
  • ハイヤートライヴ 破滅の山脈 1
    極寒の北海道。不可解な獣害事件を調査に出かけた科学者と自衛隊が、洞窟の中で氷漬けのミイラを発見する。その洞窟から戻った調査隊の一人が戦慄の変態を!暴走する細胞!人体破壊から発生する新生物!人類は、触れてはならない〝HIGHER TRIBE(高等部族)〟に遭遇した!絶体絶命SFホラー!
  • されど罪人は竜と踊る1 Dances with the Dragons
    あのビッグシリーズ、ガガガ文庫へ!! 『唯我独尊』大人気シリーズ「され竜」がまるごとガガガ文庫へ! 著者自ら「これが完全版です」と言い切るほど、大幅加筆され、完全真説版となって、ここに新生! 完全オリジナル新長編も用意して刊行開始!! ※ この作品は底本と同じクオリティのカラーイラスト、モノクロの挿絵イラストが収録されています。
  • An Introduction to Aikido Mastering the Basics Through Proper Training ((English translation of Aikido book))
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【内容】 This book has a greater number of sequence photographs than other books on aikido techniques previously published. This will help beginners to understand what they need to pay attention in mastering basic movements. It also has many close-up photographs and photographs taken from some different angles, which I hope will make techniques more understandable. It will also be of great help to instructors in charge of beginners and children The basics explained in this book constitute the fundamentals of aikido techniques. Therefore you have to keep practicing them even after you are promoted to higher ranks. I hope this book will help you to check what you have learned by observing your instructor's demonstrations at your dojo and thereby improve your skills ●Preface ●Before You Start Training ●Nage-waza ●Nage-katame-waza ●Katame-waza ●Developing Kokyu-ryoku ●Aikido and the Aikikai Public Utility Foundation ●Brief Personal Records of Successive Doshus 【著者】 Mitsuteru Ueshiba was born on June the 27th, 1981 (the 56th year of the Showa era) as a grandson of Morihei Ueshiba, he started working for the Aikikai Foundation and in 2015,became the Director of the Hombu Dojo of Aikido.
  • Wails of the Bound;β 1
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    A Beta who wanted to protect an Omega and an Omega betrayed by a Beta - The long-awaited sequel to the brilliant Omegaverse story by genius mangaka Keri Kusabi!! A new graduate, Sasabe, is assigned to Utou, who works for a major advertising agency and takes good care of by his subordinates. Even though the newcomer is cheeky, overly ambitious and shows a bad attitude right away, Utou feels that he can't leave him alone. He soon finds out Sasabe's secret: he has a predisposition to seduce people and stir up their sexual desire. Betrayed by his best friends, oppressed by his parents... Sasabe just wants to get out of a life of suffering. He tries to hide his discriminated Omega status, and wants to move up relying only on his talent. Utou keeps watching over him, even helping him to relieve his pain when he goes on heat. But, his past inability to protect someone who was dear to him makes him hesitate to get close to Sasabe. In the meantime, unbeknown to them, the higher-ups have dirty plans for Sasabe… ※本書は、現在配信している「狂い鳴くのは僕の番 ;β1【電子限定特典マンガ付き】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • されど罪人は竜と踊る1(上) Dances with the Dragons(イラスト簡略版)
    あのビッグシリーズ、ガガガ文庫へ!! 『唯我独尊』大人気シリーズ「され竜」がまるごとガガガ文庫へ! 著者自ら「これが完全版です」と言い切るほど、大幅加筆され、完全真説版となって、ここに新生! 完全オリジナル新長編も用意して刊行開始!! ※※この作品は廉価版です。廉価版にはイラストが入りません。


  • The Legacy of Kano Jigoro: Judo and Education
    The founder of judo, Kano Jigoro, is a highly revered figure amongst those who pursue the sport. Little is known, however, about his various other achievements, from how he laid out the foundation for sports in Japanese education to his immense devotion and commitment to bringing the Olympic Games to Japan. Born in 1860, Kano showed his brightness from a young age and studied hard from childhood. After graduating from Tokyo Imperial University, the most prestigious school, he embarked on a teaching career which eventually led him to become the headmaster of the Tokyo Higher Normal School for a total of twenty-three years. This was just one of the many roles he undertook; aside from this he was chairman of the Japan Amateur Sports Association and became the first Asian member on the International Olympic Committee. And all the while he never ceased to develop and promote his creation, judo. For the first time, this comprehensive biography written by a team of Kano experts and researchers sheds light on the many dimensions of the legendary figure. It depicts how he truly lived life to the fullest by living out his own words-seiryoku zen’yo and jita kyoei-the best practical use of one’s energies and putting one’s efforts to good use for the benefit of both oneself and society.


  • GENOCIDE ON THE MONGOLIAN STEPPE vol.1 The Southern Mongolia Autonomous Region
    1~3巻110~220円 (税込)
    GENOCIDE ON THE MONGOLIAN STEPPE vol.1 The Southern Mongolia Autonomous Region
  • 中学入試 英語授業の実況中継
    1巻1,760円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ◆本書の特色◆ (1)本書は、中学入試科目「英語」にどう対応すべきか、志望校突破のためのノウハウを網羅した、画期的な合格対策本です! (2)前半では、まず「単語」についての解説からはじめ、文の構造をつかむ「文型」の理解に至るまで、英語の基本をしっかり学びます! (3)後半では、中学入試のさまざまな過去問を題材にレベルアップし、入試英語の長い文章の実戦的な読み方を鍛えます! (4)本書全体を貫く、6段階の【HOP!】【POINT!】【STEP!】【One More STEP!】【JUMP!】【JUMP Higher!】と続く、工夫に満ちた、わかりやすい解説指導は、英語の初心者に絶大な人気を博しています! ◆本書の構成◆ (1)【HOP!】 そのLessonで学ぶテーマに関連した問題を解いてもらうよ。まずは思い切って取りくんでみてほしい。 (2)【POINT!】 そのLessonで学ぶテーマについて説明するよ。「大事だな」と思ったところや、「へー」と思ったところには、マーカーやペンで線を引いたり印をつけたりしてね。 (3)【STEP!】 【HOP!】に関連した問題に取りくんでもらうよ。難しいなと思ったら、ヒントもよく読んでがんばってみてね。 問題を解くときには、「なぜそう思うのか」や「正解の理由はなんだろう」という意識を大切にしよう。 解き終わったら、すぐ後ろについている答えと解説を読んでしまおうね。 (4)【One More STEP!】 よりハイレベルな問題に進む前に、必要に応じて登場する特別コーナーだよ。ここでレベルアップのための準備をしてね。 (5)【JUMP!】 【STEP!】よりもレベルアップした問題を扱うよ。答え合わせでは、「記号が(答えが)同じか」だけを確認するのではなくて、「その記号を選んだ理由が同じか」という確認を必ずするんだよ。 (6)【JUMP Higher!】 さらに追加して学習してもらうためのコーナーだよ。これから先の学びにつながるような大事なことが書いてあるから、今後の学習の参考にしてね。 ◆本書の守屋佑真先生の「はじめに」より この本の効果をさらに高めるために、次の3つのことを約束してほしいんだ。 【1】「覚えること」を嫌がらない 中学入試の英語では、小学校の英語の授業で出てくるよりもたくさんの「単語」が登場することが多いんだ。 覚えることを嫌がらないことは実力アップの重要なポイントだよ。 【2】「辞書」を使う 英語の勉強は「言語の学習」だよ。日本語を勉強するときと同じように、英語の学習に「辞書」は欠かせないものなんだ。辞書はいつでも使えるようにしておいてね。 【3】「音」を大切にする 英語は「ことば」だ。ことばは「音」とともにあるものだと常に意識しておいてほしい。 本書にも、ネイティヴスピーカーによる英文読み上げ音声(※語学春秋社ホームページより無料でダウンロードしていただけます)が用意されているよ。 どうだろう。がんばれそうかな?わからなければ繰り返し読めばいいし、できなかった問題はもう一度解いてみればいいんだ。 「間違える」のは「挑戦した」証拠だし、「間違える」ことは「学び」の大切な一部だよ。 この本の最後まで到達できたら、今とは違ったレベルで英語に向き合えるようになっているはずだ。 その瞬間を楽しみに、一歩ずつ前進していってね。では、授業をはじめよう!
  • Hydrogenomics: The Science of Fully Utilizing Hydrogen
    As global energy and environment problems draw increasing attention, Japan has set a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It has become even more important to promote the development of technology for fully utilizing hydrogen in the future, and also to explore fundamental science.However, since the foundational science related to hydrogen (hereinafter, hydrogen science) spans an extremely wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology, sufficient opportunities have not been established for sharing cutting-edge trends and promoting joint research. Against this kind of background, the “Hydrogenomics: Creation of Innovative Materials, Devices, and Reaction Processes Using Higher-Order Hydrogen Functions” project was established under a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (FY2018 to FY2022). Through this framework, research has been promoted with the aim of creating the science for mastering the advanced use of hydrogen. We call this research area “hydrogenomics” (hydrogen + omics [system of learning]), and strive to promote joint research related to the diverse physical properties and functions of flexibly and continuously transformable hydrogen through cooperation between researchers in a wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology. Practical, systematic joint research into hydrogen science that spans such as wide range of academic fields is unprecedented worldwide and this is the first such attempt. This book summarizes the following to provide a practical guide for obtaining new directions and widely sharing the state of activities in this new academic field, hydrogenomics. Chapter 1 “Diverse properties of hydrogen in materials” gives an overview of the “high densification ability of hydrogen”, which is related to many of energy functions; the “interfacial localizability of hydrogen”, which is important for enhancing electronic functions and mechanical properties; the “fast migration ability of hydrogen”, which includes short- and long-range migration phenomena and coupling with electrons related to new conceptual devices: and “high activation ability of hydrogen”, which is related to new material conversion processes. In order to fully utilize hydrogen based on these properties, it is essential to also perform research into analyzing and predicting hydrogen, which is difficult to detect in materials, with higher accuracy than ever before. Chapter 2 “Advanced measurements and calculations for hydrogen in materials” introduces cutting-edge hydrogen measurements driven by new methods, and the latest hydrogen calculations for “seeing” invisible hydrogen. Chapters 3 to 5 introduce some results related to fully utilizing hydrogen to explain the state of activities in “hydrogenomics”. Chapter 3 “Synthesizing new materials” explains the latest in high-pressure synthesis and thin-film synthesis technology, and then introduces hydride-ion conductors, hydrogen boride sheets, and other materials. Chapter 4 “Designing new devices” introduces new concepts for devices related to hydrogen and hydrides, such as hydride-based all-solid-state batteries, hydrogen-doped solar cells, rechargeable fuel cells, and proton-coupled electron transfer thermochemical cells. Furthermore, Chapter 5 “Providing new reaction processes and visualization technology” introduces new synthesis techniques for amino acids and ammonia, and new hydrogen visualization technologies using metal complexes. [Translation and revision from the Japanese language edition: The Science of Fully Utilizing “Hydrogen” Hydrogenomics, Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2022]


  • For Japanese Learners Editon:N3 Level ブラックジャックによろしく1【第一外科編】
    大人気漫画『ブラックジャックによろしく』を、日本語学習者が日本語のまま、その醍醐味が味わえるよう再編集。全ての漢字にルビをふり、日本語能力試験N3以上の語彙や口語表現、オノマトペには英語訳を付けています。また、「~かい」「~かな」「~かしら」などの主な文末表現を巻末にまとめ、解説と英訳を加えています。 漫画に興味・関心を持っている日本語学習者の皆さんにぴったりです。 ブラックジャックによろしく 佐藤秀峰 漫画 on web “Give My Regards to Black Jack” e-books for Japanese Learners provide an ideal learning tool, particularly for manga-lovers. Specially devised hint features help you enjoy the story in its original Japanese version. All kanji characters have attached ruby characters, while vocabularies of higher than JLPT* Level N3, colloquial usage and onomatopoeia are translated into English. A detailed explanation of sentence-ending particles such as “kai”, “kana” and “kashira” is also given at the end of each volume, combined with English translation. * Japanese Language Proficiency Test Give My Regards to Black Jack SHUHO SATO Manga on Web
  • Messages from the Higher Dimensional Universe Oracular Esoteric Buddhism Teachings –the Kokuten Scripture Vol.1
    What is needed to open the future door is kindness in caring for others, dreams, and hopes. Illuminating a new future will illuminate it ahead as well. Our mission is to help as many people as possible to correctly receive the messages from the Light Presence and regain their original gentle hearts. <About the author> Born in 1957. After graduating from Hokkaido University, worked for a foreign pharmaceutical company. In 1995, founded and became president of a pharmaceutical advertising company. In 2006, founded a university-launched venture company developing pharmaceuticals and became president. In 2019, founded and became president of the company to implement the grand plan of 1200 years of the Light Presence. Currently implementing the Dragon Project. Field research on the sacred places across the country. Revealing the hidden codes and messages from the higher dimensional universe and distributed them on YouTube. Also writes a guiding book, the Oracular Esoteric Buddhism Teachings (the Kokuten Scripture) and novels to open the door to a new era in the northern sacred place.


  • より高き忠誠 A HIGHER LOYALTY~真実と嘘とリーダーシップ~
