

  • X・ライブズ・オブ・ウルヴァリン/X・デス・オブ・ウルヴァリン
    ウルヴァリンVS宿敵オメガ・レッド! クラコアの命運は、両者の果てしない攻防戦に委ねられた……。 ミュータントの中心的存在であるプロフェッサーXの命がいま、宿敵オメガ・レッドによって最大の危機に瀕している。過去のあらゆる時代に干渉して襲ってくるオメガ・レッドに対抗するには、同時代を生き、かつ実戦経験が豊富なウルヴァリンの力が必要だった。かくして、ミュータント同士の壮絶な死闘が繰り広げられるが、迫り来る敵はそれだけではなく……。はたして、ウルヴァリンは決死の任務を完遂できるのか? そして、クラコアから追放された危険分子のモイラが、更なる波乱を呼び起こし、X-MENサーガが激動の新展開を迎える! ●収録作品● 『X LIVES OF WOLVERINE』 #1-5 and 『X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE』 #1-5. © 2024 MARVEL
  • NOT LIVES -ノットライヴス-(1)
    全10巻627~682円 (税込)
    ゲーム好きの高校生・三神シゲルは、幼なじみの忍原いつきに 気にかけられながらも平穏な学生生活を送っていた。――そう、その日、彼が見知らぬ一本のゲームソフトに導かれるように、とある美少女と出会うまでは……。
  • Amami Oshima―Enjoying Serendipity, Pilgrimage and Requiem[English version: with Persian translation]
    This is a record of the group [Marcion's Box], which travels to shrines and temples all over Japan, exploring the unknown culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima, a subtropical island in Japan that has just arrived in early summer. Encounter with the strong people who live on the island, which lives on the history and cultural customs of the island, which experienced the rule of the Satsuma domain in the Edo period and the American military after the war. The tradition of singing and the life of gay bar moms. This is a pilgrimage that you cannot experience on a regular trip, such as the ecology of habu as a famous guardian deity of Amami Oshima, a national sanatorium that tells the negative history of people suffering from leprosy, and the feelings of Kazumura Tanaka, who is known as Japan's Gauguin who loved Amami. An English version (with Persian translation) of a travelogue full of color photos that conveys the culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima through requiems. This bilingual translated book was created by the translator (Reinoldx Matsuda) to help people from the Christian world (English) and the Muslim world (Persian) learn about the nature and culture of Japan, Amami Oshima, through the same book. Something I hope you can share. This is an attempt to realize world peace. 日本各地の神社仏閣を巡る旅をしているグループ[Marcionの匣]が、初夏の訪れまもない日本のなかの亜熱帯、奄美大島の知られざる文化と秘境を探訪した記録。江戸時代の薩摩藩の支配、戦後のアメリカ軍の支配を経験した島の歴史と文化風習に息づく、島に生きるたくましい人々との出会い――教会での洗礼やノロ神様とユタ神様の存在、シマ唄の伝統とゲイバーママの生きざま。奄美大島で有名な守り神としてのハブの生態、ハンセン病者の負の歴史を伝える国立療養所、奄美を愛した日本のゴーギャンとして知られる田中一村への想いなど、通常の旅では体験できない巡礼と鎮魂によって奄美大島の文化と秘境を伝えるカラー写真満載の旅行記の英語版(ペルシャ語対訳付き)。この二か国語併記の翻訳本は、翻訳版企画者(Reinoldx Matsuda) が、英語のキリスト教圏とペルシャ語のイスラム教圏の人々が、同一の書籍を通じて共に奄美大島という日本の自然と文化を共有できることを願ってのもの。世界平和実現の一つの試みである。
  • アメリカ 流転の1950-2010s 映画から読む超大国の欲望
    理想、喪失、そして分断…アメリカはどこへ行こうとしているのか? 欲望の正体を求めて。想像力の旅が始まる――。NHK「世界サブカルチャー史 欲望の系譜」アメリカ編を完全書籍化。番組では放送されなかったインタビューも収録。格差、Black Lives Matter、テロとの戦い、暴力、銃、ポピュリズム…「偉大なる」実験国家の光と影。戦後から2010年代までを、主に映画のスクリーンから証言者のコメントを織り交ぜながら考察する。
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    This novel is to express“What is the important heart that is included in an abstract word,love ?”and “Which route of journey should we humans take to reach to the true happy world where there will be no bullying, no conflicts and no wars?”. The heroine Michiko and the hero Shouichi grow up their young age at a country town Tanushimaru,Kyushu,Japan. They learn what is the true love through playing the drama “King Lear”, played in the graduation memorial show at elementary school and have some faint feelings of their first love. After graduation from the elementary school, Michiko thinks about what is essentials of the true love and speaks it out at an English speech contest of junior high school. She expresses her thought,“True love is the heart to sincerely wish other people's happiness and to conquer her own egoism in order to bring the true happy world.” She is awarded the best prize of the contest. Shouichi is moved very much by her thought and swears to keep it in his deepest mind. Michiko and Shouichi respectively go through their stormy lives. Finally, they get together and married. They live happy life with prayer for bringing a peaceful and happy world with no bullying, no conflicts and no wars forever.
  • Insufficient Direction
    全1巻1,017円 (税込)
    A natural match between the manga queen Moyoco Anno and the patron saint otaku, Hideaki Anno! When Moyoco Anno, the widely successful creator of women's manga, married Hideaki Anno, creator of Evangelion and a director known to be the very model of an otaku, she held one important doubt: “Am I really ready to be an otaku's wife?” Taking up that challenge, Moyoco Anno launched herself into the deep and beautiful world of married life. This comic essay, an account of the private lives of two of Japan's most high-profile creators, is raw, unfiltered, and unforgettably hilarious.
  • We can save the planet    12 things we can do to make the world a better place【英語絵本】地球をまもるってどんなこと? 小学生のわたしたちにできること
    ※この絵本は『地球をまもるってどんなこと?  小学生のわたしたちにできること』の【英語版】です。 Every choice we make in our daily lives has an impact on the environment. As we humans have made our lives more comfortable and convenient, we have also polluted the air, destroyed forests and filled the oceans with waste. The climate is changing too and we are experiencing more natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, than ever before. Not only that, there are places on Earth where humans are at war with one another and children are being forced to do unfair work. What will happen if this continues? The Earth may no longer be inhabitable by the time we are adults. In this book, I will share with you my ideas about the actions we can take to make this world a better place.
  • Ushiro Karate Practical Philosophy of Bujutsu
    Win without fighting - the definitive version of Ushiro Karate that realizes the essence of Bujutsu!   This book is a compilation of three of Kenji Ushiro's karate books, "The Origin of Budo” (in 2000), "The Knowledge and Practice of Bujutsu Karate” (in 2001), and "The Way to Bujutsu Karate” (in 2003). And it is the definitive version of “Ushiro Karate”with new and detailed additions and corrections.   The essence of Bujutsu Karate, beyond styles and schools, is explained based on actual practice. What is the true meaning of Bujutsu? What is the meaning of Kata? What is the meaning of Bunkai-kumite? What is Body-Brain? What is Breathing Power? What is Neutralization? Who is a master? What is training? The book is a must-read for all practitioners of Bujutsu, not just karate practitioners.   In addition, this book contains a "practical philosophy" of life that leads to how we should be in our daily lives, how we should be as people, how we should be as leaders, and ultimately, how we should live based on Mr. Ushiro's wide range of experiences and perspectives as a corporate leader and a leading-edge engineer in the field of electronics. This is the starting point for the teaching of "Ki" that Mr. Ushiro is currently deploying to bring out the potential of human beings.   This book is not a ‘how-to’ book as we have seen in recent years. This is because there is no how-to in Bujutsu. However, for those who are serious about pursuing the path of Bujutsu, I am certain that this book will lead them to the true way of training. Furthermore, for those who are searching for a way to live in this difficult time, I am confident that this book will be a guide to living an unwavering life.
  • 英語でたのしむ「アドラー心理学」 その著作が語りかける、勇気と信念の言葉
    英語で読むからよくわかる“嫌われる勇気”とは? 「アドラーが英語で書いた著書を読むことは、彼の考えを理解する上でとても大きな足がかりとなる」――英語と心理学に通じた著者は、こう語る。ドイツ語を母国語とするアドラーが英語で書いた著書は、全体を通して極めて易しい単語と、理解しやすい文法で構成されている。そのため、翻訳書を読むよりも、アドラーの心理学の本質をストレートに理解できるのだ。本書は、そんなアドラー本人の著書から、50の英文を抜粋。重要語句の解説と対訳付きで、英語が苦手な人でも、アドラーの生の言葉からエッセンスを学べる。仕事から結婚、子育てまで、あらゆる人生の悩みに効く、生きるための心理学の解説書。本文より We must make our own lives. 「私たちは自分で自分自身の人生を作っていかなければならない」No experience is in itself a cause of success of failure. 「いかなる経験も、それ自体では成功の原因でも失敗の原因でもない」


  • The Frogs who wished for a King 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The frogs lived very freely and peacefully under nobody’s control in a big pond. However, the frogs wanted more comfortable lives, and wished for a better king who orders them commands.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 66)
  • 大人の語彙力「時事教養」大全
    1巻1,540円 (税込)
    激変する社会を生き抜くための「使える教養」を身につける! 世代差、文化差、ジェンダーに配慮した言い回しが求められる昨今。 本書は、時事用語の羅列ではなく、文化や歴史に紐づけて「現在」を学ぶことができる。 例えば、「江戸時代からあったSDGsの思想」や「LGBTQ+を日本文学から読み解く」、「DX革命の脱ハンコと重なる江戸時代の浮世絵師」など。 日本語研究の第一人者が贈る「真の語彙」を獲得できる一冊! 【収録内容】 第1章:最先端のデジタル教養を身につける DX/NFT/eスポーツ/インフォデミック/SNS誹謗中傷/デジタルタトゥー 第2章:正解のない時代に文化を再定義する  SDGs/LGBTQ+/Z世代/VUCA/アーバンスポーツ 第3章:新しい経済のルールと生き方 203030目標/ESG投資/シェアリングエコノミー/応援消費/クリエイターエコノミー/FIRE/エッセンシャルワーカー/ベーシックインカム/Twitterデモ 第4章:激変する世界と多様性の時代へ ウイグル族/Black Lives Matter/世界で活躍する女性リーダー/第4次韓流ブーム/米中新冷戦/ハラル認証 第5章:新しい教育・働き方が未来を創る スーパーシティ/親ガチャ/リカレント教育/エドテック/ギグワーク/STEAM教育/ワーケーション
  • 黒人の歴史 30万年の物語
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 人類の誕生から、Black Lives Matterまで。アフリカ大陸から始まる、黒人たちの遥かなる誇りと抵抗と闘いの歴史を、地図や図版を駆使して描いた、初めての一冊!
  • The Kind Demon
    Foo lives together with his grandmother, but doesn't have any friends. One day, Foo gets lost in the mountains trying to find herbs for medicine. He meets Smoochy, a demon, who helps him. Smoochy doesn't have any friends either! They get along well and become each other's first-ever friends, and play together all the time. But Foo suddenly stops coming to the mountain...
  • The Graveyard Overlooking the Sea
    1巻330円 (税込)
    The bond between parents and children. Mental transition and growth of a young man. With the theme of the bond between parents and children, the story depicts the mental transition and growth of a young man in postwar Japan. 【目次】 1)The story of the parent-child's love and bond. A family lives in a seaside village, struck by floods and war, and the son gazing at his father's death. 2)The Bitter Salt The struggles and realities of a young man who is forced to help his brother-in-law, who was repatriated from China after the war, in the salt making and black market business. 3) A Letter to Mother A young man who left his birthplace to pursue his dreams reunites with his sister and reveals his feelings to his aging mother. 【著者】 Tatsu Hatamura Middle school teacher, librarian and university staff, member of Japan Writers'Association. Major books include “Between Today and Tomorrow,” “From an Ruined City on the Strait,” e-books “The Sea, My Okutsuki Cemetery,” “Factory Closure,” etc.
  • The Soul Doctrine as a Way of Life
    Discover clues to change your life. This book introduces the Soul Doctrine, practice-based philosophy taught by Keiko Takahashi and depicts the five persons who have transformed their lives remarkably by this new way of life to live strong, deep, and serene. Their spiritual yet practical journey will encourage all readers who seek life’s purpose. “The Soul Doctrine is a way of life that places importance on the soul by steadily maintaining it as the central axis of our existence; and relentlessly taking on the challenge on the ground level of reality in life, to fulfill the aspirations and ideals that we should seek.” (from Preface)


  • Shigemitsu and Togo and Their Time
    The Kwangtung Army’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931 was a clear demonstration of the military’s independence and the Japanese foreign policy establishment’s impotence and irrelevance. For the next 14 years, diplomats and others who sought to avert war on the Asian mainland and with the Western powers saw their efforts sidelined and undercut. Such is not, however, to imply such toilers-in-the-dark did not exist. They did, and this ambitious history chronicles that difficult time focusing on the lives of Shigemitsu Mamoru and Togo Shigenori. A career diplomat who brokered a ceasefire between the Imperial Japanese Army and the Chinese Kuomintang Army in 1932 and then a settlement of the Russo-Japanese border at Changkufeng Hill in 1938, Shigemitsu was aghast at the 1940 tripartite Pact (among Japan, Germany, and Italy) and its implications for Japan’s relations with the UK and the US. Despite―or perhaps because of―his opposition to the militarists’ policies, he was appointed Foreign Minister midway through the Pacific War, and it was in that capacity that he was caught up in the charade of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Much of Shigemitsu’s work was complemented by Togo’s, including efforts to better relations with the Soviet Union. Marginalized though he was, Togo had the distinction of being Foreign Minister both at the outbreak and at the end of the Pacific War, albeit with a long hiatus in the middle, and it was this distinction that brought him to the International Tribunal’s attention. Belying the standard image of a hundred million hearts beating as one, Japan had many distinguished figures who remained true to their principles even as they served the state during the long war years. This is thus both a history of personal turmoil and an insightful window on the Japan of that era.


  • Listen to the Voice of the Earth
    1~61巻1,694~3,426円 (税込)
    “I wrote this book in the hope that readers will be able to save their own lives as well as those of the ones they love when an earthquake next strikes, so that the tragedy of March 11, 2011, would never be repeated.” ―Satoko Oki What our chatty planet teaches us Would you be surprised to hear that there are scientists who listen to the Earth? Yes, the Earth does talk in many different voices?the voice of the air, the voice of the sea, the voice of volcanoes, and the voice of the Earth. Seismologists listen to the voice of the Earth. We use high performance seismometers that do not miss the slightest muttering by the Earth that human ears cannot hear. That way, we can learn about what causes earthquakes and even what it is like inside the planet. Earthquakes occur because it is hot inside the planet?because the Earth is dynamic. We cannot escape earthquakes as long as we live on the Earth. But from listening to the planet, seismologists have discovered what causes earthquakes and how we can live with them to protect our lives.


  • ジャイロスコープ Gyroscope スカイ・イクリプス 分冊版
    1~8巻110円 (税込)
    ササクラはエース・パイロットのクサナギが乗る散香を調整できる唯一の整備士。ある日、クサナギにデモンストレーション飛行の予定を知らされて――。 「スカイ・クロラ」シリーズ、子供たちの飛ぶ空を見上げ、地上で暮らす大人たちの物語。 この分冊版は中公文庫『スカイ・イクリプス Sky Eclipse』に収録されている「ジャイロスコープ Gyroscope」と同内容です。
  • 「スカイ・クロラ」シリーズ 全6巻合本版
    1巻3,300円 (税込)
    ※中公文庫「新装版 スカイ・クロラ」シリーズ全六巻を合本。既刊電子版と内容に変更はありません。※ 最終作まで思いどおりに展開できた作品で、これ以上のものを書くのは、今後は難しいかもしれません。 ――森博嗣(巻末インタビューより) 大人になれない僕たちは、戦闘機に乗り戦うことしかできないのだ――永遠の生命を持つ子供たち「キルドレ」が戦争を請負う社会。指令を受け空へ出勤し、夜は同僚たちと歓楽街へ出かける。そんな彼らにとって生死とは、そして自我とは。戦闘機を駆る子供と地上で暮らす大人たちの物語。著者最高傑作シリーズ! 収録作品 ナ・バ・テア None But Air  〈解説〉吉本ばなな ダウン・ツ・ヘヴン Down to Heaven  〈解説〉室屋義秀 フラッタ・リンツ・ライフ Flutter into Life  〈解説〉荻原規子 クレィドゥ・ザ・スカイ Cradle the Sky  〈解説〉押井守 スカイ・クロラ The Sky Crawlers  〈解説〉鶴田謙二 スカイ・イクリプス Sky Eclipse(短編集)  ジャイロスコープ Gyroscope  ナイン・ライブス Nine Lives  ワニング・ムーン Waning Moon  スピッツ・ファイア Spit Fire  ハート・ドレイン Heart Drain  アース・ボーン Earth Born  ドール・グローリィ Doll of Glory  スカイ・アッシュ Ash on the Sky  〈解説〉杉江松恋 巻末インタビュー(聞き手:清涼院流水) 『ナ・バ・テア』について 『ダウン・ツ・ヘヴン』について 『フラッタ・リンツ・ライフ』について 『クレィドゥ・ザ・スカイ』について 『スカイ・クロラ』について 『スカイ・イクリプス』について
  • 7 LIVES アップアップガールズ(仮)の生き様 UP UP GIRLS kakko KARI official documentary book
    About the Author: Nobuhiko Hosaka was born in Yamanashi, Japan in 1945 and currently lives in Tokyo. He is a film director known for his stories about humanity. He has also been involved in the creation of many documentaries and animated films. He has a novel visual sense and his works are acclaimed as part of Japan’s Nouvelle Vague genre in the 1980s. Translation:Junko Ishizuka About the Book: This story, “Two in Hiroshima,” was written by Nobuhiko Hosaka, a film director, based on an original script specially written for him by the famous screenplay writer, Ryuzo Kikushima, who wrote a number of scripts for Kurosawa movies. “Two in Hiroshima” is a drama centered around the catastrophic event on August 6, 1945, and portrays the friendship between an American soldier and a Japanese soldier, as well as the tragic experience of the atomic bomb that destroyed the friendship. By taking the viewpoints of two main characters of different nationalities, the author questions the meaning of the tragedy of war and tries to convey the hope that even enemies can understand each other. It’s a “story of humanity transcending both time and nationality,” created to keep the horrific tragedy of war from fading from our memories.
  • No Regrets: How To Kickstart Your Career AND Your Life
    This inspiring guide is for young people who are looking to kick start their careers and live their dream life. This book is perfect for students, recent college graduates, Gen Z and millennials already in the working world, along with those of any age who simply want a fresh start in their career. This book lays down the essential groundwork to help realize the career and life that you want to lead. The valuable advice and guidance given will alter how you navigate the journey into beginning your career and change the way you live each day—with no regrets! Renown executive coach, teacher, consultant, author, keynote speaker, workshop leader, and jack of many trades, Dr. Bob Tobin draws on his own diverse work experience as well as from the powerful inspirational anecdotes of his students, peers, mentors, and more, to help you navigate this crucial part of your career journey. From the examples and anecdotes, you’ll learn about what has made a difference in their lives, the decisions that have helped them, the mistakes they have made, and what they have learned from the mistakes. Rich with practical and actionable guidance, this book is for young people about to embark on their professional lives along with those seeking more purpose and meaning in their current work and lives. This book is the essential way to help you think more deeply about what you do for work and how you want to live. The mix of inspiring advice, practical suggestions, questions for reflection, and uplifting stories will help guide you to develop important skills so you can build a wonderful career and a beautiful life that you can be proud of. You’ll discover: How to start thinking more deeply about your career. How to let go of your long held beliefs. How to embrace the act of change. How to develop decision making skills. How to gain confidence and build courage. How to make sure you are adding value. How to widen your world. And more!
  • How to Make Your Life the Best
    Once in about every ten years, a Great Chaos—a major turning point appears in our lives. Will you be able to make the best choices then? In this book, the author suggests how we can draw Maxima, the highest power source of life, from within ourselves. She states that no matter how harsh the reality, we have the power to create a life full of amazing possibilities from it. Why not discover that power and let your life shine?


  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki:That We Never Forget
    “Each and every scene was hell itself.” “Human beings do not need atomic bombs.” - Shigeru Nonoyama, exposed to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima at the age of 15 // Over 50 hibakusha - victims of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 - give vivid testimony of living through the nightmare of those fateful days and their hellish aftermath. Today, more than 70 years later, it is a challenge to keep alive an understanding of the true nature of nuclear weapons and their human toll. This book is a unique resource for those engaged in advocacy and education for the sake of peace. Accounts by women and men from Hiroshima are presented in separate sections, enabling the reader to gain a uniquely gendered perspective of the different ways the bombing affected survivors’ lives. These firsthand accounts give a chilling picture of the horror that nuclear weapons inflict. Survivors describe disfiguring and agonizing burns, and how radiation exposure causes pain, anxiety and discriminatory attitudes that last a lifetime as well as affecting subsequent generations.
  • フェミニズムってなんですか?
    性差別のない21世紀を実現するために。 フェミニズムを様々なトピックで学ぶ必携の一冊!    * * * 女性たちが日以上生活の中で、「あれ?」と疑問に思うこと、 何気ない言葉や行為に抵抗を覚えること。 それはフェミニズムのきっかけになります。 「私が我慢すれば」と抑えこんでいた怒りや不満を、 いつかどこかにぶつけたくなるかもしれません。 でも、誰に、どうやってぶつけたらいいのか? それを考えるためのヒントをくれるのが、フェミニズムです。 エッセンシャルワーカーとケア オリンピックとセクシズム インターセクショナリティ Black Lives Matter 性と身体 中絶と性暴力 LGBTQ+ #MeToo フェミニズムの視点を身に着ければ、世界の見え方が変わる! フェミニズムの歴史を読み解き、 物事を一歩引いて眺める視点を与えてくれる一冊 ――芥川賞作家・李琴峰推薦  * * *
  • What has Happened to me ~The story of an Uyghur man who now lives in Japan~
    全1巻110円 (税込)
    CASE2 of Uyghur manga "What happened to me" featured by the world's media such as the Washington Post, Guardian, Bloomberg, CNN, and Al Jazeera. This time is a testimony of a Uyghur man living in Japan. In his homeland of East Turkistan, ethnic repression above the Nazis is ongoing and is dying. sister is? Parents? This story is not about poor people in distant countries.
  • UP plus「暴力」から読み解く現代世界
    1巻2,750円 (税込)
    2019年、香港の大規模デモと政治危機、2020年5月、アフリカ系アメリカ人のジョージ・フロイドさんが白人警官に首を圧迫されて死亡した事件からのBlack Lives Matter(BLM運動)、2021年2月のミャンマー国軍のクーデターによる民衆への弾圧、そして、2022年2月のロシア・プーチン政権によるウクライナ侵攻……。世界は今、暴力で覆われている。これらの暴力を生み出しうる構造を解き明かす。
  • My Father, Kim Jong-il, and I 【文春e-Books】
    *この電子書籍は、2016年10月07日に発売した『父・金正日と私 金正男独占告白』の英訳版です。 The abrupt death of Kim Jong-il, North Korea’s supreme leader, in late 2011 has propelled Kim Jong-un, his third and youngest son, to the helm of the reclusive communist state. As the untested young leader tries to consolidate his power, Kim Jong-nam, his half-brother who lives a life of exile in China, is keeping an eye on the precarious situation in his homeland. On January 3, 2012, just weeks after his father’s death, Kim Jong-nam sent an e-mail to a Japanese journalist asking a scathing rhetorical question: “Power transfer to the third generation is unacceptable. How can a young successor, with only two years of grooming, take over the absolute power that has been sustained for the last 37 years?” Based on seven hours of interviews and more than 150 e-mails between Kim Jong-nam and the journalist, Yoji Gomi, “My Father, Kim Jong-il, and I” gives readers around the world rare insight into North Korea through first-hand accounts from the man who holds the key to the fate of the country’s new regime.
  • 魔法使いと竜の屋根裏(1)
    全2巻660~715円 (税込)
    竜の存在によって空を飛ぶことが不可能になっている『現代』。それでもあえて空を飛び続ける鶴城一衣は、中学生でお嬢様で、そして魔法使い! しかも空にこだわる理由はただの『恋』で……。『NOT LIVES -ノットライヴス-』の烏丸渡の新シリーズ、始動!
  • Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen Book 1
    全2巻880~990円 (税込)
    France, Paris - Beginning of the 20th century. Colette works in a brothel and entertains clients with "perverted" desires. She is leading a life without prospects. Her only happiness consists of the secret meetings with gigolo Leon, whom she feels helplessly attracted to. Even though he is visiting other women … "Perverts are people who have explored and put a shape to their desires. Just like a blind man using both hands to carefully trace the contours of a vase of flowers …" Who are these perverts Moyoco Anno brings to life in Paris, the city of flowers? This is the first new series by Moyoco Anno in eight years! After "Sakuran" and "Buffalo 5 Girls" comes another story about the strong lives of prostitutes. The e-book contains all color pages published inside the magazine.
  • LIFE ~When it lives,thing.~
    あなたの固く閉ざされた心の扉、そっと開いてください……。勇気を出して! 一ページ目をめくる時いろんな思い出が見えてくる。ずっと心にしまってあったあの思い出……よい事もわるい事も、今、思えばみんななつかしい思い出……。


  • LiVES 81 スタイルのある家に住む
    81~124巻800~815円 (税込)
    【巻頭特集】 背伸びしない、等身大の住まい方。『身の丈ハウス』 毎限られた空間だからこそ、住む人の想いや大きなアイデアが詰まっていておもしろい! 居心地のいい家に必要なのは、お金をかけたり、広さを求めたりすることではなく、 狭小・変形地でも築古リノベーションでも、自分たちにとって本当に大切な 「もの」や「こと」をどれだけ込められるか、なのだと思います。 今号で紹介するのは、コンパクトさがかえって魅力になっている10軒の家。 Smaller House! Glamor Life!! そんな住まい方の特集です。 【第2特集】 キッチンからダイニング、リビング、バルコニーまで広がる 『食の空間を楽しもう!』 家族や親しい仲間と囲む食卓をもっと楽しむために、 視点をキッチンから家全体に広げてみよう。 ラフに扱える土間スペースをつくったり、 床に段差をつけて緩くスペースを分節したり、 アウトドア気分が味わえるデッキやバルコニーを活用したり……。 工夫次第で食の時間の楽しみ方が広がるはずだ。


  • 1945←2015: Reflections on Stolen Youth
    Fifteen Japanese youth of 1945 share their stories and fifteen modern-day young people write letters to them in thirty pleas for peace that span seven decades. The war survivors were innocent children, students, soldiers, and nurses. They lived on mainland Japan and its islands, the South Pacific, Korea, and China―and all were forced to take on adult roles far beyond their years. This book bears witness to the countless ways war alters forever the lives of everyone involved―even survivors who live well into old age. Originally published in Japanese, 1945・2015: Reflections of Stolen Youth is now available in English thanks to the support of its readers and authors and publisher in Japan. People throughout the world are invited to join us, not in considering war, but learning from the past and thinking about how to make peace.


