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  • Comic ZERO-SUM (コミック ゼロサム) 2024年7月号[雑誌]
    【表紙】「乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…」(キャラクター原案・コミック:ひだかなみ 原作:山口悟) 【新連載】「ルームメイトと謎解きを」(漫画:そうかはるひ 原作:楠谷佑 キャラクターデザイン原案:中村ユミ) 【センターカラー】「「ツキウタ。」劇場版 RABBITS KINGDOM THE MOVIE -Prologue- 」(漫画:するがしぎ 原作・原案:ふじわら キャラクター原案:じく) 「死神様とお嫁様」(中乃なな花) 「竜騎士のお気に入り」(コミック:蒼崎律 原作:織川あさぎ キャラクター原案:伊藤明十) 【全収録作品】「神作家・紫式部のありえない日々」(D・キッサン) 「ふつつかな悪女ではございますが ~雛宮蝶鼠とりかえ伝~」(コミック:尾羊英 原作:中村颯希 キャラクター原案:ゆき哉) 「マリエル・クララックの婚約」(コミック:アラスカぱん 原作:桃春花 キャラクター原案:まろ) 「魔法使いの約束 COMIC」(漫画:仲村柴太郎 原作・シナリオ:都志見文太/coly キャラクターデザイン原案:ダンミル) 「家政魔導士の異世界生活~冒険中の家政婦業承ります!~」(コミック:おの秋人 原作:文庫妖 キャラクター原案:なま) 「神クズ☆アイドル」(いそふらぼん肘樹) 【番外編】「ルーチェと白の契約」(御巫桃也) 「悪虐聖女ですが、愛する旦那さまのお役に立ちたいです。(とはいえ、嫌われているのですが)」(コミック:提灯あんこ 原作:雨川透子 キャラクター原案:小田すずか) 「夢なら醒めてよ」(片瀬りた) 【番外編】「虫かぶり姫」(コミック:喜久田ゆい 原作:由唯 キャラクター原案:椎名咲月) 「ボクラノキセキ」(久米田夏緒) 【番外編】「Landreaall」(おがきちか) 「花燭の白」(高山しのぶ) 「祝福のチェスカ」(乃原美隆) 「ヤンキー漫画に転生したら、何故か総長に餌付けされてます。」(キャラクター原案・コミック:むぎちゃぽよこ 原作:ビス) 「Fate/Grand Order -mortalis:stella-」(漫画:白峰 原作:TYPE-MOON) 「彼に依頼してはいけません」(雪広うたこ) 【読切】「隣のイケおじは可愛いコスおじ」(えびはらポテチ) ※「悲劇の元凶となる最強外道ラスボス女王は民の為に尽くします。 To The Savior」 (作画:かわのあきこ ネーム構成:こがわみさき 原作:天壱 キャラクター原案:鈴ノ助)は都合により休載させていただきます。※本電子書籍の表紙・目次・広告・情報・価格は、紙で発行した当時のものとなります。電子版に付録は含まれておりません。また、作品のラインナップ・記事等が目次と異なる場合もございます。何卒ご了承ください。
  • ダンス イン ザ ヴァンパイアバンド エイジ オブ スカーレット オーダー 01
    1~14巻616~858円 (税込)
    再び集え!女王の王国へ――。踊り狂え!彼女とともに!! 「ヴァンパイアバンド」Total Project 始動! 血煙薫るネオ・ヴァンパイア・クロニクル新章、開幕! 描き下ろし特別漫画収録!! 【あらすじ】 アメリカ全土でヴァンパイア狩りが横行するなか、突如として広まった脱出計画の噂。 「ミナ・ツェペッシュが全ヴァンパイアを召集している」 「西海岸から船でヴァンパイアバンドへ向かう」 その情報を頼りに西海岸を目指すヴァンパイア達。 しかし、彼らにとって気がかりなことがあった。 バンドは水没し、ミナ姫は既に亡くなっていると――。 脱出計画に潜む陰謀の存在、そしてミナ姫とアキラの消息は――? 血煙薫るネオ・ヴァンパイア・クロニクル、ここに復活! 「鮮血の秩序の時代(Age of Scarlet Order)」の幕が開く!!
  • 【単話版】ダンス イン ザ ヴァンパイアバンド エイジ オブ スカーレット オーダー 第1話
    1~68巻0~154円 (税込)
    再び集え!女王の王国へ――。踊り狂え!彼女とともに!! 「ヴァンパイアバンド」Total Project 始動! 血煙薫るネオ・ヴァンパイア・クロニクル新章、開幕! 【あらすじ】 アメリカ全土でヴァンパイア狩りが横行するなか、突如として広まった脱出計画の噂。 「ミナ・ツェペッシュが全ヴァンパイアを召集している」 「西海岸から船でヴァンパイアバンドへ向かう」 その情報を頼りに西海岸を目指すヴァンパイア達。 しかし、彼らにとって気がかりなことがあった。 バンドは水没し、ミナ姫は既に亡くなっていると――。 脱出計画に潜む陰謀の存在、そしてミナ姫とアキラの消息は――? 血煙薫るネオ・ヴァンパイア・クロニクル、ここに復活! 「鮮血の秩序の時代(Age of Scarlet Order)」の幕が開く!!
  • Aikido,the Contemporary Martial Art of Harmony;Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings (English translation of Aikido book)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【内容】 English translation of “Aikido, keiko to kokoro: gendai ni ikiru chowa no budo" Aikido, the Contemporary Martial Art of Harmony: Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings is an introductory book on aikido,explains in easy-to-understand words the philosophy, techniques, and training methods of aikido which are designed to enable its trainees to transcend contests and conflicts and to develop themselves mentally and physically in perfect harmony with each other in training. ◆Preface ◆The History of Aikido ◆Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings of Aikido ◆The Tradition of Aikido ◆Brief Personal Records of Successive Doshus 【著者】 Moriteru Ueshiba (1951- ) Doshu of Aikido 1985 Took office as Managing Director. 1996 Took office as Chief Director of the Aikikai Federation. 1999 Succeeded to the position of Doshu owing to the second Doshu's death. 2006 Received an Anchieta Medal of Brazil. Became emeritus visiting professor at International Budo University. 2009 Was awarded the Order of Friendship from the Russian Federation. 2010 Took office as special invited professor at Kogakkan University (till 2017). 2012 Took office as Chief Director of the Aikikai Public Utility Foundation owing to the change of status of Aikikai from an incorporated foundation to public utility foundation. Received the Gold Medal from University of Valencia. 2013 Was conferred a Blue Ribbon Medal for his achievements of publicizing and promoting aikido. Filled many important posts including the Director of the Nippon Budokan Public Utility Foundation and Senator at International Budo University.
  • A Transformative Force:The Emergence of Komeito as a Driver of Japanese Politics
    1巻660円 (税込)
    ※この作品は、全て英語で書かれています。 The Komeito(“clean government”)party most certainly plays a vital role in Japanese politics. When contemplating present-day politics and forecasting the future, what the author takes most seriously into consideration are the activities of the Komeito Party and its supporting lay Buddhist organization, the Soka Gakkai. He could go so far as to say that as long as we observe the moves of Komeito and Soka Gakkai, we will understand political trends. His intention in this book is to analyze the party's official history, “The Fifty-year Chronicle of Komeito: With the People” in order to demonstrate the reality that Komeito members, adhering to worthy values, are greatly transforming the destiny of Japan and the world through their work in politics.
  • A Unified Theory of Generalized Differentiation and Integration (Third Edition): A NEW APPROACH TO FRACTIONAL CALCULUS
    1巻1,650円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The subject of this book is the fractional calculus which treats differentiation and integration to fractional order. This book presents a new approach to the fractional calculus being based on linear differentiator-like operators to arbitrary order. In this book, many theorems, corollaries, and lemmas are derived to reveal the properties of fractional differentiation and integration. Various special functions of arbitrary order are derived from this theory. Applications are also given to the solutions of basic differintegral equations, diffusion equations, Schroedinger's equations, electric circuits, and electromagnetic wave propagation problems.
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    This novel is to express“What is the important heart that is included in an abstract word,love ?”and “Which route of journey should we humans take to reach to the true happy world where there will be no bullying, no conflicts and no wars?”. The heroine Michiko and the hero Shouichi grow up their young age at a country town Tanushimaru,Kyushu,Japan. They learn what is the true love through playing the drama “King Lear”, played in the graduation memorial show at elementary school and have some faint feelings of their first love. After graduation from the elementary school, Michiko thinks about what is essentials of the true love and speaks it out at an English speech contest of junior high school. She expresses her thought,“True love is the heart to sincerely wish other people's happiness and to conquer her own egoism in order to bring the true happy world.” She is awarded the best prize of the contest. Shouichi is moved very much by her thought and swears to keep it in his deepest mind. Michiko and Shouichi respectively go through their stormy lives. Finally, they get together and married. They live happy life with prayer for bringing a peaceful and happy world with no bullying, no conflicts and no wars forever.
  • An Authentic Introduction to Youmei-gaku   The Philosophy of Wang Yangming
    陽明学とは、より良く生きて行くための修行法や心構えをシンプルに説いた人間学。逆境の時代のたびに読み直されてきた「東洋思想の華」、日本人のための「実践哲学」の真髄が、今よみがえる。Youmeigaku is a study of humans that explains in simple terms how to train and prepare your mind in order to live a better life. Known as a "Flower of Eastern Philosophy," which has been read again and again through times of adversity, its essence is now being revived as a practical philosophy for Japanese people.
  • Issunboshi 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Issunboshi was a tiny, little boy, who was only about three centimeters tall. In order to become an honorable samurai, Issunboshi got onto his bowl ship and set off for the capital.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 89)
  • ウオッチミュージアム ヴォガ アンティークコレクション
    レックスやオメガなど、世界的に知られる有名ブランドの1920~70年代に作られたアンティークウオッチを集めた日本初の本格的な時計博物館「ウオッチミュージアム ヴォガ」。この博物館はかつてアンティークウオッチのバイヤーだった益井俊雄氏が時計バイヤー時代の30年間に収集したコレクションを後世に残すため、2017年4月29日に島根県に開設した私設博物館です。本書は当博物館に展示される貴重なアンティークコレクション、約800本をすべて撮影。一つひとつの解説については業界唯一のアンティークウオッチ専門誌「ロービート」の編集部が担当しました。日本に現存するアンティークウオッチは状態が良く世界的に評価が高いためにどんどん海外に流出しています。その意味からも、現存するものの資料としては時計愛好家にとって貴重な資料となることは間違いありません。解説文は、日本語と英語の両方を記載。 掲載ブランド ロレックス/チュードル/オメガ/ロンジン/ウィットナー/モバード/パテック フィリップ/ミドー/ティソ/ブライトリング/ギャレット/ユニバーサル・ジュネーブ/ジラール・ペルゴ/ジャガー・ルクルト/ゾディアック/マセイティソ/ユリス・ナルダン/ヴァシュロン・コンスタンタン/ブローバ/ハミルトン/グリュエン/エルジン/ベンラス/ウオルサム/ウエストフィールド/セイコー/シチズン、ほか Introduction “Watch Museum VOGA”, Japan’s first one which displays the antique watches of the world-famous brands such as Rolex, Omega and many more. This museum was opened in April, 2017 by Mr. Toshio Masui, former antique watch dealer, in order to preserve and leave for the future all his collection which he acquired during the 30 years of his career. This book has photos of all the watches ? approximately 800 in total - with narratives/ stories of each one of them provided by the editorial staff of Japan’s only antique watch magazine, “Low Beat”. The antique watches found in Japan are well known for their generally great condition, and, therefore, those precious watches are now being bought, brought out and scattered around the world. This book surely makes one of the greatest, if not the greatest, resources of the antique watches for the watch lovers. Commentary is written both in Japanese and English Brand list ROLEX/TUDOR/OMEGA/LONGINES/WITTNAUER/MOVADO/PATEK PHILIPPE/MIDO/TISSOT/BREITLING/GALLET/UNIVERSAL GENEVE/GIRARD-PERREGAUX/JAEGER-LECOULTRE/ZODIAC/MATHEY -TISSOT/ULYSSE NARDIN/VACHERON CONSTANTIN/BULOVA/HAMILTON/GRUEN/ELGIN/BENRUS/WALTHAM/WESTFIELD/SEIKO/CITIZEN、etc.


  • 英語を英語で理解する 英英英単語 超上級編
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 英英辞典のように単語の語義が英語で書かれた新しいタイプの英単語集が遂に登場! 単語集と言えば「infiltrate: ~に潜入する」のように、英単語とその訳語がセットで掲載されているものが一般的でした。しかし、本書は「infiltrate: to slowly and secretly enter something in order to gain information or cause harm」のように、英単語と英語の語義説明をセットで掲載することで、英語のニュアンスをそのまま理解できるようになっています。単なる英英辞典と異なり、役に立つ単語を厳選しているうえ、理解を助ける日本語訳も収録しているので、無理なく英語力を高めることができます。 あなたの英語力を総合的に高める本書の特長 1. 語義説明が英語で示されているから単語のニュアンスがわかる 2. 英語の語義説明を覚えることで、英語で説明する力がつく 3. 知的なネイティブなら知っているハイレベルな単語を収録。『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』などを読むための語彙力が身につく 4. 英検1級、TOEFL、国連英検など難易度の高い試験対策に効果抜群 5. 1000ファイルに及ぶ音声で耳からも語彙が定着。リスニング力も高まる 超上級編 収録語彙の目安 ★20000語レベル★ ・英検1級~ ・国連英検特A級 ・TOEFL iBT 100~


  • 英熟語の集中治療室 <INTENSIVE CARE 2>
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 「書いた原稿1万ページ、売れた本1000万冊、教え子100万人」とも言われ、日本の英語教育界に多大なる影響を与えた元駿台予備校英語科講師・伊藤和夫。その著者が、1992年に“必要な知識だけを、本当に選別して提示した”という参考書シリーズの一冊。 長年の予備校講師という経験から、「大学受験に本当に必須の知識とは何だろう」ということを、自らにいつも問いかけてきた著者。本書は、大学入試に頻出する熟語だけを厳選して集め、「集中的に学習する」ことで、確実な得点を狙うための参考書です。 膨大な熟語を覚えられれば、それにこしたことはありませんが、なかなか限られた時間内で全てを学習するのは難しいもの。そこで、“受験の神様”が、予備校講師としての経験から、「本当に必要な熟語」だけを選び抜きました。 ムリに覚えようとせず、読むだけで理解が深まる内容構成。受験勉強の無駄を省き、効率的に英熟語を学びたい方におススメします。 ▼目次 まえがき とぅーる・ぼっくす(Tool Box):前置詞と[前置詞的]副詞 表題文一覧(英文) 1. account for 2. at a loss 3. blame for 4. bring up 5. by… 6. call for 7. carry out 8. catch up with 9. come across 10. different from 11. do without 12. each other 13. familiar with 14. far from 15. feel like 16. for all 17. get along with 18. get over 19. give up 20. have nothing to do with 21. in spite of 22. know better than to - 23. look after 24. look down on 25. make out 26. make up for 27. much of 28. on…terms with 29. out of order 30. pick up 31. prefer…to 32. prevent…from 33. provide…with 34. put off 35. put up with 36. quite a few 37. remind…of 38. rob…of 39. stand for 40. take…for granted 41. take part in 42. tell…from 43. turn down 44. turn out 45. what…become of 表題文一覧(訳文) Preparatory Test, Achievement Test 解答 Index ※本書は、1992年・一竹書房刊『英熟語の集中治療室』を底本に、復刊するものです。
  • 驚くほどすっと口から出てくる 超かんたん ネイティブ英語100
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 I’d like to order.(注文をお願いします)と言いたかったのに、I’d like order.(ご静粛に)と言ってしまった。What do you think?(意見を教えてほしい)と言うべきなのに、What’s your opinion?(あなたの思いつきは?)と失礼な一言になってしまったなど、間違えやすいポイントを解説し、日常や海外旅行で役立つ一言をご紹介。ダウンロード音声付き。
  • 会話で覚えるL/C信用状の実務手続き。軽妙な会話のなかで出題されるクイズで自然と要点が身につく。10分で読めるシリーズ
    さっと読めるミニ書籍です(文章量13,000文字以上 14,000文字未満(10分で読めるシリーズ)=紙の書籍の26ページ程度) 【書籍説明】 機械関係のメーカーABC株式会社に勤務するT氏は、ベテランの国内営業マンだった。 ある日、海外部門に異動となり、成長の期待される大きな海外市場で働くこととなる。 輸出ビジネスも輸入ビジネスもどちらもこなせることを求められている。 T氏の勤めるABC株式会社は、全社で130人の機械関連メーカー。 今までKマネージャーと女性社員Bさんのたった2人で全社売上高の10%を輸出してきた。 T氏がそこに加わることになった。 本書では4人がそれぞれの役割をもってゲームをするように会話をする。 軽妙な会話で、楽しくかつ徹底的にL/C(信用状)について学ぶことができる。 初心者に分かりやすいストーリーによって、海外ビジネス担当者がすぐに活用でき、実務に直結した情報を提供する。 【目次】 1.UCP600って何? 2.まずはL/Cを眺めてみよう 3.4人で役割を分担してL/Cゲームをしてみよう 4.L/Cの2大機能 5.L/Cの2大原則 6.船積書類にディスクレのある場合 7.TO ORDER OF SHIPPER AND BLANK ENDORSEDの意味 8.ドラフトって何? 9.L/Cには3つの期限がある 10.船荷証券の危機回避のためのB/L直送 11.サレンダーB/Lと海上運送状 12.エアーカーゴで運ぶ場合のL/Cは同じでいいの? 13.質問集 【著者紹介】 姉崎慶三郎(アネザキケイザブロウ) 群馬県出身。元商社勤務。海外駐在経験2回。 現在は、台湾企業顧問、ジェトロ公認貿易アドバイザー、クラウドワーカー、電子書籍ライター。 ペンネームは祖父の名前。趣味は、野鳥撮影、メダカ飼育、レタス栽培、オペラDVD鑑賞、コマ撮り動画制作。 料理は毎朝のフレンチトースト。最近大学時代の友人たちと音楽活動再開。
  • 鎌倉スワニーの布を楽しむバッグ
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※「実物大型紙」を電子版購入者専用サイトからダウンロードすることができます。最終ページをご覧ください。 「鎌倉スワニー」は、リネンやコットンなどのナチュラルファブリックを中心に、 バッグやアクセサリー、ソーイングの材料が豊富にそろうハンドメイドショップ。 1968年に、湘南鎌倉で布好きのオーナーがお気に入りの布を集めて小さなお店をオープンしたのがはじまりです。 上質でセンスのいい品ぞろえはたちまち評判を呼び、遠方からも多くのファンが訪れるほど、店内はいつも大にぎわい。 なかでも力を入れているのが、世界中から集めたこだわりのインポートファブリックです。 絵画のような臨場感あふれるフラワープリントにヨーロッパの伝統モチーフ、スタイリッシュな北欧柄―― この本でご紹介するのは表情豊かなインポートファブリックの魅力を最大限に生かしたバッグや小物34作品。 その風合いを実感していただけるよう、掲載作品のキットを誌上通販します。 みなさまもぜひ、この本でお気に入りの布を見つけてください。 撮影:公文美和、亀和田良弘、岡利恵子 主婦と生活社刊 【目次】 Story1|お出かけが楽しくなるシックなバッグ 01)ポケット付きビッグトート 02)タックバッグ 03)ラナンキュラスのふっくらトート 04)ロンググラニー 05)スクエアバッグ 06)斜め掛けショルダー 07)シンプルバッグ 08)横長トートバッグ 09)モノトーンのラウンドバッグ 10)ニューム口金のポーチ Story2|毎日使いたいデイリー&カジュアルバッグ 11)ファスナートート 12)マルシェバッグ 13)革ハンドルのぺたんこトート 14)エレガントグラニー 15)タックバッグ 16)ペイズリー柄のグラニーバッグ 17)丸底トート Story3|柄を楽しむ布が主体のバッグ&ポーチ 18)巾着付きバッグ 19)ミニバッグ 20)スクエアポーチ 21)ミニボストンバッグ 22)エスニック柄のバッグ 23)バネ口金のポーチ 24)コロコロがま口ポーチ 25)キャラメルポーチ 26)ミニパーティバッグ 27)ニューム口金のクラッチバッグ 28)ショルダーバッグ 29)メッセンジャーバッグ 30)ファスナーバッグ/31)がま口ポーチ 32)スクエア底のミニトート 33)リュックサック 34)ボディバッグ Mail Order|掲載した作品がキット通販できます how to make|作品の作り方 掲載作品のキットはこちら! 他
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 イラストイメージとストーリーを使って、漢字の字形と意味がらくに学べる漢字学習教材。 N5~N3レベルの基本漢字512字と漢字語彙約3,500語が収録されています。 ・イラストと英文のストーリーを使って、漢字に不慣れな学習者でも字形と意味が簡単に覚えられます。 ・各漢字の基本情報(意味・読み・画数・書き順)、およびその漢字を使った初級~中級前期の必須語彙約3,500語とその意味が、一目で参照できます。 ・初級レベルの重要語彙にはマークがついているので、効率よく自習できます。 ・巻末の各種さくいんから調べたい漢字と語彙がすぐに探せるので、漢字辞書のように使えます。 ・別売のワークブックを併用すれば、文や文章の中で漢字と語彙の学習ができます。 ※本書は『初級日本語げんき』の学習漢字317字をすべて収録しています。ただし、提出順や漢字語彙は異なります。 This kanji textbook uses illustrations and mnemonic hints to make it easy for learners to memorize the shapes and meanings of 512 basic kanji JLPT levels N5–N3. Also included are some 3,500 words incorporating the kanji studied. The illustrations and mnemonic hints in English enable even learners new to kanji to readily master the shapes and meanings of the characters presented. Users can quickly look up the basic information for each kanji (meaning, reading, and stroke count/order), plus approx. 3,500 essential beginning/intermediate words written with the kanji, and the meanings of those words. Key elementary-level words are specially marked to facilitate self-study. This book can also function as a kanji dictionary, as the various indexes provided at the end allow users to immediately find the characters and words they need. The companion workbook (sold separately) helps users to learn kanji and words in the context of sentences and longer text. Note: This book contains all 317 kanji studied in the GENKI series. (The order of presentation and the words introduced may differ.)


  • Closed Linguistic Space: Censorship by the Occupation Forces and Postwar Japan
    1巻2,079円 (税込)
    The United States postwar occupation of Japan likes to boast of having given the Japanese freedom of expression and freedom of the press. True, it freed the Japanese press from many wartime constraints. But at the same time, it imposed a large number of new constraints, replacing wartime censorship by the Japanese government with postwar censorship by the American occupation authority. Even before the war ended, planning for the occupation included a censorship and public relations efforts that would work to “re-educate” the Japanese and fold them into the postwar American international order. Similar efforts were made in Germany, but the effort in Japan was far more sweeping and far more sustained. This book documents that history in detail with extensive reference to primary resources held in U.S. archives and elsewhere. Was the occupation successful in reshaping the Japanese mindset? Citing not only the postwar Constitution but also, among other things, the widespread belief in the Tokyo Trials’ validity, Eto argues doggedly that it was so successful that its pernicious influence persists even today. Yet the heart of this heavily researched book is its meticulous documentation of how this censorship was planned and enforced.


  • 交響詩篇エウレカセブン 1 BLUE MONDAY
    先の見えてしまう将来、何も起こることのない日々。14歳の少年レントンの鬱々とした世界も、紫色の瞳を持つひとりの少女との出逢いによって、いま大きく変わろうとしている。新感覚ロボットアクションノベル登場! 注:紙版の巻末収録「解説 京田知己」は電子版には収録されておりません
  • The True Meaning of Studying
    Society’s’ rules have changed, and the next to change is you! The world has changed greatly; what was once ‘correct’ is now broken. As youths, what and how should you learn? The way things are now, just memorizing textbooks, is that really ok? Will this allow you to live happily in the future? In this book, in a style like middle school and high school classes, we’ll learn about the ‘five forces’ that are required in order to survive this coming era. 1 Simulation 2 Communication 3 Logical Thinking 4 Role Playing 5 Presentation Skills If you acquire these abilities, then with your own hands you should be able to create a new answer. Well now, let’s start the class that will change your future.
  • 死ぬほどメロウ 英語版
    全1巻495円 (税込)
    父の会社を救うため政略結婚をしなければならない美果子。一方、下着モデルと勘違い、初対面でいきなり裸に剥いてしまったイケメンは、取引相手のデザイナー、リオだった。彼はいきなり美果子にキスを…!?高級下着ブランドで繰り広げられる年下彼氏とのミステリアスラブストーリー!!夢を追って働く女子を描いたヤングユー連載の表題作「死ぬほどメロウ」他、読切作品「昔の王女様」「冷たく触れて」を収録した3本立て!!(英訳は専門家にお願いしました(^^;;)Mikako has to get married for political reasons in order to save her father’s company. While a handsome man whom she accidently stripped naked, mistaken for a underwear model, is a business designer Rio. All of a sudden, he kisses Mikako...!? This is a mysterious love story with the younger boyfriend based in the luxurious lingerie brand! Including the title series “SO MELLOW I COULD DIE” of the popular Japanese josei magazine and non-serial comics “ONCE A QUEEN” and “TREAT ME COLDLY”, this three-part series portray girls pursuing for their dreams!
  • Susanoo-no-Mikoto 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Susanoo-no-Mikoto was exiled from Heaven due to his disorderly behavior and so he met a young woman on Earth. In order to save her, Susanoo went up against an enormous monster.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 55)
  • Contested Perceptions Interactions and Relations between China, Korea, and Japan since the Seventeenth Century
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    The histories of China, Korea, and Japan have been intimately intertwined for centuries. But of these three countries, it was Korea that occupied the pivotal geopolitical position. The Korean Peninsula shaped the dynamics of international interactions and relations in East Asia which, up until the start of the twentieth century, were underpinned by systems of order wholly removed from the sovereign state system we recognize as ubiquitous today. Contested Perceptions examines the coexistence of “neighborly relations” between Japan and Korea and “tributary relations” between Korea and the Qing dynasty from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and Korean “tributary autonomy” in the late nineteenth century. It provides a cogent analysis of the differing perceptions that determined the success or failure of these past systems of order and their influence upon the balance of power in East Asia from the seventeenth century to modern times. Delving into the history of East Asian international relations, diplomacy, and power politics, this book elucidates the events that led to the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, and the conflicts of interest that have defined these nations up to the present day.


  • Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact Territorial Conflict and the Formation of the Postwar East Asian Order
    1巻3,311円 (税込)
    “A solution without a solution.” In 1965, a secret pact concluded between the leaders of Japan and South Korea quietly shelved the territorial dispute over the island of Takeshima (Dokdo), setting the course for normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Several well-known figures were active in the complex and convoluted political maneuvering and backroom negotiations that helped bring the pact to fruition. For the first time ever, this book-including personal accounts from those who were directly involved-reveals the painstaking work behind the scenes to mend the fraught relationship between Japan and South Korea by conceiving the most subtle of solutions. And yet the pact and all that it achieved would mysteriously be erased from history. How and why did this happen? Winner of the Asia Pacific Award, Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact is a fascinating look into the intricate process of mending diplomatic relations and the small island that was the center of it all.


  • One Hundred Fifty Years of Japanese Foreign Relations From 1868 to 2018
    1巻5,005円 (税込)
    This book traces the past 150 years of Japan’s diplomatic history, focusing on the thoughts and actions of the leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the ministry’s establishment in 1869. It includes a discussion of the last fifteen years of the Edo period, beginning with the arrival of Commodore Perry in 1854. Since the Meiji era, Japan’s foreign policy has been informed by its response to that “confrontation from the West.” This foreign policy has been largely based on “accommodation diplomacy” (also called responsive diplomacy). Japan has designed its diplomatic response with an eye to its own foreign policy goals, applying the metric of what might be feasible more than what might be desirable. In “accommodation diplomacy,” the international issues, international order, and the rules of the game are not defined. In that sense, there has been no all-encompassing strategy behind Japan’s foreign policy. Instead, Japan has regarded the international situation simply, as a set of facts. It has sought to maximize the benefits to itself while minimizing risk. Its foreign policy has been an attempt to solve this conundrum through accommodation. Reflective of the times, this has required an abundance of creativity. Japan has needed to be both pragmatic and forward-thinking in its response to changes in the international environment. In the postwar period, as Japan aimed to elevate its standing in the competition-driven international environment, its foreign policy can be understood as an extension of the way it had comported itself since the Meiji era: emphasizing cooperation and coordination with other nations while responding to changes in the international environment.


  • Hydrogenomics: The Science of Fully Utilizing Hydrogen
    As global energy and environment problems draw increasing attention, Japan has set a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It has become even more important to promote the development of technology for fully utilizing hydrogen in the future, and also to explore fundamental science.However, since the foundational science related to hydrogen (hereinafter, hydrogen science) spans an extremely wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology, sufficient opportunities have not been established for sharing cutting-edge trends and promoting joint research. Against this kind of background, the “Hydrogenomics: Creation of Innovative Materials, Devices, and Reaction Processes Using Higher-Order Hydrogen Functions” project was established under a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (FY2018 to FY2022). Through this framework, research has been promoted with the aim of creating the science for mastering the advanced use of hydrogen. We call this research area “hydrogenomics” (hydrogen + omics [system of learning]), and strive to promote joint research related to the diverse physical properties and functions of flexibly and continuously transformable hydrogen through cooperation between researchers in a wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology. Practical, systematic joint research into hydrogen science that spans such as wide range of academic fields is unprecedented worldwide and this is the first such attempt. This book summarizes the following to provide a practical guide for obtaining new directions and widely sharing the state of activities in this new academic field, hydrogenomics. Chapter 1 “Diverse properties of hydrogen in materials” gives an overview of the “high densification ability of hydrogen”, which is related to many of energy functions; the “interfacial localizability of hydrogen”, which is important for enhancing electronic functions and mechanical properties; the “fast migration ability of hydrogen”, which includes short- and long-range migration phenomena and coupling with electrons related to new conceptual devices: and “high activation ability of hydrogen”, which is related to new material conversion processes. In order to fully utilize hydrogen based on these properties, it is essential to also perform research into analyzing and predicting hydrogen, which is difficult to detect in materials, with higher accuracy than ever before. Chapter 2 “Advanced measurements and calculations for hydrogen in materials” introduces cutting-edge hydrogen measurements driven by new methods, and the latest hydrogen calculations for “seeing” invisible hydrogen. Chapters 3 to 5 introduce some results related to fully utilizing hydrogen to explain the state of activities in “hydrogenomics”. Chapter 3 “Synthesizing new materials” explains the latest in high-pressure synthesis and thin-film synthesis technology, and then introduces hydride-ion conductors, hydrogen boride sheets, and other materials. Chapter 4 “Designing new devices” introduces new concepts for devices related to hydrogen and hydrides, such as hydride-based all-solid-state batteries, hydrogen-doped solar cells, rechargeable fuel cells, and proton-coupled electron transfer thermochemical cells. Furthermore, Chapter 5 “Providing new reaction processes and visualization technology” introduces new synthesis techniques for amino acids and ammonia, and new hydrogen visualization technologies using metal complexes. [Translation and revision from the Japanese language edition: The Science of Fully Utilizing “Hydrogen” Hydrogenomics, Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2022]


  • How to Teach Morality to AI and Robots(東大教授が挑むAIに「善悪の判断」を教える方法 「人を殺してはいけない」は“いつも正しい”か? 英語版)
    With rapid advancement in development of artificial intelligences (AIs) and robots in the current world, some people predict that a society where robots and human beings coexist is approaching in the near future. However, I simply wonder if we could actually get along with robots in this world, where we cannot accept diversity even among the same human beings. If we had robots in this deeply divided world, would not it merely end up causing even greater chaos? I recently started researching on morality engine to control behavior of robots. Simply put, I study how to make robots distinguish good and evil by themselves for the upcoming future when robots and human beings coexist. The concept of morality for robots is not anything new. Back in 1940s, for example, an American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov started introducing his famous Three Laws of Robotics in his novels. The Three Laws are very well known, and some people even treat them like golden rules for robots to observe. However, to me, these Laws seem to hold significant problems and therefore to be unsuitable for practical purposes. As you read this book, you will be able to figure out the fundamental defect in the Laws. In order to study the moral engine with which to regulate robots, we need to first describe the moral framework of human beings. We can make possible such an attempt to model an abstract concept, by using an engineering way of thinking as a tool. In this book, I would like to think about this framework together with you, using as simple and easy words as possible. If we can model human morality, we will be able to install it onto brains of robots. If we can build a moral system that robots and human beings – mutually different existences – can share, it will in turn help us to overcome divisions resulting from differences in standpoints among human beings, and to further develop an inclusive and diverse society. Using such a new moral system, I would like to establish alternative principles to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and to think about the possibility of a society where human beings and robots coexist. Morality and robots may seem to have nothing in common — but by looking at the point where these two areas actually cross, we will be able to see principles of a future society that we human beings should aim at. Throughout this intensive seminar, we are going to freely and widely develop our arguments. I plan to also provide you with a summary and practice exercises at the end of each session to help deepen your understanding. Let us make ourselves ready for thinking outside the box, digging deep into our imagination. Contents Introduction Session 1. Is the “You Shall Not Kill” Rule Universal? Session 2. Classifying Prior Moral Thoughts Session 3. You Shall Not Kill… Whom? Session 4. Modeling the Basic Principle of Morality Session 5. Classifying Hierarchy of Morality Session 6. Installing Morality onto Robots Afterword Hints for Practice Exercises References
  • How to Design Your Organization’s Raison D’être―――A translation of Diamond Harvard Business Review (March 2019) Japanese edition
    In the past, the key to a successful business lay in the safeguarding of resources. Corporations carefully accumulated and guarded their personnel, capital, data and know-how in order to sharpen their competitive edge. They exploited this edge to create value by continually optimizing operational efficiency. But in the new digital economy of rapidly changing consumer needs, the safeguarding strategy limits the potential for success. The key to value creation for 21st-century companies lies in lowering the walls surrounding them and inviting in outside resources. How do they attract these resources? Prominent strategic designer, Kunitake Saso, argues that the key lies in gaining empathy and engagement from communities and crowds with their organization’s raison d’être. This paper presents the purpose branding methodology by first redefining some well-known management terms: <g>mission</g>, <g>vision</g> and <g>values</g>, in addition to purpose, which has recently gained attention. It goes on to propose the purpose branding framework to help companies evolve their organization model into the next era, by continually designing and propagating the organization’s <g>raison d’être</g>.
  • History Wars  Japan---False Indictment of the Century 歴史戦 世紀の冤罪はなぜ起きたか
    NOTE: This book is an English Edition. Although the indication of title above tells you as if it were a “Japanese Edition,” it contains the full book in both English and Japanese. This book is a modest rebuttal to the absurd demagoguery against Japan on the issue of comfort women (military prostitution during wartime) that continues to be spread by China and South Korea as if it were the truth. In the United States, the anti-Japanese activities have become more animated among local Chinese and Korean groups, as can be seen from the erection of a statue of a comfort woman in Glendale, California. The Sankei Shimbun, one of the Japan's leading newspapers, has been reporting in detail on activities related to the comfort women issue in the U.S. How did the situation come to the point of demeaning Japan to such an extent? Why did the comfort women issue arise in the first place? The Sankei dug deep to seek answers and the result is a book titled “History Wars.” On this occasion the Sankei has decided to publish an English Edition of the book in order to inform people around the world of the facts and clear up the misunderstandings about Japan. About the Author The Sankei Shimbun, which was first published in 1933, is one of Japan's leading Quality Newspapers based in Tokyo. Contents Chapter 1: The False Indictment of the Century Chapter 2: Is America Japan's Enemy? Chapter 3: Why Did the Facts Become Distorted? Chapter 4: Why Didn't Japan Rebut the Mistakes? ○ベストセラー『歴史戦 朝日新聞が世界にまいた「慰安婦」の嘘を討つ』(産経新聞社著)の英日対訳ダイジェスト版。前半に英語版、後半に日本語版を収録。 ○日本をはじめ世界9カ国(米国、カナダ、英、独、仏、伊、スペイン、オランダ)で配信中。 【おもな内容】 第1章 世紀の冤罪 第2章 米国は日本の敵なのか? 第3章 なぜ事実がねじまげられたのか? 第4章 なぜ日本は反論しなかったのか?
  • Fate/Grand Order コミックアンソロジー THE NEXT: 1
    一迅社『FGO』アンソロジーは『NEXT』へ! 新シリーズ堂々開幕! 大好評の『Fate/Grand Order』コミックアンソロジーシリーズが装いも新たに大リニューアル! お手頃価格で内容はぎっしりの大ボリュームでお送りいたします!  【執筆作家陣】表紙イラスト:Mo イラスト:衣丘わこ/ごまし/咲良ゆき/Tota/トウドリ/花ヶ田 漫画:芦田ゆり/桂イチホ/かに村えびお/きち/しーめ/関末/高原 由/丹娜/ヒモだ/ひら/ヒロサキ/星子/三國大和/みずみ/メイジ/ものべ/ゆーま/由上ゴーシュ
  • From Zero to Kyocera A Company Philosophy to Grow People and Organizations
    The eye-opening business philosophy and life wisdom of one of Japan’s most influential entrepreneurs. This book is not merely a business how-to but a guide to personal growth. Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairman. Inamori also established the non-profit Inamori Foundation and the Kyoto Prize to honor researchers and artists all over the world. He has received the title of Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his outstanding contributions to society. Along the way, he has published over 60 books in Japanese which have sold over 19 million copies in 21 different languages. This book focuses on the often-dramatic ups and downs of his life and reveals how he arrived at his guiding principle, “Respect the Divine and Love People.” In the book’s introduction, he makes a promise to the reader: If you adopt the management philosophy and lifestyle laid out in this book, you are certain to succeed both in business and in life. ※『ゼロからの挑戦』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • The Little Match Girl 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 It was on the night of Christmas Eve. At a corner of a town filled with happiness, there was a girl selling matches. At the point she could no longer bear the cold, she lit a fire from the unsold matches in order to get warm. And then… (KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 34)
  • The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A young apprentice of a renowned sorcerer worked hard every day learning how to create magic so that he too could become an accomplished sorcerer.One day, before going out the sorcerer assigned a chore to the apprentice. The boy followed the order but...(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 43)
  • The Snow Queen 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Kay and Gerda have been very good friends since they were little. One day, the Snow Queen came and took Kay away. In order to save Kay, Gerda headed to the northern Kingdom where the Snow Queen lived…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 61)
  • Rainwater Control in Buildings
    1巻2,750円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book deals with the science of ama-jimai. “Ama-jimai”, a Japanese word which literally means “putting rainwater in order”, is a traditional terminology in architecture used for the concept of excluding rain from buildings not totally relying on waterproofing techniques. The basic idea is to deflecting rainwater from the surface of the building as much as possible, and control the flow of rainwater on the surface and within the building fabric so as not to migrate towards adverse direction and quickly drain it away. In this book, whole of the subjects on ama-jimai, ranging from the nature of rain itself to practical techniques for controlling rainwater within the building fabric, which are closely relating each other, are systematically described and scientifically explained. From this book, readers will be able to have clear and precise understanding of the followings. •Importance of rainwater control for the weathertightness of buildings, •Influence of rain and wind on building façade, •Rainwater movement over the surface, within the material, and through the gaps of building fabric, •Practical method of excluding rain in buildings utilizing various rainwater controlling features. Furthermore, this book contains many quantitative information on the movement of rainwater, based on the author’s many years research works. These include analysis of meteorological data, calculation methods and results of wind-driven rain impingement over the building façade, rate of flow and penetration of rainwater in various positions of the building envelope, and experimental data on the behavior of rainwater at various rainwater controlling features over and within the building fabric.
  • Examining Heisei Japan:Diplomacy and Security Vol.I
    The passing of Emperor Sh-owa marked the end of an era―an era memorable in both war and peace. As is the custom, the new emperor’s reign was given a new name, in this case “Heisei,” but this did not mean a reset on the international stage. The persistent diplomatic issues remained, and, furthermore, new issues arose. Promoting global peace and stability, preventing natural disasters, relations with China, regional cooperation, Japan’s role in the international order are just some of the many outstanding issues. How did Japan approach them and deal with them? What was accomplished and what still needs to be done? Given the issues’ paramount importance for both Japan and the world at large, this anthology brings together influential essays published by five of Japan’s leading scholars during the period.


