• 私のかわいいあのひと
    全1巻550円 (税込)
    ■あらすじ 「年下の可愛い会社の後輩に可愛いと言われるのはちょっと複雑だ」 些細なことにも気づいて可愛いと褒めてくれる後輩の田町に戸惑う大塚さん。田町の方が自分よりも可愛いと思っている大塚さんだが、素直に伝えることができない...... ある日二人で映画を見にいった夜に、終電を逃し田町の家に泊まることになるが......!? 【70ページ(表紙等含む)】 ※本作は野宮りおんの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【71ページ】
  • 明けても暮れても
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    ■あらすじ あなたを愛している そしてあなたがいるその日常を愛している、ずっと 結城にとって、同期の小野寺は、デスクの向こう側に当たり前に存在する仕事仲間だ。一緒に飲みにいったこともない二人だが、結城は小野寺とのそんな日常を愛している。ある日、小野寺が退職することになり……日常に変化が起こる。10年を経て、二人の関係が動き出す!? 新進気鋭の野宮りおんが送る、女性同士の愛の物語。 コミティアで頒布された希少な作品が、電子書籍になって登場! 野宮りおん先生の詩的な世界をお楽しみください。 ※本作は野宮りおんの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【46ページ】
  • I'm sorry I know
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    The delightfully adorable story of a lovers quarrel ─ Madoka wants compliments that Misa won't give so easily! The sappy and sweet battle of endurance between girlfriends ─guaranteed to leave you with a smile, hungry for more! ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【34ページ】
  • 明日が来る日
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    ■あらすじ 「永遠のながさは、一体どのくらいなのだろう」 彼女との関係を誰にも話したことがなかった香苗に、親からお見合い話のメールが届く。 付き合って5年目の記念日、香苗にサプライズを準備していた基子は……。 幸せとは何か、永遠とは何か。二人の女性が紡ぐ、温かく心に響く感動の物語です。 ※本作は野宮りおんの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【25ページ】
  • A Tender Romance Treat With Care
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    A matchmaking service's top agent gets a customer who doesn't seem to know what she wants in a partner. Fujishiro feels as if she's been given her hardest task yet, a client that doesn't seem to be clicking with anyone... What she doesn't know is that Okano only has eyes for her! Mature and thoughtful yuri from the ever-skilled Ayu Inui that brings a truly unique dynamic to the table. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。
  • あの部屋
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    ■あらすじ 「あんたを手放すことが私の愛やった……なんて言うたらあんたは怒るやろか」 かつて一緒に売れることを夢見ていた漫才コンビが久しぶりに再会する。それぞれの道で成功を掴んでいる二人だが、あの部屋に置いてきた二人のすべては、形を変えて再び進んでいけるのか。 愛と、夢と、信じるもの。 二人の女性の愛の物語。 【11ページ(表紙等含む)】 ※本作は野宮りおんの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。
  • あんかー百合川柳 2022
    百合カフェanchorで出会ったお客様から集まった川柳に、豪華作家陣によるイラスト・小説をかきおろししていただきました! ーーー参加作家の皆様ーーー ●犬井あゆ ●いのり。 ●奥たまむし ●雁屋雪祢 ●生肉 ●野宮りおん ●花影あると ●はるしおん ●平尾アウリ ※あいうえお順/敬称略 ※本作は高山ちびこ(百合カフェanchor店長)編集の個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【28ページ】
  • Or, the Shallow Wit of Liars
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    An aspiring comedian's troubles finding a duo partner are remedied by a chance encounter with a beauty named "Yo". Unfortunately for her, You has a nasty habit of dissapearing suddenly. Has something bad happened to her? Or is she just stringing our protagonist along... And for what reason? This adult life yuri saga is moody, sweet, and distinctly Rion Nomiya's. ■27 pages ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【29ページ】
  • girl in pink
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Fluffy attire, idol-like features, and just how darn good they look in the color pink. These are the things Karen loves in girls ? something the woman waiting for her at home is lacking. What gives? A short and sweet heartwarming story about the unpredictability of love. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【14ページ】
  • Curiosity Killed the Cat
    全1巻363円 (税込)
    The world is full of things I don't understand...  After breaking up with her boyfriend, our protagonist comes home to find a mysterious girl waiting at her door. A girl who somehow knows her nickname "Naako"... An artistic and bittersweet gem by Rion Nomiya. ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【27ページ】
  • good morning, "sweetie"
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Mako is deeply, deeply in love with Asuka, her girlfriend. As they spend time together on a relaxed morning, she reflects on their past, and considers their future. An affectionate, domestic yuri romance that's warm and gentle like the summer's morning sun. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【22ページ】
  • 好奇心は猫を殺す
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    ■あらすじ 「世の中には知らないことで溢れている」 彼氏と別れた後、家に帰ると、謎の少女がドアの前で待っていた。 なぜか私のニックネーム「なーこ」を知っている少女は……。 コミティア134でのみ頒布された希少な作品が、電子書籍になって登場! 野宮りおん先生の詩的な世界をお楽しみください。 ※本作は野宮りおんの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【27ページ】
  • 策戦
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    ■あらすじ 「可愛くおねだりしてみてよ」 原稿を取りにきた編集者をからかう作家。 皮肉を言い合う二人だが、その関係は……!? 言葉に隠れた気持ちが溢れる。二人の女性の関係を描く短編物語。 【10ページ(表紙等含む)】 ※本作は野宮りおんの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。
  • Someone Special
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    "Looking at you from afar once more, I see it so clearly-You were someone special after all" Kusuda has started dating the person she admires. After a while, she begins to think that her girlfriend is just an ordinary person as well... A story of two women who love the special and the ordinary. Although a short story, it will inevitably tug at your heartstrings. ■12pages ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【12ページ】
  • SUNDAY. 1:00PM
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    As much as I hate the dentist... I might be fine with never getting better. The ever-timid Maki tries to muster the courage to converse with an alluring receptionist who's always there at her dentist visits! Simply adorable yuri with Ayu Inui-sensei's unique style. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【32ページ】
  • That Room
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    “I let you go because I loved you” "If i said that to you, would that make you angry?" A former comedy duo meet to catch up. Both are doing respectively well, but both left something precious behind with them back in the days they once spent together, as well as the rooms that they once shared. Though the past is gone, perhaps the two can find a future with one another again. ■13 pages ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【13ページ】
  • The Day Tomorrow Comes
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Two clandestine lovers spend their days together in a world that won't accept them for who they are. Kanae, a teacher, reflects on her and her girlfriend's circumstances. Meanwhile, her lover prepares a surprise for her... Masterfully pensive yuri from Rion Nomiya about what one really needs to be happy. ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【26ページ】 ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【26ページ】
  • She "Falls" in Love
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Oh... she's a weirdo Aki Tachibana, the oddball of her school, comes crashing down from a tree branch onto our protagonist Komiya. Can friendship really blossom from such a bad first impression? A lovey autumn romance between two different types of loners that's sure to warm your heart. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【31ページ】
  • Students and Teachers
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Reiko Tono is disliked by her students for her stern demeanor. She keeps them at a distance, until a mysterious girl named Himari attends one of her make up tests with an ulterior motive. ■19 pages ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【19ページ】
  • Strategy
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    A cheeky, elusive writer teases the editor who comes to pick up her manuscript. When one plops herself on the lap of the other, it becomes obvious there is more to their relationship than it seems. Romantic, adult life Yuri with complicated, messy emotions. With love from the ever-talented Rion Nomiya. ■12pages ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【12ページ】
  • Vow to You
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    I want to see you... in a wedding dress. Shiori and Yori attend a friend's wedding together. Can Shiori overcome her cowardly self? A short story by Rion Nomiya that delivers happiness and emotion. ■16 pages
  • Day In, Day Out
    全1巻363円 (税込)
    I love you.  and I will always love this ordinary life, as long as you are in it. Onodera and Yuki find comfort in working together at the same company for years, seeing one another as part of the daily routine - but in life, change is everpresent, unavoidable. Onodera transferring jobs throws off the cordial coworker relationship they've always had... but starts to mold it into something new. Warm yet somber adult life yuri showcasing Rion-sensei's unique style and mastery of paneling. ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【47ページ】
  • Honey Latte Girl
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    A customer and a barista help one another understand their likes, dislikes, and what they hold dear. Read the syrupy sweet Ayu Inui-sensei doujin that would become "Room for Honeys"! ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【32ページ】
  • Pretense, Prudence
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Kirishima, a stern maid has it out for her slightly lazy, rather aloof master... Yet underneath the reprimanding tone and annoyed posture, there's a spark of love in her eyes. One that her master seeks to draw out of her. Inui Ayu's dreamy art style helps paint a regally adorable dynamic in this whimsical maid-master yuri manga. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【14ページ】
  • Pages of Eternity
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Snuggly cohabitation yuri about making the most out of a day off with a lover - even if things don't go to plan. Sometimes, the best part of having a girlfriend is someone to improvise and experiment with. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【29ページ】
  • My Adorable Crush
    全1巻605円 (税込)
    I really don't know how I should feel when my much younger, very adorable coworker calls me cute. Otsuka can't get her younger coworker Tamachi's compliments out of her head. What does it mean when she takes note of every little thing she does and calls her cute? Is her younger coworker just polite, itching to be her friend? Or perhaps she harbors different, deeper feelings... A feel-good story with a perfect payoff, Rion Nomiya-sensei delivers a dreamy, romantic masterpiece for yuri fans worldwide! ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【71ページ】
  • You're Sugar
    全1巻440円 (税込)
    Although they work at the same company, they are in different departments and rarely interact. One day, a shared love of sweets brings them closer together. This is a prequel story featuring the two characters who appeared in the previous anthology "The Things I Like About You". (44 pages) ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【45ページ】
  • Yuri Sketches: Work & Life
    全1巻220円 (税込)
    ■16P This is the sketchbook that was originally included as a bonus with the "Season, Yuri, Ecchi. [Compilation]." ※本作はNamanikuの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【17ページ】
  • Love Only the Body (1)
    1~9巻330~550円 (税込)
    Haruka Tohgoh is feared in the workplace by all but one ─ Sayama, a pretty people-pleaser who she's both drawn to, yet repelled by. One day, at a lesbian bar, Tohgoh happens to encounter her coworker... who now knows about this secret of hers. From here on both must navigate a steamy relationship that blurs the lines between attraction and competition. What sort of turns can their relationship take from here? Sexy, alluring yuri for fans of office ladies and mature romance. ※本作はNamanikuの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【30ページ】
  • Love Only the Body Omnibus(1)
    1巻1,500円 (税込)
    *This work is an omnibus of volumes 1 to 5 of the "Love Only the Body" series, along with 6 exclusive special stories. Haruka Tohgoh is feared in the workplace by all but one―Sayama, a pretty people-pleaser who she's both drawn to, yet repelled by. One day, at a lesbian bar, Tohgoh happens to encounter her coworker, Sayama… who now knows about this secret of hers. From here on both must navigate a steamy relationship that blurs the lines between attraction and competition. What sort of turns can their relationship take from here? Sexy, alluring yuri for fans of office ladies and mature romance. *This work contains explicit content that may not be suitable for readers under 18 years of age! The story also contains scenarios with dubious consent between two characters. As such, reader discretion is advised. ※本作はNamanikuの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【213ページ】
  • Room for Honeys - Chapter 1
    1~2巻330円 (税込)
    That coffee must be so bitter... Ever-cheerful, caring-to-a-fault Tsumugi Hina grows increasingly worried about one of her repeat customers. Calm and collected Satoko Tojo gets help discovering a drink that she'll enjoy from Tsumugi, her barista. As she starts to explore her likes and dislikes, something else begins to bloom between them. A story about discovering that life doesn't have to be all bitter coffee and office work! A recommendation for yuri fans everywhere, Ayu Inui's Room for Honeys series is as sweet and refreshing as a honey latte. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【36ページ】
  • Our Gentle World
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    “I really wish I knew just how exactly she sees me, or maybe she doesn't see me at all.” Yui and Kei live together. A woman who admires Kei appears at the pub where Kei works, and... A story that depicts the "unknown" relationship between two women. ■40 pages ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【41ページ】

