

  • Ask And You Will Receive
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    A Casanova who loves one night stands and a beautiful, narcissistic “prince” - a seesaw love driven by irresistible instincts! Shinobu Urakawa is a dull office worker in the daytime, but at night, he turns into a playboy who can seduce any guy with a glance. He's a top enjoying his double life… until Hikaru Omoteya, the detestable narcissistic “prince” of the sales department, turns up at his favorite gay bar. Even though Hikaru is straight, he seems to enjoy the bar and keeps coming back, preventing Shinobu from enjoying his usual nightlife. But Shinobu realizes that Hikaru looks interested in him, and decides to use his charm as a weapon to regain his night oasis! ”I bet you were actually waiting for me to approach you.” Will the pretty prince be able to resist him? ※本書は、現在配信している「そんなに言うなら抱いてやる【単行本版(電子限定描き下ろし付)】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • Under My Skin
    全1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ”How did you manage to hide this lewdness under that suit?” Kudo is a successful elite office worker, but he's always been regretting he didn't know real love. When he meets younger - but daring and intriguing - carpenter Sato, he finds himself unable to resist the pleasure of being possessed by a man, even though, as a supposedly straight man, he feels he should find it demeaning. But, Sato doesn't hide that he's serious about Kudo, and pushes him to go one step beyond the tentative, fake relationships he's tried to build with women until now…?! A grown-up first love story, vividly awaking the feelings you discover when you seriously fall for someone for the first time in your life. ※本書は、現在配信している「アンダーマイスキン【単行本版(電子限定描き下ろし付)】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • Emergent Bilinguals and Educational Challenges at Public Schools in Japan
    『母語をなくさない日本語教育は可能か―定住二世児の二言語能力―』(2019年、大阪大学出版会)の英語版。 Emergent Bilinguals and Educational Challenges at Public Schools in Japan: A longitudinal study of first and second-generation Chinese children’s bilingual proficiency While the number of foreigners living in Japan continues to grow, as if riding the wave of globalization, the number of children whose mother tongue is not Japanese is increasing at Japanese schools. Unlike those who came to Japan after completing their language development, in other words, after mastering their first language and cognitive development in their home countries, "second-generation children" who were born in Japan or came to Japan at an early age are said to be very likely to lose their mother tongue due to the struggle between their mother tongue and the local language. Language education for "children who need Japanese language instruction" is an urgent issue in Japan's language education policy, and "children for whom Japanese is not their mother tongue" have been referred to as "children with foreign roots" or "foreign children," often with the negative connotation of being "problematic," for a long time. Publisher: Osaka University Press
  • 日本鍼灸の極意 管鍼法 <日英対訳版> Kanshin Method The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture Japanese & English bilingual Book
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※英語版は巻末から始まります ※The English version starts at the end of the book. 今や世界のスタンダード! 管を駆使した鍼 江戸期に記された秘伝テクニックも紹介 17世紀に管鍼法を創案し、德川綱吉の侍医も務めた盲目の鍼医・杉山和一。 和一が到達した鍼術の境地を学ぶ。 管頭を叩く、鍼管で針を摩擦する、振動させる…etc. 伝書に記された14技法も詳解! 管鍼法の技術&杉山和一、縁の地のガイド本。 世界中の鍼灸師、必読! A must-read for all acupuncturists around the world! If you are an acupuncturist or student, you may have heard that Japanese acupuncture is slightly different from TCM. Do you know what the differences are? `The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture" is a book about the Kanshin method - an important and unique part of Japanese acupuncture. Simply put, this is the acupuncture practice that uses guide tubes. Nowadays, many acupuncturists around the world use guide tubes daily. But did you know the guide tubes (called Shinkan in Japanese,) were invented more than 300 years ago in Japan by Waichi Sugiyama, the father of Japanese acupuncture. Waichi is known as a master acupuncture physician, who became the court physician for the Tokugawa Shogunate. He was also the first educator in world history to build a school for the visually impaired. However, his life was not always successful, in fact more than half of his life was a chain of difficulties and challenges. But he kept his passion for helping people and making acupuncture safer and more comfortable, expanding the number of people who could benefit from it. Using guide tubes was an innovative acupuncture practice that made it possible to use thinner needles, giving easy, more comfortable insertions, without compromising the efficacy. These attributes represent how Japanese acupuncture can be gentle, yet powerful. This book is written by renowned acupuncturists and sensei who are passionate about letting the world know about the greatness of Japanese acupuncture. The book gives you insights and knowledge about basic Japanese acupuncture principles. Moreover, this book introduces the clinical techniques which use guide tubes. You can incorporate these into your practice to enhance the clinical efficacy. This is a must-read for all acupuncturists worldwide.
  • Parenting Recipe
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    Dear all struggling parents: There is a simple and easy way to make your child smarter and happier. ー it doesn't matter if you are highly educated or not –or if your child is diagnosed with disabilities or not. All you need is quality nutrition, and your unconditional love to develop their self-esteem. In this book, you will find helpful tips. For example: · Do optimize nutrition with supplements such as Aloe Vera, Bee Pollen, and Propolis. · Don't blame your child for small mistakes (very important). Any child can have a smarter and healthier brain!
  • WEB+DB PRESS Vol.128
    ※PDF版をご希望の方は Gihyo Digital Publishing (も合わせてご覧ください。 特集1 演習で慣れる! データベース入門 SQL操作,テーブル設計,分析用データ処理 本特集は新人エンジニアのみなさんに知っておいてほしいデータベースの基礎をまとめました。データベース全般,SQL言語,Webサービスとデータ分析基盤でのデータベースの使われ方について知っているつもりの知識を整理し,データベースに触れたことがない方も簡単な演習を通して使い方の一端を実体験としてください。 特集2 クラウド構築ツールの大本命! ゼロから学ぶTerraform Terraformは,インフラをコードで定義して構築するInfrastructure as Codeツールです。操作がシンプルで文法がわかりやすく,GCPやAWS,Azureといったさまざまなクラウドに対応していることから,クラウドインフラを構築するツールとしてデファクトスタンダードの地位を確立しつつあります。本特集ではTerraformについて,ゼロから徹底解説していきます。 特集3 チャットやIssueでちゃんと伝えたい! エンジニアのための英語 Web開発をしていると,海外のエンジニアと英語でやりとりする機会が多くあります。最新情報やドキュメントはまず英語で書かれることが多いですし,ライブラリなどの開発や議論の多くは英語でやり取りが行われています。英語でコミュニケーションができると,さまざまな可能性が開けるのです。本特集では,英語でやりとりするために必要な基礎の復習と,GitHubやコミュニケーションツールでよく使われる表現などを解説します。


  • The Dojima Rice Exchange From Rice Trading to Index Futures Trading in Edo-Period Japan
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    The Dojima Rice Exchange of the Edo period (1603-1868), located in Osaka, Japan, is known among researchers as “the world’s first futures trading market.” Much as modern markets do today, the Edo-period Dojima market had a market for trading securities called rice certificates and an index futures market for trading indices derived from those securities. The market economy and the Exchange itself became extraordinarily dynamic, astounding observers of the time. But a dynamic market poses its own challenges, as we in our times know all too well. How did the people and government of the Edo period, who had no precedents to draw on, let alone economists to consult, contend with what was often a runaway market? The story of how the futures market developed and functioned at Dojima reveals the true nature of the “market economy.”


  • Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms: Investment and Disinvestment in Asia, c.1970-1989
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book is a translation of: Horaguchi, Haruo. Nihon Kigyo no Kaigai Chokusetsu Toshi: Ajia eno Shinshutsu to Tettai (Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms: Investment and Disinvestment in Asia), Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppan Kai (University of Tokyo Press), June 1992. This book, Foreign Direct Investment of Japanese Firms (in Japanese) was awarded NIKKEI Best Book Prize in 1992. This book has finally been translated into English. It is a monograph studying the withdrawal of multinational corporations in the 1970s and the 1980s. As of 1992, the theory of multinational corporations at that time followed the theory that oligopolistic large corporations would acquire overseas markets. There was little recognition that foreign investment was vulnerable to continued strategic changes, including market changes overseas. Multinational corporations cannot maximize profits in a simple way as economics assumes, such as taking the first derivative and setting it to zero. This book is fully devoted to explore how it is done.
  • The Tokyo Trial War Criminals and Japan’s Postwar International Relations
    1巻2,464円 (税込)
    The Tokyo Trial, like the Nuremberg Trial, was unique as a judicial event. Presided over by eleven Allied judges, Japan’s wartime leaders were individually tried in an international court of justice for crimes against international law. After two years of hearings, a majority judgment found twenty-five of the accused guilty; seven were sentenced to death. However, factionalism amongst justices and competing political interests served to undermine the final judgment, widely criticized as “victors’ justice.” Some seventy years later, its legacy continues to inform international politics and polarize ideological debate. In this revised English edition of his 2008 book, Tokyo Saiban, winner in the History and Civilization category of the 30th Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, eminent political scientist Dr. HIGURASHI Yoshinobu sets aside routine ideological approaches that have characterized study of the tribunal until now and focuses our attention on the engrossing political dynamics surrounding the Tokyo Trial and its current impacts. Drawing on exhaustive research into foreign policy documents and inter-ministerial correspondence, Higurashi traces the contours of diplomacy in the wake of World War II, revisiting the Tokyo Trial from the viewpoint of Japan’s postwar international relations to shed new light on an event unprecedented in world history.


  • Contested Perceptions Interactions and Relations between China, Korea, and Japan since the Seventeenth Century
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    The histories of China, Korea, and Japan have been intimately intertwined for centuries. But of these three countries, it was Korea that occupied the pivotal geopolitical position. The Korean Peninsula shaped the dynamics of international interactions and relations in East Asia which, up until the start of the twentieth century, were underpinned by systems of order wholly removed from the sovereign state system we recognize as ubiquitous today. Contested Perceptions examines the coexistence of “neighborly relations” between Japan and Korea and “tributary relations” between Korea and the Qing dynasty from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and Korean “tributary autonomy” in the late nineteenth century. It provides a cogent analysis of the differing perceptions that determined the success or failure of these past systems of order and their influence upon the balance of power in East Asia from the seventeenth century to modern times. Delving into the history of East Asian international relations, diplomacy, and power politics, this book elucidates the events that led to the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, and the conflicts of interest that have defined these nations up to the present day.


  • MaaSのサービス構築とデータ活用の最新動向2022
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 本書は、スマートシティをテーマにした調査報告書のシリーズの1冊であり、スマートシティの交通分野における取り組みである、ICTを活用した新しい交通サービス「MaaS(Mobility as a Service)」について調査したものです。 「MaaS」とは、複数の交通手段のシームレス化や、シェアリングサービスなどの、ICTを活用した新しい交通サービスを意味します。都市への人口集中による慢性的な渋滞や、少子高齢化・過疎化に伴う交通網の縮小など、様々な交通課題が顕在化している中、そうした課題への対応策の一つとしてMaaSに期待が寄せられています。 近年、MaaSによる地域課題の解決を目指した実証実験などの取り組みが全国で活発に行われていますが、サービス内容や事業者の参画状況は地域によって様々です。現状は、社会実装を目指して最適なサービスや事業者の連携体制の構築が模索されている段階です。また、MaaSでは事業者間でデータを連携することによる新たなサービスの創出や、ユーザーの移動データを活用したサービス改善が期待されています。しかし、事業者間のデータの連携やデータの活用には課題もあり、多くの関係者が試行錯誤を重ねています。 本書は、国内の注目すべきMaaS事例への取材調査などを通じて、日本のMaaSの現状をわかりやすく整理しています。特に、事業者や行政といった関係者間の連携による、持続可能なサービス提供や地域課題解決のための仕組みづくりと、高度なサービスを実現するデータの整備・連携・活用などに焦点を当て、その実状や課題を明らかにしています。MaaSに関わる交通事業者やICT事業者、行政担当者、MaaSと連携する異業種の事業者などにとって、参入の検討や先行事例の調査に活用できる内容となっています。
  • Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book is about a way to build one’s global-local(g-local) mindset for the 21st century. I have based the book on information about Japan and the Japanese way of life, particularly information related to technology, economics, politics, environment, and society. And I talk about our relations with China and ASEAN countries to show how they influence us to nurture our g-local mindset for the future.  “Civilization may evolve into a merger of technology and humanity. Since Japanese culture seems a good harmony between mystic attitudes and technocratic knowledge more than others, it could be a positive influence on our future Conscious-Technology Age. Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture by Professor Mizuta Kazuo on sustainable development and global consciousness gives great detail on this transition to the required future mindset.”  Jerome C. Glenn, the Millennium Project [Author] Kazuo Mizuta Kyoto Sangyo University    Professor Emeritus    Comparative Culture Studies    Futurist  I am a practicing sociologist in the field of comparative culture, long-time futurist, and professor emeritus at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, one of the leading private universities in the country. I have spent years assessing and comparing traditional Japanese values and institutions with those of other countries both in Asia and the West. My research fields are comparative culture and future studies. I’ve worked all my life thinking and learning about American and Japanese ways of living.  I received a Fulbright scholarship to study at English Department, Western Michigan University as a graduate student. After finishing the M.A. program there, I moved to Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison as I received a teaching assistantship there. While I studied modern American novels and taught basic Japanese in late 1960s at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. I learned how important it was to know the ways that students live, work, engage in sport activities, and socialize in everyday life.  I taught at Kyoto Sangyo University, Department of Cultural Studies. I have also worked for the University Affiliated Research Institute of World Affairs.  I wrote An Introduction to Comparative Culture Studies (1996).and translated The State of the Future2016 of the Millennium Project.  The paper, Human and Robots Interaction: When Will Robots Come of Age? (World Future Review September 2014 vol.6, issue 3: 251-260) shows my future point of view.
  • Dream Small, Win Big Life Lessons from Japan’s Preeminent Business Philosopher
    Do you have a dream? Do you know how to make it come true? It is simple: Always do the right thing. The author, Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairperson. However, Inamori had not always been so successful. As an adolescent, he failed both the middle school and university entrance exams. After graduation, the only company that was willing to hire him was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. In spite of his misfortunes, he focused on achieving what he could given his circumstances. Instead of becoming discouraged, he tried to love his work, to experiment with new ideas, and to remain optimistic. This may sound simple, but the challenge is to bring this mindset to work every single day. This was the key to Inamori's success. This book contains no shortcuts or get-rich-quick tips. Rather, it is a testament to the power of perseverance and positivity, and its readers will gain a new appreciation of the importance of hard work, routine, and maintaining growth mindset. ※『君の思いは必ず実現する』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • 猫でもわかるBackendless 導入編 無料プランを開放しよう!
    ・Backendless とは? Backendlessとは、その名のとおり「バックエンドを減らす」ことができるBaaS(Backend as a Service)です。ユーザーの目に直接見えない部分の実装を「バックエンド開発」といいますが、このあたりは実装するのにかなりの時間を要する割に、差別化が難しい部分になります。 Backendlessを使用すれば、すでにテスト済みのロジックを使うことができるため、実装とテストの時間を圧倒的に減らすことができます。さらに、無料枠もあるため、小規模であれば無料で使うことも可能です。 ・無料プランを開放するのに時間がかかる バックエンドの処理を簡単に実装できるサービス「Backendless」に興味をもち、勉強をはじめました。 無料プランがありますが、アカウント登録をするだけでは無料プランに変更することができません。 無料プランを開放するにはミッションをクリアする必要がありますが、私はミッションのクリアに「8時間」の時間を費やしてしまいました。 また、ドキュメントがすべて英語なので読み解くのが大変です。 本書は導入から無料プランの開放までを本書だけで学ぶことができる日本初の解説書です! 本書を読みながら「2時間」で無料プランを開放しましょう。


  • SALES ENABLEMENT  A practical guide for sales talent development
    This book is written for Sales Enablement Practitioners and all those involved in sales, and addresses the following concerns:- - Why can't we close sales skill gaps? - Why does OJT training produce inconsistent results? - Why do we always rely on a few top performers? - Despite all the training and coaching we conduct, why do we not check and review the results? - How can we work more effectively with HR and marketing? While every company tries to increase their sales figures, few companies offer a systematized talent development program specifically for salespeople. This book aims to highlight how a company can implement an effective sales talent development program to increase its productivity significantly. By incorporating the content offered in this book, its reader will have a clear picture on the following to create a muscular sales organization. 1 Creating a PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle of talent development program 2. Fostering a learning culture within your company 3. Verifying a return on investment of talent development training In this book the author will explain from the perspective of sales talent development what steps companies that wish to engage in sales enablement should take, how they should proceed and what they need to develop as a prerequisite for proceeding. It also offers a variety of successful and practical case studies where a talent development program has been implemented.
  • Japan Company Handbook 2022 Spring (英文会社四季報 2022 Spring号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK (JCH) is a widely-acclaimed quarterly publication on Japan's leading companies, provides a brief history, background information, a performance outlook and latest financial data on each of companies listed on all of Japanese stock exchanges. This edition covers 3,864 companies' earnings forecasts revised until March 15,2022. JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,864 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • Asia Reoriented A New Conception of World History
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    Nomads, farmers, and trade: world history was born where these elements intersected. In this reconceptualized view, respected Japanese historian OKAMOTO Takashi locates history’s crucible in the boundary zones between settled agriculturists and nomadic peoples, where the Silk Road emerged as an early engine of trade and culture. Okamoto presents a new historical narrative which overturns Eurocentric perceptions of history, boldly and clearly reconfiguring the structure of world history in terms of economic ebbs and flows. When Asian military forces took to horseback some three thousand years ago, commercial capital developed that linked remote regions, innovating technologies, increasing productivity, and eventually culminating in the Mongol Empire. Their control of the Silk Road connected them with Near Eastern empires at the road’s western terminus, enriching the Greek and Roman civilizations of the Mediterranean world. But as crucial trade routes moved from inland to the coast during the Age of Discovery, the center stage of history shifted to Europe, which evolved its own financial and navigational technologies to win the global economic game. Looking anew at history from this perspective forces a reconsideration of accepted notions from “Greco-Roman civilization,” the “European miracle,” and the “Great Divergence” to “Japan’s modernization.” Through his unique overview of the whole of Eurasia and the maritime realm, from ancient times to the present, the author reorients our view of Asia’s role in global history.


  • JLPT N1~5 wordbook
    This book is edited to make it easy to learn frequent words necessary for passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1. N1. We make it as simple as possible on the premise of reading with e-books, and you can learn effectively by reading repeatedly. I pray from the bottom of mind that this book will be useful as a reference book for the examination.
  • Ushiro Karate Practical Philosophy of Bujutsu
    Win without fighting - the definitive version of Ushiro Karate that realizes the essence of Bujutsu!   This book is a compilation of three of Kenji Ushiro's karate books, "The Origin of Budo” (in 2000), "The Knowledge and Practice of Bujutsu Karate” (in 2001), and "The Way to Bujutsu Karate” (in 2003). And it is the definitive version of “Ushiro Karate”with new and detailed additions and corrections.   The essence of Bujutsu Karate, beyond styles and schools, is explained based on actual practice. What is the true meaning of Bujutsu? What is the meaning of Kata? What is the meaning of Bunkai-kumite? What is Body-Brain? What is Breathing Power? What is Neutralization? Who is a master? What is training? The book is a must-read for all practitioners of Bujutsu, not just karate practitioners.   In addition, this book contains a "practical philosophy" of life that leads to how we should be in our daily lives, how we should be as people, how we should be as leaders, and ultimately, how we should live based on Mr. Ushiro's wide range of experiences and perspectives as a corporate leader and a leading-edge engineer in the field of electronics. This is the starting point for the teaching of "Ki" that Mr. Ushiro is currently deploying to bring out the potential of human beings.   This book is not a ‘how-to’ book as we have seen in recent years. This is because there is no how-to in Bujutsu. However, for those who are serious about pursuing the path of Bujutsu, I am certain that this book will lead them to the true way of training. Furthermore, for those who are searching for a way to live in this difficult time, I am confident that this book will be a guide to living an unwavering life.
  • About South Korea
    The case of wartime laborers, compensation for comfort women, dispute over theLiancourt Rocks (Takeshima / Dokdo)... the anti-Japanese activities in Korea seems tobecome more and more violent for the last few years.For the better understanding of Korea, here we would like to review Korean history andcandidly show the points about which we regularly have questions. We would ask people inthe world to judge whether this belief is correct. «about the author» In 1938, Masaru TOKUDA was born in Japan, as the second son of a fallen soldier. After graduating from a technical school, engaged in research & development, manufacturing and sales of industrial machinery equipment. Also, engaged in corporatemanagement for a Japanese private enterprise. Through the business, interacted with people from India, four Southeast Asian countries, twenty-six provinces/cities of China, Taiwan, South Korea, three European countries andthe United States. After retirement, lived his life at the fullest. But concerned about intense of anti-Japanesemovement in South Korea. Established the “Association for the Review of Japan-KoreaRelationship”, and now works in research about the relationship of two countries.


  • 基礎から学ぶ Terraform
    TerraformはITインフラストラクチャの設定をコードによって構築、変更、管理するためのツールです。Terraformを使うことでInfrastracture as Code(IaC)のメリットを活かした業務への展開ができます。 本書ではTerraformの概要からチュートリアル、実践的な管理・運用方法について、わかりやすく解説します。


  • 月刊ドキュメント COLOR MOUNTAIN×チャーリー・アキ
    新シリーズ「月刊ドキュメント」!1年越しのリベンジ。世界初の!プロジェクションマッピングによる、スノーボードゲレンデイベント! COLOR MOUNTAIN -inhabitant x eness 初めての公開となるメイキング写真 『 私たちの体験を皆様に紹介したくこの作品にまとめました 』 必ずリベンジをするという約束を果たすため、1年後の2012年3月5日に、このイベントをリベンジしに僕たちは苗場スキー場へ集結。内容は前回よりも大きい規模での予定となり、スノーボードストレートジャンプ台全体に映し出すプロジェクションマッピングを実行しました。iPhoneによるアプリケーションをenessチームが開発し、オーディンスイベントユーザーがリアルタイムでプロジェクションマッピングをコントロールできるというプログラムも世界初のチャレンジで行った。 Our second SNOW SHOW with inhabitant at Mt Naeba, Japan. This journey began in 2011, where we happened to be setting up this event as the earthquake struck Japan. The original show was cancelled, however inhabitant insisted we see our shared vision through. A year on we've arrived with a grand plan to color the mountain from launch to landing. In two days we set up our projectors, snow mapping software and nifty iphone app. allowing the audience to interact with visuals in real-time, the riders illuminated the mountain as they approached and hit the ramp. Event night 3rd March 2012 Location Mt Naeba - Japan. inhabitant & eness 2012年3月5日
  • Japan Company Handbook 2022 Winter (英文会社四季報 2022 Winter号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK (JCH) is a widely-acclaimed quarterly publication on Japan's leading companies, provides a brief history, background information, a performance outlook and latest financial data on each of companies listed on all of Japanese stock exchanges. This edition covers 3,848 companies' earnings forecasts revised until December 14,2021. JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,848 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • Next.jsではじめるSupabase
    Firebaseの代替として期待されているオープンソースのBaaS(Backend as a Service)"Supabase"。Supabaseにより、認証やデータベース、ストレージの機能を簡単にWebアプリに導入できます。本書では、Supabaseでできることを解説するとともに、モダンなフロントエンドフレームワークNext.jsと組み合わせた簡単なWebアプリを実装しながらSupabaseの使い方を一通り学ぶことができます。環境構築からデプロイまで、Webアプリ開発の一連の流れを順を追って学べる一冊です。


  • 重度認知症が癒える メカニズムを掴んだ!
    1巻2,178円 (税込)
    開発者である森章夫(微小循環研究所所長/復旦・上海医科大学顧問教授) への直撃取材で掴んだ衝撃の報告! 中医・和漢薬の融合で切り拓いた マイクロサイクルテクニック(微小循環)を公開! ・なぜ【酵素分解霊芝末】が認知症を改善し、若返りを促進するのか-- ・その答えは、毛細血管を開く【一酸化窒素(NO)】(ノーベル賞取得案件)にあり! ・ほかの霊芝とは一線を画す【酵素分解霊芝末】は一酸化窒素を誘導する! ・「心筋梗塞」「脳梗塞」「ガン」対策にも最適! ・【霊芝混合炭化末サプリ】には、認知機能障害改善混合物(2018年8月特許取得)が含まれる! ・このサプリの原料(霊芝)は、DNA鑑定から安全性試験までクリア、トレサビリティ(生産履歴)が明確! ・ピューリツァーセンターからも「認知症対応組成物」として認められる! ・日本での認知症700万人、世界規模では7000万人!これをいかに乗り超えるかは、もはや地球的大問題! JAPAN AS NO.1 農薬使用量世界1、薬の使用量世界1、放射能汚染世界1、GMO輸入量世界1、ゴミ焼却炉数世界1、界面活性剤使用量世界1、精神科の病床世界1、そして、おそらく人間が壊れていく率と速度も世界1、ここを改善していく! 携帯・スマホのマイクロ電磁波、原発からの放射線、発がん物質そのもののGMO(遺伝子組み換え食品)ーーもはや地球環境で生きるわれわれは、感染症と被曝症と隣り合わせの日々! ガン、肥満、糖尿病、うつ病、多動障害、奇形出産など とどまることないこの異常事態の進展の中で 今即刻、必要不可欠なのは 【免疫力】と【自然治癒力】 【酵素分解霊芝末】は免疫調節因子(TNF-α)(IR1)(IR2)の産生を促進し、アポトーシス誘発にも有効であり、さらに高い抗酸化作用(GSH-Px活性)を有している!


  • Office ScriptによるExcel on the web 開発入門
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Excel は Web で使う」時代がやってくる! 現在、あらゆるものはローカル環境 から Web へとシフトしつつあります。そんな中、未だに「アプリケーションをインストールして使う」ソフ トの代表とも言えるのが「Excel」です。 Web 版 Excel に、2021年5月に「Office Script」というマクロ言語が搭載されました。これにより、Excel を自動化することができるようになりました。 本書ではOffice ScriptのベースとなっているTypeScript(JavaScriptを拡張したものです)の文法から、Excelのセルやグラフ、テーブルなどの操作まで細かく説明をしています。 そのほか、Power Automate というiSaaS(Integration Software As A Service、サービスの統合化)ツールを使い、 外部とやり取りする方法まで触れています。 新しい言語の「Office Script」を誰よりも早く学ぶチャンスです。
    About the Author: Nobuhiko Hosaka was born in Yamanashi, Japan in 1945 and currently lives in Tokyo. He is a film director known for his stories about humanity. He has also been involved in the creation of many documentaries and animated films. He has a novel visual sense and his works are acclaimed as part of Japan’s Nouvelle Vague genre in the 1980s. Translation:Junko Ishizuka About the Book: This story, “Two in Hiroshima,” was written by Nobuhiko Hosaka, a film director, based on an original script specially written for him by the famous screenplay writer, Ryuzo Kikushima, who wrote a number of scripts for Kurosawa movies. “Two in Hiroshima” is a drama centered around the catastrophic event on August 6, 1945, and portrays the friendship between an American soldier and a Japanese soldier, as well as the tragic experience of the atomic bomb that destroyed the friendship. By taking the viewpoints of two main characters of different nationalities, the author questions the meaning of the tragedy of war and tries to convey the hope that even enemies can understand each other. It’s a “story of humanity transcending both time and nationality,” created to keep the horrific tragedy of war from fading from our memories.
  • Japan Company Handbook 2021 Autumn (英文会社四季報 2021 Autumn号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,831 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • 竜とそばかすの姫 オフィシャルガイドブック U
    〈U〉あなた(You)へ。〈U〉理解(an Understanding)を。そして〈U〉歌(Uta)を。 2021年夏公開、細田守監督最新作「竜とそばかすの姫」の全貌に迫るオフィシャルガイドブック ◆名シーンがよみがえる【ストーリーガイド】 ◆仮想世界でいきいきと動く【〈As〉デザイン紹介】 ◆【〈U〉の世界】はこうして作られた ◆少し先のミライを思い描く【テクノロジー鼎談】 ◆50名以上のスタッフ&キャストインタビュー ◆美しい世界を構築する【背景美術】の紹介 ◆【音楽の力】を信じて――音楽、映像、衣装の面から見たライブシーン―― ◆【細田守監督】ロングインタビュー ほか多数掲載!
  • hammered
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    One after another, the events in the story befall me! I’m the boss’s lackey. One day, he hands me an unfinished manuscript that he has written himself. As I read the story which is titled “Ambition”, strange things start to happen around me. What is reality? Why did the boss entrust the manuscript to me? Reality and delusion are intertwined. The book contains one other story. <About the Author> TAKAYA FUDESAWA Born in 1976 in Osaka Prefecture. After graduating from Tezukayama Gakuin Izumigaoka High School,obtained degree in Russian literature from Waseda University. Mainly studied Tolstoy and Hideo Kobayashi. Creative activity began at high school. On graduating from university, started business. Served as director at several companies while pursuing writingcareer. Currently heads software development firm TOROTAKU, Ltd. Also head of overseas game translation company, Nirvana Studio. Author of Hammer (2019, Gentosha Media Consulting) and Sayu (Hot Water) (2021, Gentosha Media Consulting).


  • How to Teach Morality to AI and Robots(東大教授が挑むAIに「善悪の判断」を教える方法 「人を殺してはいけない」は“いつも正しい”か? 英語版)
    With rapid advancement in development of artificial intelligences (AIs) and robots in the current world, some people predict that a society where robots and human beings coexist is approaching in the near future. However, I simply wonder if we could actually get along with robots in this world, where we cannot accept diversity even among the same human beings. If we had robots in this deeply divided world, would not it merely end up causing even greater chaos? I recently started researching on morality engine to control behavior of robots. Simply put, I study how to make robots distinguish good and evil by themselves for the upcoming future when robots and human beings coexist. The concept of morality for robots is not anything new. Back in 1940s, for example, an American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov started introducing his famous Three Laws of Robotics in his novels. The Three Laws are very well known, and some people even treat them like golden rules for robots to observe. However, to me, these Laws seem to hold significant problems and therefore to be unsuitable for practical purposes. As you read this book, you will be able to figure out the fundamental defect in the Laws. In order to study the moral engine with which to regulate robots, we need to first describe the moral framework of human beings. We can make possible such an attempt to model an abstract concept, by using an engineering way of thinking as a tool. In this book, I would like to think about this framework together with you, using as simple and easy words as possible. If we can model human morality, we will be able to install it onto brains of robots. If we can build a moral system that robots and human beings – mutually different existences – can share, it will in turn help us to overcome divisions resulting from differences in standpoints among human beings, and to further develop an inclusive and diverse society. Using such a new moral system, I would like to establish alternative principles to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and to think about the possibility of a society where human beings and robots coexist. Morality and robots may seem to have nothing in common — but by looking at the point where these two areas actually cross, we will be able to see principles of a future society that we human beings should aim at. Throughout this intensive seminar, we are going to freely and widely develop our arguments. I plan to also provide you with a summary and practice exercises at the end of each session to help deepen your understanding. Let us make ourselves ready for thinking outside the box, digging deep into our imagination. Contents Introduction Session 1. Is the “You Shall Not Kill” Rule Universal? Session 2. Classifying Prior Moral Thoughts Session 3. You Shall Not Kill… Whom? Session 4. Modeling the Basic Principle of Morality Session 5. Classifying Hierarchy of Morality Session 6. Installing Morality onto Robots Afterword Hints for Practice Exercises References
  • Serizawa’s Ambition 1
    全2巻110円 (税込)
    The first commander of the famed Shinsengumi samurai police force, Serizawa Kamo has seemingly gone mad in pursuing his own agenda during the final days of the shogunate era. When not trading blows with the likes of Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro and other loyal servants of the state, Serizawa indulges himself in the earthly pleasures of, women, sake, and money. Forced to plot an assassination against him are Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soji - members of the same Shinsengumi unit. Enter the world of these legendary heroes as they each struggle to come to terms with the tumultuous period of transition between the long-standing rule of the Edo shogunate and the new Meiji era.
  • The Pacific War and Japan's Diplomacy in Asia
    1巻2,310円 (税込)
    Focusing on the significance of the Greater East Asia policies promoted by Prime Minister SHIGEMITSU Mamoru during World War II-including the issues of approving independence for Burma and the Philippines as well as the liberation of French Indochina-Prof. HATANO Sumio sheds light on the formation and evolution of Japan's diplomacy in Asia. He then goes on to verify the meaning of what was held to be Japan's war aim-liberation of the people of Asia-and its impact on policies.


  • The Occupation of Japan 1945-1952: Tokyo, Washington, and Okinawa
    1巻2,310円 (税込)
    Following its defeat in World War II, Japan was placed under the control of SCAP GHQ headed by General Douglas MacArthur. Initially the Occupation promoted policies of demilitarization and democratization. A new Japanese constitution which pursued pacifism was established. However, as the Cold War intensified, policies switched in the direction of economic recovery, and it was contended that Japan should take the anti-Communist pro-America path. In 1951,at the height of the Korean War, the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty were concluded as a fixed set. Winner of the 2015 Yomiuri Yoshino Sakuzo Prize for academic writing on politics, economics, and history, this book provides a wide view of the seven years of the Occupation of Japan which led to the “postwar system" that has continued into the twenty-first century.


  • Hatred Has No Future: New Thinking on Relations with Japan
    1巻1,925円 (税込)
    The year was 2002- the 30th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations but also a time when relations grew sharply frostier over the prime minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine. Into this fray dropped Ma Licheng's “New Thinking on Relations with Japan", triggering a storm of debate in both China and Japan. Even now, more than a decade after the essay's publication, the New Thinking continues to have a major influence on policy discussions. While Sino-Japanese relations hit new turbulence over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in 2012,the author remains optimistic that the bilateral issues can be resolved rationally and peacefully. Referencing the durability of the postwar peace between France an Germany, he argues that - for their own and the international community's sake, China and Japan can and must find ways to overcome their antagonisms and live in peace as complementary neighbors.


  • The Economics of Colonialism in Korea: Rethinking Japanese Rule and Aftermath
    From 1910 to 1945,Korea was a colony of Imperial Japan. Its governance has been described politically in terms of harsh oppression and economically as exploitation and impoverishment. Certainly, there were many problems with Japanese rule in Korea, but how accurate are those claims? What is the connection between the postwar development of South Korea and the socialist regime in North Korea? This book focuses on economic issues, sticks to positivism, and depicts the reality and transformation of Korea during the period of Japanese control.


  • Meet the Nation: Japan’s First Reality after Loss(ぼくらの祖国 英語版)
    1巻880円 (税込)
    WE NEED JAPAN AGAINST CHINA. WE NEED TO KNOW JAPAN AT THIS TIME!WE NEED JAPAN AGAINST CHINA. WE NEED TO KNOW JAPAN AT THIS TIME! Do you sense the Chinese threats through Wuhan fever (COVID-19)? If you do, it is crucial to capture the truth of Japan. Japan stands close to the Chinese dictatorship as most powerful leader of the democracy in Asia.
  • Japan Company Handbook 2021 Summer (英文会社四季報 2021 Summer号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,820 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • for Startups Tech Book Vol.1 スモールチームで開発するためのプラクティス
    本書は、スモールチームで開発する読者の方や社内向けのプロダクトを作っている企業向けに役立つ技術や開発の進め方について解説します。具体的な技術としては、AWS CDKを利用したInfrastructure as Codeの実践の事例や、サーバーレスを中心とした短時間で効率よく開発するためのtipsを紹介します。また開発手法については、社内向けプロダクト開発をする際の苦労や気をつけるべきことについての考察、認定スクラムマスターによるアジャイル開発/スクラム開発の進め方について紹介します。
  • Listen to the Voice of the Earth
    1~61巻1,694~3,426円 (税込)
    “I wrote this book in the hope that readers will be able to save their own lives as well as those of the ones they love when an earthquake next strikes, so that the tragedy of March 11, 2011, would never be repeated.” ―Satoko Oki What our chatty planet teaches us Would you be surprised to hear that there are scientists who listen to the Earth? Yes, the Earth does talk in many different voices?the voice of the air, the voice of the sea, the voice of volcanoes, and the voice of the Earth. Seismologists listen to the voice of the Earth. We use high performance seismometers that do not miss the slightest muttering by the Earth that human ears cannot hear. That way, we can learn about what causes earthquakes and even what it is like inside the planet. Earthquakes occur because it is hot inside the planet?because the Earth is dynamic. We cannot escape earthquakes as long as we live on the Earth. But from listening to the planet, seismologists have discovered what causes earthquakes and how we can live with them to protect our lives.


  • Now is the time to apologize to Korea.(Korean Edition)(今こそ、韓国に謝ろう(韓国語版))
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Japan's bestselling author tearfully apologizes for the real historical issues between Japan and Korea. A shocking work that describes the entire truth about the Japan-Korea annexation era. We must not turn our eyes away from the historical facts. A must-read e-book for all Korean nationals! Naoki Hyakuta is a veteran author and screen writer. Born in 1956 in the southern Japanese city of Osaka, He entered the media industry while still a student at Doshisha University. He would leave college to begin his writing career for the TV series "Detective: Night Scoop!", which he would continue to work on for thirty-three years. Hyakuta started his career as a novelist in 2006; Eternal Zero became a bestseller, selling over millions of copies, immediately propelling Hyakuta to fame. Since then, he published several best-selling books, including A Man Called Pirate (Japan Booksellers' Award in 2013), Frog’s Paradise, and Nihon-Kokuki.
  • 詳解Integromat iPaaS完全入門
    本書は、異なるサービスやアプリ同士をつないで情報を連携できるiPaaS(Integration Platform as a Service)の1つであるIntegromatの解説書です。iPaaSを使った業務の自動化(RPA)を進めるために必要な基礎知識と、Integromatの機能を詳細に解説しています。本書を通じて、より高度なシナリオを簡単に作ることができるようになります。


  • Mysteries of Wine Can it make you healthy?
    “Since the taste of leftover wine gets worse and worse after opening the bottle, you must drink up the wine in the bottle after opening it” “You should combine Burgundy lamb dishes when you take this certain wine”….Are these “useful” instructions really correct? Kenichi Shimizu is not only a Doctor of Microbiology, but also a world-class consultant on brewing technology. This book is an introductory book that solves general questions about wine from a scientist's point of view. Various positive effects of wine on human health have recently come up in the conversation. “Red wine is helpful for anti-aging” “Red wine can protect us from heart diseases” “Red wine can prevent dementia”….Numerous health-friendly substances have been found in wine indeed, but there is too much misinformation. This book also unravels the truth of various discourses in media such as TV, magazines or the internet on the health benefits of wine. ※『ワインの秘密』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • 鶴のおりがみBOOK 英語・仏語・中国語訳付き
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 折り紙のモチーフの中でもっともよく知られ、外国人にも人気の高い「鶴」。 本書では「鶴」をテーマにさまざまな折り紙を紹介しています。 美しい伝統柄の折り紙がついているので、すぐに折り始めることができます。 また、全編英訳付き、さらに折り方の説明にはフランス語、中国語(繁体字)も掲載しています。 日本の文化をかえりみながら、外国語のにも触れられる一冊です。 In this book, we will introduce you to various types of folded paper cranes. We’ve also included chiyogami with auspicious motifs, including cranes, and other beautiful patterns as well, so please enjoy these distinctive designs with every fold. 恋鶴 Love Cranes 四連鶴 Quadruplet Cranes 青海波 Wave Pattern Cranes 基本の鶴 Basic Crane はばたく鶴 Flapping Crane 二重の鶴 Double-Layered Crane 巣ごもり鶴 Nesting Crane 鶴の門松 Crane Kadomatsu 寿鶴A Congratulatory Crane A 寿鶴B Congratulatory Crane B 鶴のめびな Crane Empress Doll 鶴のおびな Crane Emperor Doll 端午の節句の鶴 Boys’ Day Crane 鶴の器 Crane Bowl 小箱鶴 Small Box Crane 鶴の箸置き Crane Chopstick Rest 鶴の懐紙 Crane Kaishi 鶴のたとう  Crane Tatō 鶴のぽち袋A Crane Pochi-bukuro A 鶴のぽち袋B Crane Pochi-bukuro B お祝い鶴 Celebratory Crane 鶴のブックマーカー Crane Corner Bookmarks 鶴のしおり Crane Bookmark 鶴のメモスタンド Crane Note Stand 鶴の花入れ Crane Vase ※電子版では、伝統柄の折り紙の付録はございません。画像のみの掲載です。 ※紙書籍版の仕様上、余白ページがございます。
  • Japan Company Handbook 2021 Spring (英文会社四季報 2021 Spring号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,813 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • Komura Jutaro and His Time
    After the Meiji Restoration, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Russo-Japanese War, Japan found itself occupying a prominent position in the global arena. Komura Jutaro, whom Mutsu Munemitsu had chosen as his successor, served on the Katsu Taro cabinet and set to forging a plan for Japan’s continental development in opposition to Russia, considering the influence of the United States and Britain. Komura accurately judged that Japan had no other option than war with Russia, given his piercing insights into Russia’s intentions, and that recognition enabled the Empire of Japan to stay on the right track. All the other merits and demerits of Komura’s diplomacy are directly connected to the merits and demerits of the steps taken by the Empire of Japan that eventually led to the country’s defeat in World War II. Komura’s diplomacy thus calls into question Japan’s national strategy itself: consistently pursuing independent diplomacy instead of entrusting Japan’s fate to collaboration with the Anglo-American world and, in Asia, expanding Japan’s exclusive sphere of influence beyond the Korean Peninsula deep into the Asian continent.


  • KANJI LOOK AND LEARN - Workbookワークブック
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 『KANJI LOOK AND LEARN』準拠のワークブック。 テキストと併用すれば、文字・単語レベルだけでなく、文や文章の中で漢字と語彙の学習ができます。 ◆各課の練習内容 テキストに則した基本練習:  1. 各漢字を書く練習  2. 各漢字の基本単語と例文を読む練習  3. 漢字の読みと書き取りの練習 応用練習:  ・漢字や語彙の総合練習と読み物を使った練習 〇Level: Elementary 〇Genre: Kanji & Kana This workbook is designed as supplementary material for the textbook KANJI LOOK AND LEARN. It helps users to learn kanji not only at the level of characters and words, but also in the context of sentences and longer text.


    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 イラストイメージとストーリーを使って、漢字の字形と意味がらくに学べる漢字学習教材。 N5~N3レベルの基本漢字512字と漢字語彙約3,500語が収録されています。 ・イラストと英文のストーリーを使って、漢字に不慣れな学習者でも字形と意味が簡単に覚えられます。 ・各漢字の基本情報(意味・読み・画数・書き順)、およびその漢字を使った初級~中級前期の必須語彙約3,500語とその意味が、一目で参照できます。 ・初級レベルの重要語彙にはマークがついているので、効率よく自習できます。 ・巻末の各種さくいんから調べたい漢字と語彙がすぐに探せるので、漢字辞書のように使えます。 ・別売のワークブックを併用すれば、文や文章の中で漢字と語彙の学習ができます。 ※本書は『初級日本語げんき』の学習漢字317字をすべて収録しています。ただし、提出順や漢字語彙は異なります。 This kanji textbook uses illustrations and mnemonic hints to make it easy for learners to memorize the shapes and meanings of 512 basic kanji JLPT levels N5–N3. Also included are some 3,500 words incorporating the kanji studied. The illustrations and mnemonic hints in English enable even learners new to kanji to readily master the shapes and meanings of the characters presented. Users can quickly look up the basic information for each kanji (meaning, reading, and stroke count/order), plus approx. 3,500 essential beginning/intermediate words written with the kanji, and the meanings of those words. Key elementary-level words are specially marked to facilitate self-study. This book can also function as a kanji dictionary, as the various indexes provided at the end allow users to immediately find the characters and words they need. The companion workbook (sold separately) helps users to learn kanji and words in the context of sentences and longer text. Note: This book contains all 317 kanji studied in the GENKI series. (The order of presentation and the words introduced may differ.)


  • GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese - Answer Key [Third Edition] 初級日本語 げんき解答【第3版】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 本書には、『初級日本語 げんき』(第3版)のテキスト I・II、ワークブック I・II の解答と、 ワークブックの「聞く練習」のスクリプトが収録されています。 【もくじ】  げんき I・テキスト 解答  げんきII・テキスト 解答  げんき I・ワークブック 解答  げんきII・ワークブック 解答  ワークブック「聞く練習」スクリプト This book includes answers for the 3rd edition of Genki textbook and workbook exercises, as well as a transcription of the recordings for listening comprehension from the workbooks. Contents ・Answer for GENKI I (Textbook) ・Answer for GENKI II (Textbook) ・Answer for GENKI I (Workbook) ・Answer for GENKI II (Workbook) ・Scripts of Listening Comprehension in Workbook


  • GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 2 Workbook[Third Edition]初級日本語 げんき ワークブック 2【第3版】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Companion workbook to GENKI 2 [3rd Edition]! Overview This workbook provides worksheets for the grammar points and kanji introduced in Textbook Vol. 2 (3rd Ed.) and listening comprehension practices. Each page of the book can be cut off and used as a homework sheet. The audio material for Listening Comprehension is available through OTO Navi, The Japan Times Publishing's sound player app. 『げんき2』第3版対応のワークブック。 『初級日本語げんき・第3版』テキスト2に準拠したワークブック。 テキスト各課の文法練習、聞く練習、漢字練習が収録されています。 各ページを切り離して宿題シートとして使用可能。 「聞く練習」の音声は、アプリからダウンロードして再生できます。 【ワークブック2 もくじ】 ■会話・文法編 (第13課~第23課) ・各文法項目の練習 ・答えましょう ・聞く練習 ■読み書き編 (第13課~第23課) ・漢字書き取り練習


  • こんにちは、にほんご 【ベトナム語版】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 基本のあいさつから緊急事態の表現まで、日常生活に必要な内容を精選した入門者向け表現集。 131のフレーズと約1,200の単語をわかりやすいイラストとともにまとめた、会話のためのハンドブック教材です。軽くて小さいサイズで持ち歩きにも便利。困ったときにすぐに取り出して使うことができます。 訳やローマ字を手掛かりに指さしから始めて、自分に必要な単語に入れ替えながら使ううちに、毎日の暮らしの中ですぐに使える日本語が自然に身につきます。 ○Level: Introductory ○Genre: Conversation ○Language: Vietnamese and English translations are provided for words and phrases. ○Romaji are given for all Japanese words and phrases. Learning resource a handy tool to carry around for the times when you have trouble communicating. Complete novices can start out communicating by pointing to the words and phrases needed, using the translations and romaji as a guide. As you gradually commit those expressions to memory through regular use of this book, you’ll be able to naturally master Japanese that you can immediately put to use in everyday life.


  • こんにちは、にほんご
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 基本のあいさつから緊急事態の表現まで、日常生活に必要な内容を精選した入門者向け表現集。 131のフレーズと約1,200の単語をわかりやすいイラストとともにまとめた、会話のためのハンドブック教材です。軽くて小さいサイズで持ち歩きにも便利。困ったときにすぐに取り出して使うことができます。 訳やローマ字を手掛かりに指さしから始めて、自分に必要な単語に入れ替えながら使ううちに、毎日の暮らしの中ですぐに使える日本語が自然に身につきます。 ○Level: Introductory ○Genre: Conversation ○Language: English/Chinese/Korean translations are provided for words and phrases. ○Romaji are given for all Japanese words and phrases. A carefully selected collection of introductory expressions essential to everyday life, ranging from basic greetings to expressions used in emergencies This handbook for conversing in basic Japanese contains 131 phrases and some 1,200 words accompanied by illustrations to help you understand and remember them. The compact, lightweight design makes this learning resource a handy tool to carry around for the times when you have trouble communicating. Complete novices can start out communicating by pointing to the words and phrases needed, using the translations and romaji as a guide. As you gradually commit those expressions to memory through regular use of this book, you’ll be able to naturally master Japanese that you can immediately put to use in everyday life.


  • 試験対応 新・らくらくミクロ・マクロ経済学入門 計算問題編
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 実際の資格試験を想定した試験問題集。これだけ解けば公務員も公認会計士も不動産鑑士も大丈夫!得点力が驚くほどアップする!超ベストセラーがオールカラーとなって新発売! 第1章 ミクロ経済学 Unit01 消費者理論 最適消費計画 Unit02 消費者理論 異時点の消費理論 Unit03 消費者理論 労働供給量の決定 Unit04 消費者理論 期待効用仮説 Unit05 消費者理論 需要の価格弾力性 Unit06 生産者理論 価格と生産量 Unit07 生産者理論 最適生産計画 Unit08 市場機構 租税の効果 Unit09 不完全競争市場 独占企業の行動 Unit10 不完全競争市場 複占市場 Unit11 不完全競争市場 ゲーム理論 Unit12 市場の失敗 公共財 Unit13 市場の失敗 外部不経済 Unit14 市場の失敗 費用逓減産業 Unit15 国際貿易 国際貿易 第2章 マクロ経済学 Unit16 財市場分析 マクロ経済モデル Unit17 貨幣市場分析 信用創造乗数 Unit18 貨幣市場分析 貨幣需要と資産価格 Unit19 貨幣市場分析 貨幣需要の各論 Unit20 IS-LM分析 投資関数の各論 Unit21 IS-LM分析 IS-LM分析の計算 Unit22 AD-AS分析 物価と所得水準 Unit23 経済成長論 経済成長論 Unit24 国民経済計算 産業連関表 Unit25 国民経済計算 国民経済計算 ※この商品は紙の書籍のページを画像にした電子書籍です。文字だけを拡大することはできませんので、タブレットサイズの端末での閲読を推奨します。また、文字列のハイライトや検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能も使用できません。
  • Shidehara Kijuro and His Time
    The Constitution of Japan is often described as a pacifist constitution for its Article 9 renouncing war and foreswearing war potential. Although this is usually attributed to starry-eyed idealists and steely-eyed realists in the occupation, both of which wanted to ensure Japan did not again challenge America’s position, there is also a cast to be made for crediting Shidehara Kijuro (1872-1951). Indeed, the case becomes even stronger if we think of the Constitution not so much as pacifist but more as internationalist―as evidenced in the Preamble’s trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world and its belief that no nation is responsible to itself alone. For it was Shidehara who was the ultimate internationalist. Born to a middle-class family four years after the Meiji Restoration, he went to Tokyo Imperial University and from there to the civil service, ending up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, history took him to a number of foreign capitals and historic international conferences on his way to the foreign ministership and after he became foreign minister. Serving as foreign minister under a succession of prime ministers, he developed and staunchly promoted what came to be called Shidehara diplomacy―a foreign policy stance of not intervening in China, respecting the Anglo-Japanese alliance, and adhering to what were put forward as universal values. Yet despite his steadfast championship, this internationalist stance was weakened by widespread discrimination against Japanese (e.g., in America’s immigration laws) and fatally wounded by the Kwangtung Army’s rogue aggression in China. He resigned as foreign minister in 1931, while retaining his seat in the House of Peers, and was tapped by the occupation to be Japan’s first postwar prime minister, putting him in a position to influence the Constitution’s drafting. Shidehara’s was a principled life engagingly recounted in this informative biography by one of Japan’s foremost diplomat-turned-historians.


  • Fencing in the Dark: Japan, China, and the Senkakus
    1巻2,079円 (税込)
    Sino-Japanese relations were seriously rattled in September 2010 when a Chinese fishing boat rammed a Japanese Coast Guard patrol ship in Japanese waters off the Senkaku Islands. This was compounded in April 2012 when Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro announced that he planned to buy the islands and added, “if this means war with China, so be it.” Alarmed at the prospect of Ishihara owning the islands, Democratic Party of Japan prime minister Noda Yoshihiko moved to see if there was some way the government could buy them instead, even knowing this would be seen as nationalization. Top officials in foreign policy, defense, and other areas met at Kantei (officially the Prime Minister’s Official Residence, but actually his offices) to find an out that would pre-empt Ishihara without provoking China (which also claimed the islands). This book tells the gripping story of what happened and why.


  • 認知症コーチング~私たちのフリースタイル・ケア~ 2020/12/27
    はじめに 目次 ●第1章 認知症の症状、特徴、考え方 認知症の原因疾患別特徴 アルツハイマー型認知症 脳血管性認知症 レビー小体型認知症 前頭側頭型認知症(ピック病) 正常圧水頭症 若年性認知症 軽度認知障害(MCI: Mild Cognitive Impairment) &lt;Column&gt; まだまだ意外に覚えている?! 認知症の世界観ととらえ方 「心」の在りかはどこか? 災害と認知症 &lt;Column&gt; モーツァルトリハ ●第2章 認知症コミュニケーション・メソッド 認知症コミュニケーション・メソッド 【基礎編】 01 普通に接する 02 ただいるだけでいい 03 声のかけ方 04 ジェスチャーの力 05 スマイルの力 06 タッチの力 07 名前の呼び方 08 相手の言葉を繰り返す 09 相手の言葉と調和させる 10 もうひと声! のマジック 【中級編】 11 専門家として扱う、頼る 12 昔の逸話 13 師匠として接する 14 いつだって褒める! 15 男女でこんなにも違う?! 16 ストーリーテリング 17 話しが長くなりがちな方に 18 相手の世界観に思いをはせる 19  As If~(もし~だったら)の視点をもつ 20 感情を反映する 21 言葉遣い「リスペクトの精神」/タメ口問題 【応用編】 22 エンパワーの視点 23 具体的に言う 24 ダジャレ、冗談のパワー 25 下ネタの効能(?) 26 考えるきっかけと認識を高める 27 リアリティ・オリエンテーション(RO) 28 リハビリ時の効果的な声かけ 29 価値観をあぶり出す質問 【発展編】 30 役割設定の力 31 おもちゃなどの活用 32 チラシだってネタに 33 レクリエーションの考え方 34 感謝ケア 認知症とともに生きる人たちの心理的ニーズ &lt;Column&gt; 黒い虫が現れた! ●第3章 認知症のある方との関わり、現状の課題、困りごと 認知症の症状とその行動 BPSDの出現モデル 【認知症相談室】 1 「家に帰りたい」と言って聞きません 2 いつも同じ不安感……  3 物が無くなった! 4 ご飯を食べてない! 5 易怒性 6 気難しい方 7 お風呂に入りたがらない 8 落ち着きがない(車イスから立とうとする) 9放尿 10性的な行為 11リハビリをして元気になったら、また徘徊して困ります 12介護者に対するハラスメント 「説得」ではなく「納得」を引き出す すべての行動に理由がある &lt;Column&gt; 100歳を越えて、なおお元気 &lt;Column&gt; 主介護者の娘、認知症になる…… ●第4章 認知症がある方のご家族とのコミュニケーションのとり方、ポイント ご家族とのかかわり方 いたわり、ねぎらい いい情報をお伝えする 認知症ポジティブ クレームへの対処法 ご家族への啓発活動 &lt;Column&gt; 徐々に変化する母親の介護 ●第5章 利用者さんの気持ちの安定のために 気持ちを安定させる要因 心地よい空間 匂い BGM あくせくしない 便秘 運動 ADL介入 栄養(食事・水分)の重要性 ●第6章 私たちケアする側のメンタル ケアする側のメンタル メンタルを安定させる 睡眠・栄養・呼吸・運動 セルフコーチングスキル 朝通勤時 仕事中 勤務後 前向き思考のつくり方 “怒り”のマネジメント こだわりを手放す 身体から変えていく! 自分を癒す チームメンバーへのコーチング &lt;Column&gt; 近所を徘徊しているおじさん &lt;Column&gt; 現役理容師のナミさん ●第7章 抑制しない介護を目指して リスク管理の考え方 認知症ケアだからこその視点 介護ロボットの活用法 車イス・ベッドからの転落防止 拘束ケアを選択しない施設とは ●第8章 他職種との連携、チームとしての協働 アイデアを出し合う組織風土をつくろう やっぱり「ホウレンソウだね」 他のメンバーの対応の仕方を注意したい 雰囲気は伝染する! チームの活性化を目指して ケアの前提条件 &lt;Column&gt; 否定形の会話は毒 ●第9章 地域で暮らし続けるために 「共生」の観点から 「早期発見・早期予防」の考え方 認知症を見落とさない 当事者交流 住みやすい町づくり 「予防」の観点から 社会参加 ライフスタイルの見直し スーパーシニアから学ぶ 引用文献・参考文献 ●おわりに


  • Japan Company Handbook 2021 Winter (英文会社四季報 2021 Winter号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,798 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • スーパーGT公式ガイドブック 2020-2021 総集編
    RAYBRIG NSX-GT 不屈の最速魂。 GT500 Champion Car Gallery│RAYBRIG NSX-GT “GENUINE BLUE” 目次 GT500 SEASON REVIEW“ UNUSUAL”「稀に見る混戦」の分岐点  HONDA「KEIHINに倣え」  TOYOTA「露呈した弱点」  NISSAN「意地の2勝」 GT500 Champion Interview 満足感にあふれて。──山本尚貴  戸惑いと喜びと。──牧野任祐 GT500“CLASS1+α”First Impact. 極限で、交わる個性。  NSX│初の土俵で、綱取りの大金星  Supra│“初モノ尽くし”の、わずかな綻び  GT-R│1点突破型の、性格俳優 GT300 SEASON REVIEW No Speed, No Title. The Hearts of GT300 Monsters GT300参戦車種エンジンルーム総覧 GT500 ALL TEAM SEASON REVIEW S-GT“Track & Field” 今季達成された記録 GT300 ALL TEAM SEASON REVIEW 2020 レースレポート&リザルト SUPER GT INFORMATION 読者プレゼント 2021年のスーパーGT 特別付録 A1サイズ特大ポスター RAYBRIG NSX-GT 裏表紙


  • Nonlinear Filters
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※この電子書籍は紙版書籍のページデザインで制作した固定レイアウトです。 【本書は、非線形フィルタについて解説した英文書籍です】 This book covers a broad range of filter theories, algorithms, and numerical examples. The representative linear and nonlinear filters such as the Kalman filter, the steady-state Kalman filter, the H infinity filter, the extended Kalman filter, the Gaussian sum filter, the statistically linearized Kalman filter, the unscented Kalman filter, the Gaussian filter, the cubature Kalman filter are first visited. Then, the non-Gaussian filters such as the ensemble Kalman filter and the particle filters based on the sequential Bayesian filter and the sequential importance resampling are described, together with their recent advances. Moreover, the information matrix in the nonlinear filtering, the nonlinear smoother based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo, the continuous-discrete filters, factorized filters, and nonlinear filters based on stochastic approximation method are detailed. 1 Review of the Kalman Filter and Related Filters 2 Information Matrix in Nonlinear Filtering 3 Extended Kalman Filter and Gaussian Sum Filter 4 Statistically Linearized Kalman Filter 5 The Unscented Kalman Filter 6 General Gaussian Filters and Applications 7 The Ensemble Kalman Filter 8 Particle Filter 9 Nonlinear Smoother with Markov Chain Monte Carlo 10 Continuous-Discrete Filters 11 Factorized Filters 12 Nonlinear Filters Based on Stochastic Approximation Method
  • What has happened to me ~Testimony of an Uyghur man 2~
    1巻110円 (税込)
    A testimony of a Uyghur man.Please send this voice all over the world.Uighur comics featured by the world media such as The Washington Post, Guardian, Bloomberg, CNN, Al Jazeera, etc.
  • From Zero to Kyocera A Company Philosophy to Grow People and Organizations
    The eye-opening business philosophy and life wisdom of one of Japan’s most influential entrepreneurs. This book is not merely a business how-to but a guide to personal growth. Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairman. Inamori also established the non-profit Inamori Foundation and the Kyoto Prize to honor researchers and artists all over the world. He has received the title of Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his outstanding contributions to society. Along the way, he has published over 60 books in Japanese which have sold over 19 million copies in 21 different languages. This book focuses on the often-dramatic ups and downs of his life and reveals how he arrived at his guiding principle, “Respect the Divine and Love People.” In the book’s introduction, he makes a promise to the reader: If you adopt the management philosophy and lifestyle laid out in this book, you are certain to succeed both in business and in life. ※『ゼロからの挑戦』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership
    Beginning with the drafting of Vietnam’s civil law in 1996, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has supported the “making of laws” in developing countries including Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This is a field of cooperation unique to Japan, originating from its experience studying foreign legal systems during the Meiji Restoration. Today, Official Development Assistance (ODA) is considered one of the pillars of Japan’s rule of law promotion. JICA has collected documents relating to its 20 years of work, along with interviews with those involved in rule of law promotion from Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more. Clashes over wariness towards foreigners and differences in understanding of legal terminology… This is a record of the obstacles overcome by the people of developing nations who wanted to draft their own national laws, and the Japanese lawyers who supported them, as well as their sincere efforts, struggles, and challenges. This is a recommended book for those interested in international cooperation, as well as those who want to know more about the rule of law promotion process.


  • Remnants of Days Past: A Journey through Old Japan
    Remnants of Days Past, by Kyoji Watanabe, is an epic journey into Japan’s past. It is a comprehensive look at the Tokugawa rule and the Edo period, an age in which the civilization of “Old Japan” was still on display and which, for better or worse, ceased to exist with the advent of modernization. Watanabe covers in great detail several topics pertaining to this civilization, including the status and position of the various social classes, views of women and children, attitudes towards sex, labor, and the body and religious beliefs, as well as the unique cosmology behind this civilization. Watanabe makes use of a number of works written by foreign observers who visited Japan from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji to support his views. As the author writes in the book, “What is important in my mind is the reality that the civilization of ‘Old Japan’ developed through a universal desire, as well as the ideas behind this desire, to make it as comfortable as possible for human existence.” This is a massive work that takes an in-depth look at what modern Japan has lost.


  • ANTINEOPLASTON -anticancer substance in the human body-
    1巻1,320円 (税込)
    Cancer is a genetic disease. Many abnormalities in genes, epigenetics and gene products are involved in the formation and growth of cancer. Cancer is diverse, one cancer may differ genetically from other cancers though they may look same. Dr. Burzynski discovered Antineoplaston in the human body. It trans substantiate anticancer effect by a unique multi-molecular targeted mode which is quite different from conventional cancer drugs. This raised doubt and confusion in the medical field in USA. Cancer is a social problem and anybody can have it. The number of cancer patients increases as society ages. Over 600,000 people died from advanced cancer in the USA while in Japan it was 370,000 in 2018. Advanced cancer patients eagerly anticipate the arrival of an effective treatment. An advanced treatment technology is effective but expensive. It is an excessive financial burden for both the individual and the state. This book describes how the Kurume University, School of Medicine, Japan became involved in the Antineoplaston research and what it learned about the potential role of Antineoplaston in cancer treatment and It further learned the social aspect of cancer during the basic and clinical research.


  • WEAK LINK(ウィーク リンク) コロナが明らかにしたグローバル経済の悪夢のような脆さ
    ◆The chain is only as strong as its weakest link ――鎖の強さはその最も弱い輪によって決まる (イギリスの格言。今回のコロナ禍の本質を突く言葉として本書では用いる) ◆パンデミックが起き、世界全体に拡大し、未曽有の経済災害となったのは、グローバル経済のエコシステムにウィーク・リンクがあったのではないか。世界的な供給体制、都市への集中、人やモノの移動速度と複雑な混じり合い、政治や宗教による対立や断絶が、パンデミックを起点とした世界的な経済危機にどのようにつながったかをダイナミックに描く。 ◆取り上げるテーマは日本よりも、世界に焦点を当てる。コロナウイルス危機のクロノロジーを描き、グローバル・エコシステムの最弱点に問題が起こり、それが弱いリンクを通していかに破壊的な力をもっていったかを解説する。 ◆著者は日本経済の長期停滞やリーマン・ショック、ユーロ危機などについて、内外の情勢をすばやく集め、ノンフィクション的な筆致やアカデミックな知見を織り交ぜながら数々の名著を執筆してきた経済学者。2019年からは経済財政諮問会議の民間議員も務めている。
  • 『テイルコンチェルト』新約設定資料集
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 1998年に発売されたサイバーコネクトツーの処女作である「テイルコンチェルト」。“開発者だからこそ”つくりだせるハイクオリティな設定資料集が登場! 【本誌内容】 ・キャラクターデザインを務めた結城信輝氏のイラスト多数掲載! ・世界観設定資料&WAKAによる新規イラスト100点以上! ・開発当時の未公開資料+新規資料を完全収録!! ・本誌書き下ろしオリジナル小説掲載! ・ゲーム本編のアニメーション絵コンテ&アニメ原画を完全収録! Tail Concerto was released in 1998 as CyberConnect2's debut work, and we are releasing this high quality art book recording the production process of the project still widely loved today. [Contents] -Collection of illustrations by character designer Nobuteru Yuki! -World settings & more than 100 new drawings by WAKA! -Never-before-seen production files + compilation of brand new documents! -Exclusive publication of original stories! -Complete compilation of game animation story board and original anime illustrations!
  • 『.hack//G.U. Last Recode』完全設定資料集
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 『.hack//G.U. Last Recode』の新規エピソード『Vol.4』の開発資料をはじめ、シリーズ15周年記念で制作されたイラストレーションなどを収録! 【本誌内容】 収録作品:『.hack//G.U. Last Recode Vol.4 あるいは世界を紡ぐ蛇たちの見る夢』 ・キャラクター、武器、ダンジョンの設定画は初期デザイン案も含めた500点以上 ・パブリシティイラストや本編内の壁紙など、これまでに公開されたイラストが集結 ・イベントシーンの別パターンを知れる、大量のイメージボードや絵コンテ ・今だから語れる裏設定を収録した「設定レベルE」 収録作品:『.hack』シリーズ15周年記念 ・歴代タイトルのメインキャラクターが集結した、シリーズ15周年記念ビジュアルを完全収録 ・いまは手に入らない完売したグッズやレアな関連イベントのイラスト ・様々なイベント用メインビジュアルの貴重なパターンラフ The .hack//G.U. Last Recode art book is now available for the first time in a digital edition! The book features documents from the development of .hack//G.U. Last Recode's newest episode, "Vol.4," as well as illustrations from the 15th anniversary of the .hack// series. The book has over 1000 images and documents to look at and enjoy!
  • 『最後のユニコーン』の知られざる真価
    1巻1,056円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 このファンタジー作品は、無邪気なおとぎ話を装った観念小説だ。世界的な人気を誇るアメリカのファンタジー小説『最後のユニコーン(The Last Unicorn)』。そのアニメ版は、日本のプロダクションが担当し、優れた映像表現を実現させた。また、ファンタジーの思想的な特質を巧みな手法で表現している作品として、学術研究の対象としても注目されている。本書では、そのアニメ版の制作に使用された絵コンテ、シナリオ、シノプシス約270点を初公開。作品に隠された類まれな演出に迫り、その真価を余すところなく解説した決定版。New Data Unraveling The Process of Creation Of the Anime The Last Unicorn Preface I have been studying Peter S. Beagle’s fantasy novel The Last Unicorn for more than 45 years and have taken it up as a subject of lecture at university. But it has always been my regret that true evaluation has not been made yet to this masterpiece of fantasy literature in the academic field. Then I came to know the work had been made into animated film, and was astonished to have discovered that the Japanese anime production Topcraft took the part of visual expression and attained supreme visual description transforming the novel’s profound philosophical subject. Noticing many Japanese anime and games share similar philosophical, psychological and cosmological ideas to The Last Unicorn, it has been my deep concern how I should understand the cause of this mysterious phenomenon. It seemed to me that Beagle’s fantasy masterpiece enfolds deep psychical layer that has produced various Japanese subculture trends. After I was able to gain some opportunities to interview with the staff of the anime production and was allowed to have access to the collection of data that is supposed to disclose the process of the creation of the work, I feel I have gained some clue to the question long harbored in my mind.


  • Discover Sumo  Stories from Yobidashi Hideo
    A book to help you understand sumo better. The former top yobidashi eloquently discusses the work of sumo’s urakata (men behind the scenes); the yobidashi, gyoji, and tokoyama, as well as the rikishi, oyakata, heya, bouts, and other topics. 【目次】 Chapter 1 Let’s Start with Discussion of the Urakata Chapter 2 Sumo’s Leading Actors-Rikishi and Oyakata Chapter 3 Enjoying Sumo 【著者】 HideoYamaki Born in 1949 in Shimoda-shi, Shizuoka-ken, he is a former ozumo yobidashi. His real name is Yamaki Hidehito.
  • The Survivor―The confession of cannibalism by the Old captain―
    Food is one of the most important things for living. When it’s lost, what should a person do? What is a human? What does it mean to live? I believe that we as humans are still being asked these fundamental questions. The author spent fifteen years to find “the truth” of the cannibalism incident committed by the shipwrecked captain at the end of WWII, through interviews with the old captain and the relevant people.
  • Japan Company Handbook 2020 Autumn (英文会社四季報 2020 Autumn号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,784 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • Two-Way Street in Art Education: Cross-Cultural Research
    Diverse influences from abroad provide a prime field of cross-cultural research in art education. This book portrays the process of cross-cultural interpretation as a way of making sense of one’s world in relation to those of others. Cross-cultural research in art education is regarded as “a two-way street.” Chapters 1-4 provide information about art teacher training systems of Japan in 1990s, consider the introduction of European modernism into Japanese school art practice in 1920s, trace the influence of American art education literature on the historical development of Japanese art education in more than a century, and describe the story of incorporating contemporary U. S. art in Japanese school art practice in 1990s. Chapters 5-12 discuss obvious examples what Japanese art educators have learned from Europeans and Americans and provide detailed instances of what American art educators have learned from the Japanese. The cases of Akira Shirahama (1866-1927), Kanae Yamamoto (1882-1946), Seishi Shimoda (1890-1973), Arthur Dow (1857-1922), and Kenneth Beittel (1922-2003) are interesting because they illustrate the gap between what was learned from others and what was realized in modernist art education. A pilgrimage to others makes the living journeying itself that which is invaluable. Surely, “a two-way street” was needed between the American and Japanese art education to enrich each of us achieve cross-cultural understanding in art education. Without diverse influences, no country has its inherent cultural values as pearls in an oyster. Thus the two-way street between cultures in art and art education will be wide open.
  • 大東流合気柔術 秘伝目録 一ヵ条編  (Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Hiden Mokuroku Ikkajo)
    武田惣角から武田時宗、そして近藤勝之免許皆伝へと引き継がれた大東流合気柔術。 その秘伝目録一ヵ条30の技を、詳細な写真と解説で紹介。 大東流を学ぶ方々のための格好の入門書。 〈日英対訳版〉 This is the first book in English to introduce the technical curriculum of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu as originally taught by Sokaku Takeda. Menkyo Kaiden Katsuyuki Kondo explains and demonstrates the 30 techniques of the ikkajo series of the Hiden Mokuroku, the first level of study in Daito-ryu. 《目次》 謝辞 近藤勝之 刊行の言葉 スタンレー・プラニン 大東流史概説 スタンレー・プラニン 大東流合気柔術の六要素 近藤勝之 【立合10本】  一本捕  車倒  逆腕捕  腰車  搦投  裏落  帯落  切返  小手返  四方投 表  四方投 裏 【居捕10本】  一本捕  逆腕捕  肘返  車倒  締返  抱締  搦投  小手返  抜手捕  膝締 【後捕5本】  立襟捕  両肩捻  両肘返  抱締捕  肩落 【半座半立5本】  半身投  裏落  居反  肩落  入身投 Contents Foreword / Editor's Note / An Introduction to Daito-ryu History / Six Principles of Training Tachiai - 10 Techniques Ippondori / Kurumadaoshi / Gyakuudedori / Koshiguruma / Karaminage / Uraotoshi / Obiotoshi / Kirikaeshi / Kotegaeshi / Shihonage omote / Shihonage ura Idori - 10 Techniques Ippondori / Gyakuudedori / Hijigaeshi / Kurumadaoshi / Shimekaeshi / Dakijime / Karaminage / Kotegaeshi / Nukitedori / Hizajime Ushirodori - 5 Techniques Tateeridori / Ryokatahineri / Ryohijigaeshi / Dakijimedori / Kataotoshi Hanza Handachi - 5 Techniques Hanminage / Uraotoshi / Izori / Kataotoshi / Iriminage
  • Karete and Ki The Depth of Thought
    What is “Ki”? How you can make it yours? ―― It is in “the depth of thought.” Ushiro Shihan has been teaching and coaching a great number of people all over the world using his original method of “Ki” that maximizes our potential ability. Karate and Ki was published in Japanese in June of 2007 and has been highly acclaimed not only Budo readers but also by the Japanese public. "Karate and Ki" is a milestone of life, many readers say. We are very honored to present Ushiro shihan’s point of view and thoughts to an audience not limited only to Japan but on worldwide scales through the English translation of Karate and Ki. The text has been translated as faithfully as possible from the Japanese version and many new photos have been specially added to this English publication. This book consists of 2 parts: The first part explains in detail the principle and theory of "Ki", which is the ultimate form of martial arts Karate. The second explores Mr. Ushiro's "no compromise" thought and philosophy which he developed through his life as a martial artist, electronic engineer and top corporate executive. The "Ki" that Mr.Ushiro describes in this book is totally different from the "Ki" normally thought of in the traditional martial arts and regular world. It is an energy that everyone has, the vitality of people's life. It is the source of everything that supports work, family and daily life. This book has attracted many readers who have read it multiple times and derive new energy from it with every read. Some comments from readers include: "This book is like a mass of energy." "It was moving and gave me the courage to move forward".
  • No Regrets: How To Kickstart Your Career AND Your Life
    This inspiring guide is for young people who are looking to kick start their careers and live their dream life. This book is perfect for students, recent college graduates, Gen Z and millennials already in the working world, along with those of any age who simply want a fresh start in their career. This book lays down the essential groundwork to help realize the career and life that you want to lead. The valuable advice and guidance given will alter how you navigate the journey into beginning your career and change the way you live each day—with no regrets! Renown executive coach, teacher, consultant, author, keynote speaker, workshop leader, and jack of many trades, Dr. Bob Tobin draws on his own diverse work experience as well as from the powerful inspirational anecdotes of his students, peers, mentors, and more, to help you navigate this crucial part of your career journey. From the examples and anecdotes, you’ll learn about what has made a difference in their lives, the decisions that have helped them, the mistakes they have made, and what they have learned from the mistakes. Rich with practical and actionable guidance, this book is for young people about to embark on their professional lives along with those seeking more purpose and meaning in their current work and lives. This book is the essential way to help you think more deeply about what you do for work and how you want to live. The mix of inspiring advice, practical suggestions, questions for reflection, and uplifting stories will help guide you to develop important skills so you can build a wonderful career and a beautiful life that you can be proud of. You’ll discover: How to start thinking more deeply about your career. How to let go of your long held beliefs. How to embrace the act of change. How to develop decision making skills. How to gain confidence and build courage. How to make sure you are adding value. How to widen your world. And more!
  • Japan Company Handbook 2020 Summer (英文会社四季報 2020 Summer号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,778 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • Gonbei, the Duck Hunter 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 To catch many ducks at once, Gonbei, the hunter set a trap in a pond. Then, just as planned, he could get a lot of ducks in one go. However…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 103)
  • Hans in Luck 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Hans had been working at a rich man's house since he was still very young. One day he had decided to leave the work and go back to his home where his mother lived. Hans received a big block of gold as his pay.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 102)
  • What has Happened to me ~The story of an Uyghur man who now lives in Japan~
    全1巻110円 (税込)
    CASE2 of Uyghur manga "What happened to me" featured by the world's media such as the Washington Post, Guardian, Bloomberg, CNN, and Al Jazeera. This time is a testimony of a Uyghur man living in Japan. In his homeland of East Turkistan, ethnic repression above the Nazis is ongoing and is dying. sister is? Parents? This story is not about poor people in distant countries.
  • Adventure of the Soul
    The external universe covers an infinite expanse of more than 10 billion light-years. The inner universe is just as immense, extending deep beneath the human mind. The Universe featured in this book embraces them both. All of us are connected to this Universe and can draw forth its infinite force. The time has come for each person who summons the Universe experience to be an adventurer of the soul and initiate a movement of creation and regeneration in all corners of the world.


  • Blood Type B Is Vanishing Was Albert Einstein disliked?
    Said to be the best physicist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein has been treated as a strange person due to his unbelievable behavior and going at his own pace.It was caused by his blood type "B"! Other, if the Meiji Restoration leader, Takamori Saigo, was not B, would there really have been the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance? If Nobunaga Oda was not B type, would it not be killed by the Honno-ji Incident? ……etc. An interesting essay "for type B, for type B" that emerged from the blood type and behavior of celebrities.
  • Spiritual Reading of Novel Coronavirus Infection Originated in China ―Closing in on the real cause of the global outbreak―
    This worldwide pandemic is not a mere act of nature nor a coincidence, but rather, heaven’s warning to humanity, especially China. Through more advanced spiritual abilities than Edgar Cayce’s, Ryuho Okawa conducted a spiritual reading on the novel coronavirus and revealed the astonishing truth that science can never uncover. By reading this book, you can find out: -Why the coronavirus broke out in China and how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved -Why the outbreak had to occur now and what would have become of Hong Kong otherwise -The spiritual background of how viruses mutate into evil beings -What will serve as “the immunity” against the novel coronavirus -The divine will behind SARS, AIDS, the Spanish flu, and the Plague -Whether catastrophes will continue and the shocking prediction on the U.S. among others Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa’s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.
  • 日本一社員が成長できる=幸せな会社
    自己成長と社会貢献を果たす! ネイチャー流ハッピーワーク 働き方改革の3本柱は「ワーク」「キャリア」「サポート」 ・個人の資産や税に関するプロフェッショナルとしてのやりがい  (充実した研修・教育、みなで協力して取り組む環境etc) ・厳しい、だけど楽しい!実力主義な働き方  (インセンティブ、評価制度etc) ・意欲ある社員の働きやすさを整える福利厚生の充実  (フレックスタイム制、ちょこっと外出制度、、セロトニン応援活動、オーダースーツ制度etc) 「Treat as a familiy」(関わる人に対して家族のように接する)という理念をもち、 常に「どうしたら仕事を通じて社会貢献ができるか」を考えている芦田氏が語る、 「幸せのサイクル」とはどういうものなのか?  サイボウズ株式会社 青野慶久氏、株式会社ベネフィット・ワン 白井徳生氏、株式会社マネーフォワード 辻庸介氏、弁護士ドットコム株式会社元榮太一郎氏 推薦! 第1章 ネイチャーが求める人材とは 01 国際資産税の仕事 02 求められる2つの知識と5つのスキル 03 顧客の対応で求められること 04 きめ細やかな顧客対応が顧客満足を生む 第2章 女性も活躍できるキャリアプラン 01 女性もキャリアを積む時代 02 チャレンジしやすさを整える 03 業務効率化による残業削減 〈特別対談〉銀行の働き方はどのように変化したか? オリックス銀行株式会社 第3章 厳しい、だけど楽しい仕事 01人として楽しみを感じる働き方 02 AIによる働き方の変化 03 学びながら働ける教育制度 04 目指す姿が見えるキャリア制度 05 一人ひとりが納得できる評価制度とインセンティブ報酬体系 〈特別対談〉女性が多い職場の働き方 公益財団法人世界自然保護基金ジャパン(WWFジャパン) 第4章 意欲のある社員の働きやすさを整える制度 01 ネイチャーのさまざまな制度 02 オフィス環境を整える 03 健康経営で従業員の心の健康を 04 制度がどんどん生まれる理由 〈特別対談〉働きやすさの探求 サイボウズ株式会 第5章 これからの時代の理想の働き方 01 社員が楽しく、幸せに成長できる 02 顧客に寄り添い、課題解決を通じ、社会に貢献する 03 本気で働き方改革に取り組む 04 3つの柱をバランスよく 05 常に考えている一番大切なこと
  • Japan Company Handbook 2020 Spring (英文会社四季報2020Spring号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,772 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • Shigemitsu and Togo and Their Time
    The Kwangtung Army’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931 was a clear demonstration of the military’s independence and the Japanese foreign policy establishment’s impotence and irrelevance. For the next 14 years, diplomats and others who sought to avert war on the Asian mainland and with the Western powers saw their efforts sidelined and undercut. Such is not, however, to imply such toilers-in-the-dark did not exist. They did, and this ambitious history chronicles that difficult time focusing on the lives of Shigemitsu Mamoru and Togo Shigenori. A career diplomat who brokered a ceasefire between the Imperial Japanese Army and the Chinese Kuomintang Army in 1932 and then a settlement of the Russo-Japanese border at Changkufeng Hill in 1938, Shigemitsu was aghast at the 1940 tripartite Pact (among Japan, Germany, and Italy) and its implications for Japan’s relations with the UK and the US. Despite―or perhaps because of―his opposition to the militarists’ policies, he was appointed Foreign Minister midway through the Pacific War, and it was in that capacity that he was caught up in the charade of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Much of Shigemitsu’s work was complemented by Togo’s, including efforts to better relations with the Soviet Union. Marginalized though he was, Togo had the distinction of being Foreign Minister both at the outbreak and at the end of the Pacific War, albeit with a long hiatus in the middle, and it was this distinction that brought him to the International Tribunal’s attention. Belying the standard image of a hundred million hearts beating as one, Japan had many distinguished figures who remained true to their principles even as they served the state during the long war years. This is thus both a history of personal turmoil and an insightful window on the Japan of that era.


  • Yoshida Shigeru and His Time
    Yoshida Shigeru is widely regarded as a pivotal figure in early postwar Japanese history―someone who guided the nation through those difficult years with a clear vision and a firm hand. Yet much of his success, this book argues, was mandated by circumstances, and he was more a practical politician than an ideologue wedded to any particular “ism”. Particularly lauded by Yoshida admirers are his adroit fending off of pressures to remilitarize, including during the Korean War years, and his accompanying focus on economic recovery as the nation struggled to get back on its feet. Yet the decision not to rearm had already been made in the postwar Constitution’s Article 9, and Yoshida was more affirming Occupation policy than breaking new ground. Indeed, his policy pronouncements in this area largely channeled MacArthur’s thinking throughout SCAP’s reign. Pushing that thought one step further, Ambassador Okazaki contends that the acceptance of Article 9 was part of a grand bargain with MacArthur: Japan would forsake rearmament and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East would not put the Emperor in the dock for war crimes. Taking issue with the conventional wisdom, Okazaki further maintains that many Occupation policies (e.g., women’s suffrage and agrarian reform) would have been adopted in the course of building upon prewar democratization initiatives even were there no Occupation. Significantly, these reforms, unlike zaibatsu dissolution and the purge, for example, were not rescinded once Japan regained its independence in 1952. Pulling together testimony from a wide variety of informed sources, this solidly argued treatise roundly rejects the Tokyo Trials, both their conduct and their verdicts, and paints a picture of Japan laboring under a capricious autocracy in the Occupation years. This is an insightful work that demands serious consideration by everyone interested in Japan past, present, and future.


  • The Miser 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Jeffery was a rich and very stingy man, who treasured money as much as his own life. As long as he could, he wouldn't spend even the slightest bit of his money. And so, what he did…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 98)
  • The Japanese Linguistic Landscape: Reflections on Quintessential Words
    Languages change over time. No matter how hard we try to control and regulate them, they exist in a state of endless metamorphosis. This does not mean, though, that we should simply stand by and watch as language devolves into nonsense. What should we do, then? Recognizing the inevitability of change is a given, of course. But we must also navigate the delicate line between the pull of popular trends and the urge to cling blindly to the ways of the past. The ideal balance, Professor Nakanishi argues in this book, lies in being “one step behind the times,” which is the best approach for wielding all the charms of a language. Beautiful words have an ageless quality, regardless of when they first appeared in a language. The Japanese language testifies to that truth. This book introduces a balanced mix of new and old words that reflect the singular beauty of the Japanese language. The beautiful words of the Japanese language are not―as some people say―simply old, antiquated terms. Discerning beauty in a language requires more than having an antiquarian’s ear; it requires certain sensibilities and sensitivities. Only by submerging ourselves in a language can we perceive its splendid subtleties, and appreciate its true beauty. This book offers readers an opportunity to delve into to those nuances of Japanese, explore the language’s history, and savor its unique beauty.


  • The Ultimate Guide to Kara-age 2020
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Loved by the Japanese people as a kind of “soul food,” kara-age has developed into a huge market embracing specialty restaurants, izakaya, delicatessens, frozen food products, and more. This English e-book version places the spotlight on kara-age and reveals the full picture, from basic knowledge about kara-age to details about its history that will surprise even professionals, the current situation, definitions of related terminology, and so on. As a kara-age textbook, this ultimate book is sure to awe readers with its unprecedented quality and quantity.
  • [音声DL&オンラインサービス付き]初級者からのニュース・リスニングCNN Student News 2020[春]
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 音声アプリ+動画で。 どんどん聞き取れる! 新連載「森勇作先生の ニュースを理解するための英文法」がスタート! ●本書の特長。 ・2種類の音声。  CNNの放送そのままの「natural」音声、プロのナレーターが読み直した「slow」音声、の2種類を収録しています。 ・オンラインサービス付き。  アプリを使って音声をスマホで楽々再生。ニュース動画を字幕あり/なしで視聴できます。 ・4技能に対応。  「リスニング」と「リーディング」でインプットした情報を、「ライティング」と「スピーキング」でアウトプットする練習が用意されています。 ●内容 ・アマゾンが人工知能(AI)を駆使……Amazon Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) 。 ・プラスチックごみ問題に容器再利用の試み……Reusable Containers Close the “Loop”on Plastic Waste。 ・日本の新天皇の「即位の礼」……Curtain Opens on Japan's Reiwa Era。 ・未来は車を所有したり運転することのない社会!?……A Driverless Future。 ・食用ボウルでプラごみをなくせるか……Edible Bowls to Eliminate Plastic Waste。 ・ルーブルで没後500年のレオナルド・ダビンチ展……Louvre's Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition。 ・中国市場でビジネスをする代償……Challenges of Doing Business in China。 ・本当は恐ろしい「人生ゲーム」?!……Lincoln and the Board Game of “Life” 。 ・MRIで犬の気持ちを解明?!……MRI Used to Learn What Dogs Are Thinking。 ・ロボット用の人工皮膚を開発……First Artificial Skin for Robots。 ・アメリカ大統領選を左右する予備選挙……U.S. Presidential Election。 ・昆虫食は未来の食料源?!……Insects as a Food Source
  • No one will say the name of that country
    全1巻110円 (税込)
    Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. There is a place called so in China. For some reason, there is an unreported reality that is hardly taken up by the media. So I want as many people as possible to know. And I want you to imagine. Lastly, the meaning of words spoken by the main character.
  • Arriba! 2nd season 英語版
    1巻110円 (税込)
    Hello. This is a manga artist, Natsuko Hamaguchi.『Arriba! 2nd season』is the sequel of 『Arriba!』which was published serially in extra issue of Shogakukan petit comic.Unfortunately, as of 2019, 『Arriba!』is only published in Japan and Taiwan.However, once you read the summary which you can find at the beginning of this book, you’ll soon be able to enter the world of 『Arriba!』.『Arriba! 2nd season』was published by a manga artist, that is myself.I, myself had also learnt flamenco for 8 years. Moreover, I love various styles of dancing and theater arts.I would love to explore the world of 『Arriba! 2nd season』with manga and dance lovers.Be sure to check out the next episode.Last but not least, I would be very happy if you could send me a message.Please find me at hnatsuko.Special thanks to all dance and manga lovers around the world.
  • Japan’s SDGs White Paper 2019: Abridged English Edition The Report on SDGs Initiatives in Japan
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015, and vigorous efforts to implement them have been rapidly increasing even in Japan. This book is a collection of articles taken from the first “Japan’s SDGs White Paper” edited by the xSDG Laboratory of the Keio Research Institute at SFC in Keio University in 2019 and translated into English. The activities of various stakeholders, including the Japanese national government, municipal governments, academic institutions, businesses, civic organizations such as NPOs, young people and the media, are reported by experts in their respective fields. It also summarizes the history of the SDGs and explains the issues and prospects in Japan. This is the perfect book to learn about initiatives in Japan towards achieving the SDGs, where people in all fields work together to change the world. この本は、2019年に慶應義塾大学 SFC研究所 xSDG・ラボの編集により発行された、「SDGs白書2019」の記事を抜粋し、英訳したものです
  • The Snow Maiden Natasha 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 God gave life to a snow sculpture of a girl. The girl was living happily under the care of a kind hearted couple. However, over time, as the weather got warmer, the girl became less and less cheerful.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 93)
  • The Magical Listening Hood 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One day, a very faithful old man received a hood from God. It was a hood that made him understand the language of animals as if they were talking in a humane language when worn…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 92)
  • Japan Company Handbook 2020 Winter (英文会社四季報2020Winter号)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK covers 3,761 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange and local exchanges and devotes a half page for each company with a chart (for 41 months) of stock prices. Highly accurate to help you in your investment decisions JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is extensively reviewed four times a year. Toyo Keizai's experienced analysts cover all listed companies and give the handbook original earnings estimates. Toyo Keizai's earnings estimates are reputed to be highly accurate by many investors through various financial information vendors such as Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, etc. A must for investors, corporate analysts, and business executives JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK is highly regarded, not only by individual investors, but also by brokerage firms, institutional investors, and other professionals, as their most preferred source of information on investment. It is widely used by foreign brokerages and financial institutions as well. It is an indispensable tool for company researchers and those doing business with Japanese corporations.
  • ドリンキング・ジャパン 【英日対照】英語で読む日本のお酒を楽しむ文化ガイド
    酒席で気の利いた話題を提供したい英語通訳ガイドの方に 本書『Drinking Japan』は、日本の酒文化に対する並々ならぬ愛情があふれる視点から書き下ろされた日英対訳の文化ガイドです。利酒師でありソムリエの上級資格ともいわれるWSET Level3を持つ著者が、日本酒だけではなく、様々な地域で造られている多様なお酒を、醸造の方法や種類の説明はもちろん、その歴史や普及の過程、はたまたぴったりな肴など、多岐にわたって紹介しています。 日本人でも知らないような日本の酒文化についての読み物として、なにより日本酒にかたよりがちな英文ガイドが物足りないという方に、ぜひ手に取っていただきたい一冊です。 Good drinking is a multidimensional experience. A finely produced wine or whisky, for example, will engage the drinker's four senses as he/she considers and evaluates such aspects of the drink as flavor, smell, appearance, and mouthfeel. This dimension should appeal to every serious sybarite. But the drinking experience is enhanced exponentially when one knows something about the history of the beverage, the culture from which it has emerged, its production process, and its marketing. In Drinking Japan—It' s Not Just Sake, we have provided our readers with all of this information and more. This intellectual dimension makes one a more interesting person, to be sure, but it may also provide input to the third dimension. The Irish call it “craic", which is the pleasure that good conversation and pleasant company bring. Of course, one can always talk about the weather or the latest blip, boom, bust, or belch from the stock market, but isn't it more interesting to discuss whether your Chardonnay is oaked or unoaked, your sake predominantly sweet or dry, or how long your whisky has been aged?
  • The Mouse, the Small Bird and the Sausage 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The mouse, the small bird and the sausage were living together happily. Each of them had a different role such as collecting firewood and preparing meals. However, one day, the small bird proposed a new idea to both of them…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 87)
  • 大学入試 肘井学の 作文のための英文法が面白いほどわかる本 音声ダウンロード付き
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 次の日本語を正しく英訳できますか? 『年を重ねると、月日の流れがどんどん速くなる。』 実際に過去の難関大の入試で出題された問題です。この日本語を正しく英訳するには、「年を重ねると」の主語を補って、「私たちが年をとるにつれて」と日本語をかみ砕き、修飾語を使い、かつ、比例のasを使うと判断します。次に、「月日の流れがどんどん速くなる」をそのまま英訳しようとすると、堂々巡りとなってしまいます。まずは主語を補って、「私たちは時間がたつのをますます速く感じる」と、日本語をかみ砕くことで、いとも簡単に英作文を完成させることができるようになります。 この一連の作業を、本書では『和文図解』×『和文変換』 としています。『和文図解』は、日本語のどこが英文のSVOCMに相当するかを分析する作業です。そして、『和文変換』は、英作文をするには難解な日本語をかみ砕く作業です。 本書では、英作文に必要な重要ルールを体系化しました。扱う英文は全て実際の大学入試で出題された問題を厳選。また、実際に自分の手で英作文を書くことができるように、別冊に単語、フレーズレベルのOutput Sheet、そして文レベルの口頭英作文練習帳を付けました。 Output Sheetで単語・フレーズレベルでの日本語⇒英語の練習、口頭英作文によって文レベルでの日本語⇒英語の練習を徹底反復 とすることで、『英作文脳』をつくっていきます。 たとえ試験本番一か月前でも、本書を一冊完璧にすれば、無敵の英作文の力を身につけることができます。 ※電子書籍内の説明に沿って手順を進めることで、ウェブサイトから音声データをダウンロードできます。音声データは、PCなどの専用機器でお楽しみください。
  • The Timeless Lessons to Learn from Japan
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    The Japanese way of living explained in all its uniqueness. A required reading for anyone interested in Japan and Japanese culture! The wisdom of the old times lies behind the abundance of modern Japan. Siebold, Isabella Bird, Einstein, and many more share their experiences visiting Japan from the 16th century to the modern day. Their stories reveal hints on the Japanese way of living that are as true today as they were back then. In an era where Japan keeps gaining attention worldwide, from cultural heritage, to attitude towards nature, to the 2020 Olympics, this book will show you the ‘Japanese way’ at its base.
