

  • My First DIGITAL『ゴルゴ13』 (1)「vs NATO & vs ARMY」
    スナイパーコミックの金字塔『ゴルゴ13』!  選りすぐられたエピソードをテーマ別に読むことができるマイファーストビッグ版の初期巻が、ファン待望の電子化をした! 記念すべき第1巻はゴルゴ13がNATO軍など軍隊と戦いを繰り広げるエピソードを収録する。反乱軍を鎮圧する依頼を受けたゴルゴ13だが、反乱軍の首謀者は洋上の戦艦にいて、しかもゴルゴ13は協力者の裏切りを受ける。果たしてゴルゴ13はミッションをクリアできるのか? あらゆる困難に屈しない、ゴルゴ13の”強さ”や”逞しさ”を堪能できる一冊!(この巻のエピソード「第1話:戦艦ヨークシャーの反乱」「第2話:チチカカ湖はどしゃぶり」)
  • 自叙伝 ジャン=リュック・ピカード
    宇宙艦隊史上屈指の偉大な艦長であるジャン=リュック・ピカード氏による初の自叙伝! 今初めて、 ここに綴る。 家族との確執、軍法会議、報われぬ愛、 エンタープライズ艦長就任、そしてボーグによる同化、 宇宙で遭遇した数々の思い出を―― 〈U.S.S エンタープライズ〉元艦長・ジャン=リュック・ピカードの波乱の人生が語られる、初の自叙伝! ワイン農家に生まれ、宇宙にあこがれた少年は、いかにして“宇宙艦隊で最も偉大な艦長”として名を残したのか。 宇宙艦隊史上屈指の偉大な艦長であるジャン=リュック・ピカード氏の人生が、自身の言葉によってついに語られる。 著者の波瀾万丈の人生とキャリアは、読む者の心を強く突き動かす。 家族との確執、軍法会議、報われぬ愛、カーデシア軍による監禁と拷問、そしてボーグによる同化、宇宙で遭遇した数々の出来事が、ジャン=リュック・ピカードの物語を真に忘れがたいものにしている。 ピカードは、ご存知のように探検家、外交官、なかでも〈U.S.S.エンタープライズ NCC1701-D及びE〉艦長時代の功績により、銀河史にその名を永遠に刻んでいる。 本書では、幼少時代に宇宙に夢を馳せるようになったきっかけ、兄ロベール及び父親との長きに渡る確執、そして宇宙アカデミーへの入学に至る経緯が明らかにされている。 そして、〈U.S.S.リライアント〉での勤務から艦長として率いた初の船〈U.S.S.スターゲイザー〉での様々な冒険、惑星連邦宇宙艦隊の旗艦であるギャラクシー級戦艦〈U.S.S.エンタープライズ NCC1701-D〉艦長就任とその数々の任務についても触れている。 また幼少期やアカデミー卒業時など、彼の人生における決定的瞬間を切り抜いている貴重な写真も収録。 「法が絶対である限り、正義は存在しえない。 人生そのものでさえ例外でできている」 ――ジャン=リュック・ピカード 難破し、命の尽きた“老嬢”を振り返る。山ほどの思い出の源泉。ロートン、マザーラと彼の子どもたち……艦長に就任し、ウォーカーとジャックが船に乗り組み……ビバリー……。 感傷に浸っているひまはない。やるべきことがある。日誌を開いた。その時だった、日付に気づいたのは。 クイン艦長が「メイク・イット・ソー」というのを初めて聞いたときのことを思い出した。二三五五年七月十三日。 わたしの五十歳の誕生日。そして、すべてを失った日だ。 ――第七章 再び宇宙へ――五十歳の誕生日、老嬢との別れ(本文より) 著者について [著者プロフィール] ジャン=リュック・ピカード Jean-Luc Picard 2305年生まれ。地球・フランス出身の地球人。惑星連邦の宇宙艦隊大佐。 [編者プロフィール] デイヴィッド・A・グッドマン David A. Goodman メモリー・アルファの歴史家でもある。ジャン=リュック・ピカードの引退後、自叙伝の編集を依頼され、彼とともに本書を書きあげた。 作家・脚本家・プロデューサー。一九八八年、『ゴールデン・ガールズ』の脚本家としてキャリアをスタート。これまでに『スター・トレック エンタープライズ』『アメリカン・ダッド』『フューチュラマ』など、二〇作あまりのテレビシリーズを手がけてきた。『フューチュラマ』では、『スター・トレック』へのオマージュとなるエピソード「Where No Fan Has Gone Before」の脚本を執筆。 代表作『ファミリー・ガイ』では、エグゼクティブ・プロデューサー兼ヘッドライターを担当し、一〇〇本以上のエピソードを手がけている。 『スター・トレック』のパロディ版ともいえる『宇宙探査艦オーヴィル』ではエグゼクティヴ・プロデューサーを努めている。カリフォルニア州パシフィックパリセーズに家族と住んでいる。
  • おジャ魔女どれみ18
    ちいーす! あたし春風どれみ18歳……って、元気にあいさつしている場合じゃないんだよ。全国模試の結果がもうホントにダメダメでさ、これじゃあ先生になる夢なんて、文字通り夢のまた夢だよトホホ。なーんてぼやいていたら今度ははづきちゃんが暗い顔。コンクール前だから仕方ないよね? え? そうじゃなくて、矢田くんとの関係が大変なことに???
  • Ghost Beside Him(1)
    1~2巻0~77円 (税込)
    Yuuko is a ghost and is super bored. She just wants someone to see her. And there's a high school boy who can... only he pretends not to. The more he acts like he has no idea, the more her obnoxious attempts to talk with him escalate...A ghastly comedy written by Toshiya Wakabayashi, creator of Tsuredure Children!
  • A Compass to a Wonderful Life Simple Yet Effective Ideas from Japan’s Legendary Entrepreneur
    At a young age, Inamori suffered from tuberculosis and from his family's financial hardships. As a young man, he failed to enter his desired university and company. But even faced with a series of failures, he did not become jaded or demoralized, but instead focused on the one thing he could control - his attitude. Maintaining a positive outlook, he continued his research and studies on his own. His hard work eventually paid off when he became the first engineer in Japan to successfully synthesize forsterite ceramics, which led to his founding Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd. known today as the manufacturing powerhouse Kyocera.Inamori's life story is proof that maintaining a positive attitude has the potential to reverse one's fortunes no matter how many defeats one faces. No matter what your goals are, this book will help you rethink your attitude and develop the mindset you need to succeed. ※『考え方』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • A Tender Romance Treat With Care
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    A matchmaking service's top agent gets a customer who doesn't seem to know what she wants in a partner. Fujishiro feels as if she's been given her hardest task yet, a client that doesn't seem to be clicking with anyone... What she doesn't know is that Okano only has eyes for her! Mature and thoughtful yuri from the ever-skilled Ayu Inui that brings a truly unique dynamic to the table. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。
  • Adventure of the Soul
    The external universe covers an infinite expanse of more than 10 billion light-years. The inner universe is just as immense, extending deep beneath the human mind. The Universe featured in this book embraces them both. All of us are connected to this Universe and can draw forth its infinite force. The time has come for each person who summons the Universe experience to be an adventurer of the soul and initiate a movement of creation and regeneration in all corners of the world.


  • Another Kyoto
    Another Kyoto is a book unlike any you have ever read about Japan. With his unexpected and counterintuitive approach, Alex Kerr transforms our conventional views of the city and its traditions. This book is the fruit of Alex Kerr's half-century of living in Japan and of lore gleaned from people he's met along the way: artists, Zen monks and Shinto priests, Japanese literati, and expat personalities from days past, such as legendary art dealer David Kidd. Kerr turns what we thought we knew about Kyoto inside-out, revealing the inner ideas behind simple things like walls, floors, and sliding doors. After this book, one can never walk through a Zen gate in the same way again. Yet despite its wealth of detailed knowledge and insight, Another Kyoto has the light-hearted character of an ideal travel companion. Another Kyoto, published simultaneously in Japanese, is a book not only for visitors and foreign residents, but for Japanese themselves, who seek to penetrate more deeply into this endlessly fascinating city. 「もうひとつの京都」英語版として同時発売。
  • An Introduction to Japanese Criminal Procedure Law
    How is the system of criminal procedure in Japan structured, how is the procedure expected to advance, what roles are to be taken by each of the players involved in the process, and how, in reality, is the system functioning at the moment? This is the English edition of the reputable standard for learners "Nyūmon Keiji Tetsuzuki Hō," which presents a general description of the basic structure and the function of criminal procedure in Japan. The first edition of the original text was published in September 1995, and subsequent editions have been published (every few years) in response to institutional reforms, amendments to the law, developments in judicial decisions and practice, and changes in enforcement of the law; having acquired serious readers over time. The English edition is based on the Japanese 7th edition published in March 2017 with certain modifications made to refer to important cases or legislations issued/came into force after the publication of the 7th edition. 外国人に日本の刑事手続の制度・運用を説明するための手引きとして、スマホの中に必携の1冊です。 Chapter 1: Investigative Criminal Procedure Chapter 2: Prosecution Chapter 3: Trial Chapter 4: Rules of Evidence Chapter 5: Court Decisions Chapter 6: Appeals Chapter 7: Remedies After Judgment Has Become Final Chapter 8: Special Procedures Examples of Formats Table of Cases Table of Statutes and Rules Glossary


  • Amami Oshima―Enjoying Serendipity, Pilgrimage and Requiem[English version: with Persian translation]
    This is a record of the group [Marcion's Box], which travels to shrines and temples all over Japan, exploring the unknown culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima, a subtropical island in Japan that has just arrived in early summer. Encounter with the strong people who live on the island, which lives on the history and cultural customs of the island, which experienced the rule of the Satsuma domain in the Edo period and the American military after the war. The tradition of singing and the life of gay bar moms. This is a pilgrimage that you cannot experience on a regular trip, such as the ecology of habu as a famous guardian deity of Amami Oshima, a national sanatorium that tells the negative history of people suffering from leprosy, and the feelings of Kazumura Tanaka, who is known as Japan's Gauguin who loved Amami. An English version (with Persian translation) of a travelogue full of color photos that conveys the culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima through requiems. This bilingual translated book was created by the translator (Reinoldx Matsuda) to help people from the Christian world (English) and the Muslim world (Persian) learn about the nature and culture of Japan, Amami Oshima, through the same book. Something I hope you can share. This is an attempt to realize world peace. 日本各地の神社仏閣を巡る旅をしているグループ[Marcionの匣]が、初夏の訪れまもない日本のなかの亜熱帯、奄美大島の知られざる文化と秘境を探訪した記録。江戸時代の薩摩藩の支配、戦後のアメリカ軍の支配を経験した島の歴史と文化風習に息づく、島に生きるたくましい人々との出会い――教会での洗礼やノロ神様とユタ神様の存在、シマ唄の伝統とゲイバーママの生きざま。奄美大島で有名な守り神としてのハブの生態、ハンセン病者の負の歴史を伝える国立療養所、奄美を愛した日本のゴーギャンとして知られる田中一村への想いなど、通常の旅では体験できない巡礼と鎮魂によって奄美大島の文化と秘境を伝えるカラー写真満載の旅行記の英語版(ペルシャ語対訳付き)。この二か国語併記の翻訳本は、翻訳版企画者(Reinoldx Matsuda) が、英語のキリスト教圏とペルシャ語のイスラム教圏の人々が、同一の書籍を通じて共に奄美大島という日本の自然と文化を共有できることを願ってのもの。世界平和実現の一つの試みである。
  • An Introduction to Aikido Mastering the Basics Through Proper Training ((English translation of Aikido book))
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【内容】 This book has a greater number of sequence photographs than other books on aikido techniques previously published. This will help beginners to understand what they need to pay attention in mastering basic movements. It also has many close-up photographs and photographs taken from some different angles, which I hope will make techniques more understandable. It will also be of great help to instructors in charge of beginners and children The basics explained in this book constitute the fundamentals of aikido techniques. Therefore you have to keep practicing them even after you are promoted to higher ranks. I hope this book will help you to check what you have learned by observing your instructor's demonstrations at your dojo and thereby improve your skills ●Preface ●Before You Start Training ●Nage-waza ●Nage-katame-waza ●Katame-waza ●Developing Kokyu-ryoku ●Aikido and the Aikikai Public Utility Foundation ●Brief Personal Records of Successive Doshus 【著者】 Mitsuteru Ueshiba was born on June the 27th, 1981 (the 56th year of the Showa era) as a grandson of Morihei Ueshiba, he started working for the Aikikai Foundation and in 2015,became the Director of the Hombu Dojo of Aikido.
  • An Authentic Introduction to Youmei-gaku   The Philosophy of Wang Yangming
    陽明学とは、より良く生きて行くための修行法や心構えをシンプルに説いた人間学。逆境の時代のたびに読み直されてきた「東洋思想の華」、日本人のための「実践哲学」の真髄が、今よみがえる。Youmeigaku is a study of humans that explains in simple terms how to train and prepare your mind in order to live a better life. Known as a "Flower of Eastern Philosophy," which has been read again and again through times of adversity, its essence is now being revived as a practical philosophy for Japanese people.
  • Enlightenment with Abundance
    Create Your Desired Life by Flower Essence This book is full of revolutionary ideas of how to utilize flower essences for your abundance. The flower essence is not just a healing tool anymore but a tool for transforming your frequency. The time to reach outer world is over. Instead, you become the abundance itself. This book also introduces “7 Practical Steps to Enlightenment” which can take you to “abundance mind” from “poverty mind”. Why don`t you knock on the potential door of flower essence for new era? 【著者】 MizueShima President of “Natural Therapy Shop & School Angeli” Representative of Armonia Corporation, Naturopath Mizue graduated from Japan Women`s University. After 8 years of experience as an office worker, she opened the shop “Aromatherapy Salon & Flower Essences Professional Practitioner Course” in 2005 which has more than 10,000 graduates so far. She is also developing the naturopathic courses nationwide.
  • We can save the planet    12 things we can do to make the world a better place【英語絵本】地球をまもるってどんなこと? 小学生のわたしたちにできること
    ※この絵本は『地球をまもるってどんなこと?  小学生のわたしたちにできること』の【英語版】です。 Every choice we make in our daily lives has an impact on the environment. As we humans have made our lives more comfortable and convenient, we have also polluted the air, destroyed forests and filled the oceans with waste. The climate is changing too and we are experiencing more natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, than ever before. Not only that, there are places on Earth where humans are at war with one another and children are being forced to do unfair work. What will happen if this continues? The Earth may no longer be inhabitable by the time we are adults. In this book, I will share with you my ideas about the actions we can take to make this world a better place.
  • Wails of the Bound
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    A man that normally would be discriminated against reigns as an elite… Takaba is an office worker who finds a job in a first-class company, in search of a new beginning. However, as soon as he joins, he learns the secret of his direct boss Karasuma: he has a predisposition to seduce people and stir up their sexual desire. Karasuma uses his own body as a weapon to move up in the company! Takaba is disgusted to see his boss opening his legs to horny men every night, but now it looks like Karasuma's got Takaba in his sights…?! An Alpha who dislikes Omegas & an Omega who seduces Alphas – A bewitching Omegaverse story by genius mangaka Keri Kusabi! ※本書は、現在配信している「狂い鳴くのは僕の番【電子限定特典マンガ付き】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • Wails of the Bound;β 1
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    A Beta who wanted to protect an Omega and an Omega betrayed by a Beta - The long-awaited sequel to the brilliant Omegaverse story by genius mangaka Keri Kusabi!! A new graduate, Sasabe, is assigned to Utou, who works for a major advertising agency and takes good care of by his subordinates. Even though the newcomer is cheeky, overly ambitious and shows a bad attitude right away, Utou feels that he can't leave him alone. He soon finds out Sasabe's secret: he has a predisposition to seduce people and stir up their sexual desire. Betrayed by his best friends, oppressed by his parents... Sasabe just wants to get out of a life of suffering. He tries to hide his discriminated Omega status, and wants to move up relying only on his talent. Utou keeps watching over him, even helping him to relieve his pain when he goes on heat. But, his past inability to protect someone who was dear to him makes him hesitate to get close to Sasabe. In the meantime, unbeknown to them, the higher-ups have dirty plans for Sasabe… ※本書は、現在配信している「狂い鳴くのは僕の番 ;β1【電子限定特典マンガ付き】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • The Ueyama Tetsurou Collection"UnTrained"
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    A volume packed with TETSUROU UEYAMA’s classics! The long-awaited compilation of popular manga author and eloquent illustrator TETSUROU UEYAMA is here! This volume includes his 25th Shogakukan Newcomer Comics Awards Children’s Division Winning debut manga and his most recent work, “Farsiders.” 【目次】 Farsiders Heavenly Blue chapter/Farsiders Kikyo chapter/Mobile Swordsman GunborgVZ/Cyclone Blade HAGANEMARU 【著者】 Ueyama Tetsurou TETSUROU UEYAMA debuted in 1993 with his award-winning “Mobile Swordsman Gunborg VZ.” Since then, he has captivated his readers with his tastefully artistic illustrations with works like “LAMPO” and “METAL GUARDIAN FAUST.”
  • ウオッチミュージアム ヴォガ アンティークコレクション
    レックスやオメガなど、世界的に知られる有名ブランドの1920~70年代に作られたアンティークウオッチを集めた日本初の本格的な時計博物館「ウオッチミュージアム ヴォガ」。この博物館はかつてアンティークウオッチのバイヤーだった益井俊雄氏が時計バイヤー時代の30年間に収集したコレクションを後世に残すため、2017年4月29日に島根県に開設した私設博物館です。本書は当博物館に展示される貴重なアンティークコレクション、約800本をすべて撮影。一つひとつの解説については業界唯一のアンティークウオッチ専門誌「ロービート」の編集部が担当しました。日本に現存するアンティークウオッチは状態が良く世界的に評価が高いためにどんどん海外に流出しています。その意味からも、現存するものの資料としては時計愛好家にとって貴重な資料となることは間違いありません。解説文は、日本語と英語の両方を記載。 掲載ブランド ロレックス/チュードル/オメガ/ロンジン/ウィットナー/モバード/パテック フィリップ/ミドー/ティソ/ブライトリング/ギャレット/ユニバーサル・ジュネーブ/ジラール・ペルゴ/ジャガー・ルクルト/ゾディアック/マセイティソ/ユリス・ナルダン/ヴァシュロン・コンスタンタン/ブローバ/ハミルトン/グリュエン/エルジン/ベンラス/ウオルサム/ウエストフィールド/セイコー/シチズン、ほか Introduction “Watch Museum VOGA”, Japan’s first one which displays the antique watches of the world-famous brands such as Rolex, Omega and many more. This museum was opened in April, 2017 by Mr. Toshio Masui, former antique watch dealer, in order to preserve and leave for the future all his collection which he acquired during the 30 years of his career. This book has photos of all the watches ? approximately 800 in total - with narratives/ stories of each one of them provided by the editorial staff of Japan’s only antique watch magazine, “Low Beat”. The antique watches found in Japan are well known for their generally great condition, and, therefore, those precious watches are now being bought, brought out and scattered around the world. This book surely makes one of the greatest, if not the greatest, resources of the antique watches for the watch lovers. Commentary is written both in Japanese and English Brand list ROLEX/TUDOR/OMEGA/LONGINES/WITTNAUER/MOVADO/PATEK PHILIPPE/MIDO/TISSOT/BREITLING/GALLET/UNIVERSAL GENEVE/GIRARD-PERREGAUX/JAEGER-LECOULTRE/ZODIAC/MATHEY -TISSOT/ULYSSE NARDIN/VACHERON CONSTANTIN/BULOVA/HAMILTON/GRUEN/ELGIN/BENRUS/WALTHAM/WESTFIELD/SEIKO/CITIZEN、etc.


  • 英語で味わう万葉集
    Englishで万葉集の魅力を再発見! 日本文学の原点『万葉集』から選りすぐった百首が、美しい英語の詩になりました。 オリジナルの歌と英訳、現代語訳、解説が見開き二ページで一覧できます。 新たな角度から、柿本人麻呂、額田王、山部赤人、山上憶良、大伴家持ら 万葉歌人の魅力を楽しめます。 もちろん「令和」のもととなったあの作品も入っています! 英訳、原文、現代語訳、解説で楽しむ新しい古典入門! 春過ぎて 夏来るらし 白たへの 衣干したり 天の香具山 英語に訳すと? ↓ Spring has passed, and summer’s white robes air on the slopes of fragrant Mount Kagu― beloved of the gods.
  • 英語難構文のトリセツ
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 文の構造が見えない、複雑な英語“難構文”を攻略するための必読書! 基本文法では決して理解できない難構文の種類と特徴、それらの構文を紐解くための方法をクイズ形式で学べる1冊。英文に込められた意味や微妙なニュアンスもしっかり掬い上げ、こなれた和訳をしたい人にも最適。 本書では、次のような問題を掲載しています。 ( )に入る適切なものは? Allan gives his wife anything she wants. = Allan ( ) his wife nothing. ① accepts ② bans ③ denies ④ permits 人間味のある内容の返答は①~④のうちどれか? “Will Daniel get well? ”“( ).” ① I hope not ② I’m afraid so ③ I’m afraid not ④ Certainly not 下線部のonlyが修飾するのは①~④のうちのどれか? Revelation of secrets is normally only allowed in the interests of historical accuracy after it has been demonstrated that no further benefit can be obtained from continued secrecy. ① Revelation ② normally ③ allowed ④ after以下 本書の英文を1つ読むたび「情報構造」「語順転倒」「重複回避省略」「遠方修飾」など、難構文を紐解くために欠かせないポイントを学ぶことができます。すべての例題の英文と確認問題の英文、108の構文ルールを和歌のリズムにのせ、著者自らが吟ずる“小倉一人百首”も音声ダウンロードできます。
  • 英語は「名詞」と「動詞」が9割! 速効! 英文ライティング
    「私の犬の耳は白い。」を直訳すると、The ears of my dog are white.になります。これでもいいですが、耳のイメージが強く浮かんでくる表現です。 そこで、「私の犬」を主語にすると、My dog has white ears. 文は7語から5語と短くなり、犬を主体にしたシンプルな表現になりました。 My dog, white earsのように、情報を伝える「名詞」を「動詞」でつなげると、シンプルでわかりやすい表現になります。 このコツをつかむと、あなたの「英語で書く力」は大幅にアップします。 英文ライティングは、「主語+動詞」を基本に、目的語や補語を添えることを意識すれば「明確」「簡潔」「正確」に伝わります。 本書は、「明確」「簡潔」「正確」な英文を書くことを目的にルール化されたテクニカルライティング(技術英語)のノウハウを使い、主語と動詞の組み合わせでシンプルな英文を書く技術を身につけることを目的にしています。 仕事でちょっとした英文を書く必要に迫られた方々、知的でシンプルな英文を操りたいと考えている方々に向けて、テクニカルライティングのプロ講師が優しく解説します。
  • Spiritual Reading of Novel Coronavirus Infection Originated in China ―Closing in on the real cause of the global outbreak―
    This worldwide pandemic is not a mere act of nature nor a coincidence, but rather, heaven’s warning to humanity, especially China. Through more advanced spiritual abilities than Edgar Cayce’s, Ryuho Okawa conducted a spiritual reading on the novel coronavirus and revealed the astonishing truth that science can never uncover. By reading this book, you can find out: -Why the coronavirus broke out in China and how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved -Why the outbreak had to occur now and what would have become of Hong Kong otherwise -The spiritual background of how viruses mutate into evil beings -What will serve as “the immunity” against the novel coronavirus -The divine will behind SARS, AIDS, the Spanish flu, and the Plague -Whether catastrophes will continue and the shocking prediction on the U.S. among others Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa’s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.
  • 英語訳付き 日本料理 むきものハンドブック Handbook on Japanese Food:四季折々の料理を彩る野菜の飾り切り Carving Techniques for Seasonal Vegetables
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 和食――日本料理をより魅力的に見せるために生まれた「むきもの」。 料理の名脇役にスポットを当て、基本を中心にした美しい飾り切り50点あまりを、製作プロセスを細かく追った写真付きで紹介。 2010年世界包丁細工決定戦のチャンピオン島谷宗宏料理長が、丁寧に解説していきます。 野菜、果物が美しく姿を変えていく精巧な技術は料理の粋を超えて、日本人特有の繊細な美意識や連綿と受け継がれてきた日本文化にも通じるものです。 紹介する事例の数々は一流料亭の皿を彩るプロのワザですが、一般の方でも基本を押さえて練習をすれば、習得できる技術です。 いつもの野菜や果物をぜひあなたの包丁さばきで変身させて、食卓を華やかに演出してください。 パーティーなどおもてなしにもサプライズとなること間違いなし、です。 Washoku, or Japanese cuisine, can look even more attractive when completed with delicately trimmed vegetable pieces. This book, by spotlighting basics and pretty shaping, introduces more than fifty techniques with step-by-step procedures and pictures in English. The recent TV Champion chef shows every step carefully until an ordinary vegetables and fruit turn into beautiful creations. His precise techniques can reach outside the cooking domain and convey the delicate Japanese sense of beauty and culture that has been handed down in an unbroken line. Although the techniques are specially aimed at professional cooks of high-class Japanese restaurants, the techniques themselves are not so difficult as you imagine. Learn the basics steadily and practice, and you will acquire enough skills before you even know it. Let the author unveil secrets to liven up any party table displays with your specialized knife techniques to surprise your guests.
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ホビージャパンが発行する大人気マンガ技法書シリーズ『マンガの基礎デッサン』。その『女の子キャラ編』英語版です。初心者からベテランまで、女のコキャラを描く基本を、総合的かつ徹底的に掘り下げてまとめた技法書なので、読者の皆さんのレベルに合わせて長く、繰り返して学べる「女のコキャラ」を描く決定版です。This series shows basic and comprehensive techniques of how to draw manga including basic points just what you want know. Commentaries are made by Hikaru Hayashi (Go office) who has written widely about manga techniques and Tsubura Kadomaru, drawings by a famous professional Kazuaki Morita.This book contains tricks of making a drawing of a girl attractive. Each chapter presents the point of drawing on the subject including the balance of the head & the body, the proportion, posing, expressions of the face, eye makeup, hair style.
  • SDGs for Well-being– Challenges by educational welfare studies in Japan
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 福祉と教育は、これまで別の学問領域と捉えられてきました。しかし、異なる研究領域として分けられていても、現実の人の成長/発達とそれを取り巻く生活や社会の課題は密接不可分の関係にあります。 本書は「誰一人取り残さない」SDGs達成課題と日常社会とを関係づけながら、多様な学問分野の卓越した知見を動員して問題解決を図ることを意図して編集されました。 Welfare and Education have been viewed as two separate fields of study. However, even though they are separated as different areas of study, the actual growth/development of people and the issues surrounding them in life and society are closely and inseparably related. This book has been edited to provide solutions to these problems by bringing together the best knowledge from a variety of academic disciplines while relating the challenges of achieving the SDGs to everyday society so that no one will be left behind.
  • ESSENTIAL JAPANESE GRAMMAR for 60 days  Let’s pass the N4
    1巻1,650円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The Indirect method grammar book for learners of Japanese. ‘Essential Japanese Grammar for 60 days’ -written by native Japanese speaker- explains N5 & N4 grammar in plain English, and its basis is English concept, therefore, it’s different from what used to be that translated from Japanese concept. However, this book is not only for the native English speaker, but also for the non-native speaker who has learnt basic English. It has many features, two-page spread, constructed 1 study for 1 grammar basically, clear and appealing layout, simple explanations, much Kanji with Hiragana -pronunciation character-, various practices and free compositions. You can use this book as a textbook, dictionary or supplemental book as you like. Let’s achieve your success in passing N4 with this book! ‘Essential Japanese Grammar for 60 days’は、ネイティブ日本語講師がN5・N4相当の日本語文法をやさしい英語で説明した練習問題付きの文法書です。そのため、英語の母語話者はもちろん、基礎的な英語を学習した非母語話者も本書で学ぶことができます。 また、従来のコンセプトとは異なり、英語の概念を基に作られた点が本書の大きな特徴です。更に、見開きページ・基本的に1課に1つの文法・見やすいレイアウト・簡潔な説明・ふりがな付きの多数の漢字・様々な練習問題、そして、課の最後に自由記述練習といった特徴にも注目です。 学習者の皆さんは、本書をそれぞれの用途ごとに教科書として、辞書として、そして、補助教材として使うことができます。さあ、本書でN4の合格を目指して頑張りましょう!
  • エッチな現場を覗いてきました!
    「エッチな場所」と聞いて、皆さんは何を連想するだろうか。 風俗店? ラブホテル? 一昔前であれば、ストリップ劇場という答えも入るかもしれない…。しかし世の中には、あまり知られていないだけで、想像もつかないような「エッチな現場」が存在しているのだ。 「男の娘AV」の撮影現場、高級ラブドール製造現場、女流エロ漫画家・カミタニ先生の漫画制作現場、SMグッズ革職人の工房… 一筋縄ではいかない世界の内情を大暴露! これが現代ニッポンのエロスの最前線だ! The model that has appeared in this photo collection is 18 years of age or over.
  • NHK出版 音声DL BOOK 中学3年間の英語が中2病フレーズなら1週間で学べるなんてわたしは信じない
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ネットを中心に大反響を呼んだ、「基礎英語」テキストの名物連載がついに単行本化。「中2病的例文」とイラストを楽しんでいるうちに、気づいたら中学英語をマスター! 無料ダウンロードの日本語音声は人気声優の悠木碧さんが担当! すべての「中2病者」に捧げる、至高の英語学習書。 ○こんな例文が登場 A:This pancake is burnt. (このホットケーキ、こげてるよ。) B:Even a dark flame master sometimes fails. (闇の炎の使い手も、ときには失敗するのよ。) A:Did you get a failing grade on the test? (テストで赤点取ったの?) B:This world just didn't choose me. (この世界がわたしを選ばなかっただけよ。) A:This band has become very popular this year. (このバンドは今年人気になったね。) B:I was sure of their success even when they were unknown. (わたしは彼らが無名のころにもきっと成功すると思ったわ。) ⇒「中2病」マインドにあふれた例文と、キュートなイラスト満載! ○実はしっかり学べる それぞれの例文には、「英語のほんとうに大事なところ」をおさえた、わかりやすい解説がついています。例文と解説を読み進めるうちに、わずか1週間で中学英語のエッセンスが身につくこと、間違いなし! ○そして…! 無料ダウンロードの例文日本語音声は、『まどマギ』などでおなじみの悠木碧さん! もちろん英語音声もついているので、「聞く力」も鍛えることができます。 〈音声のダウンロードについて〉 本書を購入された方は、本書の音声をNHK出版サイトからダウンロードできます。詳しくは書籍内の説明ページをご参照ください。 ・スマホまたはタブレットでは、NHK出版アプリ「語学プレーヤー」(無料)を利用します。 ・パソコンでダウンロードする場合は、mp3音源をzip形式でご提供します。 ・ご利用にはNHK出版サイトで簡単な会員登録が必要です。
  • ONIGIRI 365wonderful recipes!
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【25th Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2020】 ONIGIRI is Best in the world in category E18 Rice! Easy to make, healthy to eat, a feast for the eyes, and always delish – that is “ONIGIRI”, more casual than sushi and everyone knows this familiar Japanese home cooking. Today, people can enjoy this common Japanese food all over the world and onigiri shops are the places for this. This book has as many as 365 recipes, which readers can experience the onigiri world in-depth. This book also recounts many unique stories about rice, about ingredients, as well as interviews with local farmers and cooking experts. The more the world knows about “ONIGIRI”, the more “ONIGIRI” appeals to everyone like Ramen and Sushi as Japanese signature foods.  日本の食文化「ONIGIRIカルチャー」を世界へ発信する『ONIGIRI 365 wonderful recipes!』。おにぎりの握り方&ごはんの炊き方、料理家やお米の達人インタビューなど内容充実!寿司に次ぐ日本の食文化として、ONIGIRIカルチャーを世界に発信します。
  • 音声DL付き 英検(R)1級 8日間で一気に合格!
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 英検での最終目標となる1級は、 「TIME」や「Newsweek」などの高度な英字誌を読んで理解する語彙力やリーディング力英語で社会問題についてエッセイを書いたり評論したりできるライティング力やスピーキング力などが問われる試験です。 これはつまり、 ネイティブレベルの英語力を持っているかを評価しているということ。 合格への近道を行くために、 この本には、大きく4つの特徴があります。 【1】語彙力対策 「最重要語彙のみの選択肢で構成された練習問題」 〈例〉The infant ( )at the sight of the doctor's needle.  1. haggled 2. basked 3. veered 4. Winced (幼児は医師の注射針を見てひるんだ)  と 巻末の「必須類語フレーズ150」のカード 〈例〉a ( ) meeting(秘密会議) で、すき間時間を最大限に活用して力をつけられます! 【2】句動詞問題対策 「最重要句動詞の選択肢のみで構成された練習問題」 〈例〉The company has been ( ) its sales force to get new customers.  1. clamming up 2. riding out 3. beefing up 4. whipping up (その会社は新規顧客を獲得するため販売力を強化している) と 「前置詞アプローチ句動詞習得法」 で、一気にマスター! 〈例〉on→「頼る、影響を与える、迫る、繰り返す、関連する」の意味を持つ 【3】読解、リスニング問題対策 長文読解では「空所補充問題」と「内容一致問題」 リスニングでは「対話・パッセージ型」と「リアルライフ型&インタビュー型」に分けて 問題パターンを徹底分析。 分析に基づく「必勝攻略法」を会得し、 スコアを一気に高めます! 【4】ライティング、二次試験対策 「必勝ライティングフォーマット」 〈例〉Some people believe [say] that S+V, while others don't. (~と考える〔言う〕人もいればそうでない人もいる) と 「英文法・語法ミスTop10」 を会得し、英語の発想で論理的に発信できるようトレーニング。 スコア向上につなげます! これまで2200人以上の英検1級合格者を輩出してきた最強講師が 合格を勝ち取るテクニックを伝授します♪ さあ、満点を狙える力を身につけましょう! ★この本にはシリーズがあります! CD BOOK 英検(R)準1級 8日間で一気に合格! CD BOOK 英検(R)2級 8日間で一気に合格! ◆著者情報◆ 植田一三(うえだ・いちぞう) 英語の超人(amortal philosophartist)、英語の最高峰資格8冠突破、 英才教育&英語教育書ライター養成校「アクエアリーズ」学長。 英語の勉強を通して、人間力を鍛え、自己実現と社会貢献を目指す 「英語道」Let's enjoy the process!(陽は必ず昇る!)の主唱者。 37年間の指導歴で、英検1級合格者を2200名以上、 資格5冠(英検1級、通訳案内士、TOEIC980点、国連英検特A級、工業英検1級)突破者を110名以上育てる。 ノースウェスタン大学院修了後、テキサス大学博士課程に留学し、 同大学で異文化コミュニケーションを指導。 著書は英語、中国語、韓国語、日本語学習書と多岐にわたり、 その多くはアジア5ヶ国で翻訳されている。
  • 【音声DL付】 改訂版『絶対「英語の耳」になる!リスニング50のルール』
    [音声ダウンロードについて]この電子書籍に音声は含まれておりません。三修社webサイトより無料でダウンロードできます。詳しくは電子書籍内をご確認ください。 ネイティヴの発音は、こんなに変化して聴こえている! 非常に簡単な単語でも、ネイティヴが話すと全然聴き取れない…。それはネイティヴが話すときに音声変化が起きているからです。例えば、on itというフレーズは、ネイティヴ発音では、itのt[ト]の音が完全になくなってしまいます。さらに、on[オン]とitの[イ]という音が混じり合って「オニ」と1語のように聴こえてくるのです。 「オニズ」 on his 「イナー」 in her 「アザット」 at that 「アウダ」 out of 「ハズナビン」 has not been こういった音声変化の特徴を聴く練習を何度も繰り返せば、どのような単語の組み合わせから変化したものなのか、瞬時に理解できるようになります。厳選した50の音声変化のルールを、リアルな例文で聴き取る特訓ができるよう構成しました。 本書は2008年に発売された『絶対『英語の耳』になる! リスニング50のルール』の改訂版です。古くなった情報を見直し、本文を一部新しくしました。付属音声は1,000以上の例文を再収録し、音声ダウンロード・ストリーミング再生に対応しました。
  • 改訂版 もしも、こんな英語の授業に出会っていたら?
    教室の中で"What do you do?" と聞かれて、"I' m studying English." と答えていませんか? "Spring came." と"Spring has come." の違いがわかりますか? "こんな英語の授業を受けてみたかった! ! " 大反響のあった初版から、さらに5 篇を追加! もう一度勉強し直したくなる、英語「楽」習の世界へ。 本書は、現在中学校や高校で英語を学んでいる生徒さんはもちろんのこと、 中学・高校時代に英語が苦手で、もう一度英語学習をやり直したいと考えている方に、 少しでも英語に興味や関心を抱いて、英語を楽しく学習できるような英語にまつわる話を初め、 教科書や参考書にあまり載っていないような英語の「なぜ?」にお答えする55の秘話を楽しく、かつわかりやすく紹介・解説しています。
  • かふん画集 かふん症候群
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 セクシーキュートでボリューム満点の肉感美女を描き、世界中から有償リクエスト「コミッション」が殺到しているイラストレーター・漫画家のかふん、待望の初画集! ここでしか見れない、本書のために描き下ろした作品16点と加筆修正した作品約50点を含む、150点を超えるオリジナル作品にくわえ、『しんそつ七不思議』『死神!タヒーちゃん』『かふん昔ばなし』などの人気連載作品や読み切り作品のカバーイラストと扉絵、様々なグッズで使用されたイラストも一挙掲載の大満足の1冊です。 さらには描き下ろしカバーイラストのメイキングや各作品へのコメントも掲載し、かふんワールドにどっぷりと浸かることができます。 あなたも”かふん症候群”に誘われること間違いなし……!? Kafun, a Japanese illustrator and manga artist who receives "commission" from all over the world, releases the first art book ! In addition to more than 150 original works, including 16 works drawn for this book and more than 50 retouched works, cover illustrations of manga works, and illustrations used in various goods are also included in this book. The making of the cover illustration and comments on each work has English translation, so you can fully immerse yourself in the world of Kafun. There is no doubt that this book will invite you to "Kafun Syndrome".
  • Karete and Ki The Depth of Thought
    What is “Ki”? How you can make it yours? ―― It is in “the depth of thought.” Ushiro Shihan has been teaching and coaching a great number of people all over the world using his original method of “Ki” that maximizes our potential ability. Karate and Ki was published in Japanese in June of 2007 and has been highly acclaimed not only Budo readers but also by the Japanese public. "Karate and Ki" is a milestone of life, many readers say. We are very honored to present Ushiro shihan’s point of view and thoughts to an audience not limited only to Japan but on worldwide scales through the English translation of Karate and Ki. The text has been translated as faithfully as possible from the Japanese version and many new photos have been specially added to this English publication. This book consists of 2 parts: The first part explains in detail the principle and theory of "Ki", which is the ultimate form of martial arts Karate. The second explores Mr. Ushiro's "no compromise" thought and philosophy which he developed through his life as a martial artist, electronic engineer and top corporate executive. The "Ki" that Mr.Ushiro describes in this book is totally different from the "Ki" normally thought of in the traditional martial arts and regular world. It is an energy that everyone has, the vitality of people's life. It is the source of everything that supports work, family and daily life. This book has attracted many readers who have read it multiple times and derive new energy from it with every read. Some comments from readers include: "This book is like a mass of energy." "It was moving and gave me the courage to move forward".
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Whats os BUDDHISM? Buddhism has spread all over Japan since it came to Japan over 1500 years ago. Soon after its arrival ,Buddhism began to have a strong influence on the development of Japanese culture,and it eventually became part of Japan's spiritual and aeshestic foundation. Would you like to experience and learn about this?


  • CLUTCH Magazine(クラッチ・マガジン) Vol.95
    毎年、この時期のCLUTCH Magazineは日本と世界のクラッチマン、クラッチウーマンがたくさん登場します。冬の間に撮りためたスタイルスナップを一挙公開。今年もロンドン、ロサンゼルス、ベルリンで数々のスタイリッシュなヴィンテージ、ヘリテージ愛好家の撮影を行いました。また、日本国内では、国内のクラッチマンたちを身の回りの愛用品とともに紹介しています。 第2特集では、「メイド・イン・浅草の靴職人が愛用する靴」。靴職人が自分で履く靴はいったいどんな靴なのか? 禁断の質問に答えていただき、それぞれ写真と併せて紹介しています。 そのほか、ロンドン・サビルロウのビスポークシューメーカーやク ウェートの新興ヘリテージファクトリーブランドなど、CLUTCH Magazineらしいインターナショナルな視点で、ヴィンテージカルチャーをフォーカスしています。 1960 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL 直感を刺激するマスターピース。 特集 STYLE of CLUTCHMAN PORTRAITS in LONDON / PORTRAITS in LA / PORTRAITS in BERLIN CLUTCH POST CONTENTS 特集 STYLE of CLUTCHMAN Good Fellows in JAPAN The Legend has come back to Europe again! Yamane&Company NEW INDUSTRY in Kuwait JABS The Portrait GLAD HAND&Co. My Sweet Watch Vol.36_1960s WEEKLY AUTO ORIENT KING DIVER Ref.T19410 春のアイビー指南。 The REAL McCOY’S 久しぶりのリリースとなるL-2Bは200着限定。 Pherrow’s 粋でいなせな柄シャツはいかが? pure blue Japan ハットが男のスタイルを格上げするのだ。 THE FAT HATTER サヴィル・ローのサヴィル・ロウ靴店。 Arthur Sleep 靴作りの哲学。CLINCH Boots&Shoes 第二特集 Born in ASAKUSA 浅草靴職人の愛用靴。 The VINTAGE&Brandnew Vol.95 “ORE TO MONO” vol.37 温故知新 JURASSIC CUSTOMS Seasonal Pick-up CLUTCH CAFE 伝統と現代の感性が交錯したアートピース。 Horizon Blue Meet in a Classic Car Vol.13 1970 PORSCHE 911T SPORTOMATIC The Collectors Vol.36 VINTAGE WESTERN


  • Grandma’s Shojin Ryori
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Shojin cooking is a meal that has been passed down by Japanese monks. It mainly uses vegetables and grains and does not use meat, seafood, gokun (five acrid or strong smelling vegetables, including onion, scallion, chives and garlic) nor alcohol. The spirit of Shojin cooking lies in the Zen mind of ahimsa (no killing) and appreciation of the food rather than a strict vegetarian diet. This book will show you fun, cheerful and simple recipes made by grandmas, including traditional breakfast, lunch, dinner, special meals for gathering, rice bowl dishes, ramen noodles and desserts. Even beginners can enjoy the rich and flavorful meals as they allow using infertile eggs, milk and sugar. We made this book by collecting the recipes they teach during their Shojin cooking lessons. If you want to enjoy mealtime and learn healthy Japanese cooking, this is the book for you. Don’t hesitate to try these recipes; anyone can make delicious food easily with this book.
  • Why a Koala has a Short Tail 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Cute, lovely koalas. Did you know that a long time ago, koalas had longer tails? There is a story behind why koalas now have shorter tails…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 105)
  • Conversations with my Sweet Cancer
    “Express thanks to your cancer”How you interact with your cancer will change the way you live.Say “thank you” to your cancer cells - what knowledge does patient who has been told she is stage IV actually have?Don’t be jerked around by what the doctor says! “A miracle is occurring” is scribbled in the treatment control notes.During chemotherapy treatment, declare “My hair will not fall out!”Look forward to treatment with the single-minded feeling that “I will live”While re-evaluating myself by remembering the time spent with my family and friends, and through mysterious times spent with the beloved one, I gradually became conscious of the life being gratitude of my cancer.Is treating your cancer as “evil” really the correct answer?An essay on fighting illness that will turn around your relationship with cancer by a full 180 degrees.


  • 『最後のユニコーン』の知られざる真価
    1巻1,056円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 このファンタジー作品は、無邪気なおとぎ話を装った観念小説だ。世界的な人気を誇るアメリカのファンタジー小説『最後のユニコーン(The Last Unicorn)』。そのアニメ版は、日本のプロダクションが担当し、優れた映像表現を実現させた。また、ファンタジーの思想的な特質を巧みな手法で表現している作品として、学術研究の対象としても注目されている。本書では、そのアニメ版の制作に使用された絵コンテ、シナリオ、シノプシス約270点を初公開。作品に隠された類まれな演出に迫り、その真価を余すところなく解説した決定版。New Data Unraveling The Process of Creation Of the Anime The Last Unicorn Preface I have been studying Peter S. Beagle’s fantasy novel The Last Unicorn for more than 45 years and have taken it up as a subject of lecture at university. But it has always been my regret that true evaluation has not been made yet to this masterpiece of fantasy literature in the academic field. Then I came to know the work had been made into animated film, and was astonished to have discovered that the Japanese anime production Topcraft took the part of visual expression and attained supreme visual description transforming the novel’s profound philosophical subject. Noticing many Japanese anime and games share similar philosophical, psychological and cosmological ideas to The Last Unicorn, it has been my deep concern how I should understand the cause of this mysterious phenomenon. It seemed to me that Beagle’s fantasy masterpiece enfolds deep psychical layer that has produced various Japanese subculture trends. After I was able to gain some opportunities to interview with the staff of the anime production and was allowed to have access to the collection of data that is supposed to disclose the process of the creation of the work, I feel I have gained some clue to the question long harbored in my mind.


  • Saunner 2022
    【ご注意】※この電子書籍は紙の本のイメージで作成されており、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。お手持ちの端末で立ち読みファイルをご確認いただくことをお勧めします。 編集者の偏愛が詰まったサウナマガジン! 大特集 サウナ深化論 Phase1  まだ見ぬ世界へ!常識を変えるネクストサウナ17 富山サウナ紀行、全国の偏愛サウナ Phase2 還ってきたくなる老舗サウナ Phase3 サウナーの夢!自宅サウナの作り方 [Saunner Interview] 俳優 高橋克典 声優 石川界人 梅宮辰夫のサウナ伝説 漫画家 高橋ツトム 楽天地スパ 若杉とし子 「IZBA」オーナー アルビナ・マキナさん サウナの休憩時間にまんが『ドラえもん』が効く理由 ココでしか買えない!激レアのドラえもんサウナグッズ誌上通販 【サウナグラビア】 サウナのビーナス伝説 【サウナで検証】 温泉玉子に代わる名物に!? サウナでゆで玉子はできるのか? 【サウナの科学】 サウナと熱の科学 【サウナと医学】 生涯サウナー宣言!一生水風呂に入れる身体の作り方 サウナ施設座談会 ※この作品はカラーです。 (底本 2022年7月発行作品)
  • The History of Takeshima and Japan Historical Accounts and Stories from the San’in Region
    1巻2,002円 (税込)
    Lying in the Sea of Japan between Japan and the Korean Peninsula sits Takeshima, two islets surrounded by numerous rocks. At present, the issue of sovereignty over Takeshima remains contested between Japan and the Republic of Korea. Historically, the area has been the site of many interactions between Japanese and Koreans and is especially tied to the history of Japan’s southwestern San’in region. Shimane Prefecture native and teacher of regional history Sugihara Takashi brings this rich history into relief by tracing the many stories that unfolded in the region, from the hunting of sea lions on Takeshima to the peaceful coexistence of Japanese and Koreans living side by side on the nearby island of Ulleungdo. Takeshima and its history remain ever present in the hearts of the Japanese people and the story of this important region.


  • The Tenth Prism 1
    全12巻607~652円 (税込)
    In a distant time, a small country - the Land of Bones" - discovers a strange technology, and plunges the world into fear and despair." Since the dawn of time, the Kingdom of Karan - loved by its inhabitants and neighbors alike - has existed in peace and in harmony with nature. But now, the kingdom has fallen and its citizens have scattered. Karan's sole hope? A small boy - Prince Tsunashi. Despite his reluctance to accept the challenges of reviving Karan, Tsunashi's right eye patch hides the mark of the prophesied savior: THE EYE OF GOLD. Threatened by the intensifying advance of the fearsome and mysterious Land of Bones, a skillful ploy by a vassal allows Tsunashi to discover and harness his legendary ability hidden underneath the eye patch - and fight to save his kingdom. From bestselling author Masahito Soda, creator of "Firefighter! Daigo of Fire Company" (8.3 million copies sold) - and the kart racing manga Capeta (6 million) - comes THE TENTH PRISM. Soda's new epic fantasy marks his entry into the genre and is certain to be yet another masterstroke for this author.
  • The Tenth Prism Full color 1
    全12巻770~825円 (税込)
    In a distant time, a small country - the Land of Bones" - discovers a strange technology, and plunges the world into fear and despair." Since the dawn of time, the Kingdom of Karan - loved by its inhabitants and neighbors alike - has existed in peace and in harmony with nature. But now, the kingdom has fallen and its citizens have scattered. Karan's sole hope? A small boy - Prince Tsunashi. Despite his reluctance to accept the challenges of reviving Karan, Tsunashi's right eye patch hides the mark of the prophesied savior: THE EYE OF GOLD. Threatened by the intensifying advance of the fearsome and mysterious Land of Bones, a skillful ploy by a vassal allows Tsunashi to discover and harness his legendary ability hidden underneath the eye patch - and fight to save his kingdom. From bestselling author Masahito Soda, creator of "Firefighter! Daigo of Fire Company" (8.3 million copies sold) - and the kart racing manga Capeta (6 million) - comes THE TENTH PRISM. Soda's new epic fantasy marks his entry into the genre and is certain to be yet another masterstroke for this author.
  • The True Meaning of Studying
    Society’s’ rules have changed, and the next to change is you! The world has changed greatly; what was once ‘correct’ is now broken. As youths, what and how should you learn? The way things are now, just memorizing textbooks, is that really ok? Will this allow you to live happily in the future? In this book, in a style like middle school and high school classes, we’ll learn about the ‘five forces’ that are required in order to survive this coming era. 1 Simulation 2 Communication 3 Logical Thinking 4 Role Playing 5 Presentation Skills If you acquire these abilities, then with your own hands you should be able to create a new answer. Well now, let’s start the class that will change your future.
  • 死ぬほどメロウ 英語版
    全1巻495円 (税込)
    父の会社を救うため政略結婚をしなければならない美果子。一方、下着モデルと勘違い、初対面でいきなり裸に剥いてしまったイケメンは、取引相手のデザイナー、リオだった。彼はいきなり美果子にキスを…!?高級下着ブランドで繰り広げられる年下彼氏とのミステリアスラブストーリー!!夢を追って働く女子を描いたヤングユー連載の表題作「死ぬほどメロウ」他、読切作品「昔の王女様」「冷たく触れて」を収録した3本立て!!(英訳は専門家にお願いしました(^^;;)Mikako has to get married for political reasons in order to save her father’s company. While a handsome man whom she accidently stripped naked, mistaken for a underwear model, is a business designer Rio. All of a sudden, he kisses Mikako...!? This is a mysterious love story with the younger boyfriend based in the luxurious lingerie brand! Including the title series “SO MELLOW I COULD DIE” of the popular Japanese josei magazine and non-serial comics “ONCE A QUEEN” and “TREAT ME COLDLY”, this three-part series portray girls pursuing for their dreams!
  • GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 1 [Third Edition] 初級日本語げんき1[第3版]
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Get ready for the latest GENKI! 初級テキストのベストセラー、改訂第3版! GENKI, one of the world's favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, has become even better with the arrival of its third edition! シリーズ累計200万超の初級テキストがさらに進化 Enhancements include... ●Dialogues and vocabulary: Updated to reflect today's world ●Grammar explanations: Now even easier to follow ●Practices: Reorganized to further clarify their relationship with grammar points ●Can-do goals: Added to the start of each lesson ●“Let's Find Out"": Investigative tasks have been added ●New app: Learners can use their smartphone to download and listen to audio materials 【主な改訂点】 ●会話・単語:社会の変化に合わせて見直し ●文法:説明をさらに読みやすく改訂 ●練習:文法との対応をわかりやすく整理 ●各課の冒頭に目標(できるようになること)を明記 ●「Let's Find Out」で調べるタスクを導入 ●音声をアプリで配信、スマホですぐ聞ける


  • GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 1 Workbook [Third Edition] 初級日本語 げんき 1 ワークブック[第3版]
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 GENKI series that has sold more than 2 million copies worldwide is now even better than before! シリーズ累計200万超の初級テキストがさらに進化。 This workbook is used in conjunction with study of each lesson in GENKI 1 [Third edition]. このワークブックは、『初級日本語げんき1[第3版]』の各課とあわせて使用します。 The Dialogue and Grammar section of the workbook provides worksheets for all grammar items studied in the textbook. To enable comprehensive practice, the workbook also includes a Listening Comprehension worksheet and a Questions worksheet for each lesson; both sheets present review exercises that require learners to apply multiple grammar points from the lesson. The Reading and Writing section includes kanji worksheets, fill-in-the-blank kanji exercises, English-to-Japanese translation exercises, vocabulary practices, and so forth. ワークブックの「会話・文法編」には、テキストで学習する各文法項目ごとにワークシートがあります。さらに総合的な練習として、各課に1枚ずつ「聞く練習」と「答えましょう」のワークシートが用意されています。どちらもその課の複数の学習項目を使って答えるまとめの練習です。また「読み書き編」には、漢字の練習シートと、漢字の穴埋め問題、英文和訳、単語の練習などが収録されています。


  • シリコンロード
    コンピュータ革命の39人の先駆者たち  パーソナル・コンピュータは発明ではなく発見だった。何十年もの月日を費やし、数多くのPC関連の発明を組み合わせた結果として生まれた。だからPCには数多くの育ての親が存在する。その1人1人の貢献により、素晴らしい作品がこの世に生まれたのである。  写真家の小平尚典は、黎明期のPC時代の先駆者からIT革命の夢想家たちまでも含んだ家系図をひも解いた。彼は世界各国の雑誌から依頼され、何年もの間、このPC革命を追ってきた。  本書『シリコンロード』はPC発達史上、最も核になった重要な39人の人物たちと、親しく啓蒙的な出会いを教えてくれる。 SILICON ROAD 39 pioneers of the computer revolution The Personal Computer was not invented. It was discovered as it emerged from the novel recombination of many inventions, some decades old by the time the first PCs appeared. The PC thus has no “father,” but innumerable parents, each adding an inventive contribution to an utterly surprising brainchild. The result is a long and tangled PC family tree encompassing everyone from early pioneers to the visionaries exploring the outer edges of the information revolution today. It is an ancestry that photographer Naonori Kohira knows well, for he has spent years documenting the PC revolution on behalf of magazines in Japan and around the globe. Silicon Road contains a selection of Kohira’s most memorable images, offering us an intimate and illuminating encounter with 39 of the most important people in the history of the PC. Author: Naonori Kohira Editorial supervisor: Paul L. Saffo
  • Serizawa’s Ambition 1
    全2巻110円 (税込)
    The first commander of the famed Shinsengumi samurai police force, Serizawa Kamo has seemingly gone mad in pursuing his own agenda during the final days of the shogunate era. When not trading blows with the likes of Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro and other loyal servants of the state, Serizawa indulges himself in the earthly pleasures of, women, sake, and money. Forced to plot an assassination against him are Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soji - members of the same Shinsengumi unit. Enter the world of these legendary heroes as they each struggle to come to terms with the tumultuous period of transition between the long-standing rule of the Edo shogunate and the new Meiji era.
  • 新版 宇宙に命はあるのか
    最前線の宇宙探査が 生命の「謎」に迫る! ※本書は2018年2月に小社より刊行された『宇宙に命はあるのか 人類が旅した一千億分の八』(SB新書)に、最新情報を加筆・改筆・再編集したものです。 4万9000部突破、第6回ブクログ大賞受賞 (「本好きのみんなで決める 本当に面白い本」人文・自然科学部門)の ベストセラー書籍が、新版として最新情報にアップデートされ刊行! ★サイエンス作家・竹内薫氏が、「没入してしまう魔法の本」と5つ星の大絶賛! ! で超話題! 「数年に一度、気がついたら仕事を忘れて没入してしまう 魔法の本に出会うことがある、これがその一冊だ。」 「面白すぎる。うーん、幸せな読書体験をありがとう! 」 ★堀江貴文氏絶賛!!! 「気軽に宇宙の最新情報を知るにはもってこいの1冊だ」 ●我々はどこからきたのか? 銀河系には約1000億個もの惑星が存在すると言われています。 そのうち人類が歩いた惑星は地球のただひとつ。 無人探査機が近くを通り過ぎただけのものを含めても、8個しかありません。 人類の宇宙への旅は、まだ始まったばかりなのです――。 本書は、NASAジェット推進研究所で火星探査の技術開発に従事し、人気コミック『宇宙兄弟』の監修協力も務める著者が、人類の謎に挑む、壮大な宇宙の旅の物語です。 私たちはどこからきたのか。 どこへ行くのか――。 第1章 幼年期の終わり ロケットの父の挫折/フォン・ブラウン 宇宙時代のファウスト/運命は黒塗りのセダンに 乗ってきた/ナチスの欲したロケット/ヒトラーの目に灯った火/悲しきロケット/宇宙を 目指して海を渡る/鎖に繋がれたアメリカン・ドリーム/セルゲイ・コロリョフ ソ連のフ ァウスト博士/スプートニクは歌う/六十日さえあれば/NASAの誕生、そして月へ 最初のフロンティア 第2章 小さな一歩 嘘だらけの数字/無名の技術者の反抗/究極のエゴ/プログラム・アラーム1202 /アポ ロ誘導コンピューター/新技術「ソフトウェア」/宇宙飛行士は完璧か?/ The Eagle has landed /「ジョン、ありがとう」/鳥は翼で空を飛ぶ。人はイマジネーションで月に行く/ 20XX年宇宙の旅 異世界の空 第3章 一千億分の八 偉大なる降格/NASAに飾られた一枚の「塗り絵」/ 枚のデジタル写真/孤独の発見/ボイジャー 惑星の並びに導かれた運命の旅人/パサデナの海賊/新たなる希望/木星の恋人/土星の月の冷たい雨/技術者の小さな勝利/不知為不知、是知也/海王星は青かった 命の賛歌 第4章 Are we alone? 命とは何か?/最終手段の仮説/レゴ、鏡、重さ 命の証拠、バイオシグネチャー/火星サン プルリターン/カール・セーガンの夢と、僕の夢/喜びの涙、悔しさの涙/火星旅行の目的地 /火星ローバーの自動運転/「忍耐」という名の夢/ジェゼロ・クレーターの旅/氷惑星の生 命探査/ Journey to the Center of Icy Moons 氷底探検/惑星アサバスカ/我々はどこ から来たのか?/生物汚染のジレンマ/火星植民に潜むリスク Pale Blue Dot 第5章 我々はどこへ行くのか? 系外惑星探査の夜明け/ペガスス座 51番星b/千億×千億の世界/百光年彼方の森の息吹/ 宇宙の彼方からの来訪者/虚空に放たれたラブ・ソング/恒星間飛行/沈黙/なぜ宇宙人か らのメッセージは届かないのか?/一九〇六年のクリスマス・キャロル/文明の寿命/ コンタクト 銀河インターネット/情報化時代の恒星間飛行/サピエンスの記憶
  • she has wings 年下富豪の愛しのバレリーナ【単話配信】
    マンハッタンのバーで出会った人は富豪画家だった! 意気投合して彼の住む高級コンドミニアムで一夜を過ごした麻里。翌日、謝罪する彼にショックを受けて帰ろうとする麻里を有之が抱きしめて……。 ※この作品は『極甘エロスなアンソロジー③ 大富豪×ゴージャスラブ』の単話配信です。
  • The Ultimate Guide to Kara-age 2020
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Loved by the Japanese people as a kind of “soul food,” kara-age has developed into a huge market embracing specialty restaurants, izakaya, delicatessens, frozen food products, and more. This English e-book version places the spotlight on kara-age and reveals the full picture, from basic knowledge about kara-age to details about its history that will surprise even professionals, the current situation, definitions of related terminology, and so on. As a kara-age textbook, this ultimate book is sure to awe readers with its unprecedented quality and quantity.
  • 自叙伝 ジェームズ・T・カーク
    「伝説の男」の真実―― 宇宙艦隊史上において「伝説」の船長であるジェームズ・T・カークの自叙伝! 誕生にはじまり、タルサス四号星で過ごした少年時代、 宇宙艦隊アカデミー時代、異例の昇進、 そして〈エンタープライズ〉指揮官としての輝かしい経歴―― 〈U.S.S エンタープライズ〉の船長として、5年間の深宇宙探査を敢行。以後、幾たびもの地球と宇宙の危機に立ち向かったジェームズ・T・カーク。 惑星連邦でその名を知らない者のいない「伝説の男」が自らの人生を語った、初の自叙伝! 『自叙伝 ジェームズ・T・カーク』は、不世出の宇宙艦隊船長の人生 (2233–2293)を、提督みずからのことばで綴ったものである。 誕生にはじまり、タルサス四号星で過ごした少年時代、宇宙艦隊アカデミー時代、異例の昇進、そして〈エンタープライズ〉指揮官としての輝かしい経歴―― 本書は、カーク提督がNCC-1701-Bの就航式で行方不明となる以前にメモリー・アルファの歴史家でもあるデイヴィッド・A・グッドマンと共に取り組んでいたものである。 斬新な切り口でカーク提督の内面に迫り、彼の信念、勇気、そして宇宙に息づくあらゆる生命──どんな形態だろうと──に対する献身に、深い洞察を与える。 また、個人的な通信や航海日誌、その他の抜粋によって、カーク提督の個人史に一層の深みをもたらしている。 カーク提督と共に数々の冒険を経験し、良き仲間であり親友であったレナード・H・マッコイ医学博士が〈序文〉を、スポックが〈あとがき〉を寄せている。 「われわれにとって一番危険なのは、 未知なるものにいわれのない恐怖を抱くことだ。 未知なんてあり得ない──一時的に見えず、一時的に理解できないだけだ」 ──ジェームズ・T・カーク 著者について ジェームズ・タイベリアス・カーク James Tiberius Kirk 2233年3月22日 - 2293年。地球・アメリカのアイオワ州リバーサイド出身の地球人。 U.S.S.エンタープライズの船長として、5年間の深宇宙探査を敢行。以後、幾たびもの地球と宇宙の危機に立ち向かう。 惑星連邦のなかで知らない人がいない、「伝説の男」である。 2293年、キトマー会議の一件を最後に、老朽化し艦隊の現用艦登録をはずれるエンタープライズAの退役を期に自身も航宙艦の艦長(船長)職をしりぞく。 退役したエンタープライズAから、その艦名と船籍番号を引き継いだ最新鋭の新型エンタープライズ、NCC-1701-B(通称エンタープライズB)の就航式・処女航海に招待され同乗するが間もなく艦がネクサスに遭遇。 ネクサスによる危機から同艦を救った際に爆発に巻き込まれて行方不明に。 その時点で死亡したものと判断され公式に記録された。 デイヴィッド・A・グッドマン David A. Goodman メモリー・アルファの歴史家でもある。著作に『自叙伝 ジャン=リュック・ピカード』『自叙伝 ミスター・スポック』(未邦訳)がある。 作家・脚本家・プロデューサー。一九八八年、『ゴールデン・ガールズ』の脚本家としてキャリアをスタート。これまでに『スター・トレック エンタープライズ』『アメリカン・ダッド』『フューチュラマ』など、二〇作あまりのテレビシリーズを手がけてきた。『フューチュラマ』では、『スター・トレック』へのオマージュとなるエピソード「Where No Fan Has Gone Before」の脚本を執筆。 代表作『ファミリー・ガイ』では、エグゼクティブ・プロデューサー兼ヘッドライターを担当し、一〇〇本以上のエピソードを手がけている。 『スター・トレック』のパロディ版ともいえる『宇宙探査艦オーヴィル』ではエグゼクティヴ・プロデューサーを努めている。カリフォルニア州パシフィックパリセーズに家族と住んでいる。
    This travel guide doubles as a beautiful photo album, featuring truly hidden gems in the less traveled countryside of Japan. The author, Takashi Sato, is a landscape photographer who has traveled to all 47 prefectures to capture the many faces of Japan on film. Page after page, the author guides you to some of the most special places. This book is full of useful information for planning your visit to Japan, with detailed information on getting around on trains, buses, cars and domestic flights. There is also a companion website for updated information, easily accessible by QR codes included in the book.
  • Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership
    Beginning with the drafting of Vietnam’s civil law in 1996, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has supported the “making of laws” in developing countries including Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This is a field of cooperation unique to Japan, originating from its experience studying foreign legal systems during the Meiji Restoration. Today, Official Development Assistance (ODA) is considered one of the pillars of Japan’s rule of law promotion. JICA has collected documents relating to its 20 years of work, along with interviews with those involved in rule of law promotion from Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more. Clashes over wariness towards foreigners and differences in understanding of legal terminology… This is a record of the obstacles overcome by the people of developing nations who wanted to draft their own national laws, and the Japanese lawyers who supported them, as well as their sincere efforts, struggles, and challenges. This is a recommended book for those interested in international cooperation, as well as those who want to know more about the rule of law promotion process.


  • JAMAICA ~地上の楽園に生きる  The Life in Earthly Paradise
    1巻385円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ジャマイカはカリブ海に浮かぶ小さな島国です。その国土面積は秋田県と同じくらいしかありませんが、カリブ海の美しい海に囲まれ、ブルーマウンテンの山脈が連なり、美しい緑や色彩豊かな花で溢れ、ハチドリを始めとした様々な鳥のさえずりが聞こえてくる緑豊かな国です。たまにメディアで放送されるジャマイカ特集は、レゲエや陸上、ブルーマウンテンコーヒー、また一部のリゾート地に限られており、ジャマイカの大自然の魅力は伝えきれていない気がします。そこで、この作品では、実際ジャマイカで生活をしながら感じた魅力を収めた写真を、キャプションと共に紹介して行きたいと思います。これらの写真を通じて、日本ではあまり見られないような景色や動植物に触れながら、ジャマイカの魅力を少しでも感じて頂けると幸いです。 amaica is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea. The land itself is not so big, but together with the beautiful Caribbean Sea surrounding the country, you can also enjoy the fascinating view from the range of Blue Mountain and the varieties of birds including humming birds singing even in the central Kingston, the capital city of Jamaica. Some media has introduced Jamaica one way or the other, however, the reports seem to have limited with reggae music, track and field athletes like Usain Bolt, blue mountain coffee or northern resorts, and the charms of the great nature of Jamaica haven't been introduced enough. In this piece of work, I would like to introduce the fascinating Jamaican nature with some captions. I will be grateful if you feel attracted by the island of Jamaica through the photos of sceneries, animals and plants, which can rarely be seen in your own country.
  • Spring has come!
    高三にして家の家事を請け負いつつも鬱屈を溜めていた大輔は、惣菜屋を営む耕平と出会ったことから……!? 恋の季節のPrecious Story!!
  • Spring Has Come… 【単話売】
    全1巻220円 (税込)
    本当は好きなのに気持ちを伝えられないまま、彼とセフレの関係になった私。彼には他に好きな人がいると分かっていても苦しくて…。 ※本作品は、他コンテンツに収録されている場合がございます。重複購入にご注意ください。
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 地獄の再審請求 -LIVE BLACK MASS 武道館-『控訴』『上告』(D.C.18/2016)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 「全席死刑」LIVE BLACK MASS TOUR(D.C.17/2015)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 「続・全席死刑」LIVE BLACK MASS TOUR(D.C.17/2015)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 7 Things to Know to be Successful in Business in Japan with 7 case studies
    1巻550円 (税込)
    As a global business leader with strong marketing and international background, she has worked at Panasonic, Novartis and Quintiles (Japanese, European and American global companies, respectively). For Panasonic global web initiative, she set up panasonic.net changing from matsushita.co.jp/en. As the head of marketing of Quintiles Japan, she contributed to businesses in 3 customer segments; Japanese companies going global, foreign SMBs entering the Japanese market and global MNCs operating in Japan. Leveraging such experiences, she is consulting foreign SMBs entering and doing business in Japan and Japanese companies going global. 【PROFILE】 Megumi Oyanagi As a global business leader with strong marketing and international background, she has worked at Panasonic, Novartis and Quintiles (Japanese, European and American global companies, respectively). For Panasonic global web initiative, she set up panasonic.net changing from matsushita.co.jp/en. As the head of marketing of Quintiles Japan, she contributed to businesses in 3 customer segments; Japanese companies going global, foreign SMBs entering the Japanese market and global MNCs operating in Japan. Leveraging such experiences, she is consulting foreign SMBs entering and doing business in Japan and Japanese companies going global.


  • SALES ENABLEMENT  A practical guide for sales talent development
    This book is written for Sales Enablement Practitioners and all those involved in sales, and addresses the following concerns:- - Why can't we close sales skill gaps? - Why does OJT training produce inconsistent results? - Why do we always rely on a few top performers? - Despite all the training and coaching we conduct, why do we not check and review the results? - How can we work more effectively with HR and marketing? While every company tries to increase their sales figures, few companies offer a systematized talent development program specifically for salespeople. This book aims to highlight how a company can implement an effective sales talent development program to increase its productivity significantly. By incorporating the content offered in this book, its reader will have a clear picture on the following to create a muscular sales organization. 1 Creating a PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle of talent development program 2. Fostering a learning culture within your company 3. Verifying a return on investment of talent development training In this book the author will explain from the perspective of sales talent development what steps companies that wish to engage in sales enablement should take, how they should proceed and what they need to develop as a prerequisite for proceeding. It also offers a variety of successful and practical case studies where a talent development program has been implemented.
  • JELLICE The amazing story of a Company who miraculously survived the catastrophic earthquake in the East of Japan.
    Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake! True story of Jellice that demonstrated its resilience after a massive earthquake by leveraging good fortune, business connections and favors -- What Jellice, a gelatin manufacturer with 117 years of history and a pioneer of household-use gelatin powder, has been done and will continue to do -- Gelatin powder product “Jellice” is loved by all generations. In Japan, the product name Jellice is well known, but few people know about the company Jellice that manufactures the product. Jellice Co., Ltd. is a long-established gelatin manufacturer with a miraculous history of 117 years. Having headquarters in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, the company suffered tremendous damage and significant decline in revenue following the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, seven year later, the company miraculously recovered and achieved the highest recurring profit in its history. Jellice is also proud of contributing to the local community centering on Miyagi Prefecture, to which they are the closest, through CSR activities. Through this book, you will learn about the unshakable commitment and future vision of Jellice toward breakthroughs, with the passion for manufacturing (monozukuri) that the company has had throughout its history.
  • Social Interaction Model for Youth Career Development - Lessons from Communities of Practice in Denmark and Japan -
    The concept of "Communities of Practice" has attracted attention as a way to support individuals' career development in today's society, where the job market has become increasingly uncertain. This book introduces the "Social Interaction Model for Youth Career Development," which is based on the concept of communities of practice. The model is specifically designed to assist young people overcome the challenges they face in their career development. In addition, it is applicable to a wide range of readers, as it is based on research conducted in both Denmark and Japan. The primary goal of this book is to serve as a valuable resource for young people as well as career guidance practitioners who are dedicated to supporting them.
  • Japan-China Relations through the Lens of Chinese Politics
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    Over the last half century, why has the relationship between Japan and China been so volatile that it keeps fluctuating between deteriorating and improving? Why does criticism of Japan over historical issues repeatedly converge and reemerge? The reason lies in the constant power struggles taking place inside the Chinese Communist Party itself. An examination of various cases and documents dating from the period of normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China from the1970s to the present day will clarify how the Chinese political system is closely related to its diplomatic policies towards Japan.


  • The moonlight and the glasses 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 It was a night with a beautiful moon. An optician visited an old lady who was living in a house alone just outside of town. Since she has gotten older and her eyesight has weakened, she bought a pair of large-rimmed glasses made of tortoise shell…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 4)


  • Delightful SUSHI for Home Cooking 英語で作る すし 日本料理でおもてなし
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 “Sushi” has now become a universal word known around the world. However, there is far more to Japanese sushi than just rice topped with fish. Sushi has its own history of development as a part of Japanese food culture. Sushi is a Japanese food with limitless possibilities. Step inside its world, and becoming popular even today. This book introduces you by English and Japanese to modern and international styles of sushi, as well as the traditional Japanese sushi of yore. I would be more than grateful if this book inspires you to try making both! 2013年にユネスコの世界無形文化遺産に登録された「日本料理」。日本が誇る食文化の中でも、おいしくてヘルシー、見た目も美しいと世界中の人々から愛され、今では世界で共通語となった「SUSHI」。その基本は、酢飯と具材を合わせるだけ。基本さえ守れば、だれでも簡単に作ることができます。伝統的なすしをはじめ、グローバルなすしや現代風にアレンジしたすしのレシピを日本語と英語で紹介。海外からのお客様へのおもてなしの料理としてはもちろん、すしを作りながら英語のコミュニケーションツールとして役立ちます。またプレゼントとしても最適です。
    About the Author: Nobuhiko Hosaka was born in Yamanashi, Japan in 1945 and currently lives in Tokyo. He is a film director known for his stories about humanity. He has also been involved in the creation of many documentaries and animated films. He has a novel visual sense and his works are acclaimed as part of Japan’s Nouvelle Vague genre in the 1980s. Translation:Junko Ishizuka About the Book: This story, “Two in Hiroshima,” was written by Nobuhiko Hosaka, a film director, based on an original script specially written for him by the famous screenplay writer, Ryuzo Kikushima, who wrote a number of scripts for Kurosawa movies. “Two in Hiroshima” is a drama centered around the catastrophic event on August 6, 1945, and portrays the friendship between an American soldier and a Japanese soldier, as well as the tragic experience of the atomic bomb that destroyed the friendship. By taking the viewpoints of two main characters of different nationalities, the author questions the meaning of the tragedy of war and tries to convey the hope that even enemies can understand each other. It’s a “story of humanity transcending both time and nationality,” created to keep the horrific tragedy of war from fading from our memories.
  • Two-Way Street in Art Education: Cross-Cultural Research
    Diverse influences from abroad provide a prime field of cross-cultural research in art education. This book portrays the process of cross-cultural interpretation as a way of making sense of one’s world in relation to those of others. Cross-cultural research in art education is regarded as “a two-way street.” Chapters 1-4 provide information about art teacher training systems of Japan in 1990s, consider the introduction of European modernism into Japanese school art practice in 1920s, trace the influence of American art education literature on the historical development of Japanese art education in more than a century, and describe the story of incorporating contemporary U. S. art in Japanese school art practice in 1990s. Chapters 5-12 discuss obvious examples what Japanese art educators have learned from Europeans and Americans and provide detailed instances of what American art educators have learned from the Japanese. The cases of Akira Shirahama (1866-1927), Kanae Yamamoto (1882-1946), Seishi Shimoda (1890-1973), Arthur Dow (1857-1922), and Kenneth Beittel (1922-2003) are interesting because they illustrate the gap between what was learned from others and what was realized in modernist art education. A pilgrimage to others makes the living journeying itself that which is invaluable. Surely, “a two-way street” was needed between the American and Japanese art education to enrich each of us achieve cross-cultural understanding in art education. Without diverse influences, no country has its inherent cultural values as pearls in an oyster. Thus the two-way street between cultures in art and art education will be wide open.
  • 『.hack//G.U. Last Recode』完全設定資料集
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 『.hack//G.U. Last Recode』の新規エピソード『Vol.4』の開発資料をはじめ、シリーズ15周年記念で制作されたイラストレーションなどを収録! 【本誌内容】 収録作品:『.hack//G.U. Last Recode Vol.4 あるいは世界を紡ぐ蛇たちの見る夢』 ・キャラクター、武器、ダンジョンの設定画は初期デザイン案も含めた500点以上 ・パブリシティイラストや本編内の壁紙など、これまでに公開されたイラストが集結 ・イベントシーンの別パターンを知れる、大量のイメージボードや絵コンテ ・今だから語れる裏設定を収録した「設定レベルE」 収録作品:『.hack』シリーズ15周年記念 ・歴代タイトルのメインキャラクターが集結した、シリーズ15周年記念ビジュアルを完全収録 ・いまは手に入らない完売したグッズやレアな関連イベントのイラスト ・様々なイベント用メインビジュアルの貴重なパターンラフ The .hack//G.U. Last Recode art book is now available for the first time in a digital edition! The book features documents from the development of .hack//G.U. Last Recode's newest episode, "Vol.4," as well as illustrations from the 15th anniversary of the .hack// series. The book has over 1000 images and documents to look at and enjoy!
  • 『.hack//Link』完全設定資料集
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 PSP専用ソフト『.hack//Link』は、すべての『.hack』シリーズのキャラクターが集結した『.hack』の集大成ともいえるタイトルです。 そんな『.hack//Link』の設定資料を余すことなく収録した完全設定資料集が電子書籍になって登場! 【本誌内容】 ・2,000点に及ぶ公式イラスト、未公開資料、キャラクター設定などを完全網羅 ・喜久屋めがね氏&細川誠一郎による描き下ろしイラスト(メイキング解説コメント付) ・相関図・裏プロットなど未公開の公式設定の紹介 ・本作の完全収録したコミックデモギャラリー ・『.hack』シリーズの全歴史を振り返るアカシャ年代碑PLUS ・ディレクター 松山洋&プランニングディレクター 新里裕人が熱く語る“クロス対談” The PSP game .hack//Link features a collection of the .hack// series characters, and so could be said to be a .hack// anthology. The art book featuring illustrations and documents from the development of .hack//Link has been made into a digital edition for the first time.
  • DragonZakura2 (1)
    1~8巻627~693円 (税込)
    Synopsis “Todai is a piece of cake.” By producing Todai entrance exam passing students, Kenji Sakuragi had succeeded in rebuilding the “idiot school” Ryuzan High. With the major education reformation approaching in 2020, Sakuragi once again returns to Ryuzan which has fallen back down to its low. At his side is his former pupil Naomi Mizuno. With “Empress” Kumiko Tatsuno reigning supreme over Ryuzan and the completely unmotivated student body before him, Sakuragi roars. “Todai is THE place! Get into Todai!”
  • ドリンキング・ジャパン 【英日対照】英語で読む日本のお酒を楽しむ文化ガイド
    酒席で気の利いた話題を提供したい英語通訳ガイドの方に 本書『Drinking Japan』は、日本の酒文化に対する並々ならぬ愛情があふれる視点から書き下ろされた日英対訳の文化ガイドです。利酒師でありソムリエの上級資格ともいわれるWSET Level3を持つ著者が、日本酒だけではなく、様々な地域で造られている多様なお酒を、醸造の方法や種類の説明はもちろん、その歴史や普及の過程、はたまたぴったりな肴など、多岐にわたって紹介しています。 日本人でも知らないような日本の酒文化についての読み物として、なにより日本酒にかたよりがちな英文ガイドが物足りないという方に、ぜひ手に取っていただきたい一冊です。 Good drinking is a multidimensional experience. A finely produced wine or whisky, for example, will engage the drinker's four senses as he/she considers and evaluates such aspects of the drink as flavor, smell, appearance, and mouthfeel. This dimension should appeal to every serious sybarite. But the drinking experience is enhanced exponentially when one knows something about the history of the beverage, the culture from which it has emerged, its production process, and its marketing. In Drinking Japan—It' s Not Just Sake, we have provided our readers with all of this information and more. This intellectual dimension makes one a more interesting person, to be sure, but it may also provide input to the third dimension. The Irish call it “craic", which is the pleasure that good conversation and pleasant company bring. Of course, one can always talk about the weather or the latest blip, boom, bust, or belch from the stock market, but isn't it more interesting to discuss whether your Chardonnay is oaked or unoaked, your sake predominantly sweet or dry, or how long your whisky has been aged?
  • Puss in Boots 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Once there were three sons whose father has died. The only thing left for the youngest son, Cavara, was a single cat that his father loved. Cavara and the cat were at a loss what to do. Then, the cat suddenly spoke to Cavara.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 86)
  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky アレが噂の江ノ島イケメンレストラン story01
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 Iori Tachibana has no home, no job, no boyfriend, and no luck, but she just came face to face with a hot chef! She ends up working odd jobs at his restaurant to pay off a debt, but one day the chef is betrayed by the rest of his staff! Can the two of them overcome this crisis together...? This 60-page, hot gourmet love story with a full-color conclusion is available now at an affordable price! 家なし仕事なし彼氏なしの私が出逢ったのは、イケメン天才シェフ! 雑用係として彼の店で働くことになったけど、ある日突然、全従業員がシェフを裏切って!? このピンチを2人だけで乗り切れるのかしら…? 熱々のグルメ・ラブストーリー、クライマックスカラー付き大長編60Pをサービスプライスで!(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky Vol.41に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky 彼の指はいつも濡れてる
    全1巻220円 (税込)
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 FUL is a hole-in-the-wall reflexology studio, owned and operated by Kei. He has the hands of an angel. One day, Saki visits and is caught off guard when a foot rub has her heart going wild and her body on fire... Over 40 pages of pure pleasure! 隠れ家のようなリフレクソロジー店『FUL』。そこにいるのは『神の手』を持つ男性リフレクソロジスト・西海。何も知らず訪れた咲は、生足に触れられただけで、心まで暴かれ、身体中が感じてしまう…。超快感エロティック!(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky増刊 Vol.1に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky 2回までしてもイイよ?
    全1巻220円 (税込)
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 After her employer goes bankrupt and another girl steals her boyfriend, the desperate Natsume heads to a special kind of club with the aim of getting out of her mind. There, she meets the alluring Seiji, with whom she spends an unbelievably incredible night. However, he has a secret, and it has to do with the club... 勤めていた会社が倒産し、彼氏は知らない女に寝取られ、自暴自棄になった夏目は、「もうメチャクチャになりたい…」と、ネットで知った『ハプニングバー』へ向かう。そこで出会った妖艶な男・矢島と、信じられないほど過激な一夜を過ごしてしまった夏目。だが、矢島には『ハプニングバー』ならではの秘密があり…。(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky増刊 Vol.2に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • Hatred Has No Future: New Thinking on Relations with Japan
    1巻1,925円 (税込)
    The year was 2002- the 30th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations but also a time when relations grew sharply frostier over the prime minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine. Into this fray dropped Ma Licheng's “New Thinking on Relations with Japan", triggering a storm of debate in both China and Japan. Even now, more than a decade after the essay's publication, the New Thinking continues to have a major influence on policy discussions. While Sino-Japanese relations hit new turbulence over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in 2012,the author remains optimistic that the bilateral issues can be resolved rationally and peacefully. Referencing the durability of the postwar peace between France an Germany, he argues that - for their own and the international community's sake, China and Japan can and must find ways to overcome their antagonisms and live in peace as complementary neighbors.


  • One Hundred Fifty Years of Japanese Foreign Relations From 1868 to 2018
    1巻5,005円 (税込)
    This book traces the past 150 years of Japan’s diplomatic history, focusing on the thoughts and actions of the leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the ministry’s establishment in 1869. It includes a discussion of the last fifteen years of the Edo period, beginning with the arrival of Commodore Perry in 1854. Since the Meiji era, Japan’s foreign policy has been informed by its response to that “confrontation from the West.” This foreign policy has been largely based on “accommodation diplomacy” (also called responsive diplomacy). Japan has designed its diplomatic response with an eye to its own foreign policy goals, applying the metric of what might be feasible more than what might be desirable. In “accommodation diplomacy,” the international issues, international order, and the rules of the game are not defined. In that sense, there has been no all-encompassing strategy behind Japan’s foreign policy. Instead, Japan has regarded the international situation simply, as a set of facts. It has sought to maximize the benefits to itself while minimizing risk. Its foreign policy has been an attempt to solve this conundrum through accommodation. Reflective of the times, this has required an abundance of creativity. Japan has needed to be both pragmatic and forward-thinking in its response to changes in the international environment. In the postwar period, as Japan aimed to elevate its standing in the competition-driven international environment, its foreign policy can be understood as an extension of the way it had comported itself since the Meiji era: emphasizing cooperation and coordination with other nations while responding to changes in the international environment.


  • The Occupation of Japan 1945-1952: Tokyo, Washington, and Okinawa
    1巻2,310円 (税込)
    Following its defeat in World War II, Japan was placed under the control of SCAP GHQ headed by General Douglas MacArthur. Initially the Occupation promoted policies of demilitarization and democratization. A new Japanese constitution which pursued pacifism was established. However, as the Cold War intensified, policies switched in the direction of economic recovery, and it was contended that Japan should take the anti-Communist pro-America path. In 1951,at the height of the Korean War, the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty were concluded as a fixed set. Winner of the 2015 Yomiuri Yoshino Sakuzo Prize for academic writing on politics, economics, and history, this book provides a wide view of the seven years of the Occupation of Japan which led to the “postwar system" that has continued into the twenty-first century.


  • The Economics of Colonialism in Korea: Rethinking Japanese Rule and Aftermath
    From 1910 to 1945,Korea was a colony of Imperial Japan. Its governance has been described politically in terms of harsh oppression and economically as exploitation and impoverishment. Certainly, there were many problems with Japanese rule in Korea, but how accurate are those claims? What is the connection between the postwar development of South Korea and the socialist regime in North Korea? This book focuses on economic issues, sticks to positivism, and depicts the reality and transformation of Korea during the period of Japanese control.


  • Nature,Man and Flowers: Kado as philosophical ikebana
    Kado is a concept that emphasises the philosophical aspect of ikebana, or traditional Japanese flower arranging culture. Ka means “flowers,” and do means “way.” Thus, kado means “the way of flowers” or “the way through flowers.” This way leads to the truth, and consequently, the way itself is the truth. In kado, it is the practitioner’s goal to find this way through arranging flowers as the symbol of nature. We might therefore call it “dynamic Zen.” Of course, the artistic aspect of flower arranging culture, namely ikebana, should not be denied, and should be valued as a part of traditional flower arranging culture. However, it is just a part and not the whole picture of this culture. This book aims to emphasise the other part, kado, and redress the balance of interpretation of this traditional culture. Our standpoint is to regard this culture as a philosophical or religious way, not as so-called art. The structure of this book is as follows. The first chapter is an overview of the history of kado, the second chapter explains its traditional regulations. Finally, the third chapter, considers the thought which has been the basis of the concept of kado.
  • ネイティブが教える ほんとうの英語の冠詞の使い方
    英語の冠詞はむずかしくありません! ネイティブのように冠詞を使いこなしましょう! 冠詞の意味合いを「感覚的」に身につけ、そのルールを(暗記ではなく)直感的に判断できるようになれば、冠詞を自然に使い分けることができるはずです。 以下の3つの文を「冠詞のニュアンスを出して」日本語に訳してみてください。 1. John has a cat. 2. John has the cat. 3. John has cat. 1 がもっとも一般的な文で、「ジョンはネコを飼っている」です。 2は「ジョンはネコのほうを持っている」、3は「ジョンはネコ肉を持っている(?!!)」です(なぜこのような訳になるのかは、本書をご覧ください)。 冠詞の使い方を知るには、冠詞本来の意味を知ることが大切です。 では、どうすれば冠詞の意味がわかるようになるでしょうか? 冠詞の使い方をルール化すれば、100 近いルールになるといわれ、例外も山ほどあります。 そんなルールをすべて暗記するのは、至難の業です。 この本では「冠詞のルール」を紹介しながらも、それを感覚的に理解してもらうために「山ほどの例文(!)とネイティブの解釈」をセットにして紹介していきます。 さまざまな例文と、ふだん目にする「自然な日本語」では訳されていない「ネイティブが感じとる冠詞本来の意味合い」を繰り返し読むことで、「ほんとうの冠詞の使い方」を身につけてください!


  • Neko Pitcher 1
    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 1” carries cartoons No.1-34.
  • No Regrets: How To Kickstart Your Career AND Your Life
    This inspiring guide is for young people who are looking to kick start their careers and live their dream life. This book is perfect for students, recent college graduates, Gen Z and millennials already in the working world, along with those of any age who simply want a fresh start in their career. This book lays down the essential groundwork to help realize the career and life that you want to lead. The valuable advice and guidance given will alter how you navigate the journey into beginning your career and change the way you live each day—with no regrets! Renown executive coach, teacher, consultant, author, keynote speaker, workshop leader, and jack of many trades, Dr. Bob Tobin draws on his own diverse work experience as well as from the powerful inspirational anecdotes of his students, peers, mentors, and more, to help you navigate this crucial part of your career journey. From the examples and anecdotes, you’ll learn about what has made a difference in their lives, the decisions that have helped them, the mistakes they have made, and what they have learned from the mistakes. Rich with practical and actionable guidance, this book is for young people about to embark on their professional lives along with those seeking more purpose and meaning in their current work and lives. This book is the essential way to help you think more deeply about what you do for work and how you want to live. The mix of inspiring advice, practical suggestions, questions for reflection, and uplifting stories will help guide you to develop important skills so you can build a wonderful career and a beautiful life that you can be proud of. You’ll discover: How to start thinking more deeply about your career. How to let go of your long held beliefs. How to embrace the act of change. How to develop decision making skills. How to gain confidence and build courage. How to make sure you are adding value. How to widen your world. And more!
  • Hydrogenomics: The Science of Fully Utilizing Hydrogen
    As global energy and environment problems draw increasing attention, Japan has set a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It has become even more important to promote the development of technology for fully utilizing hydrogen in the future, and also to explore fundamental science.However, since the foundational science related to hydrogen (hereinafter, hydrogen science) spans an extremely wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology, sufficient opportunities have not been established for sharing cutting-edge trends and promoting joint research. Against this kind of background, the “Hydrogenomics: Creation of Innovative Materials, Devices, and Reaction Processes Using Higher-Order Hydrogen Functions” project was established under a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (FY2018 to FY2022). Through this framework, research has been promoted with the aim of creating the science for mastering the advanced use of hydrogen. We call this research area “hydrogenomics” (hydrogen + omics [system of learning]), and strive to promote joint research related to the diverse physical properties and functions of flexibly and continuously transformable hydrogen through cooperation between researchers in a wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology. Practical, systematic joint research into hydrogen science that spans such as wide range of academic fields is unprecedented worldwide and this is the first such attempt. This book summarizes the following to provide a practical guide for obtaining new directions and widely sharing the state of activities in this new academic field, hydrogenomics. Chapter 1 “Diverse properties of hydrogen in materials” gives an overview of the “high densification ability of hydrogen”, which is related to many of energy functions; the “interfacial localizability of hydrogen”, which is important for enhancing electronic functions and mechanical properties; the “fast migration ability of hydrogen”, which includes short- and long-range migration phenomena and coupling with electrons related to new conceptual devices: and “high activation ability of hydrogen”, which is related to new material conversion processes. In order to fully utilize hydrogen based on these properties, it is essential to also perform research into analyzing and predicting hydrogen, which is difficult to detect in materials, with higher accuracy than ever before. Chapter 2 “Advanced measurements and calculations for hydrogen in materials” introduces cutting-edge hydrogen measurements driven by new methods, and the latest hydrogen calculations for “seeing” invisible hydrogen. Chapters 3 to 5 introduce some results related to fully utilizing hydrogen to explain the state of activities in “hydrogenomics”. Chapter 3 “Synthesizing new materials” explains the latest in high-pressure synthesis and thin-film synthesis technology, and then introduces hydride-ion conductors, hydrogen boride sheets, and other materials. Chapter 4 “Designing new devices” introduces new concepts for devices related to hydrogen and hydrides, such as hydride-based all-solid-state batteries, hydrogen-doped solar cells, rechargeable fuel cells, and proton-coupled electron transfer thermochemical cells. Furthermore, Chapter 5 “Providing new reaction processes and visualization technology” introduces new synthesis techniques for amino acids and ammonia, and new hydrogen visualization technologies using metal complexes. [Translation and revision from the Japanese language edition: The Science of Fully Utilizing “Hydrogen” Hydrogenomics, Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2022]


  • How to Design Your Organization’s Raison D’être―――A translation of Diamond Harvard Business Review (March 2019) Japanese edition
    In the past, the key to a successful business lay in the safeguarding of resources. Corporations carefully accumulated and guarded their personnel, capital, data and know-how in order to sharpen their competitive edge. They exploited this edge to create value by continually optimizing operational efficiency. But in the new digital economy of rapidly changing consumer needs, the safeguarding strategy limits the potential for success. The key to value creation for 21st-century companies lies in lowering the walls surrounding them and inviting in outside resources. How do they attract these resources? Prominent strategic designer, Kunitake Saso, argues that the key lies in gaining empathy and engagement from communities and crowds with their organization’s raison d’être. This paper presents the purpose branding methodology by first redefining some well-known management terms: <g>mission</g>, <g>vision</g> and <g>values</g>, in addition to purpose, which has recently gained attention. It goes on to propose the purpose branding framework to help companies evolve their organization model into the next era, by continually designing and propagating the organization’s <g>raison d’être</g>.
  • Hatsujo Playroom
    全1巻1,210円 (税込)
    ”I can't believe this is getting me excited.” Even after 10 years, Moriya can't get over his unrequited love for former high school classmate Tsujimura. In spite of that, he has a sexual relationship with his boss, Nanamiya, who knows about his feelings. Tsujimura joins their company, and he and Moriya meet again after so long. Nanamiya whispers to Moriya - who is confused by the feelings he should have given up – saying: ”If you'd like to confess your feelings to him, I'll lend you a hand.” Moriya dismisses it as a joke, but the same night the office suddenly goes out of power and he gets trapped alone with Tsujimura. On the monitor, the words: ”If you wish to leave, then you must follow the orders given.” What was a light touch at first, gradually becomes more and more sexually intense. “I can't do this…” Moriya's thoughts can't help him to resist the passion and the pleasure Tsujimura's giving him… ※本書は、現在配信している「発情プレイルーム【単行本版(電子限定描き下ろし付)】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • hammered
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    One after another, the events in the story befall me! I’m the boss’s lackey. One day, he hands me an unfinished manuscript that he has written himself. As I read the story which is titled “Ambition”, strange things start to happen around me. What is reality? Why did the boss entrust the manuscript to me? Reality and delusion are intertwined. The book contains one other story. <About the Author> TAKAYA FUDESAWA Born in 1976 in Osaka Prefecture. After graduating from Tezukayama Gakuin Izumigaoka High School,obtained degree in Russian literature from Waseda University. Mainly studied Tolstoy and Hideo Kobayashi. Creative activity began at high school. On graduating from university, started business. Served as director at several companies while pursuing writingcareer. Currently heads software development firm TOROTAKU, Ltd. Also head of overseas game translation company, Nirvana Studio. Author of Hammer (2019, Gentosha Media Consulting) and Sayu (Hot Water) (2021, Gentosha Media Consulting).


  • History Wars  Japan---False Indictment of the Century 歴史戦 世紀の冤罪はなぜ起きたか
    NOTE: This book is an English Edition. Although the indication of title above tells you as if it were a “Japanese Edition,” it contains the full book in both English and Japanese. This book is a modest rebuttal to the absurd demagoguery against Japan on the issue of comfort women (military prostitution during wartime) that continues to be spread by China and South Korea as if it were the truth. In the United States, the anti-Japanese activities have become more animated among local Chinese and Korean groups, as can be seen from the erection of a statue of a comfort woman in Glendale, California. The Sankei Shimbun, one of the Japan's leading newspapers, has been reporting in detail on activities related to the comfort women issue in the U.S. How did the situation come to the point of demeaning Japan to such an extent? Why did the comfort women issue arise in the first place? The Sankei dug deep to seek answers and the result is a book titled “History Wars.” On this occasion the Sankei has decided to publish an English Edition of the book in order to inform people around the world of the facts and clear up the misunderstandings about Japan. About the Author The Sankei Shimbun, which was first published in 1933, is one of Japan's leading Quality Newspapers based in Tokyo. Contents Chapter 1: The False Indictment of the Century Chapter 2: Is America Japan's Enemy? Chapter 3: Why Did the Facts Become Distorted? Chapter 4: Why Didn't Japan Rebut the Mistakes? ○ベストセラー『歴史戦 朝日新聞が世界にまいた「慰安婦」の嘘を討つ』(産経新聞社著)の英日対訳ダイジェスト版。前半に英語版、後半に日本語版を収録。 ○日本をはじめ世界9カ国(米国、カナダ、英、独、仏、伊、スペイン、オランダ)で配信中。 【おもな内容】 第1章 世紀の冤罪 第2章 米国は日本の敵なのか? 第3章 なぜ事実がねじまげられたのか? 第4章 なぜ日本は反論しなかったのか?
  • ヴィンテージ・エフェクターの真実
    1巻2,420円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ヴィンテージ・エフェクターを知り尽くすアキマツネオ氏が明かす、 ギター・プレイヤー全員必読、真実のヴィンテージ・エフェクター・バイブルです。 本書は、2023年まで、音楽雑誌『Player』(プレイヤー・コーポレーション刊)にて連載されたコラム「アキマツネオ Rock Gear Review」を再構成、さらに著者による大幅な加筆修正・新規コンテンツを追加して編纂されたものです。体験に裏付けされた豊富な知識を持つアキマ氏によるさまざまなモデルの解説は、ヴィンテージ・エフェクターに興味がある人ならば引き込まれてしまうこと間違いなし! 初心者も玄人もヴィンテージ・エフェクターの魅力を発見・堪能してもらえる1冊です。 <コンテンツ> 第1章:FUZZ Dallas Fuzz Face Sola Sound Tone Bender Electro Harmonix Big Muff 他 第2章:OD/DS/BOOSTER Dallas Rangemaster MXR Distortion+ Maestro FRB-1 他 第3章:ECHO/DELAY/REVERB Watkins CopiCat Maestro Echoplex EP2 Mirano Echo Chamber 他 第4章:PHASER/CHORUS/その他 Shin-ei Univibe MXR Phase90 Boss CE1 他 第5章:VINTAGE WAH Crosstalk Vox Clyde McCoy Vox/Jen Cry Baby Colorsound Wah Swell 第6章:アキマツネオ、ヴィンテージ・サウンドを語る ※この他、コラムも多数掲載。
  • Financial Statements for Non-Accounting People The Trilateral Approach
    完全英語版。 会計の知識が全くない人でも、これ1冊で会計も英文会計もマスター!損益計算書、貸借対照表、キャッシュフロー計算書の財務3表を一体化した革新的なメソッドで、短期間で誰でも会計の全体像と基本的な仕組みが理解でき、財務諸表から会社の状態が分析できるようになります。 An Innovative Method of Comprehending Accounting A Bestseller with 800,000 Copies Sold in Japan! This book is a guide to an entirely new way of studying accounting. What makes this new way of studying accounting unique is that readers study the three financial statements - the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement - as an integral whole. You will learn how to analyze a company's financial condition based on its financial statements. 【目次】 Preface Chapter1 Understanding the Structure of the Three Financial Statements Chapter2 The Trilateral Method:Comprehending How Accounting Works by Integrally Understanding the Three Financial Statements Chapter3 Analyzing the State of a Company Based on its Financial Statement In Closing 【著者情報】 國貞克則(くにさだ・かつのり) 1961年岡山県生まれ。東北大学機械工学科卒業後、神戸製鋼所入社。海外プラント建設事業部、人事部、企画部、海外事業部を経て、1996年米国クレアモント大学ピーター・ドラッカー経営大学院でMBA取得。2001年ボナ・ヴィータ コーポレーションを設立。中小企業の経営支援や大手企業の管理職教育が得意分野。 著書に「財務3表一体理解法」(朝日新書)、「究極のドラッカー」(角川新書)、「The Trilateral Approach: Financial Statements for Non-Accounting People」(ボナ・ヴィータ コーポレーション)、訳書に「財務マネジメントの基本と原則」(東洋経済新報社)などがある。 --- Katsunori Jack Kunisada Born 1961 in Japan. Obtained MBA in 1996 from the Peter F.Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University of the U.S. Established Bona Vita Corporation in 2001. Currently, the company has three main business fields: management consulting, leading management seminars, and business book writing.
  • Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms: Investment and Disinvestment in Asia, c.1970-1989
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book is a translation of: Horaguchi, Haruo. Nihon Kigyo no Kaigai Chokusetsu Toshi: Ajia eno Shinshutsu to Tettai (Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms: Investment and Disinvestment in Asia), Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppan Kai (University of Tokyo Press), June 1992. This book, Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms (in Japanese) was awarded NIKKEI Best Book Prize in 1992. This book has finally been translated into English. It is a monograph studying the withdrawal of multinational corporations in the 1970s and the 1980s. As of 1992, the theory of multinational corporations at that time followed the theory that oligopolistic large corporations would acquire overseas markets. There was little recognition that foreign investment was vulnerable to continued strategic changes, including market changes overseas. Multinational corporations cannot maximize profits in a simple way as economics assumes, such as taking the first derivative and setting it to zero. This book is fully devoted to explore how it is done.
  • 不確定性の彼女 She has Null falsifiability
  • From Zero to Kyocera A Company Philosophy to Grow People and Organizations
    The eye-opening business philosophy and life wisdom of one of Japan’s most influential entrepreneurs. This book is not merely a business how-to but a guide to personal growth. Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairman. Inamori also established the non-profit Inamori Foundation and the Kyoto Prize to honor researchers and artists all over the world. He has received the title of Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his outstanding contributions to society. Along the way, he has published over 60 books in Japanese which have sold over 19 million copies in 21 different languages. This book focuses on the often-dramatic ups and downs of his life and reveals how he arrived at his guiding principle, “Respect the Divine and Love People.” In the book’s introduction, he makes a promise to the reader: If you adopt the management philosophy and lifestyle laid out in this book, you are certain to succeed both in business and in life. ※『ゼロからの挑戦』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • Blood Type B Is Vanishing Was Albert Einstein disliked?
    Said to be the best physicist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein has been treated as a strange person due to his unbelievable behavior and going at his own pace.It was caused by his blood type "B"! Other, if the Meiji Restoration leader, Takamori Saigo, was not B, would there really have been the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance? If Nobunaga Oda was not B type, would it not be killed by the Honno-ji Incident? ……etc. An interesting essay "for type B, for type B" that emerged from the blood type and behavior of celebrities.
  • Plant-based Tokyo Japanese restaurant guide
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Momoko Nakamura, also known as Rice Girl, introduces the people of plant-based Tokyo. Each chef and restaurant owner, tell their stories, revealing why they've landed in plant-based cooking, how they came to open their restaurant, and their approach to flavors and ingredients. Vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Tokyo, and across the rest of Japan, may first appear to be few and far between, but in fact, Japan has a long history of plant-based cuisine. Japanese traditionally eat a highly vegetable-centric diet. Organic, pesticide and fertilizer-free fruits and vegetables that are farmed with care, are at the heart of each restaurant's menus. Combined with fermented foods that have been passed down from generation to generation, make for a uniquely Japanese approach to plant-based cookery. Because Japan is a hyper-seasonal country, the earth's bounty evolves in accords to the poetry that is the traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar. Through PLANT-BASED TOKYO, Tokyoites as well as visitors, can be sure to find delicious, quality, thoughtful food, that most anyone can enjoy without hesitation or concern. A few of Rice Girl's favorite greengrocers and farmers markets are also noted, for those who are interested in cooking at home, or picking up gifts for friends. These are the top places to eat plant-based in Tokyo! PLANT-BASED TOKYO is a bilingual book. Both the English and Japanese are written by Rice Girl.
