置詞句 形容詞・形容詞句の後置 タフ構文かどうかの見分け方 otherwiseのいろいろな役割 リポート形容詞・副詞 not・even・only・largelyなどの副詞の注意点 第4章 接続の注意点 節と節との言い換えの関係 等位関係のいろいろ ド・モルガンの法 not A but Bのバリエーション① not A but Bのバリエーション② not only A but also Bの変形 慣れておきたいいくつかのif節 従位節(関係節・that節)で少し読みにくいケース 目的「…するために」を示す表現のいろいろ 否定文のなかに様態のas節があるケース 名詞句にかかる副詞節 等位接続詞の直後の挿入 空所化gappingと呼ばれる省略 再叙否定 as S’ is…の役割 as V-ed+…という形容詞句の役割 as節における省略と代用 such that S’ V’…の意味 第5章 時制の注意点 時の副詞節中のhave [had] V-ed… 進行形の2つの重要な役割 第6章 助動詞・仮定法の注意点 must have V-ed…〔mustが義務の意味のとき〕 will have V-ed…・would have V-ed…の注意 仮定法の節の注意点① 仮定法の節の注意点② 修辞疑問 be+V-ed+to V’…の助動詞的な意味 第7章 動詞と文型の注意点 There is構文の注意点 因果関係の動詞① 因果関係の動詞② 主要な関係動詞 受動態への対処法 他動詞+再帰代名詞の意味 S+V+O+Oの注意すべき動詞 S+V+C+Oの語順 長い目的語 副詞要素M2の割り込み 無意味動詞make・giveから生じる複雑な構造 場所を示す副詞句M2+V+Sの語順の役割 O+S+Vの語順の役割 C+V+Sの語順の役割 文頭の3通りのV’-ing… 第8章 関係節の注意点 先行詞はどこか 先行詞に含まれているthat・thoseの2つの役割 先行詞が形容詞を含んでいるときの関係節の1つの役割 主節の直後に現れる<不定冠詞a(n)+名詞+関係節>の役割 目的格の関係代名詞 前置詞+関係代名詞の理解の仕方 関係節のなかにリポート動詞が入るケース 制限関係節が2つ並ぶいくつかのケース 主語Sのなかにある関係節のある役割 先行詞+制限関係節の3つの役割 制限関係節についての補足 複合関係詞whatの基本 訳さない・訳せないwhat いくつかのwhatever 第9章 準動詞(不定詞・分詞・動名詞)の注意点 3通りの〔名詞句+V’-ing…〕 名詞を修飾する他動詞のV’-ingが示す関係と意味 名詞句を後ろから修飾する分詞句の意味 関係節に書き換え可能な「to不定詞の形容詞用法」の理解 to不定詞をとる動詞・形容詞の名詞化 文末にある分詞構文のいくつかの役割 分詞構文におけるbeingの省略・withおよびas 第10章 比較の注意点 比較級の2種類の意味 いろいろな品詞のmore 比較文の2種類の構造 than S’ V’…・as S’ V’…(比較節)の割り込み 対比要素がno+名詞・never・nowhereである比較文 no+比較級+thanの役割 not+比較級+thanの役割 the+比較級+理由・条件の副詞要素 the+比較級に始まる節が複数並ぶケース 最上級で注意すべきこと
  • 英熟語の集中治療室 <INTENSIVE CARE 2>
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 「書いた原稿1万ページ、売れた本1000万冊、教え子100万人」とも言われ、日本の英語教育界に多大なる影響を与えた元駿台予備校英語科講師・伊藤和夫。その著者が、1992年に“必要な知識だけを、本当に選別して提示した”という参考書シリーズの一冊。 長年の予備校講師という経験から、「大学受験に本当に必須の知識とは何だろう」ということを、自らにいつも問いかけてきた著者。本書は、大学入試に頻出する熟語だけを厳選して集め、「集中的に学習する」ことで、確実な得点を狙うための参考書です。 膨大な熟語を覚えられれば、それにこしたことはありませんが、なかなか限られた時間内で全てを学習するのは難しいもの。そこで、“受験の神様”が、予備校講師としての経験から、「本当に必要な熟語」だけを選び抜きました。 ムリに覚えようとせず、読むだけで理解が深まる内容構成。受験勉強の無駄を省き、効率的に英熟語を学びたい方におススメします。 ▼目次 まえがき とぅーる・ぼっくす(Tool Box):前置詞と[前置詞的]副詞 表題文一覧(英文) 1. account for 2. at a loss 3. blame for 4. bring up 5. by… 6. call for 7. carry out 8. catch up with 9. come across 10. different from 11. do without 12. each other 13. familiar with 14. far from 15. feel like 16. for all 17. get along with 18. get over 19. give up 20. have nothing to do with 21. in spite of 22. know better than to - 23. look after 24. look down on 25. make out 26. make up for 27. much of 28. on…terms with 29. out of order 30. pick up 31. prefer…to 32. prevent…from 33. provide…with 34. put off 35. put up with 36. quite a few 37. remind…of 38. rob…of 39. stand for 40. take…for granted 41. take part in 42. tell…from 43. turn down 44. turn out 45. what…become of 表題文一覧(訳文) Preparatory Test, Achievement Test 解答 Index ※本書は、1992年・一竹書房刊『英熟語の集中治療室』を底本に、復刊するものです。
  • (英文版)経営のコツここなりと気づいた価値は百万両 The Million-Dollar Knack for Successful Management
    パナソニック創業から六十年にわたる事業体験を通して商売のコツ、経営のコツを披露したビジネスパーソンへのメッセージ。 The Million-Dollar Knack for Successful Management summarizes Matsushita’s timeless essentials of the knack of management gleaned from more than sixty years of business experience. As you will learn from Matsushita, “Grasping the knack of management is worth a million dollars.”


  • (英文版)人間を考える Thoughts on Man
    『人間を考える』の英文版。社会がグローバル化しさらに混迷が深まり、人々が自らを見失いつつある現代。今こそ、「人間とは何か、いかにいきるべきか」を問いただす時だろう。9歳から実業一筋に歩んできた著者が、様々な人からの意見と自らの経験を交え「人のあり方」を提唱したロングセラーの書。 “Advocating a New View of Humanity” by K. Matsushita, founder of Panasonic He engaged in business for more than 80 years, since he was nine years old. He thought about man and society through his long business life and experience as well, seeking peace, happiness, and prosperity for the world. This book was originally published in Japanese in 1972, and will give us hints and ideas to the question “What is man and how should he act in society?”. He said, “I have limited my discussion in this volume to what seems to me to be the most basic and important aspects of man. I sincerely hope that this book will make a small contribution to the realization of peace, happiness and prosperity.”


  • 英文法の集中治療室 <INTENSIVE CARE 1>
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 受験英語の神様が、効率的に英文法を学ぶ方法を教える! 「書いた原稿1万ページ、売れた本1000万冊、教え子100万人」とも言われ、日本の英語教育界に多大なる影響を与えた元駿台予備校英語科講師「伊藤和夫」。その著者が、1991年に“必要な知識だけを、本当に選別して提示した”という参考書シリーズの1冊です。 長年の予備校講師という経験から、「大学受験に本当に必須の知識とは何だろう」ということを、自らにいつも問いかけてきた著者。そして、著者自身が従来の通念にとらわれず、「我々の英語理解に必須であると考える事項」だけに焦点をあてたのが、この参考書です。 各章の終わりまで到達すれば、大学受験の最重要事項のいくつかが確実に自分のものとなり、この参考書を最後までやれば、文法問題での得点力は飛躍的に上がるよう仕組んであると著者は語ります。 「あの伊藤和夫」が、背伸びせず、効率的に英文法を学ぶ方法を教えた本書で、短期間に“確実な英語力”を手に入れてください! ▼目次 IC シリーズの刊行にあたって 1. 副詞節と現在形 2. sinceと現在完了 3. if… と仮定法 4. 助動詞+have+p.p. 5. have to- とその変形 6. 受動態の諸問題 7. -ingか -edか 8. mind+動名詞 9. be + p.p. + to- 10. be difficult to- 11. 第4文型の動詞 12. v + 名詞 + 形容詞 13. have + O + p.p. 14. it… to- 15. 主語の選定 16. to 原形と to have + p.p. 17. 名詞 ← to 不定詞 18. S’ + -ing <=分詞構文> 19. look forward to + [動]名詞 20. 名詞の副詞的用法 21. So + S + v と So + v + S 22. nothing but 23. No… 比較級 than … 24. The 比較級… , the 比較級 25. that -clause <名詞節>の用法 26. as long as, etc. 27. 前置詞 + 関係代名詞 28. All … is to- 29. 関係代名詞の what 30. what do you think とぅーるぼっくす(Tool Box):5文型・自動詞と他動詞・目的語と補語・従属節 Index ※本書は、1991年・一竹書房刊『英文法の集中治療室』を底本に、復刊するものです。
  • ONIGIRI 365wonderful recipes!
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【25th Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2020】 ONIGIRI is Best in the world in category E18 Rice! Easy to make, healthy to eat, a feast for the eyes, and always delish – that is “ONIGIRI”, more casual than sushi and everyone knows this familiar Japanese home cooking. Today, people can enjoy this common Japanese food all over the world and onigiri shops are the places for this. This book has as many as 365 recipes, which readers can experience the onigiri world in-depth. This book also recounts many unique stories about rice, about ingredients, as well as interviews with local farmers and cooking experts. The more the world knows about “ONIGIRI”, the more “ONIGIRI” appeals to everyone like Ramen and Sushi as Japanese signature foods.  日本の食文化「ONIGIRIカルチャー」を世界へ発信する『ONIGIRI 365 wonderful recipes!』。おにぎりの握り方&ごはんの炊き方、料理家やお米の達人インタビューなど内容充実!寿司に次ぐ日本の食文化として、ONIGIRIカルチャーを世界に発信します。
  • オリジナルボーイズラブアンソロジーPetit Canna Vol.1
    テーマアンソロジー新創刊!Vol.1は「もふもふ」特集、人外BLの宝庫★会川フゥ『ふうがわりなきみ』「待って、今夜は・・・!!」テレビを見ながらイチャイチャ・・・。盛り上がってきたその時、きみが暑いからと窓を開けようとして・・・・・・??/青井 秋『better than words』 その気持ちは伝わるから。ケガをしていた小さな小さな君をこの家に連れてきてしばらく。未だ彼らの言葉は理解できないが――。/黒山メッキ『フィーリャのくま』 笑わない美少年に愛を捧げるのは、屈強で孤独な男。「どうしたら本当に喜んでくれるんだ――」/hagi『ガラマの卵』 ――お前と番になりたかった。番が決まった状態で生まれてくる鳥『ガラマ』。普通の鳥の俺は、どうしたってお前と生きることは叶わない。/ビリー・バリバリー『WOLF PACK』 「誓うのは群れの契りだ」花嫁のいない婚儀を執り行うのは、神を尊び同胞を愛する狼たち。盟約から始まった契りはやがて永遠に――。Cover Illust.りゆま加奈
  • AUTOSPORT 特別編集 ル・マン24時間2014
    トヨタ×ポルシェ×アウディ 細部に光るフィロソフィー Prologue; Before the tragedy… 目次 LMP1 Vehicle Visual Review 3ワークスマシンのディテールと開発アプローチ  TOYOTA TS040 HYBRID  Porsche 919 Hybrid  Audi R18 e-tron quattro  [技術総括] 対照的なトヨタとポルシェ、独自路線のアウディ 2014 Le Mans NEW SQUADS NISSAN ZEOD RC  Rebellion R-One  Ligier JS P2  Chevrolet Corvette C7 2014 All Machine + Team List RACE RECAP 「速さ」が生んだ究極のサバイバル・レース  Winner’s Highlight 日本人三人 それぞれの漏刻 必勝を期したトヨタの思惑と誤算 ル・マンの激闘、富士の麓で再び! 2014FIA世界耐久選手権 第5戦 富士6時間耐久レース告知 More than 24 hours! ル・マンの深部へ OAKレーシングファクトリー探訪  ル・マンで勝つための耐久術  ル・マン24時間ホスピタリティ探訪  24年ぶりのル・マン24時間 Race Report LMP1 LMP2 LMGTE Result / Epilogue Special Gifts form Le Mans24 裏表紙


  • かふん画集 かふん症候群
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 セクシーキュートでボリューム満点の肉感美女を描き、世界中から有償リクエスト「コミッション」が殺到しているイラストレーター・漫画家のかふん、待望の初画集! ここでしか見れない、本書のために描き下ろした作品16点と加筆修正した作品約50点を含む、150点を超えるオリジナル作品にくわえ、『しんそつ七不思議』『死神!タヒーちゃん』『かふん昔ばなし』などの人気連載作品や読み切り作品のカバーイラストと扉絵、様々なグッズで使用されたイラストも一挙掲載の大満足の1冊です。 さらには描き下ろしカバーイラストのメイキングや各作品へのコメントも掲載し、かふんワールドにどっぷりと浸かることができます。 あなたも”かふん症候群”に誘われること間違いなし……!? Kafun, a Japanese illustrator and manga artist who receives "commission" from all over the world, releases the first art book ! In addition to more than 150 original works, including 16 works drawn for this book and more than 50 retouched works, cover illustrations of manga works, and illustrations used in various goods are also included in this book. The making of the cover illustration and comments on each work has English translation, so you can fully immerse yourself in the world of Kafun. There is no doubt that this book will invite you to "Kafun Syndrome".
  • Grandma’s Shojin Ryori
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Shojin cooking is a meal that has been passed down by Japanese monks. It mainly uses vegetables and grains and does not use meat, seafood, gokun (five acrid or strong smelling vegetables, including onion, scallion, chives and garlic) nor alcohol. The spirit of Shojin cooking lies in the Zen mind of ahimsa (no killing) and appreciation of the food rather than a strict vegetarian diet. This book will show you fun, cheerful and simple recipes made by grandmas, including traditional breakfast, lunch, dinner, special meals for gathering, rice bowl dishes, ramen noodles and desserts. Even beginners can enjoy the rich and flavorful meals as they allow using infertile eggs, milk and sugar. We made this book by collecting the recipes they teach during their Shojin cooking lessons. If you want to enjoy mealtime and learn healthy Japanese cooking, this is the book for you. Don’t hesitate to try these recipes; anyone can make delicious food easily with this book.
  • 高校の英文法・語法が1冊でしっかりわかる本
    1巻1,320円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 高校レベルの英文法と語法がきちんと身につく! 接続詞や前置詞などの重要文法項目だけでなく、 語法(単語の使い方や使い分け)も理解できて、 どんどん英文が読めるようになります。 『高校の英文法が1冊でしっかりわかる本』の次はこの本で さらに英文法が楽しくなります! ■読みやすい! 初学者でもわかりやすい! 本書の最大の狙いは、『高校の英文法が1冊でしっかりわかる本』と同様に、英文法を単なる無味乾燥なルールの羅列から、生きたルールに変えることです。それぞれのルールの背景と理由、具体例を大切に、点の知識が線でつながるようになり、英文法を学ぶ醍醐味を味わうことができます。 ■子供から大人まで一生使える! 高校入学前の中学生から高校生はもちろん、社会人や高校生の子供を持つ方まで、幅広い年代の方に使ってもらえるよう、だれもが理解できる言葉で解説し、英文の内容が具体的にイメージできるように、イラストをふんだんに使っています。 ■4技能トレーニングができる! 英文法は、4技能(読む・聞く・話す・書く)の根底を支える大切なルールです。巻末にネイティブの発音を集中的に聞いて、口に出して読んで、書いてみるための練習ができるようにしてあります。この本で学んだ英文法と語法の知識を活用して、英語の4技能を高めてください。 ■プラスαで、さらに深掘りできる! 各Lessonに応用的な文法事項や英文の豆知識をまとめました。「要注意のalmost」「英文の情報構造」など、英文法・語法をさらに極めたい方に楽しんでもらえる内容を掲載しています。 ■英文法の謎に迫るコラムを掲載! 英文法の定番ルールの理由と背景にスポットを当て、謎に迫ります。「3単現の s 」の謎や「no sooner A than B」がなぜ「AするとすぐにB」の意味になるのかなど、わかりやすく解説しています。
  • Komura Jutaro and His Time
    After the Meiji Restoration, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Russo-Japanese War, Japan found itself occupying a prominent position in the global arena. Komura Jutaro, whom Mutsu Munemitsu had chosen as his successor, served on the Katsu Taro cabinet and set to forging a plan for Japan’s continental development in opposition to Russia, considering the influence of the United States and Britain. Komura accurately judged that Japan had no other option than war with Russia, given his piercing insights into Russia’s intentions, and that recognition enabled the Empire of Japan to stay on the right track. All the other merits and demerits of Komura’s diplomacy are directly connected to the merits and demerits of the steps taken by the Empire of Japan that eventually led to the country’s defeat in World War II. Komura’s diplomacy thus calls into question Japan’s national strategy itself: consistently pursuing independent diplomacy instead of entrusting Japan’s fate to collaboration with the Anglo-American world and, in Asia, expanding Japan’s exclusive sphere of influence beyond the Korean Peninsula deep into the Asian continent.


  • 『最後のユニコーン』の知られざる真価
    1巻1,056円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 このファンタジー作品は、無邪気なおとぎ話を装った観念小説だ。世界的な人気を誇るアメリカのファンタジー小説『最後のユニコーン(The Last Unicorn)』。そのアニメ版は、日本のプロダクションが担当し、優れた映像表現を実現させた。また、ファンタジーの思想的な特質を巧みな手法で表現している作品として、学術研究の対象としても注目されている。本書では、そのアニメ版の制作に使用された絵コンテ、シナリオ、シノプシス約270点を初公開。作品に隠された類まれな演出に迫り、その真価を余すところなく解説した決定版。New Data Unraveling The Process of Creation Of the Anime The Last Unicorn Preface I have been studying Peter S. Beagle’s fantasy novel The Last Unicorn for more than 45 years and have taken it up as a subject of lecture at university. But it has always been my regret that true evaluation has not been made yet to this masterpiece of fantasy literature in the academic field. Then I came to know the work had been made into animated film, and was astonished to have discovered that the Japanese anime production Topcraft took the part of visual expression and attained supreme visual description transforming the novel’s profound philosophical subject. Noticing many Japanese anime and games share similar philosophical, psychological and cosmological ideas to The Last Unicorn, it has been my deep concern how I should understand the cause of this mysterious phenomenon. It seemed to me that Beagle’s fantasy masterpiece enfolds deep psychical layer that has produced various Japanese subculture trends. After I was able to gain some opportunities to interview with the staff of the anime production and was allowed to have access to the collection of data that is supposed to disclose the process of the creation of the work, I feel I have gained some clue to the question long harbored in my mind.


  • The Japanese Linguistic Landscape: Reflections on Quintessential Words
    Languages change over time. No matter how hard we try to control and regulate them, they exist in a state of endless metamorphosis. This does not mean, though, that we should simply stand by and watch as language devolves into nonsense. What should we do, then? Recognizing the inevitability of change is a given, of course. But we must also navigate the delicate line between the pull of popular trends and the urge to cling blindly to the ways of the past. The ideal balance, Professor Nakanishi argues in this book, lies in being “one step behind the times,” which is the best approach for wielding all the charms of a language. Beautiful words have an ageless quality, regardless of when they first appeared in a language. The Japanese language testifies to that truth. This book introduces a balanced mix of new and old words that reflect the singular beauty of the Japanese language. The beautiful words of the Japanese language are not―as some people say―simply old, antiquated terms. Discerning beauty in a language requires more than having an antiquarian’s ear; it requires certain sensibilities and sensitivities. Only by submerging ourselves in a language can we perceive its splendid subtleties, and appreciate its true beauty. This book offers readers an opportunity to delve into to those nuances of Japanese, explore the language’s history, and savor its unique beauty.


  • 雑誌「エリス」第8号
    いままでにない電子書籍版音楽雑誌「ERIS/エリス」。 編集長が萩原健太、個性豊かな著名執筆陣が1万字のヴォリュームで音楽をマニアックに熱く語ります。亀渕昭信、北中正和、ピーター・バラカン、磯部涼など豪華メンバーが連載中。興味深い筆者では、最近女装でも話題の東大教授、安冨歩が「マイケル・ジャクソンの思想」を語ります。 「ERIS」は新譜やライヴ情報は一切載せず、ルーツ/背景/歴史を知って“音楽”の魅力を再発見できる“読ませる”音楽誌です。文字で音楽を語る楽しさ、素晴らしさを感じてください。取り上げるジャンルも、ジャズ、ロックンロール、ポップス、フォーク、カントリー、ブルース、R&B、ヒップホップ、クラシック、ミュージカル、雅楽、ワールドと幅広く、ここでしか読めない原稿ばかりです。 季刊で年4回発行しています。通常の音楽雑誌が廃刊・休刊になる中、こんな音楽雑誌が読みたかったと、たくさんのメッセージも頂いてますので、まずは一度是非お読みください。 <コンテンツ> ソングライター・ファイル 萩原健太 どうしても聴いておきたいアメリカンポップス1001 亀渕昭信 マイケル・ジャクソンの思想 安冨歩 ブロードウエイまで12時間と45分 水口正裕 音楽の記憶と記録をめぐって 北中正和 クワイエット・ボーダー 成田佳洋 ピーター・バラカンの読むラジオ 旧聞ゴメン 鷲巣功 ニッポンのラップ 磯部涼 More Than Liner Notes :高橋道彦 各執筆者の「ヒビノオト」ほか
  • The Path
    短編随筆集『道をひらく』の英文版。運命を切りひらくために。日々を新鮮な心で迎えるために――。人生への深い洞察をもとに綴った短編随筆集。40年以上にわたって読み継がれる、発行520万部超のロングセラー。Sold more than 5 million copies over the past 50 years in Japan alone, this long-standing book gives readers enduring insights by K. Matsushita into how to live a meaningful life as a human being. Translated into various languages already, he wished it to be sold more than 100 million copies all over the world. His time-tested thinking will surely be a useful guideline when making decisions in the course of your life.
  • The Path of Prayer, Revised Edition
    The author's longtime bestseller is now available in English. When you are overcome by your emotions and strive to return to your real self; or when you seek to understand a deeper meaning endowed in a given situation, turn to this book and you will be guided through an inner journey toward discovery of your soul. With more than 60 new entries added, this revised edition covers a broad range of circumstances that one confronts in life. Trace the words of wisdom herein and let them accompany you on your path of life.【※本作品はブラウザビューアで閲覧すると表組みのレイアウトが崩れて表示されることがあります。予めご了承下さい。】
  • GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 1 Workbook [Third Edition] 初級日本語 げんき 1 ワークブック[第3版]
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 GENKI series that has sold more than 2 million copies worldwide is now even better than before! シリーズ累計200万超の初級テキストがさらに進化。 This workbook is used in conjunction with study of each lesson in GENKI 1 [Third edition]. このワークブックは、『初級日本語げんき1[第3版]』の各課とあわせて使用します。 The Dialogue and Grammar section of the workbook provides worksheets for all grammar items studied in the textbook. To enable comprehensive practice, the workbook also includes a Listening Comprehension worksheet and a Questions worksheet for each lesson; both sheets present review exercises that require learners to apply multiple grammar points from the lesson. The Reading and Writing section includes kanji worksheets, fill-in-the-blank kanji exercises, English-to-Japanese translation exercises, vocabulary practices, and so forth. ワークブックの「会話・文法編」には、テキストで学習する各文法項目ごとにワークシートがあります。さらに総合的な練習として、各課に1枚ずつ「聞く練習」と「答えましょう」のワークシートが用意されています。どちらもその課の複数の学習項目を使って答えるまとめの練習です。また「読み書き編」には、漢字の練習シートと、漢字の穴埋め問題、英文和訳、単語の練習などが収録されています。


  • 『呪術廻戦』で英語を学ぶ!
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 虎杖、伏黒、釘崎たちと目指せ、英語の領域展開!! 大人気連載中『呪術廻戦』の登場人物の熱い名台詞や必殺技を、イラストと共に英語で読める・学べる! マンガを楽しみながら英語が頭に入る画期的参考書。 “No problem!! It’s just a scratch!!” (「無問題(モーマンタイ)!! 薄皮一枚!!」虎杖悠二 JC『呪術廻戦』11巻第95話より) [CONTENTS 目次] 本書について はじめに 第1章【呪】呪術師の台詞 呪術師の台詞 第2章【術】必殺技 呪術師、呪い、呪詛師の技 第3章【廻】呪い・呪詛師の台詞 呪い・呪詛師の台詞 第4章【戦】ダイアローグ 呪術師、呪い、呪詛師の会話 あとがき 他、 コラム ■「八握剣異戒神将魔虚羅(やつかのつるぎいかいしんしょうまこら)」を英語で言うと… ■『呪術廻戦』ナレーション ■発音できるかな?呪術廻戦的擬音&擬態語 など [【はじめに】より一部抜粋] Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness. 闇より出でて闇より黒く Purify that which is impure. その穢れを禊ぎ祓え 帳は下りた! 結界内はJUJUTSU WORLD : ENGLISH LEARNING MODEだ! ですが心配する必要はありません。みなさんが行うべきことはただ一つ。 『呪術廻戦』の登場人物たちの英訳された台詞を唱える、ただそれだけです。 大事なのは台詞を暗唱できる(見ずに言える)くらいまで音読を繰り返し行うことです。 そこまでくれば、自分の英語力が上がってきていることに気づくことができるはずです。 やり方はいろいろありますが、たとえば五条悟の全ての英語台詞について 「どっちが早く言い終えられるか」のような競争方式は特に高い学習効果が得られます。 さあ、しっかり音読練習を行い、帳を破って最短習得でいくぞ!! (明太子!! ) 北浦尚彦
  • Hommage à “Histoire de l’oeil / Story of the Eyes” de Georges Bataille  Inspired by the most erotic and violent novel of 20th century
    With the ultimate allegorical visual expression "Story of the eyes" by Georges Bataille is probably the gigantic monument of erotism and violence in the world of 20th-21st centuries. The origine of human conscience is the eyeball. The trees survive far longer than human being. Both of them are twisted, teared, writhing, crying, in the midst of insupportable time and fierce nature. In black and white, I have drawn these photographic works. 【著者】 cympex At university, majored in French litterature and active in writing, editing, translation, and photography.
  • The Three-Minute Coach
    The godfather of coaching in Japan brings you the simplest guide to human resource management based upon the incredibly popular 2007 lecture “Corporate Coaching in Japan: Improving Business Performance by Improving Relationships,” held at New York University. The methods introduced don't require any formal coaching skills: all you need to do is create three minutes to think about your direct reports and speak to them. Making this time for your employees will help them grow far more than trying to strictly follow rules set out in other complicated management books. The Three-Minute Coach places a heavy emphasis on learning to foresee when and why your direct reports will want to speak to you. This is because effective leaders are not only well versed in management theory, but also know when and how to apply their knowledge. Each chapter also contains multiple “Three-Second Tips” which summarize the main points, giving you a quick reference when you are short of time. The methods in this book are applicable whether you work at a store with only one employee or at a multinational corporation with a staff of thousands. Itoh’s methods provide managers with stress-free solutions to any problem at hand. Simple, easy and effective, The Three-Minute Coach will transform your organization and employees, helping them to realize their full potential.
  • Selling My Daughter for 100 won
    1巻470円 (税込)
    Since the latter half of the 1990s, just a little over the 10 years ago, as the world was welcoming in the age of internet, the unprecedented number of starvation deaths in North Korea was reported.Three million people, more than 15% of the population. Could this be true? The author graduated from the top university in North Korea .His poems appeared in the labor,s newspaper. However,when he came to realize that Kim Jong-il was enjoying the various pleasures of the world ,while spreading his frightening tyranny in such a poor country, his homeland,under the pretext of Communism, he decided to flee the north. In 2004, risking his life, he defected to South Korea.


  • Soka Gakkai-USA at 55: Voices from an American Buddhist Journey
    "The Soka Gakkai is the most well-known and the largest of new religious movements (NRMs) in Japan. This book analyzes the history of the SGI-USA(Soka Gakkai International-USA) and the Soka Gakkai’s evangelizing in the U.S. from a sociological perspective of religion. How did the Japanese Soka Gakkai come to be accepted by Americans and take root in American society in the U.S., a country with a very different culture and religion? How was Nichiren Buddhism accepted in the U.S. in the midst of the postwar hippie culture? How was the faith transmitted to the United States by the Japanese and Nikkei who played a central role in the missionary work? The authors’ 15 visits to the U.S., in which they participated in local events of the organization and interviewed more than 70 SGI members in the U.S., revealed these questions and provides a bird's-eye view of the transformation of the Soka Gakkai in Japan since the period of rapid growth. This book is the English translation of “America Soka Gakkai 〈SGI-USA〉 no 55 nen”(2017, Shinyosha Ltd.). Publisher: Osaka University Press Author: Dr. Yutaka AKIBA is Professor of Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan. He studied religion and social research method at Osaka University and obtained his Ph.D. in Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in 2003. He is the author of several English papers and Japanese books on religions.
  • 『テイルコンチェルト』新約設定資料集
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 1998年に発売されたサイバーコネクトツーの処女作である「テイルコンチェルト」。“開発者だからこそ”つくりだせるハイクオリティな設定資料集が登場! 【本誌内容】 ・キャラクターデザインを務めた結城信輝氏のイラスト多数掲載! ・世界観設定資料&WAKAによる新規イラスト100点以上! ・開発当時の未公開資料+新規資料を完全収録!! ・本誌書き下ろしオリジナル小説掲載! ・ゲーム本編のアニメーション絵コンテ&アニメ原画を完全収録! Tail Concerto was released in 1998 as CyberConnect2's debut work, and we are releasing this high quality art book recording the production process of the project still widely loved today. [Contents] -Collection of illustrations by character designer Nobuteru Yuki! -World settings & more than 100 new drawings by WAKA! -Never-before-seen production files + compilation of brand new documents! -Exclusive publication of original stories! -Complete compilation of game animation story board and original anime illustrations!
  • Delightful SUSHI for Home Cooking 英語で作る すし 日本料理でおもてなし
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 “Sushi” has now become a universal word known around the world. However, there is far more to Japanese sushi than just rice topped with fish. Sushi has its own history of development as a part of Japanese food culture. Sushi is a Japanese food with limitless possibilities. Step inside its world, and becoming popular even today. This book introduces you by English and Japanese to modern and international styles of sushi, as well as the traditional Japanese sushi of yore. I would be more than grateful if this book inspires you to try making both! 2013年にユネスコの世界無形文化遺産に登録された「日本料理」。日本が誇る食文化の中でも、おいしくてヘルシー、見た目も美しいと世界中の人々から愛され、今では世界で共通語となった「SUSHI」。その基本は、酢飯と具材を合わせるだけ。基本さえ守れば、だれでも簡単に作ることができます。伝統的なすしをはじめ、グローバルなすしや現代風にアレンジしたすしのレシピを日本語と英語で紹介。海外からのお客様へのおもてなしの料理としてはもちろん、すしを作りながら英語のコミュニケーションツールとして役立ちます。またプレゼントとしても最適です。
  • 出ない順 試験に出ない英単語 やりなおし中学英語篇
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 シリーズ累計10万部突破! くだらないけど役に立つ! ?とネットで話題騒然の試験に出ない英単語シリーズ最新作! いつものようにくだらない例文と単語で 中学生レベルの英語をやりなおします。 [会話]→[解説]→[様々な表現]→[出ない順例文]という構成で中学英語を学び直します。 「やりなおし中学英語篇」ではあいさつに使えるこんな英語が学べます。 〈あいさつに使える様々な表現〉 You've put on a bit of weight huh? 「太ったでしょ?」 What happened? You've looking flat-chested since this morning. どうしたの? 朝からずっと胸が小さいようだけど」 Why do you have a beard for a woman? 「女なのになんでヒゲはやしてるの?」 You are always gungy. 「お前、いっつもベタベタしてるね」 You are looking better than ever today. What kind of cosmetics do you use? Fire extinguisher? 「今日は一段とお綺麗ね。化粧品なに使ってるの? 消火器?」
  • Two-Way Street in Art Education: Cross-Cultural Research
    Diverse influences from abroad provide a prime field of cross-cultural research in art education. This book portrays the process of cross-cultural interpretation as a way of making sense of one’s world in relation to those of others. Cross-cultural research in art education is regarded as “a two-way street.” Chapters 1-4 provide information about art teacher training systems of Japan in 1990s, consider the introduction of European modernism into Japanese school art practice in 1920s, trace the influence of American art education literature on the historical development of Japanese art education in more than a century, and describe the story of incorporating contemporary U. S. art in Japanese school art practice in 1990s. Chapters 5-12 discuss obvious examples what Japanese art educators have learned from Europeans and Americans and provide detailed instances of what American art educators have learned from the Japanese. The cases of Akira Shirahama (1866-1927), Kanae Yamamoto (1882-1946), Seishi Shimoda (1890-1973), Arthur Dow (1857-1922), and Kenneth Beittel (1922-2003) are interesting because they illustrate the gap between what was learned from others and what was realized in modernist art education. A pilgrimage to others makes the living journeying itself that which is invaluable. Surely, “a two-way street” was needed between the American and Japanese art education to enrich each of us achieve cross-cultural understanding in art education. Without diverse influences, no country has its inherent cultural values as pearls in an oyster. Thus the two-way street between cultures in art and art education will be wide open.
  • Living Life as It Comes Post-Disaster Reflections of a Zen Priest in Fukushima
    It was the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, which had a particularly profound impact on my home prefecture of Fukushima, that made me painfully aware of the need to live life as it comes, without fixed goals, which tend to be imperfect and grounded in desire. This book consists of a selection of short essays penned by GEN’YU Sokyu, chief priest at a Zen temple in Fukushima Prefecture. Beginning in April 2012, he began writing a newspaper column that ran for seven and a half years. Embracing the ever-changing nature of the world, he took up a wide range of topics inspired by his daily activities and experiences, including events in post-disaster Fukushima, temple renovation and soil improvement, Japanese customs, observations about nature, and encounters with people from all walks of life. With a mindfulness sometimes accompanied by a wry sense of humor, he reflects upon the surprises those events and encounters brought and what they taught him. His insightful essays are sprinkled with wisdom on how we should cope with life and death, derived from Buddhist and Taoist teachings. He encourages each of us to follow our mind as it changes according to the circumstances of the moment; the result will be experiences far more valuable than the simple achievement of our initial plans.


  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky セカンドバージンなので、独りで生きていけます。
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 Meet Masami, a female scientist who's more in love with bacteria than men. Her long-dormant interest is piqued by a professional tennis player who is a few years her junior. Although they have nothing in common, one night together leads to...! This wonderful love story will make you appreciate the power of romance! 大人気オムニバス・シリーズ、今回の「セカンドバージン」は細菌をこよなく愛する理系女子。男への興味を失った彼女を振り回すのは年下のプロテニスプレーヤー。全くかみ合うところのなかった2人だったが、ある夜、なぜか突然に…!? 恋って本当にいいなあ…と感じる素敵なラブストーリー。(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky Vol.30に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky 悪い男~真珠を散らす夜~
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 At nearly 30 years old. I'm only interested in men who are ready to marry. But then. I meet a dangerous man whose touch sets me on fire! My whole body feels hot... The spot where his lips touch is burning. My passion for him every time we meet sucks me in; it's frightening! This is an exciting. 100-page special version with more love scenes than before!! あの大人気シリーズがLove Silkyに移籍して超長編新作描き下ろしで初登場! 30歳手前の私は結婚を見据えた交際しかしたくなかったのに、触れたら激しい炎に変わる危険な男と出逢ってしまった! 体の芯が熱い…唇で触れられたところが燃えている。会うたびに怖いくらい惹かれていく彼との、熱愛! 雑誌掲載版よりも愛し合うシーンを増量した激愛スペシャルバージョン、なんと100P!!(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky Vol.44に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • Hatred Has No Future: New Thinking on Relations with Japan
    1巻1,925円 (税込)
    The year was 2002- the 30th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations but also a time when relations grew sharply frostier over the prime minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine. Into this fray dropped Ma Licheng's “New Thinking on Relations with Japan", triggering a storm of debate in both China and Japan. Even now, more than a decade after the essay's publication, the New Thinking continues to have a major influence on policy discussions. While Sino-Japanese relations hit new turbulence over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in 2012,the author remains optimistic that the bilateral issues can be resolved rationally and peacefully. Referencing the durability of the postwar peace between France an Germany, he argues that - for their own and the international community's sake, China and Japan can and must find ways to overcome their antagonisms and live in peace as complementary neighbors.


  • A Western Pacific Union Japan’s New Geopolitical Strategy
    The Cold War ended more than thirty years ago, but the world-and within it, the countries of Asia and the Pacific-still struggles to establish a peaceful and prosperous community of nations. Many midsized and smaller states, caught in the webs of superpower rivalry, have not felt their interests adequately represented by existing alliances and international organizations. This volume envisions an alternative: a Western Pacific Union (WPU), conceived as a loosely integrated community of nations stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, that would counterbalance superpower dominance and give greater agency in global affairs to its members by coordinating their voices and interests. The initiative for this proposal comes from Japan, with Dr. KITAOKA Shinichi, former ambassador to the United Nations and former president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, leading a team of established scholars, younger researchers, and specialists in articulating the concept of the WPU and dissecting the challenges facing its realization. The core of the book is a country-by-country treatment of the recent history and international relations of each potential member state and the prospects for its successful involvement in this nascent community of nations. Our world is increasingly integrated through advanced technologies and global commerce, but in many ways still remains fractious and divided. Finding peaceful, equitable, sustainable solutions to the issues confronting humanity demands new ideas and strategies. This volume addresses these needs with a new geopolitical vision for Asia and the Pacific.


  • One Hundred Fifty Years of Japanese Foreign Relations From 1868 to 2018
    1巻5,005円 (税込)
    This book traces the past 150 years of Japan’s diplomatic history, focusing on the thoughts and actions of the leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the ministry’s establishment in 1869. It includes a discussion of the last fifteen years of the Edo period, beginning with the arrival of Commodore Perry in 1854. Since the Meiji era, Japan’s foreign policy has been informed by its response to that “confrontation from the West.” This foreign policy has been largely based on “accommodation diplomacy” (also called responsive diplomacy). Japan has designed its diplomatic response with an eye to its own foreign policy goals, applying the metric of what might be feasible more than what might be desirable. In “accommodation diplomacy,” the international issues, international order, and the rules of the game are not defined. In that sense, there has been no all-encompassing strategy behind Japan’s foreign policy. Instead, Japan has regarded the international situation simply, as a set of facts. It has sought to maximize the benefits to itself while minimizing risk. Its foreign policy has been an attempt to solve this conundrum through accommodation. Reflective of the times, this has required an abundance of creativity. Japan has needed to be both pragmatic and forward-thinking in its response to changes in the international environment. In the postwar period, as Japan aimed to elevate its standing in the competition-driven international environment, its foreign policy can be understood as an extension of the way it had comported itself since the Meiji era: emphasizing cooperation and coordination with other nations while responding to changes in the international environment.


  • Numero TOKYO(ヌメロ・トウキョウ)増刊 2023年9月号増刊
    1,001円 (税込)
    クリエイションと刺激がいっぱい、東京発信のモード誌『Numero TOKYO』 ●定価表記、誌面内の目次やページ表記等は紙版のものです。一部の記事は電子版では対応していない場合がございます。 ●紙の雑誌とコンテンツが異なる場合や、ページやコーナーの一部が掲載されてない場合がございます。 ●プレゼントや割引きクーポンなど、紙の雑誌をご購入いただかないとご利用になれないコンテンツが含まれる場合がございます。 目次1 目次2 スタッフクレジット 田中杏子編集長の続・ハニカミ日記 今月のゲストクリエイターズ 海底に光る憧れ 繰り返される虚像の煌めき 今月のトピックス 田中杏子の私的ビューティ考 Vol.30 リップスティック 高橋盾「They can see more than You can see」展 今月のフラワーアート 東京ノスタルジー 田中杏子のリアル・モードvol.136 zhuzh it up Awichが魅せるルイ・ヴィトンのモダニズム 舞台は韓国! ルイ・ヴィトンのプレフォールショー 装いを格上げするサンローランのバッグ アクセサリーで完成する2023AWトレンドルック 新しい小物で、楽しく遊ぼう 海外スナップに学べ! 最前線のアクセテクニック 偏愛スカーフ物語 ブラックを大胆不敵に ファッションエディター古泉洋子の読むモード Ako’s private items September 2023 アイメイクで描く自分だけのスタイル 瞳、輝く。最新アイメイク&アイケア ビューティエディターの今月の美容生活 蔡國強×サンローラン アートが拓ひら く宇宙のヴィジョン ユージーン・スタジオ/寒川裕人余白から広がる想像の力 男の利き手 Vol. 169 清水崇 注目のイラストレーターが表紙を描いたら…… シャルロット・ゲンズブール 映画『バービー』がやってくる 旅に思いを馳せるとき 女性表現者たちの闘い 見城徹の五つの場 YOUのテキトーく 今月のおすすめ映画&アート 開けチャクラ! バービーのモヤモヤ相談室 ショップリスト 定期購読のご案内・次号予告 ムーン・リーの開運占い 峰なゆかの「ふんいき美人ちゃん」 RENDEZ VOUS with PARK SEO JUN:パク・ソジュンに焦がれて


  • Hydrogenomics: The Science of Fully Utilizing Hydrogen
    As global energy and environment problems draw increasing attention, Japan has set a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It has become even more important to promote the development of technology for fully utilizing hydrogen in the future, and also to explore fundamental science.However, since the foundational science related to hydrogen (hereinafter, hydrogen science) spans an extremely wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology, sufficient opportunities have not been established for sharing cutting-edge trends and promoting joint research. Against this kind of background, the “Hydrogenomics: Creation of Innovative Materials, Devices, and Reaction Processes Using Higher-Order Hydrogen Functions” project was established under a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (FY2018 to FY2022). Through this framework, research has been promoted with the aim of creating the science for mastering the advanced use of hydrogen. We call this research area “hydrogenomics” (hydrogen + omics [system of learning]), and strive to promote joint research related to the diverse physical properties and functions of flexibly and continuously transformable hydrogen through cooperation between researchers in a wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology. Practical, systematic joint research into hydrogen science that spans such as wide range of academic fields is unprecedented worldwide and this is the first such attempt. This book summarizes the following to provide a practical guide for obtaining new directions and widely sharing the state of activities in this new academic field, hydrogenomics. Chapter 1 “Diverse properties of hydrogen in materials” gives an overview of the “high densification ability of hydrogen”, which is related to many of energy functions; the “interfacial localizability of hydrogen”, which is important for enhancing electronic functions and mechanical properties; the “fast migration ability of hydrogen”, which includes short- and long-range migration phenomena and coupling with electrons related to new conceptual devices: and “high activation ability of hydrogen”, which is related to new material conversion processes. In order to fully utilize hydrogen based on these properties, it is essential to also perform research into analyzing and predicting hydrogen, which is difficult to detect in materials, with higher accuracy than ever before. Chapter 2 “Advanced measurements and calculations for hydrogen in materials” introduces cutting-edge hydrogen measurements driven by new methods, and the latest hydrogen calculations for “seeing” invisible hydrogen. Chapters 3 to 5 introduce some results related to fully utilizing hydrogen to explain the state of activities in “hydrogenomics”. Chapter 3 “Synthesizing new materials” explains the latest in high-pressure synthesis and thin-film synthesis technology, and then introduces hydride-ion conductors, hydrogen boride sheets, and other materials. Chapter 4 “Designing new devices” introduces new concepts for devices related to hydrogen and hydrides, such as hydride-based all-solid-state batteries, hydrogen-doped solar cells, rechargeable fuel cells, and proton-coupled electron transfer thermochemical cells. Furthermore, Chapter 5 “Providing new reaction processes and visualization technology” introduces new synthesis techniques for amino acids and ammonia, and new hydrogen visualization technologies using metal complexes. [Translation and revision from the Japanese language edition: The Science of Fully Utilizing “Hydrogen” Hydrogenomics, Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2022]


  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki:That We Never Forget
    “Each and every scene was hell itself.” “Human beings do not need atomic bombs.” - Shigeru Nonoyama, exposed to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima at the age of 15 // Over 50 hibakusha - victims of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 - give vivid testimony of living through the nightmare of those fateful days and their hellish aftermath. Today, more than 70 years later, it is a challenge to keep alive an understanding of the true nature of nuclear weapons and their human toll. This book is a unique resource for those engaged in advocacy and education for the sake of peace. Accounts by women and men from Hiroshima are presented in separate sections, enabling the reader to gain a uniquely gendered perspective of the different ways the bombing affected survivors’ lives. These firsthand accounts give a chilling picture of the horror that nuclear weapons inflict. Survivors describe disfiguring and agonizing burns, and how radiation exposure causes pain, anxiety and discriminatory attitudes that last a lifetime as well as affecting subsequent generations.
  • People Before Products The Human Factor in Business
    【NOTE : This eBook does not present the entire content as it appears in the print edition. 】Management based on the principle of collective wisdom not only leads to better business performance, it also fosters the growth of individual human potential. From my own experience and observations, employees grow in insight and ability even if their supervisor is the most average of people, as long as that supervisor is a willing listener and is determined to work harder than anyone else to mobilize the human resources available to him or her. This is how humankind’s tremendous potential will be fully realized. 【注 書籍版に収録された「Part Two:Memorable Encounters」は収録されておりません。ご了承ください。】


  • For Japanese Learners Editon:N3 Level ブラックジャックによろしく1【第一外科編】
    大人気漫画『ブラックジャックによろしく』を、日本語学習者が日本語のまま、その醍醐味が味わえるよう再編集。全ての漢字にルビをふり、日本語能力試験N3以上の語彙や口語表現、オノマトペには英語訳を付けています。また、「~かい」「~かな」「~かしら」などの主な文末表現を巻末にまとめ、解説と英訳を加えています。 漫画に興味・関心を持っている日本語学習者の皆さんにぴったりです。 ブラックジャックによろしく 佐藤秀峰 漫画 on web “Give My Regards to Black Jack” e-books for Japanese Learners provide an ideal learning tool, particularly for manga-lovers. Specially devised hint features help you enjoy the story in its original Japanese version. All kanji characters have attached ruby characters, while vocabularies of higher than JLPT* Level N3, colloquial usage and onomatopoeia are translated into English. A detailed explanation of sentence-ending particles such as “kai”, “kana” and “kashira” is also given at the end of each volume, combined with English translation. * Japanese Language Proficiency Test Give My Regards to Black Jack SHUHO SATO Manga on Web
  • Flower Petals Fall, but the Flower Endures The Japanese Philosophy of Transience
    Life is short and transient. The feeling that this evokes is called mujokan in Japanese. Rather than falling into the despair that is so prevalent in the present day, mujokan allows one to accept transience proactively as a sign of vibrant life. In this book Takeuchi Seiichi examines this view of life from the perspectives of philosophy, literature, art, and religion. He delves into the Japanese concepts of grief and pain, life and death, reaching to the very core of the Japanese spirit. This book presents a full record of Takeuchi’s valedictory lectures in commemoration of his retirement from the University of Tokyo.


  • Please Listen to My Last Message!~A Japanese old man’s will~
    Pregnant last messages on various themes for young people, written by an old experienced man. For example, Chinese proverbs often have incompatible meanings. You should select one according to a situation you meet. Alcohol has two factors. But taking alcohol properly makes us pleasant. ‘Can you find better medicines than alcohol?’ ‘The government officials who are good at written examinations and peanut politicians cannot comprehend actual world. ’Etc., etc.
  • My Father, Kim Jong-il, and I 【文春e-Books】
    *この電子書籍は、2016年10月07日に発売した『父・金正日と私 金正男独占告白』の英訳版です。 The abrupt death of Kim Jong-il, North Korea’s supreme leader, in late 2011 has propelled Kim Jong-un, his third and youngest son, to the helm of the reclusive communist state. As the untested young leader tries to consolidate his power, Kim Jong-nam, his half-brother who lives a life of exile in China, is keeping an eye on the precarious situation in his homeland. On January 3, 2012, just weeks after his father’s death, Kim Jong-nam sent an e-mail to a Japanese journalist asking a scathing rhetorical question: “Power transfer to the third generation is unacceptable. How can a young successor, with only two years of grooming, take over the absolute power that has been sustained for the last 37 years?” Based on seven hours of interviews and more than 150 e-mails between Kim Jong-nam and the journalist, Yoji Gomi, “My Father, Kim Jong-il, and I” gives readers around the world rare insight into North Korea through first-hand accounts from the man who holds the key to the fate of the country’s new regime.
  • Mt. FUJI Travel Guide
    Iconic Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and was designated by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in June 2013. Mount Fuji and the Fuji Five Lakes (Fujigoko) are among the most popular destinations for international travelers in Japan. This guidebook is illustrated with beautiful photos and covers a wide range of topics: local foods, festivals, hotels, onsen (hot spring), popular sights, superb view points, shrines, hotels and transportation. This guide will help you plan a day trip from Tokyo or Kyoto or a longer visit exploring the area. The first edition of the comprehensive “Mt. Fuji Travel Guide” was compiled by the editorial team of the DeepJapan travel website in cooperation with the tourism divisions of local governments and organizations. Contents: Mt. Fuji, Introduction Finally, a World Cultural Heritage Site The Fuji Five Lakes Region (Fujigoko) Approaches To Mt. Fuji Area Scenes of Mount Fuji Sightseeing Mt. Fuji Climbing Eating Events Accommodation About the auther: DeepJapan is currently presenting an advisor or “Senpai” network of more than 400 long term international residents of Japan on the website “”. DeepJapan works to provide inside tips and hints, from the local “Senpai”, on how to better enjoy a visit to the Land of the Rising Sun. Approaching 2000 articles on everything regarding travel in Japan. DeepJapan gives insight on the “how to” “why” “what to do” and “where to go” for the interested international guest.
  • マーベル・スーパーヒーローズ
    マーベル映画の人気ヒーローたちがコミックスで大暴れ! 「アベンジャーズ:ヒドラを叩き潰せ!」では、キャプテン・アメリカ、アイアンマン、ソー、ホークアイ、ブラックウィドウ、そしてハルクが、ヒドラの襲撃によって、自分たちのチームワークを試されることになる。「アントマン:小さな大冒険」では、マーベル史上最小ヒーローの初代アントマン(ハンク・ピム)が、最大のトラブルに巻き込まれ、「キャプテン・アメリカ:ロード・トゥ・ウォー」では、ブラックウィドウが新人ヒーローのスカーレット・ウィッチ、ビジョン、ファルコン、ウォーマシンたちをリクルートして、新たなアベンジャーズを作り出す!? 「ドクター・ストレンジ:見習い魔術師」では、スティーブン・ストレンジが神秘の技を会得するのに苦心しており、「ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー:ドリーム・オン」では、宇宙最凶の賞金稼ぎが、ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシーの命を狙う。さらに「スパイダーマン:人生は計画的に」では、スパイダーマンがクライム・マスターの計画を阻止しようとしていて……? さあ、マーベル映画のサイドストーリーをまとめた貴重な短編集をご堪能あれ! ●収録作品● 『AVENGERS: OPERATION HYDRA』#1 『ANT-MAN: LARGER THAN LIFE』#1 『CAPTAIN AMERICA: ROAD TO WAR』#1 『DOCTOR STRANGE: MYSTIC APPRENTICE』#1 『GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: DREAM ON』#1 『SPIDER-MAN: MASTER PLAN』#1 ©2021 MARVEL
  • “Many in Body, One in Mind”: The Journey of Soka Gakkai in America
    The Soka Gakkai is the most well-known and the largest of new religious movements (NRMs) in Japan. This book analyzes the Soka Gakkai’s evangelizing in the United States from a sociological perspective of religion. How did the Japanese Soka Gakkai come to be accepted by Americans and take root in American society in the United States, a country with a very different culture and religion? How did a Japanese-style organization transform itself into a culture so different from Japan’s? How were the teachings and concepts translated and localized? Why, how, and for what purpose do the members of the U.S. continue their faith? The authors’ 15 visits to the U.S., in which they participated in local events of the organization and interviewed more than 70 Soka Gakkai International members in the U.S., revealed these questions from the perspective of the sociology of religion, using life history method, conversion theory, organizational theory, and the concept of cross-cultural translation. This book is the English translation of the Japanese book “‘Itai-Doshin’ in Soka Gakkai-USA”(2018, Shinyosha Ltd.). Publisher: Osaka University Press Author: Dr. Akira KAWABATA is Professor of Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in Japan. He studied religion and social research method at Osaka University and obtained his Ph.D. in Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in 2003. He is the author of several English papers and Japanese books on religions and social research methods. Dr. Keishin INABA is Professor of Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in Japan. He studied religion at the University of Tokyo and obtained his Ph.D. in sociology of religion at King’s College, University of London in 2000. He is the author of several English and Japanese books on religions and altruism.
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 What comes to mind when you think “Morocco”? It’s impossible to describe the taste of Moroccan cooking in one sentence. Just as the country’s culture has been influenced by a multitude of countries, both European and Middle-Eastern, their cooking is a complex mix of both authentic recipes born in Morocco and foreign influences. You may sometimes be surprised at the combination of ingredients, but the actual thrill of the tasting it is something I hope you can experience yourself. Spices are an important part of Moroccan cooking. Spices used in Morocco are not spicy but have a very gentle taste that is good for your skin and body. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were possible to experience both a healthy and beautiful life as a result of eating delicious dishes, which include a little bit of spice rather than relying on supplements? This book will introduce you to Moroccan recipes that are based on four different spices. Even if you have never used spices before, as long as you have these four spices, which are easily found at local supermarkets, you can cook Moroccan dishes easily. However, if you are well versed with the use of spices, you can refer to our Moroccan lessons for a more authentic taste.
  • Yoshida Shigeru and His Time
    Yoshida Shigeru is widely regarded as a pivotal figure in early postwar Japanese history―someone who guided the nation through those difficult years with a clear vision and a firm hand. Yet much of his success, this book argues, was mandated by circumstances, and he was more a practical politician than an ideologue wedded to any particular “ism”. Particularly lauded by Yoshida admirers are his adroit fending off of pressures to remilitarize, including during the Korean War years, and his accompanying focus on economic recovery as the nation struggled to get back on its feet. Yet the decision not to rearm had already been made in the postwar Constitution’s Article 9, and Yoshida was more affirming Occupation policy than breaking new ground. Indeed, his policy pronouncements in this area largely channeled MacArthur’s thinking throughout SCAP’s reign. Pushing that thought one step further, Ambassador Okazaki contends that the acceptance of Article 9 was part of a grand bargain with MacArthur: Japan would forsake rearmament and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East would not put the Emperor in the dock for war crimes. Taking issue with the conventional wisdom, Okazaki further maintains that many Occupation policies (e.g., women’s suffrage and agrarian reform) would have been adopted in the course of building upon prewar democratization initiatives even were there no Occupation. Significantly, these reforms, unlike zaibatsu dissolution and the purge, for example, were not rescinded once Japan regained its independence in 1952. Pulling together testimony from a wide variety of informed sources, this solidly argued treatise roundly rejects the Tokyo Trials, both their conduct and their verdicts, and paints a picture of Japan laboring under a capricious autocracy in the Occupation years. This is an insightful work that demands serious consideration by everyone interested in Japan past, present, and future.


  • Violet Light, Nearsightedness, and Your Child’s Eye Health
    Do you know that 30% of primary school students and 65% of high school students have myopia in Japan? Also, do you know that progressive myopia leads to blindness? Now, children with myopia are rapidly increasing all over the world. It is at a level where you would want to declare it as pandemic. However, the real cause is unknown. Here, I present you with the breakthrough method to prevent and halt myopia which may overturn the prevailing theory that "myopia cannot be prevented." ---Expert taken from the chapter「Introduction」--- Do you sense, as I do, that myopia is increasing among children? There seems to be a general uneasiness among parents who suspect that their children in the community are increasingly nearsighted. Suddenly, it seems everybody is nearsighted. This uptick in nearsightedness is not just a localized phenomenon. In recent years, the entire world has seen a rise in myopia. The 2013 School Health Statistics Survey by MEXT (the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) revealed that primary school students with uncorrected visual acuity (VA) of 0.3 or less had more than tripled since 1979. Moreover, the percentage of those with unaided vision of less than 0.3 rises with age (33% in 2013); the data showed that 65% of high school students had naked-eye vision of less than 1.0. Of all the theories proposed to date, the only one bearing truth is that outdoor play helps suppress myopia. Although longer periods of outdoor activity seem preferable, researchers disagree on the required duration, suggestions range from 1 hour per day to 14 hours per week. As nobody knows why playing outdoor helps prevent myopia and its mechanism remains unknown, it is impossible to set guidelines on duration.
