

  • In These Words<特別版>
    精神科医の浅野克哉は、悪夢に悩まされていた。――それは顔の見えない男に監禁され、犯され、「愛している」と囁かれつづける夢。夢と現実との接点を持つ、連続殺人犯が現れたときその夢は現実との境を越える――。連続殺人犯に魅入られた精神分析医の運命とは!? アメリカ・アジアを中心にアメコミで活躍する咎井 淳(Jo Chen)が官能BLに挑む!!  BL界の話題を独占した革新作に単行本未収録作「がんばれ柴田君!」を加え、かつ単行本で修正された表現を、できる限り原画に近づけて電子書籍化しました。
  • EQUILIBRIUM -均衡-【イラスト入り】
    1巻1,485円 (税込)
    ニューヨーク市警に精神科医として勤める浅野克哉は、市警の刑事デビッド・クラウスと付き合い始める。職場での恋愛NGだった克哉だが、自分を真剣に思ってくれるデビッドの存在を受け止め、今はお互いの存在が特別だと信じられる甘い日々だった。そんなある日「昔、デビッドはいわゆるプレイで“S”をやっていた」という話を耳にした克哉は、好奇心からそうしたプレイを体感することをデビッドに望むが…!? 大人気コミック「In These Words」の主人公・浅野克哉を描く【ITWエピソード0シリーズ】日本語初翻訳短編も収録。
  • 日本鍼灸の極意 管鍼法 <日英対訳版> Kanshin Method The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture Japanese & English bilingual Book
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※英語版は巻末から始まります ※The English version starts at the end of the book. 今や世界のスタンダード! 管を駆使した鍼 江戸期に記された秘伝テクニックも紹介 17世紀に管鍼法を創案し、德川綱吉の侍医も務めた盲目の鍼医・杉山和一。 和一が到達した鍼術の境地を学ぶ。 管頭を叩く、鍼管で針を摩擦する、振動させる…etc. 伝書に記された14技法も詳解! 管鍼法の技術&杉山和一、縁の地のガイド本。 世界中の鍼灸師、必読! A must-read for all acupuncturists around the world! If you are an acupuncturist or student, you may have heard that Japanese acupuncture is slightly different from TCM. Do you know what the differences are? `The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture" is a book about the Kanshin method - an important and unique part of Japanese acupuncture. Simply put, this is the acupuncture practice that uses guide tubes. Nowadays, many acupuncturists around the world use guide tubes daily. But did you know the guide tubes (called Shinkan in Japanese,) were invented more than 300 years ago in Japan by Waichi Sugiyama, the father of Japanese acupuncture. Waichi is known as a master acupuncture physician, who became the court physician for the Tokugawa Shogunate. He was also the first educator in world history to build a school for the visually impaired. However, his life was not always successful, in fact more than half of his life was a chain of difficulties and challenges. But he kept his passion for helping people and making acupuncture safer and more comfortable, expanding the number of people who could benefit from it. Using guide tubes was an innovative acupuncture practice that made it possible to use thinner needles, giving easy, more comfortable insertions, without compromising the efficacy. These attributes represent how Japanese acupuncture can be gentle, yet powerful. This book is written by renowned acupuncturists and sensei who are passionate about letting the world know about the greatness of Japanese acupuncture. The book gives you insights and knowledge about basic Japanese acupuncture principles. Moreover, this book introduces the clinical techniques which use guide tubes. You can incorporate these into your practice to enhance the clinical efficacy. This is a must-read for all acupuncturists worldwide.
  • 大学入試 肘井学の 読解のための英文法が面白いほどわかる本 難関大編 音声ダウンロード付
    キミは次の文章の主語・動詞を正しく特定できますか? That these authors were all themselves extraordinary figures whose colorful life-stories have been made the subject of biographies and television documentaries is perhaps not well-known. 『読解のための英文法が面白いほどわかる本』刊行からはや5年。 続編へのご要望をいただき、このたび続編『難関大編』を刊行! 【Point】39の難関大頻出テーマを網羅。 続編では「どうしたら英文を読めるようになるか?」の問に答える、39のテーマを厳選して解説。 特に、倒置・挿入・関係詞…等、難関大突破に必須の項目を網羅的に解説し、「ハイレベル英文解釈」力が身につきます。 【Point】ひと目でわかる英文図解付き。 確認問題・応用問題には、ひと目で英文構造がわかる「英文図解」付き。 解説文と合わせて確認することで学習に相乗効果が生まれます。 難関大受験者必携の1冊です! ※音声データは、電子書籍内の説明に沿って手順を進めることで、ウェブサイトからダウンロードできます。音声データは、PCなどの専用機器でお楽しみください。
  • 美女絵巻1(全100ページ)和装麗人-咲く女性の華やぎ
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 可愛すぎる!和装美人の魅力が全開っ! はにかむ笑顔がたまらない着物美人。 これだけ可愛い和装の女の子が集まっているなんて、最高すぎ。 見ているだけで虜になっちゃうかわいい度満点の絵画集。 華やかな着物に身を包んだ美人の数々に、キュンキュンしちゃうこと間違いなし! 伝統とモダンが織り成す、新しい可愛さを体感してみませんか? 魅力的な美女たちのAIグラビア絵画集です。 画像集のページ数は、全100ページです。 ※本作品は、Stable Diffusionを使用しており、掲載されている人物は、"実在する人物ではございません"。 ※この作品の登場人物はすべて20歳以上となります。 ※また、大変恐縮ですが、本作品は、"AI生成絵画集"となりますので、一部、描画に違和感がある場合がございますので、予め、ご了承のほど、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 ※なお、AI画像生成に利用しているAIモデルは、すべて"商用利用可能なモデル"となります。 Note: Although there are many attractive and cute girls in this photo book, all of these photos are AI-generated images and are not real people. All person in this work are over 20 years old. The AI model used for image production is a commercially available model.
  • 1回で伝わる 短い英語
    1巻1,430円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【あなたの英語はここまで短くなる】 ◆My name is Taro Suzuki. (私の名前は鈴木太郎です。) ↓ Taro. (太郎です。) ◆Could you take these plates away? (お皿を下げてもらってもいいですか?) ↓ We're done. (もう終わりました。) インスタで7万人(2019年1月時点)が使ってみたいと思った 究極にシンプルな英語がついに書籍化! 【ペラペラ英語の時代は終わった】 非ネイティブが7割を占める現代では、 ペラペラと流暢な英語を話しても、通じないことがほとんどです。 反対に、誰に使っても『1回で伝わる 短い英語』を身につける必要があります。 本書ではドバイのエミレーツ航空でCAとして 何万回とリアルな英会話を実践してきた著者が、 現地で聞いて、使って、通じた、本当に必要な「短い英語」をセレクト。 日常会話、海外旅行、接客。あらゆるシーンで使える短い英語をカバーしています。 【目次】 ◆Part 1 日常の短い英語 ・Chapter 1 初対面 ・Chapter 2 誘う ・Chapter 3 待ち合わせ ・Chapter 4 パーティー ・Chapter 5 道案内 ・Chapter 6 日本紹介 ・Chapter 7 質問 ・Chapter 8 感謝 ◆Part 2 海外旅行の短い英語 ・Chapter 1 空港 ・Chapter 2 機内 ・Chapter 3 乗りもの(タクシー) ・Chapter 4 乗りもの(電車) ・Chapter 5 道を聞く ・Chapter 6 レストラン ・Chapter 7 ショッピング ・Chapter 8 ホテル ◆Part 3 接客の短い英語
    1巻1,430円 (税込)
    <熱狂的な人気を誇るコミックス「IN THESE WORDS」のクリエーター達が描く犯罪劇>警察官であるガブリエルには秘密があった。自宅のアパートの窓から見えるその部屋に住む男――彼を自分のものにするために、親切な隣人を装って綿密な計画を立てていたのだ。そして真冬のある夜、ついにその計画は実行された! ガブリエルが思いを遂げた1週間、その小屋で何があったのか!? 「IN THESE WORDS」にも登場する精神分析医・浅野が手がけた一つのプロファイルがここに明らかになる。 英語圏、中国語圏などで話題のクライムBLノベル、日本語初翻訳。【小説:Narcissus イラスト:咎井 淳 翻訳:仔犬養ジン】


    1~6巻880円 (税込)
    A colored illustration collection featuring a close-knit group of five girls from Ao High! This volume is full of teens in swim suits. Enjoy a thrilling vibe similiar to peeping at the swim team as you watch them brush their hair back with their hand and emerge from the pool♡ The volume is packed with beautiful illustrations of radiant and pure-hearted girls. The character introduction pages might reveal their relationships! Enjoy these ultimate situational illustrations to the fullest♪
  • He Came, After You Left In These Words外伝【イラスト入り】
    ニューヨーク市警の刑事デビッドは、赴任してきた精神科医の浅野克哉が気になっている。男女ともに惹きつける美貌、市警で働くにしては品が良すぎるたたずまい。謎多き克哉との距離を積極的に縮めていくデビッドだったが、克哉のガードは固く、すれ違ってばかり。しかも、日本からきた克哉の家族によって、克哉は忽然と姿を消してしまい…!? In These Wordsの浅野克哉のニューヨーク滞在時代の恋人・デビッドとの出会いと蜜月を描いたスペシャルな番外編小説。 ※本書は、BBC DX「In These Words 外伝 NEW YORK MINUTE」収録の小説作品を抜粋し、電子書籍化したものです。
  • The 美女(全100ページ)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 魅力的な美女たちのAIグラビア写真集です。 写真集のページ数は、全100ページです。 ※本作品は、Stable Diffusionを使用しており、掲載されている人物は、"実在する人物ではございません"。 ※この作品の登場人物はすべて20歳以上となります。 ※また、大変恐縮ですが、本作品は、"AI生成写真集"となりますので、一部、描画に違和感がある場合がございますので、予め、ご了承のほど、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 ※なお、AI画像生成に利用しているAIモデルは、すべて"商用利用可能なモデル"となります。 Note: Although there are many attractive and cute girls in this photo book, all of these photos are AI-generated images and are not real people. All person in this work are over 20 years old. The AI model used for image production is a commercially available model.
  • 【無料】Guilt|Pleasureお試し小冊子
    「In These Words」「FATHER FIGURE」「THE DOLL」と数々の話題作を発表し、日本のBL界に衝撃を与えているユニットGuilt|Pleasure(ギルトプレジャー)。 Narcissus先生の重厚なストーリーと咎井淳先生の美しいイラストで魅せる独自の世界観を無料でお試しいただけます。 この機会にあなたもぜひ「衝撃」を体験してみては?


  • The Red Shoes 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Karen got a pair of nice red shoes from her grandmother. Karen really liked these red shoes and wore them every time she went out. One day, as Karen went to church with the red shoes on, there was a mysterious man there. (KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 62)
  • Welcome to Japanese History
    1巻1,320円 (税込)
    What kind of country is Japan?  A short introduction to Japan's little-known history. Japan is a country surrounded by the sea in the northeastern part of Asia. This island nation is known for its beautiful nature, healthy and delicious foods, and rich history. But do you know how these characteristics have been shaped? This book covers the history of Japan from B.C.E. to early modern times, including the formation of its unique culture, the emperors of each period, and the backgrounds of its world-renowned historical buildings. An easy-to-understand guide to the fascinating history of Japan.


  • Spiritual Reading of Novel Coronavirus Infection Originated in China ―Closing in on the real cause of the global outbreak―
    This worldwide pandemic is not a mere act of nature nor a coincidence, but rather, heaven’s warning to humanity, especially China. Through more advanced spiritual abilities than Edgar Cayce’s, Ryuho Okawa conducted a spiritual reading on the novel coronavirus and revealed the astonishing truth that science can never uncover. By reading this book, you can find out: -Why the coronavirus broke out in China and how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved -Why the outbreak had to occur now and what would have become of Hong Kong otherwise -The spiritual background of how viruses mutate into evil beings -What will serve as “the immunity” against the novel coronavirus -The divine will behind SARS, AIDS, the Spanish flu, and the Plague -Whether catastrophes will continue and the shocking prediction on the U.S. among others Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa’s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.
  • (英文版)経営のものさし The Heart of Management
    How did Konosuke Matsushita concretely deal with the full range of functional areas and concepts of corporate management, including basic management principles, organization, product development, production, sales, accounting, and personnel? This volume attempts to answer those questions by presenting a compendium of good management. It is a carefully considered selection of Matsushita’s thought on these issues, designed to provide a reliable compass for negotiating the route to management success even in the most difficult of business.(『経営のものさし』の英文版。経営理念・経営者・責入者・組織・体制・商品開発・製造・販売・営業など職能的分野における考え方をすべて開陳)


  • SDGs for Well-being– Challenges by educational welfare studies in Japan
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 福祉と教育は、これまで別の学問領域と捉えられてきました。しかし、異なる研究領域として分けられていても、現実の人の成長/発達とそれを取り巻く生活や社会の課題は密接不可分の関係にあります。 本書は「誰一人取り残さない」SDGs達成課題と日常社会とを関係づけながら、多様な学問分野の卓越した知見を動員して問題解決を図ることを意図して編集されました。 Welfare and Education have been viewed as two separate fields of study. However, even though they are separated as different areas of study, the actual growth/development of people and the issues surrounding them in life and society are closely and inseparably related. This book has been edited to provide solutions to these problems by bringing together the best knowledge from a variety of academic disciplines while relating the challenges of achieving the SDGs to everyday society so that no one will be left behind.
  • girl in pink
    全1巻330円 (税込)
    Fluffy attire, idol-like features, and just how darn good they look in the color pink. These are the things Karen loves in girls ? something the woman waiting for her at home is lacking. What gives? A short and sweet heartwarming story about the unpredictability of love. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【14ページ】
  • give・getとtake・make 英語のすべてはこれで決まる
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 幻の名著『giveとget』がさらに進化! 英語の核はロジックである。ロジックの原点はgiveとgetである。 英語を学ぶ人はロジックを、つまりgiveとgetを学ばなければならない。 ――50年前に英語の神髄はgiveとgetにありと喝破し、 英語教育界に旋風を巻き起こした著者による最新の、そして最後のメッセージ。 この半世紀の間にたどり着いた英語の新境地とは? 高校生からでも読めるように、易しく、それでいて鋭く英語のエッセンスを解き明かす。 これ1冊を読めば、英語発想が自然に身につく。 getを使った表現例 ・「ストレスがたまる」I’m getting stress these days. ・「願いがかなう」 Did you get your wish? ・「泣く」I get tears… ・「下心」Stop getting ideas. ・「安物買いの銭失い」You get what you pay for. ・「ウソも方便」You get what you lie for. ・「冤罪だ」You've got the wrong man. ・「ボロを出したな」Gotcha!(Got you!)
  • 銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 公式設定資料集 銀河帝国篇 Part.1
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 待望の設定資料集が刊行開始!テレビアニメ「銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These」の公式設定資料集が電子版でも発売!!第1~12話の制作時に使用された設定を厳選して掲載する。「銀河帝国篇 Part.1」では、銀河帝国のキャラクター篇とプロップ篇を収録。
  • Grandma’s Shojin Ryori
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Shojin cooking is a meal that has been passed down by Japanese monks. It mainly uses vegetables and grains and does not use meat, seafood, gokun (five acrid or strong smelling vegetables, including onion, scallion, chives and garlic) nor alcohol. The spirit of Shojin cooking lies in the Zen mind of ahimsa (no killing) and appreciation of the food rather than a strict vegetarian diet. This book will show you fun, cheerful and simple recipes made by grandmas, including traditional breakfast, lunch, dinner, special meals for gathering, rice bowl dishes, ramen noodles and desserts. Even beginners can enjoy the rich and flavorful meals as they allow using infertile eggs, milk and sugar. We made this book by collecting the recipes they teach during their Shojin cooking lessons. If you want to enjoy mealtime and learn healthy Japanese cooking, this is the book for you. Don’t hesitate to try these recipes; anyone can make delicious food easily with this book.
  • The Quiet Comeback 20 Startup Founders Leading Japan’s Next Tech Boom
    The Quiet Comeback features in-depth interviews with the visionary founders behind 20 of Japan's most successful startups. This diverse cast of entrepreneurs is challenging the status quo of corporate Japan, setting the stage for the resurgence of the country's once great tech industry.These wide-ranging stories from the font lines of Tokyo's venture scene offer an inside view of how successful startups are built within Japan's unique culture and business environment. Peppered with practical tips and market insights, the conversations offer a broad snapshot of the Tokyo tech world. In their own words, founders share the struggles and strategies that went into their companies. How do you find funding ?or investment targets? in Tokyo? How do Japanese tech founders differ from their Silicon Valley counterparts? What does it take to build a service that can thrive in both the Japanese and global marketplace? Where is the Japanese internet lagging behind or leaping ahead of the rest of the world?For those interested in creating a startup connected to Japan, or anyone curious about the multi-layered questions of Japanese business psychology, this book is the closest you can come to sitting in the same room with the brightest minds in the Tokyo tech scene today.


  • The Survivor―The confession of cannibalism by the Old captain―
    Food is one of the most important things for living. When it’s lost, what should a person do? What is a human? What does it mean to live? I believe that we as humans are still being asked these fundamental questions. The author spent fifteen years to find “the truth” of the cannibalism incident committed by the shipwrecked captain at the end of WWII, through interviews with the old captain and the relevant people.
    The Teaching of Buddha is a collection of Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings. We have compiled this easy to understand book so that everyone can receive these teachings.
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 お経をやさしくわかりやすい言葉に翻訳・編集しました。ブッダの教えを日常生活のヒントにしてください。The Teaching of Buddha is a collection of Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings. We have compiled this easy to understand book so that everyone can receive these teachings.
  • The True Meaning of Studying
    Society’s’ rules have changed, and the next to change is you! The world has changed greatly; what was once ‘correct’ is now broken. As youths, what and how should you learn? The way things are now, just memorizing textbooks, is that really ok? Will this allow you to live happily in the future? In this book, in a style like middle school and high school classes, we’ll learn about the ‘five forces’ that are required in order to survive this coming era. 1 Simulation 2 Communication 3 Logical Thinking 4 Role Playing 5 Presentation Skills If you acquire these abilities, then with your own hands you should be able to create a new answer. Well now, let’s start the class that will change your future.
    ■Introductuon ●Lanchester’s laws were originally presented as laws of combat, but in Japan they have been adapted into "laws of competition." If one applies Lanchester’s laws to business strategy, previously vague aspects of running a business become clearer, so it becomes easy to apply them to actual business situations. When these laws are applied to business, the following things become clarified. ●First is the relationship between market share and profitability. Second, distinctions can be made between the "strategy of the strong" that can be implemented by the company fulfilling the conditions necessary to become top-ranked, and the "strategy of the weak" that must be implemented by those, including the second-ranked company, that have failed to meet those conditions. ●Third, specific weightings can be assigned to products, their marketing strategies and tactics, and other such important factors and attendant procedures comprising a business. I believe that these ideas, which until now seem to have escaped the attention of guru consultants in the United Kingdom and the United States, constitute a novel approach.
  • The Rose Garden of Fukushima
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A stunning coffee table book, The Rose Garden of Fukushima features a collection of photos of an actual garden that existed in Fukushima, Japan. Boasting over 7500 bushes of roses and 50-thousand visitors a year, the Garden was rendered null and void in an instant due to the triple disaster -- earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown — on March 11th, 2011,forcing Katsuhide Okada, the creator of the 50-year old oasis, to abandon his roses in their radioactive state. The book follows the process in which the Garden was built and the aftermath of the earthquake through an incredible collection of photographs of the Garden and roses, taken mostly amateur photographers. One would never believe these are not taken by pros! Flipping through the pages will make the readers feel like they've taken a walk through a most sacred garden!
  • Serizawa’s Ambition 1
    全2巻110円 (税込)
    The first commander of the famed Shinsengumi samurai police force, Serizawa Kamo has seemingly gone mad in pursuing his own agenda during the final days of the shogunate era. When not trading blows with the likes of Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro and other loyal servants of the state, Serizawa indulges himself in the earthly pleasures of, women, sake, and money. Forced to plot an assassination against him are Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soji - members of the same Shinsengumi unit. Enter the world of these legendary heroes as they each struggle to come to terms with the tumultuous period of transition between the long-standing rule of the Edo shogunate and the new Meiji era.
  • Jack and the Bean Stalk 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Jack was asked to go to the town to sell a cow for his mother. However, when Jack returned home, he had three beans instead. But these beans were not "normal"!(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 119)
  • School and Business: Learning Essentials Through School Basics(English Edition)
    ※This is the English version of “All important things in business are learned by elementary school - Principles of work and life” released on April 17th, 2018 ※こちらは2018年4月17日発売『ビジネスで大切なことはすべて小学校までに学んでいます - 仕事と人生の原理原則 -』の英語版です。 The key for great greetings can be found in propriety, eye contact and a clear voice. We are all human beings before being business people, who need propriety, according to this groundbreaking book by Kuniko Fujiyama. She states that all the ingredients we need to succeed and be decent people can be found in teachings we learned in elementary school. This spirit of propriety results in the acquisition of essential skills, which also leads us to great business performance. Through well-established company training, Fujiyama brings “ideas and teaching” to a variety of business people. Now all these tips are contained in one book. ・Be a decent person and conduct yourself with propriety. ・Know what to change and what to keep. ・Any success is by accident. Any mistake is meant to be. ・Do what you can do - the “spirit of handicap.” ・Always be responsible - irresponsibility ruins business. ・Make sure that everything is okay and always do your best - “the rule of 1:29:300.” ・Morality matters, benefits come afterwards. The way we handle benefits is of value to companies. ・Learn from customers. ・How-to manuals do not create real customer service.
  • Hommage à “Histoire de l’oeil / Story of the Eyes” de Georges Bataille  Inspired by the most erotic and violent novel of 20th century
    With the ultimate allegorical visual expression "Story of the eyes" by Georges Bataille is probably the gigantic monument of erotism and violence in the world of 20th-21st centuries. The origine of human conscience is the eyeball. The trees survive far longer than human being. Both of them are twisted, teared, writhing, crying, in the midst of insupportable time and fierce nature. In black and white, I have drawn these photographic works. 【著者】 cympex At university, majored in French litterature and active in writing, editing, translation, and photography.
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 地獄の再審請求 -LIVE BLACK MASS 武道館-『控訴』『上告』(D.C.18/2016)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 「全席死刑」LIVE BLACK MASS TOUR(D.C.17/2015)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 「続・全席死刑」LIVE BLACK MASS TOUR(D.C.17/2015)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • Asia Reoriented A New Conception of World History
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    Nomads, farmers, and trade: world history was born where these elements intersected. In this reconceptualized view, respected Japanese historian OKAMOTO Takashi locates history’s crucible in the boundary zones between settled agriculturists and nomadic peoples, where the Silk Road emerged as an early engine of trade and culture. Okamoto presents a new historical narrative which overturns Eurocentric perceptions of history, boldly and clearly reconfiguring the structure of world history in terms of economic ebbs and flows. When Asian military forces took to horseback some three thousand years ago, commercial capital developed that linked remote regions, innovating technologies, increasing productivity, and eventually culminating in the Mongol Empire. Their control of the Silk Road connected them with Near Eastern empires at the road’s western terminus, enriching the Greek and Roman civilizations of the Mediterranean world. But as crucial trade routes moved from inland to the coast during the Age of Discovery, the center stage of history shifted to Europe, which evolved its own financial and navigational technologies to win the global economic game. Looking anew at history from this perspective forces a reconsideration of accepted notions from “Greco-Roman civilization,” the “European miracle,” and the “Great Divergence” to “Japan’s modernization.” Through his unique overview of the whole of Eurasia and the maritime realm, from ancient times to the present, the author reorients our view of Asia’s role in global history.


  • Contested Perceptions Interactions and Relations between China, Korea, and Japan since the Seventeenth Century
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    The histories of China, Korea, and Japan have been intimately intertwined for centuries. But of these three countries, it was Korea that occupied the pivotal geopolitical position. The Korean Peninsula shaped the dynamics of international interactions and relations in East Asia which, up until the start of the twentieth century, were underpinned by systems of order wholly removed from the sovereign state system we recognize as ubiquitous today. Contested Perceptions examines the coexistence of “neighborly relations” between Japan and Korea and “tributary relations” between Korea and the Qing dynasty from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and Korean “tributary autonomy” in the late nineteenth century. It provides a cogent analysis of the differing perceptions that determined the success or failure of these past systems of order and their influence upon the balance of power in East Asia from the seventeenth century to modern times. Delving into the history of East Asian international relations, diplomacy, and power politics, this book elucidates the events that led to the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, and the conflicts of interest that have defined these nations up to the present day.


  • 世界のビジネスシーンで使われている 大人の「格上げ」英単語
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 社会人にとって「大人の語彙力」が大切なのは言うまでもありません。これはもちろん英語でも同じこと。むしろ、欧米では使う言葉によって相手のレベルを見極める傾向が高いため、普段使いの単語で大事なメールを書くと、きちんと対応してもらえないこともあります。そこで本書では、ビジネス向きの単語や表現を選りすぐってお届けします。 例えば、「この書類をチェックするのを手伝ってもらえませんか?」という時に使ってしまいそうなのはhelpではないでしょうか。これをassistに変えるだけで印象がまったく変わります。具体性が増し、説得力も増します。  Can you help me by checking these files?  →親しい間柄で使う分にはOK。場合によっては押し付けがましい。  Could you possibly assist me by checking these files? →ぐっと丁寧さが増し、格上げされた言い方。 本書ではこういった「格上げ」英単語や表現を約80取り上げ、それぞれの微妙なニュアンスを伝えます。また、よく見る単語や中学で学ぶ単語も取り上げ、ビジネスでの使い方について解説します。辞書や教科書には載っていない情報満載で、実践ですぐに使える表現ばかりです。 著者は外資系企業でたっぷり経験を積んだマヤ・バーダマンさん。実体験を通した解説のひとつひとつは深くうなずくものばかりです!  ※この商品は紙の書籍のページを画像にした電子書籍です。文字だけを拡大することはできませんので、タブレットサイズの端末での閲読を推奨します。また、文字列のハイライトや検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能も使用できません。
  • 世界へむけて歌いつぐ―日本人愛唱歌道53次
    日本人の心のふるさと“唱歌”“童謡”“名歌”……。 「赤とんぼ」「うさぎ」「荒城の月」「わらべうた」など 数ある愛唱歌の中から国境を越えて歌い継ぎたい53曲を厳選! 叙情あふれる日本語の歌詞を、メロディに合わせて歌いやすく英訳。 下の歌詞の曲名わかりますか? How grateful we are to our teachers! How much we grew because of you! We learned in this school of life together through these years How swiftly they rolled by! Now is the time to part and say Good-bye to you, every one of you, our heartfelt thanks to you (答え:「仰げば尊し」)
  • Soka Gakkai-USA at 55: Voices from an American Buddhist Journey
    "The Soka Gakkai is the most well-known and the largest of new religious movements (NRMs) in Japan. This book analyzes the history of the SGI-USA(Soka Gakkai International-USA) and the Soka Gakkai’s evangelizing in the U.S. from a sociological perspective of religion. How did the Japanese Soka Gakkai come to be accepted by Americans and take root in American society in the U.S., a country with a very different culture and religion? How was Nichiren Buddhism accepted in the U.S. in the midst of the postwar hippie culture? How was the faith transmitted to the United States by the Japanese and Nikkei who played a central role in the missionary work? The authors’ 15 visits to the U.S., in which they participated in local events of the organization and interviewed more than 70 SGI members in the U.S., revealed these questions and provides a bird's-eye view of the transformation of the Soka Gakkai in Japan since the period of rapid growth. This book is the English translation of “America Soka Gakkai 〈SGI-USA〉 no 55 nen”(2017, Shinyosha Ltd.). Publisher: Osaka University Press Author: Dr. Yutaka AKIBA is Professor of Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan. He studied religion and social research method at Osaka University and obtained his Ph.D. in Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in 2003. He is the author of several English papers and Japanese books on religions.
  • 鶴のおりがみBOOK 英語・仏語・中国語訳付き
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 折り紙のモチーフの中でもっともよく知られ、外国人にも人気の高い「鶴」。 本書では「鶴」をテーマにさまざまな折り紙を紹介しています。 美しい伝統柄の折り紙がついているので、すぐに折り始めることができます。 また、全編英訳付き、さらに折り方の説明にはフランス語、中国語(繁体字)も掲載しています。 日本の文化をかえりみながら、外国語のにも触れられる一冊です。 In this book, we will introduce you to various types of folded paper cranes. We’ve also included chiyogami with auspicious motifs, including cranes, and other beautiful patterns as well, so please enjoy these distinctive designs with every fold. 恋鶴 Love Cranes 四連鶴 Quadruplet Cranes 青海波 Wave Pattern Cranes 基本の鶴 Basic Crane はばたく鶴 Flapping Crane 二重の鶴 Double-Layered Crane 巣ごもり鶴 Nesting Crane 鶴の門松 Crane Kadomatsu 寿鶴A Congratulatory Crane A 寿鶴B Congratulatory Crane B 鶴のめびな Crane Empress Doll 鶴のおびな Crane Emperor Doll 端午の節句の鶴 Boys’ Day Crane 鶴の器 Crane Bowl 小箱鶴 Small Box Crane 鶴の箸置き Crane Chopstick Rest 鶴の懐紙 Crane Kaishi 鶴のたとう  Crane Tatō 鶴のぽち袋A Crane Pochi-bukuro A 鶴のぽち袋B Crane Pochi-bukuro B お祝い鶴 Celebratory Crane 鶴のブックマーカー Crane Corner Bookmarks 鶴のしおり Crane Bookmark 鶴のメモスタンド Crane Note Stand 鶴の花入れ Crane Vase ※電子版では、伝統柄の折り紙の付録はございません。画像のみの掲載です。 ※紙書籍版の仕様上、余白ページがございます。
  • 謎めいた肌
    父親の不在 性的虐待 売春… この虚無感はだれのせい? 世界は少年たちに残酷だ ジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィット主演 青春ゲイ映画『ミステリアス・スキン』原作 <東京国際レズビアン&ゲイ映画祭出展映画作品> 美少年ニール、8歳。男の唇が唇に重ねられたとき確かに愛の至福をみた。しかし、同じ体験がブライアンの弱い心を押しつぶした。カンザスの田舎町で、小児性愛者に性的いたずらをされても、親も気づかない、声も発せない――やがてニールは、男の影を求めて憑かれたように売春を重ね、ブライアンは人を拒み、心を閉ざした。歪な過去の呪縛から逃げられない、ふたりの少年たち……。解説:北丸雄二 挿絵:麻生ミツ晃■爆発的ヒットをしたGuilt|Pleasure『FATHER FIGURE』(『In These Words(著:咎井淳)』の番外編小説)の翻訳者・仔犬養ジン、渾身の翻訳に、人気BL漫画家・麻生ミツ晃が息苦しいほどの繊細なタッチのイラストで華を添えます…。
  • The Dog and Its Reflection 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 There are many fairy tales from Aesop's Fables that mock fools. Among these fairy tales, this one might be the most famous one.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 63)
  • A Western Pacific Union Japan’s New Geopolitical Strategy
    The Cold War ended more than thirty years ago, but the world-and within it, the countries of Asia and the Pacific-still struggles to establish a peaceful and prosperous community of nations. Many midsized and smaller states, caught in the webs of superpower rivalry, have not felt their interests adequately represented by existing alliances and international organizations. This volume envisions an alternative: a Western Pacific Union (WPU), conceived as a loosely integrated community of nations stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, that would counterbalance superpower dominance and give greater agency in global affairs to its members by coordinating their voices and interests. The initiative for this proposal comes from Japan, with Dr. KITAOKA Shinichi, former ambassador to the United Nations and former president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, leading a team of established scholars, younger researchers, and specialists in articulating the concept of the WPU and dissecting the challenges facing its realization. The core of the book is a country-by-country treatment of the recent history and international relations of each potential member state and the prospects for its successful involvement in this nascent community of nations. Our world is increasingly integrated through advanced technologies and global commerce, but in many ways still remains fractious and divided. Finding peaceful, equitable, sustainable solutions to the issues confronting humanity demands new ideas and strategies. This volume addresses these needs with a new geopolitical vision for Asia and the Pacific.


  • The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance The Japan-US Security Treaty and the Search for Mutuality
    1巻2,464円 (税込)
    The Japan-US Security Treaty was first signed in 1951, coinciding with the end of Allied occupation and Japan’s recovery of independence in the early postwar era, and subsequently revised in 1960 to correct various inadequacies and alleviate a sense of inequality felt on the Japanese side. Its basic structure, namely providing bases in exchange for the guarantee of US security of Japan, however, remains unchanged. This English edition of diplomatic historian SAKAMOTO Kazuya’s highly acclaimed Nichi-Bei domei no kizuna (The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance; 2000, rev. ed. 2020), winner of the 22nd Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, carefully depicts the sensitive negotiations and diplomatic finesse behind the establishment and revision of the Japan-US Security Treaty, highlighting the challenges experienced by the two countries to promote mutuality then and later. Drawing on previously undisclosed confidential documents and new research developments on the issue of secret agreements, which were brought to light during the Ministry of Foreign Affairs investigation in 2009-10, the author added a new chapter with updated notes for his revised 2020 edition. Examining the far-reaching implications of these new historical materials, he puts forward the pressing question: What should be the future of Japan-US security cooperation?


  • 似ている英語表現使い分けBOOK
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 「今週の金曜日に」は〈this Friday〉か、〈next Friday〉か。「最近」は〈recently〉か、〈these days〉か、など。知っている表現でも、いざ使おうとすると迷ってしまう、そんな表現をたくさん集めて詳しく解説していきます。知っている表現も知らなかった表現も、正しく使えるよう頭の中にきちんと整理しながら身につけることができる本です。
  • New Japan Scenery
    Discover Japan. “Traditional respect for others, and a commitment to live in harmony with nature”, “Openness to the outlooks of others”, “Tenacity in refining and successively improving technology” - These values have repeatedly helped Japan to overcome challenges throughout its history.How did Japan develop its spiritual and social values?This publication will explore how the traditions, culture, and spiritual values of Japan came about and were continued over a period of many centuries.


  • Hydrogenomics: The Science of Fully Utilizing Hydrogen
    As global energy and environment problems draw increasing attention, Japan has set a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It has become even more important to promote the development of technology for fully utilizing hydrogen in the future, and also to explore fundamental science.However, since the foundational science related to hydrogen (hereinafter, hydrogen science) spans an extremely wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology, sufficient opportunities have not been established for sharing cutting-edge trends and promoting joint research. Against this kind of background, the “Hydrogenomics: Creation of Innovative Materials, Devices, and Reaction Processes Using Higher-Order Hydrogen Functions” project was established under a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (FY2018 to FY2022). Through this framework, research has been promoted with the aim of creating the science for mastering the advanced use of hydrogen. We call this research area “hydrogenomics” (hydrogen + omics [system of learning]), and strive to promote joint research related to the diverse physical properties and functions of flexibly and continuously transformable hydrogen through cooperation between researchers in a wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology. Practical, systematic joint research into hydrogen science that spans such as wide range of academic fields is unprecedented worldwide and this is the first such attempt. This book summarizes the following to provide a practical guide for obtaining new directions and widely sharing the state of activities in this new academic field, hydrogenomics. Chapter 1 “Diverse properties of hydrogen in materials” gives an overview of the “high densification ability of hydrogen”, which is related to many of energy functions; the “interfacial localizability of hydrogen”, which is important for enhancing electronic functions and mechanical properties; the “fast migration ability of hydrogen”, which includes short- and long-range migration phenomena and coupling with electrons related to new conceptual devices: and “high activation ability of hydrogen”, which is related to new material conversion processes. In order to fully utilize hydrogen based on these properties, it is essential to also perform research into analyzing and predicting hydrogen, which is difficult to detect in materials, with higher accuracy than ever before. Chapter 2 “Advanced measurements and calculations for hydrogen in materials” introduces cutting-edge hydrogen measurements driven by new methods, and the latest hydrogen calculations for “seeing” invisible hydrogen. Chapters 3 to 5 introduce some results related to fully utilizing hydrogen to explain the state of activities in “hydrogenomics”. Chapter 3 “Synthesizing new materials” explains the latest in high-pressure synthesis and thin-film synthesis technology, and then introduces hydride-ion conductors, hydrogen boride sheets, and other materials. Chapter 4 “Designing new devices” introduces new concepts for devices related to hydrogen and hydrides, such as hydride-based all-solid-state batteries, hydrogen-doped solar cells, rechargeable fuel cells, and proton-coupled electron transfer thermochemical cells. Furthermore, Chapter 5 “Providing new reaction processes and visualization technology” introduces new synthesis techniques for amino acids and ammonia, and new hydrogen visualization technologies using metal complexes. [Translation and revision from the Japanese language edition: The Science of Fully Utilizing “Hydrogen” Hydrogenomics, Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2022]


  • How to Teach Morality to AI and Robots(東大教授が挑むAIに「善悪の判断」を教える方法 「人を殺してはいけない」は“いつも正しい”か? 英語版)
    With rapid advancement in development of artificial intelligences (AIs) and robots in the current world, some people predict that a society where robots and human beings coexist is approaching in the near future. However, I simply wonder if we could actually get along with robots in this world, where we cannot accept diversity even among the same human beings. If we had robots in this deeply divided world, would not it merely end up causing even greater chaos? I recently started researching on morality engine to control behavior of robots. Simply put, I study how to make robots distinguish good and evil by themselves for the upcoming future when robots and human beings coexist. The concept of morality for robots is not anything new. Back in 1940s, for example, an American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov started introducing his famous Three Laws of Robotics in his novels. The Three Laws are very well known, and some people even treat them like golden rules for robots to observe. However, to me, these Laws seem to hold significant problems and therefore to be unsuitable for practical purposes. As you read this book, you will be able to figure out the fundamental defect in the Laws. In order to study the moral engine with which to regulate robots, we need to first describe the moral framework of human beings. We can make possible such an attempt to model an abstract concept, by using an engineering way of thinking as a tool. In this book, I would like to think about this framework together with you, using as simple and easy words as possible. If we can model human morality, we will be able to install it onto brains of robots. If we can build a moral system that robots and human beings – mutually different existences – can share, it will in turn help us to overcome divisions resulting from differences in standpoints among human beings, and to further develop an inclusive and diverse society. Using such a new moral system, I would like to establish alternative principles to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and to think about the possibility of a society where human beings and robots coexist. Morality and robots may seem to have nothing in common — but by looking at the point where these two areas actually cross, we will be able to see principles of a future society that we human beings should aim at. Throughout this intensive seminar, we are going to freely and widely develop our arguments. I plan to also provide you with a summary and practice exercises at the end of each session to help deepen your understanding. Let us make ourselves ready for thinking outside the box, digging deep into our imagination. Contents Introduction Session 1. Is the “You Shall Not Kill” Rule Universal? Session 2. Classifying Prior Moral Thoughts Session 3. You Shall Not Kill… Whom? Session 4. Modeling the Basic Principle of Morality Session 5. Classifying Hierarchy of Morality Session 6. Installing Morality onto Robots Afterword Hints for Practice Exercises References
  • How to Design Your Organization’s Raison D’être―――A translation of Diamond Harvard Business Review (March 2019) Japanese edition
    In the past, the key to a successful business lay in the safeguarding of resources. Corporations carefully accumulated and guarded their personnel, capital, data and know-how in order to sharpen their competitive edge. They exploited this edge to create value by continually optimizing operational efficiency. But in the new digital economy of rapidly changing consumer needs, the safeguarding strategy limits the potential for success. The key to value creation for 21st-century companies lies in lowering the walls surrounding them and inviting in outside resources. How do they attract these resources? Prominent strategic designer, Kunitake Saso, argues that the key lies in gaining empathy and engagement from communities and crowds with their organization’s raison d’être. This paper presents the purpose branding methodology by first redefining some well-known management terms: <g>mission</g>, <g>vision</g> and <g>values</g>, in addition to purpose, which has recently gained attention. It goes on to propose the purpose branding framework to help companies evolve their organization model into the next era, by continually designing and propagating the organization’s <g>raison d’être</g>.
  • The Fly and the Lion 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 In this fairy tale, there are a fly, a lion and a spider. Who is the strongest among these three? The strongest wins, or is the winner the strongest?(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 88)
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki:That We Never Forget
    “Each and every scene was hell itself.” “Human beings do not need atomic bombs.” - Shigeru Nonoyama, exposed to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima at the age of 15 // Over 50 hibakusha - victims of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 - give vivid testimony of living through the nightmare of those fateful days and their hellish aftermath. Today, more than 70 years later, it is a challenge to keep alive an understanding of the true nature of nuclear weapons and their human toll. This book is a unique resource for those engaged in advocacy and education for the sake of peace. Accounts by women and men from Hiroshima are presented in separate sections, enabling the reader to gain a uniquely gendered perspective of the different ways the bombing affected survivors’ lives. These firsthand accounts give a chilling picture of the horror that nuclear weapons inflict. Survivors describe disfiguring and agonizing burns, and how radiation exposure causes pain, anxiety and discriminatory attitudes that last a lifetime as well as affecting subsequent generations.
  • Plant-based Tokyo Japanese restaurant guide
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Momoko Nakamura, also known as Rice Girl, introduces the people of plant-based Tokyo. Each chef and restaurant owner, tell their stories, revealing why they've landed in plant-based cooking, how they came to open their restaurant, and their approach to flavors and ingredients. Vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Tokyo, and across the rest of Japan, may first appear to be few and far between, but in fact, Japan has a long history of plant-based cuisine. Japanese traditionally eat a highly vegetable-centric diet. Organic, pesticide and fertilizer-free fruits and vegetables that are farmed with care, are at the heart of each restaurant's menus. Combined with fermented foods that have been passed down from generation to generation, make for a uniquely Japanese approach to plant-based cookery. Because Japan is a hyper-seasonal country, the earth's bounty evolves in accords to the poetry that is the traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar. Through PLANT-BASED TOKYO, Tokyoites as well as visitors, can be sure to find delicious, quality, thoughtful food, that most anyone can enjoy without hesitation or concern. A few of Rice Girl's favorite greengrocers and farmers markets are also noted, for those who are interested in cooking at home, or picking up gifts for friends. These are the top places to eat plant-based in Tokyo! PLANT-BASED TOKYO is a bilingual book. Both the English and Japanese are written by Rice Girl.
  • What Has Happened to Me ~A Testimony of an Uyghur Woman Living in Japan~
    1巻110円 (税込)
    Testimony of a Uyghur woman who lived in Japan and became a naturalized citizen. If her young brother is captured and accuses her of too much horrific oppression in her homeland in Japan, not only herself but also her relatives are interrogated on her behalf. There is no contact with his family. Even in Japan, the Chinese Communist Party continues to monitor and threaten me every day. Unthinkable human rights violations are occurring in our neighboring country. I want as many people as possible to know about this. And these women, who are being invaded and oppressed by China, are also sounding the alarm to us, Japanese people.
  • Mysteries of Wine Can it make you healthy?
    “Since the taste of leftover wine gets worse and worse after opening the bottle, you must drink up the wine in the bottle after opening it” “You should combine Burgundy lamb dishes when you take this certain wine”….Are these “useful” instructions really correct? Kenichi Shimizu is not only a Doctor of Microbiology, but also a world-class consultant on brewing technology. This book is an introductory book that solves general questions about wine from a scientist's point of view. Various positive effects of wine on human health have recently come up in the conversation. “Red wine is helpful for anti-aging” “Red wine can protect us from heart diseases” “Red wine can prevent dementia”….Numerous health-friendly substances have been found in wine indeed, but there is too much misinformation. This book also unravels the truth of various discourses in media such as TV, magazines or the internet on the health benefits of wine. ※『ワインの秘密』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • “Many in Body, One in Mind”: The Journey of Soka Gakkai in America
    The Soka Gakkai is the most well-known and the largest of new religious movements (NRMs) in Japan. This book analyzes the Soka Gakkai’s evangelizing in the United States from a sociological perspective of religion. How did the Japanese Soka Gakkai come to be accepted by Americans and take root in American society in the United States, a country with a very different culture and religion? How did a Japanese-style organization transform itself into a culture so different from Japan’s? How were the teachings and concepts translated and localized? Why, how, and for what purpose do the members of the U.S. continue their faith? The authors’ 15 visits to the U.S., in which they participated in local events of the organization and interviewed more than 70 Soka Gakkai International members in the U.S., revealed these questions from the perspective of the sociology of religion, using life history method, conversion theory, organizational theory, and the concept of cross-cultural translation. This book is the English translation of the Japanese book “‘Itai-Doshin’ in Soka Gakkai-USA”(2018, Shinyosha Ltd.). Publisher: Osaka University Press Author: Dr. Akira KAWABATA is Professor of Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in Japan. He studied religion and social research method at Osaka University and obtained his Ph.D. in Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in 2003. He is the author of several English papers and Japanese books on religions and social research methods. Dr. Keishin INABA is Professor of Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University in Japan. He studied religion at the University of Tokyo and obtained his Ph.D. in sociology of religion at King’s College, University of London in 2000. He is the author of several English and Japanese books on religions and altruism.
  • Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen Book 1
    全2巻880~990円 (税込)
    France, Paris - Beginning of the 20th century. Colette works in a brothel and entertains clients with "perverted" desires. She is leading a life without prospects. Her only happiness consists of the secret meetings with gigolo Leon, whom she feels helplessly attracted to. Even though he is visiting other women … "Perverts are people who have explored and put a shape to their desires. Just like a blind man using both hands to carefully trace the contours of a vase of flowers …" Who are these perverts Moyoco Anno brings to life in Paris, the city of flowers? This is the first new series by Moyoco Anno in eight years! After "Sakuran" and "Buffalo 5 Girls" comes another story about the strong lives of prostitutes. The e-book contains all color pages published inside the magazine.
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 What comes to mind when you think “Morocco”? It’s impossible to describe the taste of Moroccan cooking in one sentence. Just as the country’s culture has been influenced by a multitude of countries, both European and Middle-Eastern, their cooking is a complex mix of both authentic recipes born in Morocco and foreign influences. You may sometimes be surprised at the combination of ingredients, but the actual thrill of the tasting it is something I hope you can experience yourself. Spices are an important part of Moroccan cooking. Spices used in Morocco are not spicy but have a very gentle taste that is good for your skin and body. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were possible to experience both a healthy and beautiful life as a result of eating delicious dishes, which include a little bit of spice rather than relying on supplements? This book will introduce you to Moroccan recipes that are based on four different spices. Even if you have never used spices before, as long as you have these four spices, which are easily found at local supermarkets, you can cook Moroccan dishes easily. However, if you are well versed with the use of spices, you can refer to our Moroccan lessons for a more authentic taste.
  • 【英文版】やまぐち学入門:日本文化理解のために Yamaguchi Studies: Your Door to Understanding the Culture of Japan
    維新の胎動の地であった山口県の特色ある歴史と文化について、現在と過去の視点を交えつつ多角的に紹介する。日本の文化を知る窓口として一つの地域から入り、そこから学びを広げる。日本への留学生、英語で日本文化を学ぶ学生に向けたテキスト。これまでに知られていない山口県の魅力を英語で発信。 Mixing current and past perspectives, this book takes a multifaceted approach to exploring the rich culture and history of Yamaguchi Precture, the cradle of the Meiji Restoration. Yamaguchi provides a door through which the larger topic of Japanese culture can be entered by overseas students living in Japan and Japanese students learning about their own culture in English. Enjoy these fascinating, but heretofore unknown stories about the people, events, and places of Yamaguchi, all told for the first time in English.
  • Your Best for a New Era
    This book guides you through the journey of finding your life work, or mission-work that would bring you a deep sense of fulfillment and draw forth an imaginable power from within you. As is quoted below, this is an indispensable key for creating a new era. (Quoted from Introduction) Among the different occupations and types of activity, some are chosen by will while others are not. But the entirety of countless numbers of occupations and activities are indeed what make our society operate. Our bodies are made of 60 trillion cells, and these cells are composed of countless protein and DNA molecules. These come together in a whole to form a network inside the human body. Just like that, the various types of work carried out by individuals are certain to be joined together and resonate together like the instruments in an orchestra. They become the driving force that moves society…. What is important is that a mission-work that draws out our best is always prepared for everyone. Each person who puts everything into doing his best in their respective locations will resonate like an orchestra, one that continues to take up challenging new themes. That indeed would be the future that we should aim at.【※本作品はブラウザビューアで閲覧すると表組みのレイアウトが崩れて表示されることがあります。予めご了承下さい。】
  • Yoshida Shigeru and His Time
    Yoshida Shigeru is widely regarded as a pivotal figure in early postwar Japanese history―someone who guided the nation through those difficult years with a clear vision and a firm hand. Yet much of his success, this book argues, was mandated by circumstances, and he was more a practical politician than an ideologue wedded to any particular “ism”. Particularly lauded by Yoshida admirers are his adroit fending off of pressures to remilitarize, including during the Korean War years, and his accompanying focus on economic recovery as the nation struggled to get back on its feet. Yet the decision not to rearm had already been made in the postwar Constitution’s Article 9, and Yoshida was more affirming Occupation policy than breaking new ground. Indeed, his policy pronouncements in this area largely channeled MacArthur’s thinking throughout SCAP’s reign. Pushing that thought one step further, Ambassador Okazaki contends that the acceptance of Article 9 was part of a grand bargain with MacArthur: Japan would forsake rearmament and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East would not put the Emperor in the dock for war crimes. Taking issue with the conventional wisdom, Okazaki further maintains that many Occupation policies (e.g., women’s suffrage and agrarian reform) would have been adopted in the course of building upon prewar democratization initiatives even were there no Occupation. Significantly, these reforms, unlike zaibatsu dissolution and the purge, for example, were not rescinded once Japan regained its independence in 1952. Pulling together testimony from a wide variety of informed sources, this solidly argued treatise roundly rejects the Tokyo Trials, both their conduct and their verdicts, and paints a picture of Japan laboring under a capricious autocracy in the Occupation years. This is an insightful work that demands serious consideration by everyone interested in Japan past, present, and future.


  • Rainwater Control in Buildings
    1巻2,750円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book deals with the science of ama-jimai. “Ama-jimai”, a Japanese word which literally means “putting rainwater in order”, is a traditional terminology in architecture used for the concept of excluding rain from buildings not totally relying on waterproofing techniques. The basic idea is to deflecting rainwater from the surface of the building as much as possible, and control the flow of rainwater on the surface and within the building fabric so as not to migrate towards adverse direction and quickly drain it away. In this book, whole of the subjects on ama-jimai, ranging from the nature of rain itself to practical techniques for controlling rainwater within the building fabric, which are closely relating each other, are systematically described and scientifically explained. From this book, readers will be able to have clear and precise understanding of the followings. •Importance of rainwater control for the weathertightness of buildings, •Influence of rain and wind on building façade, •Rainwater movement over the surface, within the material, and through the gaps of building fabric, •Practical method of excluding rain in buildings utilizing various rainwater controlling features. Furthermore, this book contains many quantitative information on the movement of rainwater, based on the author’s many years research works. These include analysis of meteorological data, calculation methods and results of wind-driven rain impingement over the building façade, rate of flow and penetration of rainwater in various positions of the building envelope, and experimental data on the behavior of rainwater at various rainwater controlling features over and within the building fabric.
  • What makes KOREA insult JAPAN Truth behind Korea’s resentment over Japan
    本書は呉善花による「反日韓国論」の集大成にしてベストセラー『侮日論』(文春新書)を英訳し、電子書籍化したものです。 Through this book, you will get to know true historical and social reasons why Koreans have continued to resent and insult Japanese people. The author of this book will share with you her inexcusable experiences with the Korean authorities who took away her human rights, certainly knowing that she was born as a Korean but is now a naturalized Japanese citizen. Though it is not wildly known that the relationship between Japan and Korea is not as good as you might think, it is hard to believe that reasons for some offensive actions taken by Koreans against Japanese people, which this book discusses, will definitely shed light on what truly was happening during the past decades. The annexation of Korea and the WWII might be the reasons behind these offensive actions against Japanese people. However, most of Japanese people simply can’t accept these behaviors. In fact, Korean people should realize that during the 1900’s, Japan helped Korea economically and socially, and improved Korea’s social and physical infrastructure that laid the foundation for Korea to become a modernized and industrialized society. Japan also has been fulfilling Korea’s requests, such as paying compensatory money for “so-called comfort women.” However, it seems that such compensation was not enough to Korean people, who kept asking for more. We cannot deny the fact that Korea has been taking an advantage of the comfort woman issue and the kind-hearted attitude of the Japanese people. As a result, Korean people keep on looking down Japanese people and spreading Korean people’s hate toward Japanese people through Korea’s education system. So, let’s take a look at what the author says about the real situation between Japan and Korea nowadays.
