

  • 日本鍼灸の極意 管鍼法 <日英対訳版> Kanshin Method The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture Japanese & English bilingual Book
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※英語版は巻末から始まります ※The English version starts at the end of the book. 今や世界のスタンダード! 管を駆使した鍼 江戸期に記された秘伝テクニックも紹介 17世紀に管鍼法を創案し、德川綱吉の侍医も務めた盲目の鍼医・杉山和一。 和一が到達した鍼術の境地を学ぶ。 管頭を叩く、鍼管で針を摩擦する、振動させる…etc. 伝書に記された14技法も詳解! 管鍼法の技術&杉山和一、縁の地のガイド本。 世界中の鍼灸師、必読! A must-read for all acupuncturists around the world! If you are an acupuncturist or student, you may have heard that Japanese acupuncture is slightly different from TCM. Do you know what the differences are? `The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture" is a book about the Kanshin method - an important and unique part of Japanese acupuncture. Simply put, this is the acupuncture practice that uses guide tubes. Nowadays, many acupuncturists around the world use guide tubes daily. But did you know the guide tubes (called Shinkan in Japanese,) were invented more than 300 years ago in Japan by Waichi Sugiyama, the father of Japanese acupuncture. Waichi is known as a master acupuncture physician, who became the court physician for the Tokugawa Shogunate. He was also the first educator in world history to build a school for the visually impaired. However, his life was not always successful, in fact more than half of his life was a chain of difficulties and challenges. But he kept his passion for helping people and making acupuncture safer and more comfortable, expanding the number of people who could benefit from it. Using guide tubes was an innovative acupuncture practice that made it possible to use thinner needles, giving easy, more comfortable insertions, without compromising the efficacy. These attributes represent how Japanese acupuncture can be gentle, yet powerful. This book is written by renowned acupuncturists and sensei who are passionate about letting the world know about the greatness of Japanese acupuncture. The book gives you insights and knowledge about basic Japanese acupuncture principles. Moreover, this book introduces the clinical techniques which use guide tubes. You can incorporate these into your practice to enhance the clinical efficacy. This is a must-read for all acupuncturists worldwide.
  • 英語が楽しくなるスヌーピー そのまま使える英語フレーズ
    過去3作刊行してきた“スヌーピーで学ぶ英語表現シリーズ”、 リニューアルして登場! 今作は「ピーナッツ」の中から、 季節ごとのコミックをピックアップし、 イースターやサマーキャンプ等、アメリカの子どもたちが持つ季節感を、 1年を通して味わえるようになっています。 加えて、解説ページには、 便利な英語のフレーズを取り上げて、 ニュアンスを解説したり、例文で説明したりしています。 大人の学び直しはもちろん、 英語嫌いの子どもが英語に触れ直すための入口として、 楽しみながら学習できる「ピーナッツ」は最適な教材です! 苦しい英語、つまらない英語、しんどい英語、 そんな“お勉強”ではない英語を「ピーナッツ」ではじめましょう! (C)2021 Peanuts Worldwide LLC. All Rights Reserved
  • Spiritual Reading of Novel Coronavirus Infection Originated in China ―Closing in on the real cause of the global outbreak―
    This worldwide pandemic is not a mere act of nature nor a coincidence, but rather, heaven’s warning to humanity, especially China. Through more advanced spiritual abilities than Edgar Cayce’s, Ryuho Okawa conducted a spiritual reading on the novel coronavirus and revealed the astonishing truth that science can never uncover. By reading this book, you can find out: -Why the coronavirus broke out in China and how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved -Why the outbreak had to occur now and what would have become of Hong Kong otherwise -The spiritual background of how viruses mutate into evil beings -What will serve as “the immunity” against the novel coronavirus -The divine will behind SARS, AIDS, the Spanish flu, and the Plague -Whether catastrophes will continue and the shocking prediction on the U.S. among others Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa’s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.
  • Karete and Ki The Depth of Thought
    What is “Ki”? How you can make it yours? ―― It is in “the depth of thought.” Ushiro Shihan has been teaching and coaching a great number of people all over the world using his original method of “Ki” that maximizes our potential ability. Karate and Ki was published in Japanese in June of 2007 and has been highly acclaimed not only Budo readers but also by the Japanese public. "Karate and Ki" is a milestone of life, many readers say. We are very honored to present Ushiro shihan’s point of view and thoughts to an audience not limited only to Japan but on worldwide scales through the English translation of Karate and Ki. The text has been translated as faithfully as possible from the Japanese version and many new photos have been specially added to this English publication. This book consists of 2 parts: The first part explains in detail the principle and theory of "Ki", which is the ultimate form of martial arts Karate. The second explores Mr. Ushiro's "no compromise" thought and philosophy which he developed through his life as a martial artist, electronic engineer and top corporate executive. The "Ki" that Mr.Ushiro describes in this book is totally different from the "Ki" normally thought of in the traditional martial arts and regular world. It is an energy that everyone has, the vitality of people's life. It is the source of everything that supports work, family and daily life. This book has attracted many readers who have read it multiple times and derive new energy from it with every read. Some comments from readers include: "This book is like a mass of energy." "It was moving and gave me the courage to move forward".
  • 記録35号
    アレ・ブレ・ボケを感じさせる暴力的な表現に加え、どこか穏やかな印象を受ける今作。 森山大道作品に度々現れる、バイク、背中、路地裏、マネキンなどのモチーフが、従来の記録とは異なる独特な雰囲気を醸し出す。 森山大道(もりやま だいどう)/写真家。1938年10月10日。ハイコントラストで粒子の粗い“アレ・ブレ・ボケ”と称される独自のスタイルを確立し、世界的にも高い評価を得る。近年の写真集に『NAGISA』『LABYRINTH』(Akio Nagasawa Publishing)、『犬と網タイツ』『Osaka』『絶対平面都市』(月曜社)など。 In addition to Daido Moriyama’s distinctive expression of violently “Rough"“Blurry””Bokeh” style, this issue presents the calmness all over the pages. Motorcycle, Shoulders, Backstreets, Mannequin etc….those typical motifs which appears in Daido’s past works shows a different kind of Visage and atmosphere on this issue. Daido Moriyama / Photographer Born October 10th, 1938. His style of grainy, high-contrast images that came to be referred to as are, “bure, boke” (grainy, blurry, out-of-focus) made an impact on the realm of photography worldwide. Latest works are “NAGISA” ”LABYRINTH”(Akio Nagasawa Gallery), “Dog and Mesh Tights” “ OSAKA” “Zettai Heimen Toshi”(Getsuyo-sha) etc
  • 記録36号
    森山大道 記録シリーズに度々現れる新宿にある「あかるい花園一番街」。 2017年に公開された寺山修司原作の映画「あゝ荒野」のスチールが撮り下ろされた場所だ。 新宿の混沌とした裏通りから、渋谷、池袋など、都心を中心に街の喧騒と停滞感が写り込む。 森山大道(もりやま だいどう)/写真家。1938年10月10日。ハイコントラストで粒子の粗い“アレ・ブレ・ボケ”と称される独自のスタイルを確立し、世界的にも高い評価を得る。近年の写真集に『NAGISA』『LABYRINTH』(Akio Nagasawa Publishing)、『犬と網タイツ』『Osaka』『絶対平面都市』(月曜社)など。 Shinjuku Golden Gai district, which appears in Daido Moriyama’s Record series quite often. This place was chosen to represent the film “Oh Wilderness”(あゝ荒野)based on Shuji Terayama’s novel, which turned out to be Daido’s new book under the same title. This issue embeds the chaotic backstreets of Shinjuku through Shibuya, and Ikebukuro…the clamor and stagnation of urban tokyo life. Daido Moriyama / Photographer Born October 10th, 1938. His style of grainy, high-contrast images that came to be referred to as are, “bure, boke” (grainy, blurry, out-of-focus) made an impact on the realm of photography worldwide. Latest works are “NAGISA” ”LABYRINTH”(Akio Nagasawa Gallery), “Dog and Mesh Tights” “ OSAKA” “Zettai Heimen Toshi”(Getsuyo-sha) etc
  • The Timeless Lessons to Learn from Japan
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    The Japanese way of living explained in all its uniqueness. A required reading for anyone interested in Japan and Japanese culture! The wisdom of the old times lies behind the abundance of modern Japan. Siebold, Isabella Bird, Einstein, and many more share their experiences visiting Japan from the 16th century to the modern day. Their stories reveal hints on the Japanese way of living that are as true today as they were back then. In an era where Japan keeps gaining attention worldwide, from cultural heritage, to attitude towards nature, to the 2020 Olympics, this book will show you the ‘Japanese way’ at its base.
    1巻2,200円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ザ・デッド・デイジーズ単独来日ツアー写真集! ザ・デッド・デイジーズが2017年7月に行った単独来日ツアー「LIVE & LOUDER JAPAN TOUR 2017」の様子を収めた写真集が電子書籍として登場。 王道のハード・ロック・サウンドで会場を沸かせたライヴの様子はもちろん、来日時のプライベートなカットも余すところなく詰め込んだ一冊。 Taken from The Dead Daisies “LIVE & LOUDER JAPAN TOUR 2017” a photo-book originally only sold in Japan will now be released in digital format and be available worldwide!! It’s a special photo-book packed with a lot of photos taken from the shows and the band private moments during their stay in Japan!! *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 詳解 Swift 第5版
    1巻3,630円 (税込)
    ※この電子書籍は固定レイアウト型で配信されております。固定レイアウト型は文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 SwiftはiPhone、iPad、MacなどのAppleプロダクト向けのプログラミング言語として2014年に登場し、言語仕様と実装の改良が進められてきました。今年の春に発表されたSwift 5ではコンパイル済みコードの互換性の確保(ABI安定性)が主要なテーマとされ、言語仕様自体に大幅な変更はないものと思われていました。 ところが、6月に開催されたWWDC(Worldwide Developers Conference)で状況は一変、開発者コミュニティは大騒ぎとなります。 SwiftUIが突然発表されたのです。WWDCのライブ映像を見ていた世界中の開発がその記述方法にショックを受けました。『これがSwiftだって』? SwiftUIは宣言的な記述によってGUIを構築できるフレームワークです。Apple社が丁寧なチュートリアルを用意していたこともあって、SwiftUIは比較的短期間のうちに認知されるようになりました。一方、その記法(埋め込みDSL記法)の技術的側面に関して、まとまったリファレンスは未だ存在しないようです。 本書ではそのような部分にまで踏み込んで、実際に動作するサンプルコードをもとにSwiftUIの記法の背景について解説を試みています。 iPhone、iPad、macOS開発者、必読の一冊!!
  • GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 1 Workbook [Third Edition] 初級日本語 げんき 1 ワークブック[第3版]
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 GENKI series that has sold more than 2 million copies worldwide is now even better than before! シリーズ累計200万超の初級テキストがさらに進化。 This workbook is used in conjunction with study of each lesson in GENKI 1 [Third edition]. このワークブックは、『初級日本語げんき1[第3版]』の各課とあわせて使用します。 The Dialogue and Grammar section of the workbook provides worksheets for all grammar items studied in the textbook. To enable comprehensive practice, the workbook also includes a Listening Comprehension worksheet and a Questions worksheet for each lesson; both sheets present review exercises that require learners to apply multiple grammar points from the lesson. The Reading and Writing section includes kanji worksheets, fill-in-the-blank kanji exercises, English-to-Japanese translation exercises, vocabulary practices, and so forth. ワークブックの「会話・文法編」には、テキストで学習する各文法項目ごとにワークシートがあります。さらに総合的な練習として、各課に1枚ずつ「聞く練習」と「答えましょう」のワークシートが用意されています。どちらもその課の複数の学習項目を使って答えるまとめの練習です。また「読み書き編」には、漢字の練習シートと、漢字の穴埋め問題、英文和訳、単語の練習などが収録されています。


  • 鮨 すきやばし次郎~JIRO GASTRONOMY~
    世界一の鮨のすべてがわかるハンドブック。 オバマ大統領の来店で「どんな寿司なのか?」と国内外から注目を集める「すきやばし次郎」。「次郎」の仕事にフォーカスしたドキュメンタリー映画が世界30か国以上で公開され、世界中の料理人が小野二郎氏(店名は次郎)の料理哲学に感銘を受けた「世界一の鮨屋」。その美味しさの秘密がわかり、より美味しく鮨が食べられる「実用ハンドブック」です。次郎流の寿司種の解説のほかに、小野二郎氏直伝のべからず集つき「寿司の美味しい食べ方」、予約やドレスコードなど「すきやばし次郎のトリセツ」も収録。料理写真の第一人者・管洋志氏と泉健太氏の質感の高い寿司の写真に、山本益博氏のわかりやすくて奥深い解説を日本語と英語で併記し、外国の方にも使いやすい一冊です。 【ご注意】※この作品はカラー版です。 ※お使いの端末によっては、一部読みづらい場合がございます。お手持ちの端末で立ち読みファイルをご確認いただくことをお勧めします。 All you need to know about the world’s greatest sushi in a handbook. Ever since the success of the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi people worldwide including top chefs have become fascinated with Sukiyabashi Jiro and its culinary philosophy. In this practical handbook, readers will learn the secrets behind the flavors, sushi dining dos and don’ts, as well as information on reservations and dress code. The images of leading photographers, Hiroshi Suga and Kenta Izumi complement the forward by noted food critic Masuhiro Yamamoto. With bilingual Japanese/English, text, this publication is attractive for the international market.
  • Hydrogenomics: The Science of Fully Utilizing Hydrogen
    As global energy and environment problems draw increasing attention, Japan has set a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It has become even more important to promote the development of technology for fully utilizing hydrogen in the future, and also to explore fundamental science.However, since the foundational science related to hydrogen (hereinafter, hydrogen science) spans an extremely wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology, sufficient opportunities have not been established for sharing cutting-edge trends and promoting joint research. Against this kind of background, the “Hydrogenomics: Creation of Innovative Materials, Devices, and Reaction Processes Using Higher-Order Hydrogen Functions” project was established under a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (FY2018 to FY2022). Through this framework, research has been promoted with the aim of creating the science for mastering the advanced use of hydrogen. We call this research area “hydrogenomics” (hydrogen + omics [system of learning]), and strive to promote joint research related to the diverse physical properties and functions of flexibly and continuously transformable hydrogen through cooperation between researchers in a wide range of academic fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology. Practical, systematic joint research into hydrogen science that spans such as wide range of academic fields is unprecedented worldwide and this is the first such attempt. This book summarizes the following to provide a practical guide for obtaining new directions and widely sharing the state of activities in this new academic field, hydrogenomics. Chapter 1 “Diverse properties of hydrogen in materials” gives an overview of the “high densification ability of hydrogen”, which is related to many of energy functions; the “interfacial localizability of hydrogen”, which is important for enhancing electronic functions and mechanical properties; the “fast migration ability of hydrogen”, which includes short- and long-range migration phenomena and coupling with electrons related to new conceptual devices: and “high activation ability of hydrogen”, which is related to new material conversion processes. In order to fully utilize hydrogen based on these properties, it is essential to also perform research into analyzing and predicting hydrogen, which is difficult to detect in materials, with higher accuracy than ever before. Chapter 2 “Advanced measurements and calculations for hydrogen in materials” introduces cutting-edge hydrogen measurements driven by new methods, and the latest hydrogen calculations for “seeing” invisible hydrogen. Chapters 3 to 5 introduce some results related to fully utilizing hydrogen to explain the state of activities in “hydrogenomics”. Chapter 3 “Synthesizing new materials” explains the latest in high-pressure synthesis and thin-film synthesis technology, and then introduces hydride-ion conductors, hydrogen boride sheets, and other materials. Chapter 4 “Designing new devices” introduces new concepts for devices related to hydrogen and hydrides, such as hydride-based all-solid-state batteries, hydrogen-doped solar cells, rechargeable fuel cells, and proton-coupled electron transfer thermochemical cells. Furthermore, Chapter 5 “Providing new reaction processes and visualization technology” introduces new synthesis techniques for amino acids and ammonia, and new hydrogen visualization technologies using metal complexes. [Translation and revision from the Japanese language edition: The Science of Fully Utilizing “Hydrogen” Hydrogenomics, Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2022]


  • ミゲールの世界の沖縄空手事情 Overview of Okinawa Karate in the World
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 沖縄空手に魅せられ、母国フランスから沖縄に移住して29年。空手家であり、空手ジャーナリストのミゲール・ダルーズが69カ国・地域の道場、122カ所を取材し、沖縄タイムス「週刊沖縄空手」で連載したレポートをまとめた1冊。文化の違いを超えて世界中に広がった沖縄空手の神髄に共鳴し、実践している空手家たちを紹介する。日本語と英語を併記。 Fascinated by Okinawa karate, the author moved from his hometown in France to Okinawa 29 years ago. A karate enthusiast and a karate journalist, Miguel Da Luz has compiled articles on 122 dojo in 69 countries and regions, articles that were published in the Okinawa Times “Weekly Okinawa Karate”. As Okinawa karate is a martial art which has spread across the world regardless of cultural differences, this book introduces worldwide karate practitioners who are deeply fond of Okinawa karate and its essence. Written in Japanese and English.
  • Rose Dream Origami
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Special Origami Paper included A complete guide to six types of Kawasaki Rose, supplemented by online videos showing the models being folded by the author ・Instructions are provided for folding six types of the origami rose known worldwide as the Kawasaki Rose. ・Based on mathematics, the origami models designed by Dr. Kawasaki are characterized by a geometrical beauty and engaging folding sequences. ・Check out the online videos showing models being folded by the author. 『[解説DVD&オリジナル色紙付き] ばらの夢折り紙』(9784255007878)の英語版。 解説動画はオンラインサービスで提供。音声英語吹替え。 折り紙が好きな人なら一度は折ってみたい「カワサキローズ」。 世界的に有名な折り紙の作品で、1枚の紙で本物そっくりのばらを作ることができる。 今回、すべてのばらの折り図が改良され、「3分ローズ」「5葉の葉っぱ」「7角ローズ ボックス」などの新作も収録。 誰でも、確実に折れるように、著者が丁寧に解説しながら実際に折るところを撮影した動画オンラインサービスが付いている。
  • 和ごはん101 Wagohan: The ABCs of Japanese Cuisine
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ロング・セラー本『おにぎりレシピ101』につづく バイリンガルブック・101シリーズ第二弾。 和食ってなんだろう? そんな疑問から生まれた本書。 日常のごはんからご馳走ごはん、和菓子や和の食材にいたるまで、 日本の食卓まわりの魅力を総ざらいしてみました。 日本人でも知っているようで知らない 和の道具や歳時記のしつらえも紹介しています。 知っておきたい日本の食卓まわり101*、 Washoku(和食)の魅力を外国人に伝える本としても、ご活用いただけます。 全文英訳付き。 *101とは、英語で基礎編を表す意味もあります。 Japanese cuisine is a worldwide favorite. But how do you explain the beauty of this unique food culture? It’s hard to find a cuisine more diverse in range; whether it’s everyday home cooked meals, popular “Western” style, hearty and affordable “B-class” staples, seasonal dishes, sushi, or high-end kaiseki multicourse dinners, Japanese food encompasses all. This book reviews the basics of essential Japanese food culture, full of traditional wisdom and customs, in 101 items. It’s the perfect introduction to Japanese cuisine, giving you a glimpse into the heart and spirit of washoku.
