

  • バブルの子
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    55の作品の中に少なくとも一つ、あなたの心に刺さる作品がある。そうだよなーと思う作品がある。 時には胸に響き、時には微笑み、時には苦々しい思い出をつれてくる。助廣俊作の詩があなたに問いかける。人生をいかに生きていくか、生きてきたか。。 「手 そして石 思うに僕の人生には 棚からぼた餅という言葉は存在しない わらしべ長者的な展開もない 銀のスプーンも金の延べ棒も持っていないから こつこつと何かを積みあげていくしかないのだ 石を一つひとつ積み上げていくのだ」(本書収録「手 そして石」より一部抜粋) 【目次】 バブルの子 バブルの子/宣 言/一週間かぞえ歌/ひたむきさをもういちど ~ 十九歳になった気で/日本男児/紙やすり/パワーゲーム/羊になりたい/許せないこと/ハンカチ/My life as a traveling man/モスクワ/闘う人/やっちまった/甘くない生活/手 そして石/しごと/絶望の岬に置き去りにしないで/もし希望があるとしたら/There was a wall/If you sit in the chair/Once upon a time you loved music/Eat Around the Clock スパゲティ・ナポリタン 宝くじ/家族のいないこの部屋で/転校生/あやまち輪廻/消えない思い出/Woman said/ブービークッションにひっかかる/ハニーライフ/つまるところ/スパゲティ・ナポリタン/幸せの定義/ 連作:ひとときの夢 ひとときの夢/オン&オフ/暗闇の大河/口の運動/暗い夜道/土の匂い/ 再 会 再 会/君のしつもん/最古の記憶/ここはひとつ/Giving/四分前/真夜中の目覚め/心がうごいた/どつかんでもよろしい/言わなくてもいいこと 言わなくてはいけないこと/愛されてもよし、嫌われてもよし/一生モノ/元 旦/かなわぬねがい/苦しさと孤独と星空と 【著者】 助廣俊作 会社勤務のかたわら詩を書き続ける。アメリカ、 イギリス、ロシアでの海外勤務は10 年を超え る。主な作品:詩集『ひこうき雲』『ラ行の試練』 『バブルの子』『ありがとうはさようならを意味するか』など。作品「暗所のほとり」で第17回日本詩歌句随筆評論協会賞奨励賞受賞。
  • キモチが伝わる 無敵の英会話57パターン
    1巻1,650円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 『ネイティブなら12歳までに覚える 80パターンで英語が止まらない!』が大好評41万部突破の塚本亮先生が、 基本パターンは押さえて、英語を話すのが楽しくなった方向けに 「ネイティブに(ちょっと幼稚だな…)と思われない」57パターンを紹介! 相手のキモチを大事にするフレーズを身につけることで人間関係が劇的によくなります。 「相手のキモチや状況に寄り添って」共感し、暖かく語り、 前向きになるような言葉でモチベーションを上げ、 押しつけがましくなく提案し、 無駄な反発を生まずに依頼し、相手を動かす。 もちろん自分がイヤなことはイヤと禍根を残さず上手に伝える。 そんな場面別に、 劇的に人間関係がよくなる無敵の英語を身につけます。 「わかった!」の後には「パターンを刷り込む」トレーニングでa 記憶に定着させます。 これで無敵の英語コミュニケーションが完成します!! 目次 ■Chapter1 まずはちゃんと「聞く」から始める May I ? ~してもいいですか? Would you mind if I ? ~してもいいですか? Would you be interested in ? ~に興味あったりします? What are your views on? ~についてどう思いますか? Can you explain more about ? もっと詳しく~のこと教えて Could you elaborate on? より詳しく~のこと教えて When was the last time you ?  最後にしたのはいつ? >If you don’t mind me asking, ■Chapter2 寄り添い、共感するキモチを表す You must be . あなた~ですよね I’m touched by ~に心を打たれた I couldn’t have ed without ~なしではできなかった What’s your biggest fear regarding ? ~ で一番恐れていることは何ですか I apologize if I ed~. ~ならお詫びします I feel heartbroken about   ~に心が痛む I feel sorry for ~をかわいそうに(気の毒に)思う >This is probably none of my business, but . ■Chapter3 ワクワク、ポジティブなキモチを伝える I feel like ing~ ~したい気分です I can’t wait to ~. ~するのが待ちきれません can’t resist ing ~せずにはいられない I’m thrilled to . ~することにワクワクしています I’m so jealous ~だなんて羨ましい I’m soothed by . ~に癒やされます >after all, ■Chapter4悩みや不安を率直に話す I’m wavering on ing ~するかどうか迷ってる I should have ed ~すべきだったのに I shouldn’t have ed ~すべきじゃなかったのに It’s too painful ~だなんて/ のはツラすぎる  I’m appalled by ~に驚愕しています I feel anxious about ~に不安を感じています I’m fed up with ~にうんざりしています >As far as I can see ■Chapter5自分から誘う、提案をする What would you do if ed? もし~が~したらどうしますか? Wouldn’t it be fun if we ed? 一緒に~したら楽しいと思いませんか? What’s your biggest hope regarding ? ~に関して最大の希望は何ですか? You could ~もできます You might want to ~するといいかもしれません Perhaps we could ~できるかもしれない I would say ~だと思います I think there might be ~があるかもしれない >If I might suggest something, ■Chapter6相手が動きたくなる主張と説得 The key point here is ここでの重要な点は、~です I’m here to ~のために来ました All I want to do is 私がしたいのは~だけです The only thing I is 私が~する唯一のことは I think the best way is to ~が最善の方法だと思います You would agree that , right? ~に賛成しますよね? I can assure you that ~を保証します >according to >regardless of , I >without a doubt ■Chapter7非難とお断りのキモチをうまく伝える You shouldn’t have ed ~するべきじゃなかった can’t have ed ~したはずがない It’s a waste to ~するなんてもったいない I’m disappointed ~に失望しました I’m afraid we can’t agree on ~には合意できない恐れがあります I regret to say that 残念ながら I’m not very fond of あまり~が好きではありません I can’t stand ~が我慢できません I wish I could , but ~したいのはやまやまですが です I have some reservations about ~には懸念があります >In a way, ■Chapter8お願いごともスマートに Could you possibly よかったら~していただけますか I was wondering if you could ~していただけないかと思っています It will be troublesome if you don’t ~しないと面倒なことになります   I was wondering if you had a chance to ~する機会があったかどうか、気になっています We can’t do it unless ~しない限り、それはできませんね That’s partially true, but
  • Amadeus -English Edition-
    1巻495円 (税込)
    This book is English edition. One day, Klaus was taken by Adele to the Amadeus flower field. He listened to her wish there, but...
  • Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact Territorial Conflict and the Formation of the Postwar East Asian Order
    1巻3,311円 (税込)
    “A solution without a solution.” In 1965, a secret pact concluded between the leaders of Japan and South Korea quietly shelved the territorial dispute over the island of Takeshima (Dokdo), setting the course for normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Several well-known figures were active in the complex and convoluted political maneuvering and backroom negotiations that helped bring the pact to fruition. For the first time ever, this book-including personal accounts from those who were directly involved-reveals the painstaking work behind the scenes to mend the fraught relationship between Japan and South Korea by conceiving the most subtle of solutions. And yet the pact and all that it achieved would mysteriously be erased from history. How and why did this happen? Winner of the Asia Pacific Award, Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact is a fascinating look into the intricate process of mending diplomatic relations and the small island that was the center of it all.


  • Soka Gakkai-USA at 55: Voices from an American Buddhist Journey
    "The Soka Gakkai is the most well-known and the largest of new religious movements (NRMs) in Japan. This book analyzes the history of the SGI-USA(Soka Gakkai International-USA) and the Soka Gakkai’s evangelizing in the U.S. from a sociological perspective of religion. How did the Japanese Soka Gakkai come to be accepted by Americans and take root in American society in the U.S., a country with a very different culture and religion? How was Nichiren Buddhism accepted in the U.S. in the midst of the postwar hippie culture? How was the faith transmitted to the United States by the Japanese and Nikkei who played a central role in the missionary work? The authors’ 15 visits to the U.S., in which they participated in local events of the organization and interviewed more than 70 SGI members in the U.S., revealed these questions and provides a bird's-eye view of the transformation of the Soka Gakkai in Japan since the period of rapid growth. This book is the English translation of “America Soka Gakkai 〈SGI-USA〉 no 55 nen”(2017, Shinyosha Ltd.). Publisher: Osaka University Press Author: Dr. Yutaka AKIBA is Professor of Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan. He studied religion and social research method at Osaka University and obtained his Ph.D. in Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in 2003. He is the author of several English papers and Japanese books on religions.
  • Examining Heisei Japan:Diplomacy and Security Vol.I
    The passing of Emperor Sh-owa marked the end of an era―an era memorable in both war and peace. As is the custom, the new emperor’s reign was given a new name, in this case “Heisei,” but this did not mean a reset on the international stage. The persistent diplomatic issues remained, and, furthermore, new issues arose. Promoting global peace and stability, preventing natural disasters, relations with China, regional cooperation, Japan’s role in the international order are just some of the many outstanding issues. How did Japan approach them and deal with them? What was accomplished and what still needs to be done? Given the issues’ paramount importance for both Japan and the world at large, this anthology brings together influential essays published by five of Japan’s leading scholars during the period.


  • Amami Oshima―Enjoying Serendipity, Pilgrimage and Requiem[English version: with Persian translation]
    This is a record of the group [Marcion's Box], which travels to shrines and temples all over Japan, exploring the unknown culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima, a subtropical island in Japan that has just arrived in early summer. Encounter with the strong people who live on the island, which lives on the history and cultural customs of the island, which experienced the rule of the Satsuma domain in the Edo period and the American military after the war. The tradition of singing and the life of gay bar moms. This is a pilgrimage that you cannot experience on a regular trip, such as the ecology of habu as a famous guardian deity of Amami Oshima, a national sanatorium that tells the negative history of people suffering from leprosy, and the feelings of Kazumura Tanaka, who is known as Japan's Gauguin who loved Amami. An English version (with Persian translation) of a travelogue full of color photos that conveys the culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima through requiems. This bilingual translated book was created by the translator (Reinoldx Matsuda) to help people from the Christian world (English) and the Muslim world (Persian) learn about the nature and culture of Japan, Amami Oshima, through the same book. Something I hope you can share. This is an attempt to realize world peace. 日本各地の神社仏閣を巡る旅をしているグループ[Marcionの匣]が、初夏の訪れまもない日本のなかの亜熱帯、奄美大島の知られざる文化と秘境を探訪した記録。江戸時代の薩摩藩の支配、戦後のアメリカ軍の支配を経験した島の歴史と文化風習に息づく、島に生きるたくましい人々との出会い――教会での洗礼やノロ神様とユタ神様の存在、シマ唄の伝統とゲイバーママの生きざま。奄美大島で有名な守り神としてのハブの生態、ハンセン病者の負の歴史を伝える国立療養所、奄美を愛した日本のゴーギャンとして知られる田中一村への想いなど、通常の旅では体験できない巡礼と鎮魂によって奄美大島の文化と秘境を伝えるカラー写真満載の旅行記の英語版(ペルシャ語対訳付き)。この二か国語併記の翻訳本は、翻訳版企画者(Reinoldx Matsuda) が、英語のキリスト教圏とペルシャ語のイスラム教圏の人々が、同一の書籍を通じて共に奄美大島という日本の自然と文化を共有できることを願ってのもの。世界平和実現の一つの試みである。
  • 実践!! WTFファスティング ――ヘトヘトのあなたを2週間でハツラツに変えてみせます!
    腸 免疫系 ホルモン エネルギー三要素をととのえる ・炎症とホルモンバランスの乱れに的を絞った食事プラン ・腸の健康を改善し免疫系を強める一種の断続的断食 この組み合わせで健康改善! 自分のエネルギーの三大要素がどんな状態なのか知っておこう。 まずはセルフチェックから ① あなたのエネルギーの状態は? ② 便秘やガス、胃酸の逆流、下痢などの問題はどの程度ある? ③ まだ出産可能な年齢なら、生理は規則的にくる? ④ 風邪やその他のウイルスにどれくらい感染する? ⑤ 気分はどう? (本文26ページより) 燃え尽き症候群を克服してエネルギーを高める方法を一流の現役医師から学んで いこう。  毎日が忙しすぎるし、1日が短すぎる―そんなふうに思ったことはありません か? 仕事もいっぱいいっぱいでストレスばかり、もうヘトヘト。医師に助けを 求めても、それは年のせいとか、仕事のせいとか、最悪、それが「普通」などと 言われていませんか?  もしそうだとしても、それはあなただけではありません。あらゆる年代の女性 たちが、慢性的な疲労や燃え尽き症候群に苦しんでいるのです。  でも、「いつも疲れている私」が、普通なんておかしい!  自らの健康を追い求める旅を通して、統合医療専門医である著者、エイミー・ シャーは、女性がエネルギーを生み出すと同時に人生を自分の手のうちに取りも どすためのプログラム「WTF(Why the eff was I so tired?)プラン」をつくり あげました。プログラムのカギとなるのは、複雑につながりあう「エネルギーの 三要素」、すなわち「腸」と「免疫系」と「ホルモン」の関係を活用することです。  ドクター・シャーは、最新科学の知見と数千人の患者を助けてきた経験を駆使 して、あなたの人生を立て直す方法を伝授します。  たった2週間で、あなたはエネルギーが湧きあがってくるのを感じるでしょ う。3カ月後には、生まれ変わった新しい自分にきっと出会えます。失くしてい たエネルギーを、今こそ取り戻しましょう。自分が生きたいと思う人生を手に入 れるために。
  • The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19:Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned
    In April 2020, the Japanese government issued its first state of emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic. When the then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lifted it the next month, Abe attributed Japan’s success in keeping infections and deaths lower than in other major industrialized countries to what he called the “Japan model” of dealing with the crisis. The “Japan model,” however, can properly be declared a model only if its efforts to bring infections under control work in tandem with its efforts to stabilize the economy. In consideration of this, during the first half of 2020, what were the effects of Japan’s countermeasures? Which policies did not work? What remains uncertain? To review Japan’s preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Asia Pacific Initiative (API), an independent global think tank, launched the “Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19 (API/ICJC).” API originally published the Japanese-language version and submitted it to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on October 8, 2020. The commission conducted 102 interviews with 84 government officials and experts, including PM Abe; PM Suga, who was chief cabinet secretary prior to becoming prime minister; Katsunobu Kato, who was health minister prior to becoming chief cabinet secretary; as well as numerous other senior government officials who provided insight on the background of the events.
    This is a photo book. The city is there. people are in the picture. The car, the trees, the walls of the building, the reflection of light, the water droplets, the empty sky, the lively voice, the breath, the rusty door, the old window, the seasonless wind... It is reflected. The city was alive and dead. People are there and not there. Ahead of the deformed line of sight, fragments of a familiar scene, neither cold nor warm, are superimposed. In his photographic expression, there is no trace of existing aesthetics, conceptual, abstract, or installation. No intention to see or be seen. No idiosyncratic style, no special gimmicks or approaches, no story. Not etheric, not astral, not mental. A photograph collection that questions the roots of existence, with pictures of cities that are neither ordinary nor extraordinary, taken from angles that are neither disorderly nor orderly. これは写真集である。そこには街が写っている。人が写っている。車が、木々が、建物の壁が、光の反射が、水滴が、虚ろな空が、賑やかな声が、吐息が、錆びた扉が、古ぼけた窓が、季節を失った風が……写っている。その街は、生きていて、死んでいた。人々は、そこに居て、そこに居ない。デフォルメされた視線の先に、冷たくもなく温かくもない、見覚えのある情景の断片が重なっている。その写真表現には、既存の美意識やコンセプチュアル、抽象、インスタレーションの痕跡がない。見ること、見られることへの意図もない。特異なスタイル、特別な仕掛けやアプローチ、ストーリー性もない。エーテル的でも、アストラル的でも、メンタル的でもない。雑然とでもなく、整然とでもないアングルで切り取られた、日常でもなく、非日常でもない街の絵姿が、存在の根源を問いかける写真集。
  • 音声DL BOOK 高田智子の 大人の学びなおし英会話 2023年 夏号
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 まとめて学びなおすからわかりやすい。中学英語の重要ポイント全部! NHKテキスト基礎英語は本来中学生向けにつくられた教材ですが、実際には驚くほど幅広い年代の方たちが利用しています。そしてそのうちの多くは実は「大人の学びなおし」として利用している世代の方たちです。「基礎英語」は、文科省の指導要領に沿って作られたプログラムなので、文法の解説なども含めて、ほぼ初めて英語を本格的に学ぶ人向けの教材になっています。 本企画は、ならば、そんな大人の学習者の方たちへ向けて「より使いやすく、より効率的に学習しやすい教材を提供できないだろうか」という目標を掲げてスタート。「NHK基礎英語」講師を4年間務め、人気・実力とも2定評をもつ高田智子教授を著者として迎え、基礎英語のノウハウを生かしつつも「大人向けに生まれ変わらせること」をコンセプトに、実現へと至りました。 英文ストーリーの内容は、中学レベルの英語(ことばの仕組み)で表現されていますが、単語のレベルを少しだけ広げることで「日常会話からシンプルなビジネス英語まで」、あらゆるシーンに対応した実践的なものとしています。 ※この本の番組放送はありません。 ※3月、6月、9月、12月の年4回刊行予定。 〈音声のダウンロードについて〉 本書を購入された方は、本書の音声をNHK出版サイトからダウンロードできます。詳しくは書籍内の説明ページをご参照ください。 【主な内容】 Lesson 16 親切な申し出をする 助動詞 can/will Lesson 17 依頼する 助動詞 will[1] Lesson 18 依頼する 助動詞 could/would Lesson 19 誘う 助動詞 wil[2] Lesson 20 誘う・提案する 助動詞 shall Lesson 21 誘いや依頼を断る have to do Lesson 22  誘いや依頼を断る that+文 Lesson 23 お礼を言う 動名詞 Lesson 24 お礼を言う I appreciate … Lesson 25 お礼を言う It is/was … of you to do Lesson 26 約束する be sure to do …しないと約束する Lesson 27 決まり事を伝える be supposed to do Lesson 28 助言する should do Lesson 29 助言する (If I were you, ) I would do Lesson 30 助言する It is … to do / recommend doing
  • Understanding Microcontrollers,2nd Edition:a gentle introduction to an AVR architecture
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※この電子書籍は紙版書籍のページデザインで制作した固定レイアウトです。 本書は、「コンピュータアーキテクチャ」を履修する学生に向けた教科書として、マイクロコントローラを解説した英文書籍“Understanding Microcontrollers”の改訂版です。コンピュータの「特定化」や「省エネ」の社会を踏まえて、比較的わかりやすい機器「マイクロコントローラ」を用いてコンピュータアーキテクチャの基礎を解説しています。 なお、本書は、日本の学生の英語での学習を支援するために、本文中の重要キーワードについて適宜、日本語の訳や解説を側注に加えてることで英文原書の敷居を下げ、英語を敬遠する学生への導入書籍としても役立つ構成となっています。本書を読み進めれば、英文の読解力と情報関係の専門用語の知識を自然に得ることができ、今後、英語論文や英文原書を読みこなすための確かな力を身につけることができます。 改訂版では、実際に行われた授業内容を反映し、12章「SPIによる通信」を大幅に増補するとともに、新たに15章「基本コンパイラ」を追加することで、より使いやすい内容としています。 This book is a revised version of the English book "Understanding Microcontrollers", which explains microcontrollers, as a textbook for students who are studying "computer architecture". Based on the "specialization" and "energy saving" society of computers, we explain the basics of computer architecture using relatively easy-to-understand devices "microcontrollers". In the revised edition, the content of the actual class was reflected, and Chapter 12 "Communication by SPI" was greatly expanded, and Chapter 15 "Basic Compiler" was newly added to make the content easier to use. List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations Preface Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Preliminaries Chapter 3. Instruction Set Architecture Chapter 4. Memory Architecture Chapter 5. Processor Architecture Chapter 6. Addressing Modes Chapter 7. Programming the MCU Chapter 8. I/O Ports Chapter 9. Interrupts Chapter 10. Application: LCD Panel Control Chapter 11. The Analog-to-Digital Converter3 Chapter 12. Communication Through the Serial Peripheral Interface Chapter 13. Rational Numbers and the MCU Chapter 14. Reverse Engineering Chapter 15. A BasicCompiler Chapter 16. Concluding Remarks Appendix A. Character Codes Appendix B. Logic Gates Appendix C. Answers and Discussions Bibliography About the Author Index
  • Nuclear Focus:A Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse of the Atomic Ambitions of Pakistan,Iran and Wartime Japan(EnglishEdition)
    This is an English translation of a long-term series titled, and a writing style of nonfiction “Kaku Kairo o Aruku”(Walking along nuclear corridors),which was carried in the Mainichi Shimbun daily. The series covered nuclear development in Pakistan, Iran and Japan. Attention: This content will be the same as the content distributed by other publishers in the past. Please be careful about duplicate purchases
  • されど罪人は竜と踊る1 Dances with the Dragons
    あのビッグシリーズ、ガガガ文庫へ!! 『唯我独尊』大人気シリーズ「され竜」がまるごとガガガ文庫へ! 著者自ら「これが完全版です」と言い切るほど、大幅加筆され、完全真説版となって、ここに新生! 完全オリジナル新長編も用意して刊行開始!! ※ この作品は底本と同じクオリティのカラーイラスト、モノクロの挿絵イラストが収録されています。
  • ネイティブのように直感的に話せる やさしい英語短文の練習帳
    1巻1,540円 (税込)
    英語を本気で話せるようになりたいすべての人へ。 本書は中学レベルの英文を復唱するだけで、思ったことが英語で口から出てくる英会話トレーニング本です。 英会話で役に立つトピックを100厳選し、話す感覚を養う英文を600以上掲載しています。 【英文の例】 ▼可算名詞・不可算名詞 I caught a fish today, so I had fish for dinner. ▼現在形・現在進行形 I walk my dog every day. I'm walking him now. ▼動詞「見る」の違い I saw something moving. When I looked, it was a cat. I watched it. ▼関係代名詞の文の作り方 This is a book. I really like it. This is a book that I really like. 【練習方法】 1.音声を聞きながら英文を復唱 2.英文を見ないで音声だけで復唱 3.場面をイメージして英文を思い出しながら復唱 【構成】 PART1 英語の感覚になじむ PART2 時制をあやつる PART3 動詞や前置詞を使い分ける PART4 文を彩る PART5 ネイティブに近づける表現 ※音声データは、電子書籍内の説明に沿って手順を進めることで、ダウンロードできます。音声データは、PCなどの専用機器でお楽しみください。
  • An Introduction to Japanese Criminal Procedure Law
    How is the system of criminal procedure in Japan structured, how is the procedure expected to advance, what roles are to be taken by each of the players involved in the process, and how, in reality, is the system functioning at the moment? This is the English edition of the reputable standard for learners "Nyūmon Keiji Tetsuzuki Hō," which presents a general description of the basic structure and the function of criminal procedure in Japan. The first edition of the original text was published in September 1995, and subsequent editions have been published (every few years) in response to institutional reforms, amendments to the law, developments in judicial decisions and practice, and changes in enforcement of the law; having acquired serious readers over time. The English edition is based on the Japanese 7th edition published in March 2017 with certain modifications made to refer to important cases or legislations issued/came into force after the publication of the 7th edition. 外国人に日本の刑事手続の制度・運用を説明するための手引きとして、スマホの中に必携の1冊です。 Chapter 1: Investigative Criminal Procedure Chapter 2: Prosecution Chapter 3: Trial Chapter 4: Rules of Evidence Chapter 5: Court Decisions Chapter 6: Appeals Chapter 7: Remedies After Judgment Has Become Final Chapter 8: Special Procedures Examples of Formats Table of Cases Table of Statutes and Rules Glossary


  • Hopeful care in a rapidly aging society
    The ideology that will transcend even death. A doctor running an aged day care since the long-term care insurance system was first implemented in Japan explains life and death based on existential philosophy-like beliefs and the hope that can be found therein. This book will help you find your true self and live free from loneliness. With real life stories composed at the day care. 〈Contents (chapters)〉 Introduction About me Chapter 1 Flow of Thought Chapter 2 The Nice Day Journey Establishment of the long-term care insurance system Historical changes in the plight of those requiring care The beginning of Nice Day The first attendees Issues between staff From individual therapy to group therapy Signs of change at Nice Day with reverse thinking Analysis of the reverse thinking effect Therapeutic community The criteria for TC The TC approach A comparison between Nice Day and TC The TC-like community makes it Japan’s “mahoroba” Another look at Nice Day Memorial services and Heidegger’s philosophy Differences between TC and fundamental co-existence (community of salvation) Realization that life is finite Relationships at Nice Day The Nice Day scene Life stories Chapter 3 Life Stories at Nice Day Akio Akamatsu Tatsuko Shinoda Tomiko Hasegawa Yukihiro Hamada Chiharu Hayakawa Masayuki Higuchi Ms. S. H. Hajime Fujita Ms. T. M. Mr. Y. W. Chimao Motojima Life story effect survey results March 2021 Some remarks about the survey Conclusion Reverse thinking and nursing care with love Fundamental issues of scientific humanity Conditions for keeping older people at home Conditions for the emergence of a community of salvation Getting closer to the ideal community Step one: I recommend nursing care with love by reverse thinking Step two: “Demonstration” of the respect for the aged concept Afterword 〈Author’s bio〉 Yoshihiro Ito Dr. Ito was born in Kyoto City. In 1961, he entered the faculty of engineering at Kyoto University before transferring to the university’s medical faculty in 1963 and graduating in 1967. That same year he enrolled in a doctoral course in physiology at Kyoto University. In 1971, he withdrew from the course and was appointed director of radiology at a general hospital in Kyoto City, a position he retired from ten years later. In 1981, he opened Ito Clinic then an adjoining large-scale day care for 60 attendees in 2001. Find Dr. Ito on Facebook. He is also the author of “Jiritsu Kunrenho no Igaku” [The Medicine of Autogenic Training] (published by Chuko Shinsho).


  • The Nichiren Buddhism ――Nam Myoho Renge Kyo & Gohonzon
    What does "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" mean? What is the significance of the Gohonzon of "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo"? In this book, we will uncover the mistery of Daimoku and Gohonzon which Nichiren of Japan began. What is Shakyamuni, Lotus Sutra, and furthermore, the supreme teaching of the Buddhism? I explained them clearly and carefully in this book. Why was Nichiren oppressed by the regime (Shogunate) at that time? How did he try to guide the country and the people to the happiness? This book is the most recent essay on the Buddhism of Nichiren, in which we discover the truth of Nichiren's life. 「南無妙法蓮華経」の意味は何か。「南無妙法蓮華経」の御本尊は、どんな意味があるのか。日本の日蓮がはじめた題目と御本尊の謎に迫る。釈迦とは、法華経とは、さらには最上の仏教の教えとは何か。分かりやすく、丁寧に解説した。日蓮はなぜ当時の政権(幕府)から弾圧されたのか。日蓮は国と人々を、どのような方法で幸福に導こうとしたのか。これが、日蓮の生涯の真実に迫る最新の日蓮仏法論だ。
  • 3語でネイティブ英会話 [音声DL付]
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ドラマ、映画、小説で、ふつうによく使われているひとこと表現。Break it up! やめなよ! Don’t what? なにがダメなの? That was it! そういうことだったんだ! Where to? どこ行く? どこかで耳にしたことのある表現に意味、使い方のコメント付きで紹介します。短い表現ほど逐語訳では出にくく、覚えていくしかありませんが、2語、3語なら覚えるのはカンタン。ネイティブが普段頻繁に口にする3語表現をたくさん覚えて行けば、あとは4語、5語でも自然と覚えられるようになるはず。英語がしゃべれないのは「道具」として使えていないだけ、ならばどんどん使える表現を増やしてネイティブに一歩近づきましょう!
  • Exploring the world of Biotechnology
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 With many illustration and photograph, you can learn the basics of biotechnology easily. Topic examples are DNA, genome, biofuel, iPS cells and so on. Original Japanese version was published in 2012 to commemorate the 90th anniversary for establishment of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (SBJ). This English version was translated and published to commemorate the 100th anniversary.
  • 話せる英文法 ネイティブの生きたフレーズで31のエッセンスが脳に染み込む
    登録者数49万人超の大人気英語講師YouTuberが書いた、世界一シンプルな英文法書! 【ネイティブが実際に使っているフレーズで、英文法の使い方がリアルにわかる!】 一般的な学校の教科書は、堅い文法用語や抽象的な説明の繰り返しばかりで、一番大事な英文法に含まれるニュアンスが抜け落ちてしまいがち。 ニック・ウィリアムソンが厳選した「ネイティブの生きたフレーズ」を通して、正しい英文が直感でパッと言えるようになります。 ☆ルールの丸暗記ではなかなか言えない、こんなフレーズが満載! 現在形を使ったフレーズ “It happens.” (そういうこともあるさ。) WH名詞節を使ったフレーズ “That's what I thought.” (私もそう思った。) 受動態を使ったフレーズ “I was moved to tears.” (感動して泣いた。) 【読みきれない文法書にさようなら! 会話力に直結する英文法だけをサクサク学ぼう】 ネイティブが日常的に使っている英文法は、じつは「超シンプル」。 不必要に学校で難しい文法を教わって、結局、簡単な英語さえ話せない日本人のために、 ニック・ウィリアムソンが、英会話に特に効果的な英文法だけを凝縮して教えます。 ☆これだけおさえれば、めちゃくちゃ話せる! Chapter 1 時制 Chapter 2 WH名詞節 Chapter 3 受動態 Chapter 4 奇跡の応用 Chapter 5 仮定法過去 ※カバー画像が異なる場合があります。
  • The Graveyard Overlooking the Sea
    1巻330円 (税込)
    The bond between parents and children. Mental transition and growth of a young man. With the theme of the bond between parents and children, the story depicts the mental transition and growth of a young man in postwar Japan. 【目次】 1)The story of the parent-child's love and bond. A family lives in a seaside village, struck by floods and war, and the son gazing at his father's death. 2)The Bitter Salt The struggles and realities of a young man who is forced to help his brother-in-law, who was repatriated from China after the war, in the salt making and black market business. 3) A Letter to Mother A young man who left his birthplace to pursue his dreams reunites with his sister and reveals his feelings to his aging mother. 【著者】 Tatsu Hatamura Middle school teacher, librarian and university staff, member of Japan Writers'Association. Major books include “Between Today and Tomorrow,” “From an Ruined City on the Strait,” e-books “The Sea, My Okutsuki Cemetery,” “Factory Closure,” etc.
  • An Introduction to Aikido Mastering the Basics Through Proper Training ((English translation of Aikido book))
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【内容】 This book has a greater number of sequence photographs than other books on aikido techniques previously published. This will help beginners to understand what they need to pay attention in mastering basic movements. It also has many close-up photographs and photographs taken from some different angles, which I hope will make techniques more understandable. It will also be of great help to instructors in charge of beginners and children The basics explained in this book constitute the fundamentals of aikido techniques. Therefore you have to keep practicing them even after you are promoted to higher ranks. I hope this book will help you to check what you have learned by observing your instructor's demonstrations at your dojo and thereby improve your skills ●Preface ●Before You Start Training ●Nage-waza ●Nage-katame-waza ●Katame-waza ●Developing Kokyu-ryoku ●Aikido and the Aikikai Public Utility Foundation ●Brief Personal Records of Successive Doshus 【著者】 Mitsuteru Ueshiba was born on June the 27th, 1981 (the 56th year of the Showa era) as a grandson of Morihei Ueshiba, he started working for the Aikikai Foundation and in 2015,became the Director of the Hombu Dojo of Aikido.
  • Aikido,the Contemporary Martial Art of Harmony;Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings (English translation of Aikido book)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【内容】 English translation of “Aikido, keiko to kokoro: gendai ni ikiru chowa no budo" Aikido, the Contemporary Martial Art of Harmony: Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings is an introductory book on aikido,explains in easy-to-understand words the philosophy, techniques, and training methods of aikido which are designed to enable its trainees to transcend contests and conflicts and to develop themselves mentally and physically in perfect harmony with each other in training. ◆Preface ◆The History of Aikido ◆Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings of Aikido ◆The Tradition of Aikido ◆Brief Personal Records of Successive Doshus 【著者】 Moriteru Ueshiba (1951- ) Doshu of Aikido 1985 Took office as Managing Director. 1996 Took office as Chief Director of the Aikikai Federation. 1999 Succeeded to the position of Doshu owing to the second Doshu's death. 2006 Received an Anchieta Medal of Brazil. Became emeritus visiting professor at International Budo University. 2009 Was awarded the Order of Friendship from the Russian Federation. 2010 Took office as special invited professor at Kogakkan University (till 2017). 2012 Took office as Chief Director of the Aikikai Public Utility Foundation owing to the change of status of Aikikai from an incorporated foundation to public utility foundation. Received the Gold Medal from University of Valencia. 2013 Was conferred a Blue Ribbon Medal for his achievements of publicizing and promoting aikido. Filled many important posts including the Director of the Nippon Budokan Public Utility Foundation and Senator at International Budo University.
  • Hatsujo Playroom
    全1巻1,210円 (税込)
    ”I can't believe this is getting me excited.” Even after 10 years, Moriya can't get over his unrequited love for former high school classmate Tsujimura. In spite of that, he has a sexual relationship with his boss, Nanamiya, who knows about his feelings. Tsujimura joins their company, and he and Moriya meet again after so long. Nanamiya whispers to Moriya - who is confused by the feelings he should have given up – saying: ”If you'd like to confess your feelings to him, I'll lend you a hand.” Moriya dismisses it as a joke, but the same night the office suddenly goes out of power and he gets trapped alone with Tsujimura. On the monitor, the words: ”If you wish to leave, then you must follow the orders given.” What was a light touch at first, gradually becomes more and more sexually intense. “I can't do this…” Moriya's thoughts can't help him to resist the passion and the pleasure Tsujimura's giving him… ※本書は、現在配信している「発情プレイルーム【単行本版(電子限定描き下ろし付)】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • Wails of the Bound;β 1
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    A Beta who wanted to protect an Omega and an Omega betrayed by a Beta - The long-awaited sequel to the brilliant Omegaverse story by genius mangaka Keri Kusabi!! A new graduate, Sasabe, is assigned to Utou, who works for a major advertising agency and takes good care of by his subordinates. Even though the newcomer is cheeky, overly ambitious and shows a bad attitude right away, Utou feels that he can't leave him alone. He soon finds out Sasabe's secret: he has a predisposition to seduce people and stir up their sexual desire. Betrayed by his best friends, oppressed by his parents... Sasabe just wants to get out of a life of suffering. He tries to hide his discriminated Omega status, and wants to move up relying only on his talent. Utou keeps watching over him, even helping him to relieve his pain when he goes on heat. But, his past inability to protect someone who was dear to him makes him hesitate to get close to Sasabe. In the meantime, unbeknown to them, the higher-ups have dirty plans for Sasabe… ※本書は、現在配信している「狂い鳴くのは僕の番 ;β1【電子限定特典マンガ付き】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • 日本鍼灸の極意 管鍼法 <日英対訳版> Kanshin Method The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture Japanese & English bilingual Book
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※英語版は巻末から始まります ※The English version starts at the end of the book. 今や世界のスタンダード! 管を駆使した鍼 江戸期に記された秘伝テクニックも紹介 17世紀に管鍼法を創案し、德川綱吉の侍医も務めた盲目の鍼医・杉山和一。 和一が到達した鍼術の境地を学ぶ。 管頭を叩く、鍼管で針を摩擦する、振動させる…etc. 伝書に記された14技法も詳解! 管鍼法の技術&杉山和一、縁の地のガイド本。 世界中の鍼灸師、必読! A must-read for all acupuncturists around the world! If you are an acupuncturist or student, you may have heard that Japanese acupuncture is slightly different from TCM. Do you know what the differences are? `The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture" is a book about the Kanshin method - an important and unique part of Japanese acupuncture. Simply put, this is the acupuncture practice that uses guide tubes. Nowadays, many acupuncturists around the world use guide tubes daily. But did you know the guide tubes (called Shinkan in Japanese,) were invented more than 300 years ago in Japan by Waichi Sugiyama, the father of Japanese acupuncture. Waichi is known as a master acupuncture physician, who became the court physician for the Tokugawa Shogunate. He was also the first educator in world history to build a school for the visually impaired. However, his life was not always successful, in fact more than half of his life was a chain of difficulties and challenges. But he kept his passion for helping people and making acupuncture safer and more comfortable, expanding the number of people who could benefit from it. Using guide tubes was an innovative acupuncture practice that made it possible to use thinner needles, giving easy, more comfortable insertions, without compromising the efficacy. These attributes represent how Japanese acupuncture can be gentle, yet powerful. This book is written by renowned acupuncturists and sensei who are passionate about letting the world know about the greatness of Japanese acupuncture. The book gives you insights and knowledge about basic Japanese acupuncture principles. Moreover, this book introduces the clinical techniques which use guide tubes. You can incorporate these into your practice to enhance the clinical efficacy. This is a must-read for all acupuncturists worldwide.
  • The Dojima Rice Exchange From Rice Trading to Index Futures Trading in Edo-Period Japan
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    The Dojima Rice Exchange of the Edo period (1603-1868), located in Osaka, Japan, is known among researchers as “the world’s first futures trading market.” Much as modern markets do today, the Edo-period Dojima market had a market for trading securities called rice certificates and an index futures market for trading indices derived from those securities. The market economy and the Exchange itself became extraordinarily dynamic, astounding observers of the time. But a dynamic market poses its own challenges, as we in our times know all too well. How did the people and government of the Edo period, who had no precedents to draw on, let alone economists to consult, contend with what was often a runaway market? The story of how the futures market developed and functioned at Dojima reveals the true nature of the “market economy.”


  • Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms: Investment and Disinvestment in Asia, c.1970-1989
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book is a translation of: Horaguchi, Haruo. Nihon Kigyo no Kaigai Chokusetsu Toshi: Ajia eno Shinshutsu to Tettai (Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms: Investment and Disinvestment in Asia), Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppan Kai (University of Tokyo Press), June 1992. This book, Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms (in Japanese) was awarded NIKKEI Best Book Prize in 1992. This book has finally been translated into English. It is a monograph studying the withdrawal of multinational corporations in the 1970s and the 1980s. As of 1992, the theory of multinational corporations at that time followed the theory that oligopolistic large corporations would acquire overseas markets. There was little recognition that foreign investment was vulnerable to continued strategic changes, including market changes overseas. Multinational corporations cannot maximize profits in a simple way as economics assumes, such as taking the first derivative and setting it to zero. This book is fully devoted to explore how it is done.
  • Contested Perceptions Interactions and Relations between China, Korea, and Japan since the Seventeenth Century
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    The histories of China, Korea, and Japan have been intimately intertwined for centuries. But of these three countries, it was Korea that occupied the pivotal geopolitical position. The Korean Peninsula shaped the dynamics of international interactions and relations in East Asia which, up until the start of the twentieth century, were underpinned by systems of order wholly removed from the sovereign state system we recognize as ubiquitous today. Contested Perceptions examines the coexistence of “neighborly relations” between Japan and Korea and “tributary relations” between Korea and the Qing dynasty from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and Korean “tributary autonomy” in the late nineteenth century. It provides a cogent analysis of the differing perceptions that determined the success or failure of these past systems of order and their influence upon the balance of power in East Asia from the seventeenth century to modern times. Delving into the history of East Asian international relations, diplomacy, and power politics, this book elucidates the events that led to the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, and the conflicts of interest that have defined these nations up to the present day.


  • The Tokyo Trial War Criminals and Japan’s Postwar International Relations
    1巻2,464円 (税込)
    The Tokyo Trial, like the Nuremberg Trial, was unique as a judicial event. Presided over by eleven Allied judges, Japan’s wartime leaders were individually tried in an international court of justice for crimes against international law. After two years of hearings, a majority judgment found twenty-five of the accused guilty; seven were sentenced to death. However, factionalism amongst justices and competing political interests served to undermine the final judgment, widely criticized as “victors’ justice.” Some seventy years later, its legacy continues to inform international politics and polarize ideological debate. In this revised English edition of his 2008 book, Tokyo Saiban, winner in the History and Civilization category of the 30th Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, eminent political scientist Dr. HIGURASHI Yoshinobu sets aside routine ideological approaches that have characterized study of the tribunal until now and focuses our attention on the engrossing political dynamics surrounding the Tokyo Trial and its current impacts. Drawing on exhaustive research into foreign policy documents and inter-ministerial correspondence, Higurashi traces the contours of diplomacy in the wake of World War II, revisiting the Tokyo Trial from the viewpoint of Japan’s postwar international relations to shed new light on an event unprecedented in world history.


  • The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance The Japan-US Security Treaty and the Search for Mutuality
    1巻2,464円 (税込)
    The Japan-US Security Treaty was first signed in 1951, coinciding with the end of Allied occupation and Japan’s recovery of independence in the early postwar era, and subsequently revised in 1960 to correct various inadequacies and alleviate a sense of inequality felt on the Japanese side. Its basic structure, namely providing bases in exchange for the guarantee of US security of Japan, however, remains unchanged. This English edition of diplomatic historian SAKAMOTO Kazuya’s highly acclaimed Nichi-Bei domei no kizuna (The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance; 2000, rev. ed. 2020), winner of the 22nd Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, carefully depicts the sensitive negotiations and diplomatic finesse behind the establishment and revision of the Japan-US Security Treaty, highlighting the challenges experienced by the two countries to promote mutuality then and later. Drawing on previously undisclosed confidential documents and new research developments on the issue of secret agreements, which were brought to light during the Ministry of Foreign Affairs investigation in 2009-10, the author added a new chapter with updated notes for his revised 2020 edition. Examining the far-reaching implications of these new historical materials, he puts forward the pressing question: What should be the future of Japan-US security cooperation?


  • Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book is about a way to build one’s global-local(g-local) mindset for the 21st century. I have based the book on information about Japan and the Japanese way of life, particularly information related to technology, economics, politics, environment, and society. And I talk about our relations with China and ASEAN countries to show how they influence us to nurture our g-local mindset for the future.  “Civilization may evolve into a merger of technology and humanity. Since Japanese culture seems a good harmony between mystic attitudes and technocratic knowledge more than others, it could be a positive influence on our future Conscious-Technology Age. Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture by Professor Mizuta Kazuo on sustainable development and global consciousness gives great detail on this transition to the required future mindset.”  Jerome C. Glenn, the Millennium Project [Author] Kazuo Mizuta Kyoto Sangyo University    Professor Emeritus    Comparative Culture Studies    Futurist  I am a practicing sociologist in the field of comparative culture, long-time futurist, and professor emeritus at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, one of the leading private universities in the country. I have spent years assessing and comparing traditional Japanese values and institutions with those of other countries both in Asia and the West. My research fields are comparative culture and future studies. I’ve worked all my life thinking and learning about American and Japanese ways of living.  I received a Fulbright scholarship to study at English Department, Western Michigan University as a graduate student. After finishing the M.A. program there, I moved to Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison as I received a teaching assistantship there. While I studied modern American novels and taught basic Japanese in late 1960s at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. I learned how important it was to know the ways that students live, work, engage in sport activities, and socialize in everyday life.  I taught at Kyoto Sangyo University, Department of Cultural Studies. I have also worked for the University Affiliated Research Institute of World Affairs.  I wrote An Introduction to Comparative Culture Studies (1996).and translated The State of the Future2016 of the Millennium Project.  The paper, Human and Robots Interaction: When Will Robots Come of Age? (World Future Review September 2014 vol.6, issue 3: 251-260) shows my future point of view.
  • 郊外のフェアリーテール キャサリン・マンスフィールド短篇集
    薔薇、お茶、リボン、焼き菓子……。 完璧な幸福の中にひそむ死、誘拐、心変わりや別離。 ――外から来た少女は、世界の裂け目を覗き込む。 ニュージーランドに生まれたマンスフィールドは、ヨーロッパに暮らす人々の優雅な幸福を活写する。同時に日常の翳に見え隠れする、死、階級差、裏切り、別離なども、彼女の眼は射抜いていく。 小さなお菓子のような短篇には、毒や皮肉も混ざっていて、人間社会の普遍を描く。 ヴァージニア・ウルフのよきライバルで、短篇の革新者。 マンスフィールドの比類なきコレクション。 -------------------------------------- 【目次】 ■風が吹く……The Wind Blows ■ガーデンパーティー……The Garden Party ■少女……The Young Girl ■幸福……Bliss ■見知らぬ人……The Stranger ■パール・ボタンはどんなふうにさらわれたか……How Pearl Button Was Kidnapped ■ミス・ブリル……Miss Brill ■ある上流婦人のメイド……The Lady’s Maid ■父親と娘たち……Father and the Girls ■郊外のフェアリーテール……A Suburban Fairy Tale ■一杯のお茶……A Cup of Tea ■人形の家……The Doll’s House ■風味のピクルス……A Dill Pickle ■船の旅……The Voyage ■入江にて……At the Bay ■解説 キャサリン・マンスフィールドという事象――西崎憲
  • Dream Small, Win Big Life Lessons from Japan’s Preeminent Business Philosopher
    Do you have a dream? Do you know how to make it come true? It is simple: Always do the right thing. The author, Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairperson. However, Inamori had not always been so successful. As an adolescent, he failed both the middle school and university entrance exams. After graduation, the only company that was willing to hire him was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. In spite of his misfortunes, he focused on achieving what he could given his circumstances. Instead of becoming discouraged, he tried to love his work, to experiment with new ideas, and to remain optimistic. This may sound simple, but the challenge is to bring this mindset to work every single day. This was the key to Inamori's success. This book contains no shortcuts or get-rich-quick tips. Rather, it is a testament to the power of perseverance and positivity, and its readers will gain a new appreciation of the importance of hard work, routine, and maintaining growth mindset. ※『君の思いは必ず実現する』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • Asia Reoriented A New Conception of World History
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    Nomads, farmers, and trade: world history was born where these elements intersected. In this reconceptualized view, respected Japanese historian OKAMOTO Takashi locates history’s crucible in the boundary zones between settled agriculturists and nomadic peoples, where the Silk Road emerged as an early engine of trade and culture. Okamoto presents a new historical narrative which overturns Eurocentric perceptions of history, boldly and clearly reconfiguring the structure of world history in terms of economic ebbs and flows. When Asian military forces took to horseback some three thousand years ago, commercial capital developed that linked remote regions, innovating technologies, increasing productivity, and eventually culminating in the Mongol Empire. Their control of the Silk Road connected them with Near Eastern empires at the road’s western terminus, enriching the Greek and Roman civilizations of the Mediterranean world. But as crucial trade routes moved from inland to the coast during the Age of Discovery, the center stage of history shifted to Europe, which evolved its own financial and navigational technologies to win the global economic game. Looking anew at history from this perspective forces a reconsideration of accepted notions from “Greco-Roman civilization,” the “European miracle,” and the “Great Divergence” to “Japan’s modernization.” Through his unique overview of the whole of Eurasia and the maritime realm, from ancient times to the present, the author reorients our view of Asia’s role in global history.


  • Living Life as It Comes Post-Disaster Reflections of a Zen Priest in Fukushima
    It was the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, which had a particularly profound impact on my home prefecture of Fukushima, that made me painfully aware of the need to live life as it comes, without fixed goals, which tend to be imperfect and grounded in desire. This book consists of a selection of short essays penned by GEN’YU Sokyu, chief priest at a Zen temple in Fukushima Prefecture. Beginning in April 2012, he began writing a newspaper column that ran for seven and a half years. Embracing the ever-changing nature of the world, he took up a wide range of topics inspired by his daily activities and experiences, including events in post-disaster Fukushima, temple renovation and soil improvement, Japanese customs, observations about nature, and encounters with people from all walks of life. With a mindfulness sometimes accompanied by a wry sense of humor, he reflects upon the surprises those events and encounters brought and what they taught him. His insightful essays are sprinkled with wisdom on how we should cope with life and death, derived from Buddhist and Taoist teachings. He encourages each of us to follow our mind as it changes according to the circumstances of the moment; the result will be experiences far more valuable than the simple achievement of our initial plans.


  • About South Korea
    The case of wartime laborers, compensation for comfort women, dispute over theLiancourt Rocks (Takeshima / Dokdo)... the anti-Japanese activities in Korea seems tobecome more and more violent for the last few years.For the better understanding of Korea, here we would like to review Korean history andcandidly show the points about which we regularly have questions. We would ask people inthe world to judge whether this belief is correct. «about the author» In 1938, Masaru TOKUDA was born in Japan, as the second son of a fallen soldier. After graduating from a technical school, engaged in research & development, manufacturing and sales of industrial machinery equipment. Also, engaged in corporatemanagement for a Japanese private enterprise. Through the business, interacted with people from India, four Southeast Asian countries, twenty-six provinces/cities of China, Taiwan, South Korea, three European countries andthe United States. After retirement, lived his life at the fullest. But concerned about intense of anti-Japanesemovement in South Korea. Established the “Association for the Review of Japan-KoreaRelationship”, and now works in research about the relationship of two countries.


  • 月刊ドキュメント SNOW SHOW×チャーリー・アキ
    新シリーズ「月刊ドキュメント」第一弾は、スノーボードゲレンデ プロジェクションマッピングイベント! SNOW SHOW -inhabitant x eness 初めての公開となるメイキング作品。 『私たちの体験を皆様に紹介したく、この作品にまとめました』 オーストラリア、メルボルンから映像演出チームenessと共に、僕たちインハビタントチームは苗場スキー場を貸し切り、ゲレンデによる大規模なスノーボード、プロジェクションマッピングイベントSNOW SHOW(スノーショー)を行う予定でした。東北地方太平洋沖地震が発生した時、 僕達はSNOW SHOWの為のリハーサル中でした。ショーは中止となりましたが、私たちの体験を皆様に紹介したくこのビデオと写真にまとめました。 売上合計: T-Shirts 138枚 \565,110 Bibs 30枚 \211,050 Stickers 50枚 \105,000 合計 TOTAL \881,160 ($10,760USD) これら全ての売上金額を日本赤十字をとおし、東北地方太平洋沖地震の震災義援金とし寄付させていただきます。日本が元気になるためにINHABITANTは、これからもやれることをやっていきます。来年必ずこのイベントも。最後に今回のこの主旨にご賛同いただき、ご協力していただきました住民の皆様、本当にありがとうございました。 Moments before the earthquake shook Japan, we were rehearsing for a special SNOW SHOW. The show was cancelled, but we would still love to share our experience with you. All proceeds from the event's merchandise is being donated to the Japan Red Cross. 「安全第一」 INHABITANTS IN JAPAN inhabitant & eness 2011年3月12日 VOL2. COLOR MOUNTAIN -inhabitant x eness に続く →
  • 月刊ドキュメント COLOR MOUNTAIN×チャーリー・アキ
    新シリーズ「月刊ドキュメント」!1年越しのリベンジ。世界初の!プロジェクションマッピングによる、スノーボードゲレンデイベント! COLOR MOUNTAIN -inhabitant x eness 初めての公開となるメイキング写真 『 私たちの体験を皆様に紹介したくこの作品にまとめました 』 必ずリベンジをするという約束を果たすため、1年後の2012年3月5日に、このイベントをリベンジしに僕たちは苗場スキー場へ集結。内容は前回よりも大きい規模での予定となり、スノーボードストレートジャンプ台全体に映し出すプロジェクションマッピングを実行しました。iPhoneによるアプリケーションをenessチームが開発し、オーディンスイベントユーザーがリアルタイムでプロジェクションマッピングをコントロールできるというプログラムも世界初のチャレンジで行った。 Our second SNOW SHOW with inhabitant at Mt Naeba, Japan. This journey began in 2011, where we happened to be setting up this event as the earthquake struck Japan. The original show was cancelled, however inhabitant insisted we see our shared vision through. A year on we've arrived with a grand plan to color the mountain from launch to landing. In two days we set up our projectors, snow mapping software and nifty iphone app. allowing the audience to interact with visuals in real-time, the riders illuminated the mountain as they approached and hit the ramp. Event night 3rd March 2012 Location Mt Naeba - Japan. inhabitant & eness 2012年3月5日
  • 大学入試 英文法Eureka(エウレカ)!
    1巻1,760円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 この本で英文法がわかった!( Eureka! ) あと一歩のところで伸び悩んでいる人、 標準レベルから抜け出してハイレベルに到達したい人 に最適な1冊! 本書では「差のつく」英文法問題を約250問掲載しています。 大学入試において「差のつく」問題とは、暗記だけで解ける問題ではなく、論理的な理解が必要とされる問題で、例えば次のような問題です。 空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを, 選択肢①~④から選びなさい。 Just after putting away the dishes, ( ). ① the doorbell rang ② Joan heard the door knocking ③ Joan heard the doorbell ring ④ the doorbell was heard to ring(本書p.72) The man ( ) we agreed was an honest man proved to be a liar. ① with whom ② who ③ what ④ to whom (本書p.155) You’ve got ( ) on your tie. Did you have fried eggs for breakfast? ① a few eggs ② an egg ③ some egg ④ some eggs (本書p.194) このような問題を漫然とではなく、1問1問“考えて解く”こと、 そして本書の解説をしっかり読み込むことで、「なぜそうなるのか」「なぜ不正解になったのか」をしっかり検証してください。それにより、あなたの英文法力は飛躍的に伸びるはずです! この本で英文法がわかった!( Eureka! )という感動を味わってください。 別冊付録つき 別冊付録では、英文法の基本的な事項や動詞の語法など、もういちど基礎内容を確認したい人に最適な文法事項を解説しています。要点が非常にわかりやすくコンパクトにまとめてあるので、基礎事項から勉強したい人、自信がない部分を確認したい人の力強い味方になります。 音声ダウンロードつき 本書に掲載している「例題」「問題」「確認問題」の完成文をすべて音声収録しています。この本を購入された方はどなたでも、何度でも無料で音声をダウンロードしていただくことができます。スピードは、大学入学共通テスト英語のリスニングテストを基準にしたスピードと、ネイティブにとってのナチュラルスピードの2種類を収録しています。さらに、アメリカ英語とイギリス英語の2種類を収録。リスニング力・スピーキング力をつけることにも役立ちます。
    About the Author: Nobuhiko Hosaka was born in Yamanashi, Japan in 1945 and currently lives in Tokyo. He is a film director known for his stories about humanity. He has also been involved in the creation of many documentaries and animated films. He has a novel visual sense and his works are acclaimed as part of Japan’s Nouvelle Vague genre in the 1980s. Translation:Junko Ishizuka About the Book: This story, “Two in Hiroshima,” was written by Nobuhiko Hosaka, a film director, based on an original script specially written for him by the famous screenplay writer, Ryuzo Kikushima, who wrote a number of scripts for Kurosawa movies. “Two in Hiroshima” is a drama centered around the catastrophic event on August 6, 1945, and portrays the friendship between an American soldier and a Japanese soldier, as well as the tragic experience of the atomic bomb that destroyed the friendship. By taking the viewpoints of two main characters of different nationalities, the author questions the meaning of the tragedy of war and tries to convey the hope that even enemies can understand each other. It’s a “story of humanity transcending both time and nationality,” created to keep the horrific tragedy of war from fading from our memories.
  • A Dog of Flanders 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Nello lived in a small village in Belgium. He was living happily with his grandfather and his best friend, Patrasche, although their household was not very wealthy. Nello thought a happy life will continue forever, however…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 127)
  • The Donkey and the God Statue 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One day, a donkey was walking behind its master, pulling a carriage with load like usual. That day, their job was to carry that load to a town's shrine. When they entered the town, it was somewhat unusual…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 123)
  • The Acorns and the Wildcat 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One day, Ichiro received a single postcard from Wildcat. The clumsily handwritten postcard requested Ichiro to attend a trial tomorrow. Let's find out what kind of trial Wildcat was talking about…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 125)
  • The Tail Fishing 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One morning, during Winter, a fox came out of its burrow and discovered that the mountain was covered in white snow. The fox then went for a walk looking for food and suddenly stumbled across an otter hunting for fish.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 124)
  • The Donkey in the Lion’s Skin 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A donkey was wearing the skin of lion which he had found during his walk. He was entertaining himself by scaring other animals. Everyone thought he was a real lion and ran away immediately. The next animal that came along was…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 121)
  • 21世紀イチオシ洋書――文芸小説篇
    渡辺由佳里主宰のブログ「洋書ファンクラブ」による「これを読まずして年は越せないで賞」の待望の書籍化。電子書籍先行発売。 第一弾は「文芸小説篇」。 権威ある文学賞などとは違って、受賞作の基準は文学的完成度より、とにかく面白いこと。英語学習者にもおすすめ。 このあと「ヤング・アダルト篇」、「大衆小説篇」、「ファンタジー篇」、「ミステリー篇」を予定。 【目次】 ■ 21世紀イチオシ洋書(文芸小説篇)——渡辺由佳里 ■ 洋書の読みやすさ(難易度)レベルについて ■ 2001年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Life of Pi Yann Martel ■ 2002年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Middlesex Jeffrey Eugenides When the Emperor Was Divine Julie Otsuka ■ 2003年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Oryx and Crake Margaret Atwood The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini The Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri ■ 2004年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Gilead Marilynne Robinson My Sister’s Keeper Jodi Picoult ■ 2005年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Jonathan Safran Foer Never Let Me Go Kazuo Ishiguro ■ 2006年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Mister Pip Lloyd Jones The Road Cormac McCarthy ■ 2007年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao Junot Diaz The Reluctant Fundamentalist Mohsin Hamid ■ 2008年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Olive Kitteridge Elizabeth Strout The Forgotten Garden Kate Morton ■ 2009年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Let the Great World Spin Colum McCann The Little Stranger Sarah Waters Tunneling to the Center of the Earth Kevin Wilson ■ 2010年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Burning Bright Ron Rash Room Emma Donoghue ■ 2011年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった 11/22/63 Stephen King The Tiger's Wife Téa Obreht ■ 2012年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった The Orphan Master's Son Adam Johnson Where'd You Go Bernadette Maria Semple ■ 2013年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった A Constellation of Vital Phenomena Anthony Marra The Narrow Road to the Deep North Richard Flanagan We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves Karen Joy Fowler ■ 2014年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった A Brief History of Seven Killings Marlon James Preparation for the Next Life Atticus Lish Station Eleven Emily St.John Mandel The Storied Life of A.J.Fikry Gabrielle Zevin ■ 2015年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった A Little Life Hanya Yanagihara Fates and Furies Lauren Groff His Bloody Project Graeme Macrae Burnet The Sympathizer Viet Thanh Nguyen The Tsar of Love and Techno Anthony Marra ■2016年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった A Gentleman in Moscow Amor Towles The Nix Nathan Hill They Were Like Family to Me Helen Maryles Shankman The Queen of the Night Alexander Chee ■ 2017年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Exit West Mohsin Hamid Less Andrew Sean Greer Lincoln in the Bardo George Saunders Sing, Unburied, Sing Jesmyn Ward ■ 2018年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Circe Madeline Miller Friday Black Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah Milkman Anna Burns There There Tommy Orange ■ 2019年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Ask Again, Yes Mary Beth Keane Girl, Woman, Other Bernardine Evaristo Nothing to See Here Kevin Wilson Trust Exercise Susan Choi ■ 2020年はこれを読まなきゃ越せなかった Hamnet Maggie O’Farrell Interior Chinatown Charles Yu Shuggie Bain Douglas Stuart
  • The Crimson Demon of War 1
    全2巻110円 (税込)
    Following its decisive victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, all that stood in the way of the Tokugawa Clan and total domination of Japan was the Toyotomi Clan. Hell-bent on seeing the Toyotomi faction extinguished, Tokugawa devised what would be the final and decisive confrontation - the “Summer Siege of Osaka.” With the advantage of sheer numbers on Tokugawa’s side, the defeat of Toyotomi seemed inevitable…until a mastermind general by the name of Sanada Yukimura and his small force rose up to thwart Tokugawa’s designs. The final battle between the two would represent the final page in a significant chapter in Japan’s history…
  • Lofty Hights
    全1巻110円 (税込)
    A high school clique is goaded into joining the cheerleading club by their overenthusiastic leader. While their older classmates make it all look so easy and graceful, Rie and her team keep falling over each other! Exhausted from countless practice sessions and frustrated with what seems to be the fruitlessness of it all, Rie starts wondering…is this worth passing up my valuable high school years over? A chance encounter one night gives her the answer she was searching for…
  • Hatred Has No Future: New Thinking on Relations with Japan
    1巻1,925円 (税込)
    The year was 2002- the 30th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations but also a time when relations grew sharply frostier over the prime minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine. Into this fray dropped Ma Licheng's “New Thinking on Relations with Japan", triggering a storm of debate in both China and Japan. Even now, more than a decade after the essay's publication, the New Thinking continues to have a major influence on policy discussions. While Sino-Japanese relations hit new turbulence over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in 2012,the author remains optimistic that the bilateral issues can be resolved rationally and peacefully. Referencing the durability of the postwar peace between France an Germany, he argues that - for their own and the international community's sake, China and Japan can and must find ways to overcome their antagonisms and live in peace as complementary neighbors.


  • The Economics of Colonialism in Korea: Rethinking Japanese Rule and Aftermath
    From 1910 to 1945,Korea was a colony of Imperial Japan. Its governance has been described politically in terms of harsh oppression and economically as exploitation and impoverishment. Certainly, there were many problems with Japanese rule in Korea, but how accurate are those claims? What is the connection between the postwar development of South Korea and the socialist regime in North Korea? This book focuses on economic issues, sticks to positivism, and depicts the reality and transformation of Korea during the period of Japanese control.


  • The Occupation of Japan 1945-1952: Tokyo, Washington, and Okinawa
    1巻2,310円 (税込)
    Following its defeat in World War II, Japan was placed under the control of SCAP GHQ headed by General Douglas MacArthur. Initially the Occupation promoted policies of demilitarization and democratization. A new Japanese constitution which pursued pacifism was established. However, as the Cold War intensified, policies switched in the direction of economic recovery, and it was contended that Japan should take the anti-Communist pro-America path. In 1951,at the height of the Korean War, the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty were concluded as a fixed set. Winner of the 2015 Yomiuri Yoshino Sakuzo Prize for academic writing on politics, economics, and history, this book provides a wide view of the seven years of the Occupation of Japan which led to the “postwar system" that has continued into the twenty-first century.


  • The Pacific War and Japan's Diplomacy in Asia
    1巻2,310円 (税込)
    Focusing on the significance of the Greater East Asia policies promoted by Prime Minister SHIGEMITSU Mamoru during World War II-including the issues of approving independence for Burma and the Philippines as well as the liberation of French Indochina-Prof. HATANO Sumio sheds light on the formation and evolution of Japan's diplomacy in Asia. He then goes on to verify the meaning of what was held to be Japan's war aim-liberation of the people of Asia-and its impact on policies.


  • そして彼女は消えた
    NYタイムズ・ベストセラーリスト44週ランクイン!! 2018年goodreadsベスト・ミステリ&サスペンス賞第5位! 平凡な「幸せ」が「悲劇」の始まりで―― ローレルの15歳の娘エリーが図書館に行くといったまま戻らず、なんの手がかりもなく10年が過ぎたとき、エリーの持ち物と骨が見つかる。車に轢かれて森に埋められたと警察は結論づけるが、10年の間に夫との関係は破綻、子供たちも家を出て家族はバラバラになっていた。ひとりぼっちになってしまったローレルはある男性と出会い、10年の孤独を埋めるように激しい恋に落ちていくが、この新たな愛が全ての悲劇の始まりで……平凡で幸せな人生の裏でじわじわ起きていた恐怖を描く戦慄のサイコスリラー! 原題:Then She Was Gone
  • 星星のベラベラENGLISH BOOK
    1巻1,200円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ★日本テレビ系「ZIP!」の 大人気コーナー 「星星のベラベラEnglish」 ついに書籍化! 英語力がピカイチに! ぜんぶ3語以内!  今が旬の英語が満載! SNS・オンライン.etc... 一発で伝わる 生英語レッスン! QRコードを読み込んで 動画で復習できるから 発音もバッチリ! 収録の様子もお届け! ZIP!の舞台裏 ㊙リポートは超必見! ☆☆本書で紹介している英語のフレーズ(一部抜粋)☆☆ ★3語以内の短い英語だから伝わる! Yummy! → おいしい! Yuck! → マズッ! Beats me. → さっぱりわからない To go,please! → 持ち帰りで! Lucky you! → ツイてるね! Tick tock! → 早く! ★SNSやメールで使えるフレーズもたくさん! JK → 冗談だよ OMG! → びっくり! ROFL! → 超ウケる~ FR! → マジ⁉ IMY → 会いたい TKS → ありがとう ★ネイティブのこなれフレーズもいっぱい! I can' wait. → 楽しみ! I'm running late. → 遅れています I want seconds. → おかわり I was moved. → 感動した What a blast! → 超楽しい! You're frozen. → (画像が)かたまっちゃった
  • ミステリ仕掛けの英単語
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The culprit is among us. 「犯人はこの中にいる」 This must be a murder made to look like an accident. 「これは事故に見せかけた殺人に違いない」 絶海の孤島で、吹雪の山荘で、孤立した集落で…… いつか事件に巻き込まれたときに使いたい、生き残るための英単語帳。 『ミステリ仕掛けの英単語』は、ミステリ調のショートショートを楽しみながら英単語が身につく新しい単語帳です。 謎を追うからスラスラ読める、推理するから単語が定着する! 名探偵になったつもりで、様々な事件を解決に導きましょう。 ★★★本書の特徴★★★ 特徴1 おもしろさ折り紙つきのストーリー 累計320万部突破の超人気シリーズ「5分後に意外な結末」から、44話を英訳。 物語のおもしろさは折り紙つきです。 ショートショートだから読みやすく、楽しく英語を学べます。 特徴2 ミステリな要素を含む例文の数々 The victim was lying face down and bloody words were written on the floor. 「被害者はうつぶせで倒れており、床には血で書かれた文字が残されていた」 英単語を含む例文には、どれもミステリ風の味つけが施されています。 単調になりがちな英単語学習のスパイスとなることでしょう。 特徴3 豊富なイラストで楽しく英語力UP 物語や例文にはイラストが添えられています。 また、「犯行現場の様子」「探偵のひみつ道具」などの特集ページでは テーマごとにボキャブラリーを増やすことができます。
  • Closed Linguistic Space: Censorship by the Occupation Forces and Postwar Japan
    1巻2,079円 (税込)
    The United States postwar occupation of Japan likes to boast of having given the Japanese freedom of expression and freedom of the press. True, it freed the Japanese press from many wartime constraints. But at the same time, it imposed a large number of new constraints, replacing wartime censorship by the Japanese government with postwar censorship by the American occupation authority. Even before the war ended, planning for the occupation included a censorship and public relations efforts that would work to “re-educate” the Japanese and fold them into the postwar American international order. Similar efforts were made in Germany, but the effort in Japan was far more sweeping and far more sustained. This book documents that history in detail with extensive reference to primary resources held in U.S. archives and elsewhere. Was the occupation successful in reshaping the Japanese mindset? Citing not only the postwar Constitution but also, among other things, the widespread belief in the Tokyo Trials’ validity, Eto argues doggedly that it was so successful that its pernicious influence persists even today. Yet the heart of this heavily researched book is its meticulous documentation of how this censorship was planned and enforced.


  • Fencing in the Dark: Japan, China, and the Senkakus
    1巻2,079円 (税込)
    Sino-Japanese relations were seriously rattled in September 2010 when a Chinese fishing boat rammed a Japanese Coast Guard patrol ship in Japanese waters off the Senkaku Islands. This was compounded in April 2012 when Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro announced that he planned to buy the islands and added, “if this means war with China, so be it.” Alarmed at the prospect of Ishihara owning the islands, Democratic Party of Japan prime minister Noda Yoshihiko moved to see if there was some way the government could buy them instead, even knowing this would be seen as nationalization. Top officials in foreign policy, defense, and other areas met at Kantei (officially the Prime Minister’s Official Residence, but actually his offices) to find an out that would pre-empt Ishihara without provoking China (which also claimed the islands). This book tells the gripping story of what happened and why.


  • Shidehara Kijuro and His Time
    The Constitution of Japan is often described as a pacifist constitution for its Article 9 renouncing war and foreswearing war potential. Although this is usually attributed to starry-eyed idealists and steely-eyed realists in the occupation, both of which wanted to ensure Japan did not again challenge America’s position, there is also a cast to be made for crediting Shidehara Kijuro (1872-1951). Indeed, the case becomes even stronger if we think of the Constitution not so much as pacifist but more as internationalist―as evidenced in the Preamble’s trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world and its belief that no nation is responsible to itself alone. For it was Shidehara who was the ultimate internationalist. Born to a middle-class family four years after the Meiji Restoration, he went to Tokyo Imperial University and from there to the civil service, ending up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, history took him to a number of foreign capitals and historic international conferences on his way to the foreign ministership and after he became foreign minister. Serving as foreign minister under a succession of prime ministers, he developed and staunchly promoted what came to be called Shidehara diplomacy―a foreign policy stance of not intervening in China, respecting the Anglo-Japanese alliance, and adhering to what were put forward as universal values. Yet despite his steadfast championship, this internationalist stance was weakened by widespread discrimination against Japanese (e.g., in America’s immigration laws) and fatally wounded by the Kwangtung Army’s rogue aggression in China. He resigned as foreign minister in 1931, while retaining his seat in the House of Peers, and was tapped by the occupation to be Japan’s first postwar prime minister, putting him in a position to influence the Constitution’s drafting. Shidehara’s was a principled life engagingly recounted in this informative biography by one of Japan’s foremost diplomat-turned-historians.


  • Jack and the Bean Stalk 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Jack was asked to go to the town to sell a cow for his mother. However, when Jack returned home, he had three beans instead. But these beans were not "normal"!(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 119)
  • The Legacy of Kano Jigoro: Judo and Education
    The founder of judo, Kano Jigoro, is a highly revered figure amongst those who pursue the sport. Little is known, however, about his various other achievements, from how he laid out the foundation for sports in Japanese education to his immense devotion and commitment to bringing the Olympic Games to Japan. Born in 1860, Kano showed his brightness from a young age and studied hard from childhood. After graduating from Tokyo Imperial University, the most prestigious school, he embarked on a teaching career which eventually led him to become the headmaster of the Tokyo Higher Normal School for a total of twenty-three years. This was just one of the many roles he undertook; aside from this he was chairman of the Japan Amateur Sports Association and became the first Asian member on the International Olympic Committee. And all the while he never ceased to develop and promote his creation, judo. For the first time, this comprehensive biography written by a team of Kano experts and researchers sheds light on the many dimensions of the legendary figure. It depicts how he truly lived life to the fullest by living out his own words-seiryoku zen’yo and jita kyoei-the best practical use of one’s energies and putting one’s efforts to good use for the benefit of both oneself and society.


  • Remnants of Days Past: A Journey through Old Japan
    Remnants of Days Past, by Kyoji Watanabe, is an epic journey into Japan’s past. It is a comprehensive look at the Tokugawa rule and the Edo period, an age in which the civilization of “Old Japan” was still on display and which, for better or worse, ceased to exist with the advent of modernization. Watanabe covers in great detail several topics pertaining to this civilization, including the status and position of the various social classes, views of women and children, attitudes towards sex, labor, and the body and religious beliefs, as well as the unique cosmology behind this civilization. Watanabe makes use of a number of works written by foreign observers who visited Japan from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji to support his views. As the author writes in the book, “What is important in my mind is the reality that the civilization of ‘Old Japan’ developed through a universal desire, as well as the ideas behind this desire, to make it as comfortable as possible for human existence.” This is a massive work that takes an in-depth look at what modern Japan has lost.


  • NHK出版 音声DL BOOK 中学3年間の英語が中2病フレーズなら1週間で学べるなんてわたしは信じない
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ネットを中心に大反響を呼んだ、「基礎英語」テキストの名物連載がついに単行本化。「中2病的例文」とイラストを楽しんでいるうちに、気づいたら中学英語をマスター! 無料ダウンロードの日本語音声は人気声優の悠木碧さんが担当! すべての「中2病者」に捧げる、至高の英語学習書。 ○こんな例文が登場 A:This pancake is burnt. (このホットケーキ、こげてるよ。) B:Even a dark flame master sometimes fails. (闇の炎の使い手も、ときには失敗するのよ。) A:Did you get a failing grade on the test? (テストで赤点取ったの?) B:This world just didn't choose me. (この世界がわたしを選ばなかっただけよ。) A:This band has become very popular this year. (このバンドは今年人気になったね。) B:I was sure of their success even when they were unknown. (わたしは彼らが無名のころにもきっと成功すると思ったわ。) ⇒「中2病」マインドにあふれた例文と、キュートなイラスト満載! ○実はしっかり学べる それぞれの例文には、「英語のほんとうに大事なところ」をおさえた、わかりやすい解説がついています。例文と解説を読み進めるうちに、わずか1週間で中学英語のエッセンスが身につくこと、間違いなし! ○そして…! 無料ダウンロードの例文日本語音声は、『まどマギ』などでおなじみの悠木碧さん! もちろん英語音声もついているので、「聞く力」も鍛えることができます。 〈音声のダウンロードについて〉 本書を購入された方は、本書の音声をNHK出版サイトからダウンロードできます。詳しくは書籍内の説明ページをご参照ください。 ・スマホまたはタブレットでは、NHK出版アプリ「語学プレーヤー」(無料)を利用します。 ・パソコンでダウンロードする場合は、mp3音源をzip形式でご提供します。 ・ご利用にはNHK出版サイトで簡単な会員登録が必要です。
  • ANTINEOPLASTON -anticancer substance in the human body-
    1巻1,320円 (税込)
    Cancer is a genetic disease. Many abnormalities in genes, epigenetics and gene products are involved in the formation and growth of cancer. Cancer is diverse, one cancer may differ genetically from other cancers though they may look same. Dr. Burzynski discovered Antineoplaston in the human body. It trans substantiate anticancer effect by a unique multi-molecular targeted mode which is quite different from conventional cancer drugs. This raised doubt and confusion in the medical field in USA. Cancer is a social problem and anybody can have it. The number of cancer patients increases as society ages. Over 600,000 people died from advanced cancer in the USA while in Japan it was 370,000 in 2018. Advanced cancer patients eagerly anticipate the arrival of an effective treatment. An advanced treatment technology is effective but expensive. It is an excessive financial burden for both the individual and the state. This book describes how the Kurume University, School of Medicine, Japan became involved in the Antineoplaston research and what it learned about the potential role of Antineoplaston in cancer treatment and It further learned the social aspect of cancer during the basic and clinical research.


  • 『テイルコンチェルト』新約設定資料集
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 1998年に発売されたサイバーコネクトツーの処女作である「テイルコンチェルト」。“開発者だからこそ”つくりだせるハイクオリティな設定資料集が登場! 【本誌内容】 ・キャラクターデザインを務めた結城信輝氏のイラスト多数掲載! ・世界観設定資料&WAKAによる新規イラスト100点以上! ・開発当時の未公開資料+新規資料を完全収録!! ・本誌書き下ろしオリジナル小説掲載! ・ゲーム本編のアニメーション絵コンテ&アニメ原画を完全収録! Tail Concerto was released in 1998 as CyberConnect2's debut work, and we are releasing this high quality art book recording the production process of the project still widely loved today. [Contents] -Collection of illustrations by character designer Nobuteru Yuki! -World settings & more than 100 new drawings by WAKA! -Never-before-seen production files + compilation of brand new documents! -Exclusive publication of original stories! -Complete compilation of game animation story board and original anime illustrations!
  • 『最後のユニコーン』の知られざる真価
    1巻1,056円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 このファンタジー作品は、無邪気なおとぎ話を装った観念小説だ。世界的な人気を誇るアメリカのファンタジー小説『最後のユニコーン(The Last Unicorn)』。そのアニメ版は、日本のプロダクションが担当し、優れた映像表現を実現させた。また、ファンタジーの思想的な特質を巧みな手法で表現している作品として、学術研究の対象としても注目されている。本書では、そのアニメ版の制作に使用された絵コンテ、シナリオ、シノプシス約270点を初公開。作品に隠された類まれな演出に迫り、その真価を余すところなく解説した決定版。New Data Unraveling The Process of Creation Of the Anime The Last Unicorn Preface I have been studying Peter S. Beagle’s fantasy novel The Last Unicorn for more than 45 years and have taken it up as a subject of lecture at university. But it has always been my regret that true evaluation has not been made yet to this masterpiece of fantasy literature in the academic field. Then I came to know the work had been made into animated film, and was astonished to have discovered that the Japanese anime production Topcraft took the part of visual expression and attained supreme visual description transforming the novel’s profound philosophical subject. Noticing many Japanese anime and games share similar philosophical, psychological and cosmological ideas to The Last Unicorn, it has been my deep concern how I should understand the cause of this mysterious phenomenon. It seemed to me that Beagle’s fantasy masterpiece enfolds deep psychical layer that has produced various Japanese subculture trends. After I was able to gain some opportunities to interview with the staff of the anime production and was allowed to have access to the collection of data that is supposed to disclose the process of the creation of the work, I feel I have gained some clue to the question long harbored in my mind.


  • The Kappa’s Rain Prayers 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 There was a mischievous Kappa that went to a nearby village and made trouble for the villagers. One day, when a priest in the village asked the Kappa why he did such things, the Kappa gave him a surprising answer.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 112)
  • Mount Clicking 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The old man was tired of having difficulties caused by a very naughty raccoon. So, one day, he devised a plan to capture the raccoon and pasted a sticky trap on top of a tree stump where the raccoon sits on every day. (KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 111)
  • What has happened to me ~Testimony of a Kazakh woman~
    1巻110円 (税込)
    A testimony of a Kazakh woman.Please send this voice all over the world.Testimony of a Kazakh woman who was a teacher in a concentration camp in the Uighur Autonomous Region.
  • Two-Way Street in Art Education: Cross-Cultural Research
    Diverse influences from abroad provide a prime field of cross-cultural research in art education. This book portrays the process of cross-cultural interpretation as a way of making sense of one’s world in relation to those of others. Cross-cultural research in art education is regarded as “a two-way street.” Chapters 1-4 provide information about art teacher training systems of Japan in 1990s, consider the introduction of European modernism into Japanese school art practice in 1920s, trace the influence of American art education literature on the historical development of Japanese art education in more than a century, and describe the story of incorporating contemporary U. S. art in Japanese school art practice in 1990s. Chapters 5-12 discuss obvious examples what Japanese art educators have learned from Europeans and Americans and provide detailed instances of what American art educators have learned from the Japanese. The cases of Akira Shirahama (1866-1927), Kanae Yamamoto (1882-1946), Seishi Shimoda (1890-1973), Arthur Dow (1857-1922), and Kenneth Beittel (1922-2003) are interesting because they illustrate the gap between what was learned from others and what was realized in modernist art education. A pilgrimage to others makes the living journeying itself that which is invaluable. Surely, “a two-way street” was needed between the American and Japanese art education to enrich each of us achieve cross-cultural understanding in art education. Without diverse influences, no country has its inherent cultural values as pearls in an oyster. Thus the two-way street between cultures in art and art education will be wide open.
  • Karete and Ki The Depth of Thought
    What is “Ki”? How you can make it yours? ―― It is in “the depth of thought.” Ushiro Shihan has been teaching and coaching a great number of people all over the world using his original method of “Ki” that maximizes our potential ability. Karate and Ki was published in Japanese in June of 2007 and has been highly acclaimed not only Budo readers but also by the Japanese public. "Karate and Ki" is a milestone of life, many readers say. We are very honored to present Ushiro shihan’s point of view and thoughts to an audience not limited only to Japan but on worldwide scales through the English translation of Karate and Ki. The text has been translated as faithfully as possible from the Japanese version and many new photos have been specially added to this English publication. This book consists of 2 parts: The first part explains in detail the principle and theory of "Ki", which is the ultimate form of martial arts Karate. The second explores Mr. Ushiro's "no compromise" thought and philosophy which he developed through his life as a martial artist, electronic engineer and top corporate executive. The "Ki" that Mr.Ushiro describes in this book is totally different from the "Ki" normally thought of in the traditional martial arts and regular world. It is an energy that everyone has, the vitality of people's life. It is the source of everything that supports work, family and daily life. This book has attracted many readers who have read it multiple times and derive new energy from it with every read. Some comments from readers include: "This book is like a mass of energy." "It was moving and gave me the courage to move forward".
  • Gulliver’s Travels 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Gulliver's ship was attacked by a big storm during his journey and it capsized. Gulliver had drifted, and arrived in a strange country called Lilliput where Lilliputians live.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 107)
  • 吉野弘詩集
    結婚式の祝辞としてよく引かれる「祝婚歌」、いのちの営みに静謐で温かい眼差しを投げかける「I was born」、現代における「受難」の意味を、心のやさしさに凝視める「夕焼け」‒‒‒‒。穏やかな語り口の、深い愛情に満ちた、鮮やかな抒情の音をひびかせる、吉野弘(1926―2014)のエッセンス。(解説=小池昌代・谷川俊太郎)


  • Maruschka and the Twelve Moons 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A beautiful girl called Maruschka who once lived in a small village in the countryside, was bullied everyday by her step-mother and step-sister. One morning during Winter, a letter from the King was posted to her house. (KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 104)
  • Hans in Luck 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Hans had been working at a rich man's house since he was still very young. One day he had decided to leave the work and go back to his home where his mother lived. Hans received a big block of gold as his pay.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 102)
  • The Lucky Hunter 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Donbei was a hunter but he was very bad at shooting guns. He had never hit a prey properly before. Everyday, the bullet he fired, missed the prey and went flying everywhere in unexpected directions…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 101)
  • Blood Type B Is Vanishing Was Albert Einstein disliked?
    Said to be the best physicist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein has been treated as a strange person due to his unbelievable behavior and going at his own pace.It was caused by his blood type "B"! Other, if the Meiji Restoration leader, Takamori Saigo, was not B, would there really have been the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance? If Nobunaga Oda was not B type, would it not be killed by the Honno-ji Incident? ……etc. An interesting essay "for type B, for type B" that emerged from the blood type and behavior of celebrities.
  • Spiritual Reading of Novel Coronavirus Infection Originated in China ―Closing in on the real cause of the global outbreak―
    This worldwide pandemic is not a mere act of nature nor a coincidence, but rather, heaven’s warning to humanity, especially China. Through more advanced spiritual abilities than Edgar Cayce’s, Ryuho Okawa conducted a spiritual reading on the novel coronavirus and revealed the astonishing truth that science can never uncover. By reading this book, you can find out: -Why the coronavirus broke out in China and how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved -Why the outbreak had to occur now and what would have become of Hong Kong otherwise -The spiritual background of how viruses mutate into evil beings -What will serve as “the immunity” against the novel coronavirus -The divine will behind SARS, AIDS, the Spanish flu, and the Plague -Whether catastrophes will continue and the shocking prediction on the U.S. among others Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa’s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.
  • Yoshida Shigeru and His Time
    Yoshida Shigeru is widely regarded as a pivotal figure in early postwar Japanese history―someone who guided the nation through those difficult years with a clear vision and a firm hand. Yet much of his success, this book argues, was mandated by circumstances, and he was more a practical politician than an ideologue wedded to any particular “ism”. Particularly lauded by Yoshida admirers are his adroit fending off of pressures to remilitarize, including during the Korean War years, and his accompanying focus on economic recovery as the nation struggled to get back on its feet. Yet the decision not to rearm had already been made in the postwar Constitution’s Article 9, and Yoshida was more affirming Occupation policy than breaking new ground. Indeed, his policy pronouncements in this area largely channeled MacArthur’s thinking throughout SCAP’s reign. Pushing that thought one step further, Ambassador Okazaki contends that the acceptance of Article 9 was part of a grand bargain with MacArthur: Japan would forsake rearmament and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East would not put the Emperor in the dock for war crimes. Taking issue with the conventional wisdom, Okazaki further maintains that many Occupation policies (e.g., women’s suffrage and agrarian reform) would have been adopted in the course of building upon prewar democratization initiatives even were there no Occupation. Significantly, these reforms, unlike zaibatsu dissolution and the purge, for example, were not rescinded once Japan regained its independence in 1952. Pulling together testimony from a wide variety of informed sources, this solidly argued treatise roundly rejects the Tokyo Trials, both their conduct and their verdicts, and paints a picture of Japan laboring under a capricious autocracy in the Occupation years. This is an insightful work that demands serious consideration by everyone interested in Japan past, present, and future.


  • Shigemitsu and Togo and Their Time
    The Kwangtung Army’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931 was a clear demonstration of the military’s independence and the Japanese foreign policy establishment’s impotence and irrelevance. For the next 14 years, diplomats and others who sought to avert war on the Asian mainland and with the Western powers saw their efforts sidelined and undercut. Such is not, however, to imply such toilers-in-the-dark did not exist. They did, and this ambitious history chronicles that difficult time focusing on the lives of Shigemitsu Mamoru and Togo Shigenori. A career diplomat who brokered a ceasefire between the Imperial Japanese Army and the Chinese Kuomintang Army in 1932 and then a settlement of the Russo-Japanese border at Changkufeng Hill in 1938, Shigemitsu was aghast at the 1940 tripartite Pact (among Japan, Germany, and Italy) and its implications for Japan’s relations with the UK and the US. Despite―or perhaps because of―his opposition to the militarists’ policies, he was appointed Foreign Minister midway through the Pacific War, and it was in that capacity that he was caught up in the charade of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Much of Shigemitsu’s work was complemented by Togo’s, including efforts to better relations with the Soviet Union. Marginalized though he was, Togo had the distinction of being Foreign Minister both at the outbreak and at the end of the Pacific War, albeit with a long hiatus in the middle, and it was this distinction that brought him to the International Tribunal’s attention. Belying the standard image of a hundred million hearts beating as one, Japan had many distinguished figures who remained true to their principles even as they served the state during the long war years. This is thus both a history of personal turmoil and an insightful window on the Japan of that era.


  • Kintaro 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Kintaro was a very lively boy who lived in the Ashigara mountains. Every day he played with the forest animals by sumo wrestling. However, one day, there was an incident in the forest....(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 99)
  • The Miser 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Jeffery was a rich and very stingy man, who treasured money as much as his own life. As long as he could, he wouldn't spend even the slightest bit of his money. And so, what he did…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 98)
  • A Christmas Carol 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One night on Christmas Eve, Scrooge, who only had money in his mind, met the ghost of his good old friend Marley who had passed away. Marley came to tell Scrooge about the terrifying events in the future that he was about to face…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 97)
  • The Birds, the Beasts and the Bats 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A long, long time ago, animals were divided into two groups; the “birds” and the “beasts”, and were having disagreements in many areas. However, it was always the birds who lost the fights. Meanwhile, the bats who belonged to the birds were…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 96)
  • The Rose Garden of Fukushima
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A stunning coffee table book, The Rose Garden of Fukushima features a collection of photos of an actual garden that existed in Fukushima, Japan. Boasting over 7500 bushes of roses and 50-thousand visitors a year, the Garden was rendered null and void in an instant due to the triple disaster -- earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown — on March 11th, 2011,forcing Katsuhide Okada, the creator of the 50-year old oasis, to abandon his roses in their radioactive state. The book follows the process in which the Garden was built and the aftermath of the earthquake through an incredible collection of photographs of the Garden and roses, taken mostly amateur photographers. One would never believe these are not taken by pros! Flipping through the pages will make the readers feel like they've taken a walk through a most sacred garden!
  • 3単舌
    1巻1,320円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【電子版のご注意事項】 ※一部の記事、画像、広告、付録が含まれていない、または画像が修正されている場合があります。 ※応募券、ハガキなどはご利用いただけません。 ※掲載時の商品やサービスは、時間の経過にともない提供が終了している場合があります。 ※この商品は固定レイアウトで作成されております。 以上、あらかじめご了承の上お楽しみください。 たったの3語で話せる英会話フレーズ集。 頭で考えるより、舌で覚える。 「1,2,3」「赤、白、黄色」……。 3語までなら、すぐ覚えられる。 たったの3語で話せる英会話フレーズ集。 コミュニケーション英語は「ノリ・ツッコミ」の世界。 頭で考えるより、まず「3単舌」。 たったの3語は舌で覚えてしまおう。 実は、日常会話は3単舌でカバーできる。 ☆「デートはどうだったの?」HOW was the date? ◆「とっても楽しかった~」I was a fan. ☆「ところで、彼って面白い人だね」He′s really funny. ◆「でも、彼借金で首が回らないんだって」But,he′s heavily indebted. ☆「人は見かけによらないよね~」Appearance often deceives. ◆「だまされた気分だわ」I reslly am. などなど、本当に使える、フツーの会話フレーズ満載の1冊。 ≪I′m for it.私は賛成です≫ ≪It′s about time.そろそろ時間ですよ≫ など、基本会話から、 ≪Money talks much.金さえあればなんでもできる≫ ≪Make ends meet.身分相応の暮らしをしなさい≫ といった、突っこんだ会話まで、厳選100フレーズ。 町田 健(まちだけん):名古屋大学大学院文学研究科教授。 東京大学文学部助手、北海道大学文学部助教授等を経て、現職に。 現在、「なぜ、人間は言葉を理解するのか」を研究している。
  • Arriba! 2nd season 英語版
    1巻110円 (税込)
    Hello. This is a manga artist, Natsuko Hamaguchi.『Arriba! 2nd season』is the sequel of 『Arriba!』which was published serially in extra issue of Shogakukan petit comic.Unfortunately, as of 2019, 『Arriba!』is only published in Japan and Taiwan.However, once you read the summary which you can find at the beginning of this book, you’ll soon be able to enter the world of 『Arriba!』.『Arriba! 2nd season』was published by a manga artist, that is myself.I, myself had also learnt flamenco for 8 years. Moreover, I love various styles of dancing and theater arts.I would love to explore the world of 『Arriba! 2nd season』with manga and dance lovers.Be sure to check out the next episode.Last but not least, I would be very happy if you could send me a message.Please find me at hnatsuko.Special thanks to all dance and manga lovers around the world.
    ポーランドNo.1ベストセラー作家上陸! 《もう少し早く彼女にプロポーズしていたなら、あんなことにはならなかった――》  十年前、プロポーズの直後に暴漢に襲われたエヴァとヴェルネル。目の前でレイプされたエヴァはそのまま失踪した。絶望の日々を送るヴェルネルは、偶然フェイスブックで見つけた彼女の写真を手がかりに、単身で捜索を始める。チャットを通じて彼を助けるのは、調査会社経営者の妻カサンドラ。彼女にもまた、決して人には言えない秘密があった……。  ポーランドNo.1ベストセラー作家によるスリラーが満を持して日本上陸!読み出したら頁をめくる手を止められない、数頁チラ読みの誘惑に駆られまくる、驚異のスーパーページターナー本!
  • Pinocchio 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A tree fairy gave life to a wooden doll, Pinocchio, who was handmade by Mister Geppetto. The tree fairy promised Pinocchio that if he studied hard everyday and was a good boy, she would transform him into a real human…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 95)
  • Gon, the Fox 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 There was a fox called Gon, who liked doing nasty things. One day, he saw Hyoju in a river catching fishes. Gon immediately went close to Hyoju to do something nasty…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 94)
  • The Snow Maiden Natasha 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 God gave life to a snow sculpture of a girl. The girl was living happily under the care of a kind hearted couple. However, over time, as the weather got warmer, the girl became less and less cheerful.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 93)
  • The Magical Listening Hood 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One day, a very faithful old man received a hood from God. It was a hood that made him understand the language of animals as if they were talking in a humane language when worn…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 92)
  • Issunboshi 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Issunboshi was a tiny, little boy, who was only about three centimeters tall. In order to become an honorable samurai, Issunboshi got onto his bowl ship and set off for the capital.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 89)
  • Puss in Boots 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Once there were three sons whose father has died. The only thing left for the youngest son, Cavara, was a single cat that his father loved. Cavara and the cat were at a loss what to do. Then, the cat suddenly spoke to Cavara.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 86)
  • The Sumo Wrestling Mice 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One day, a poor old man was picking up tree branches in the mountain, then he heard a strong noise from the bush. He wondered what the noise was, so he walked up to it then he discovered… (KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 83)
  • The Honest Woodman 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 When the woodman was cutting trees in the forest, he accidentally dropped his precious axe in a pond. The woodman was feeling down about it, then the next moment, the pond suddenly began to glow gold…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 82)
  • The Bears in Mt. Nametoko 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Kojuro was a warm-hearted hunter. However, he was so kind that he started to question himself who made his living from killing animals. One day, Kojuro entered a mountain and spotted a mother bear and her child… (KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 81)
  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky セカンドバージンにはさせないでね!
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 Kyoko was so in love... nowadays, she doesn't know what Aki's thinking. Work's not going well, one of her best friends from high school is having a shotgun wedding with her soulmate... and she just keeps comparing herself to others. When's her life-changing miracle going to happen...? かつてあんなに愛し合ったのに、今は彼が何を考えてるかわからない。仕事もうまくいかないし、高校時代からの親友はハッピーなデキ婚。どうしても自分と周りを比べてしまうけど、最後には私にも運命を変える出来事が…? リアルにアラフォーを描き切った幸せラブストーリー!(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky Vol.20に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • 【二か国語版】Love Jossie メイド・イン・ロマンス 1巻
    1~2巻220円 (税込)
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 Mitsuki moves to Tokyo to major in music at college. During her first summer in the city, she turns up to a job she assumed was at a piano bar, only to be given a maid uniform by the hot manager! She falls for him after he saves her on the train, but he's not very friendly towards her... The reason for that being... This is a summer romance filled with cute maids! 上京して音大に通う光希。初めての夏休みにピアノバーでのアルバイトを頼まれたはずが、イケメン店長に渡されたのはなぜかメイド服!?電車内で助けてくれた店長を好きになってしまうけれど、店長の態度はなんだか素っ気なくて…。その理由は…? 可愛いメイドさん達が咲き誇る、ひと夏のラブロマンス!(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Jossie Vol.1に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
