
  • Engaged Organization
    This well-known business book in Japan shares new way of “Engagement model with employees” to create high performed organization with real stories. For many companies now, “Globalization” is one of the key challenges in growing their business. After the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the traditional appeal of products and brands alone will not be enough to lead the market. “People” are increasingly seen as an important differentiator to companies that are seeking “Globalization and Innovation”. However, many companies find themselves without “Engagement with employees”. Japanese companies have unique engagement model with employees, which enable people working as the organization. This book covers techniques for acclerating Global HR, and creating highly productive teams, demonstrating methods of engaging with employees that lead the growth of organization.
  • 社員を大切にする会社――5万人と歩んだ企業変革のストーリー
    「ネクスト・ドラッカー」トム・ピーターズ 「世界で最もモダンな経営」フォーチュン誌 就任4年で売上3倍、利益3倍、顧客5倍、離職率半減…… 経済誌からビジネススクール、経営思想家、日本企業まで 世界中が注目するインド企業HCLテクノロジーズ総帥 自らが語る、「社員第一、顧客第二」経営の衝撃。 顧客に真の価値をもたらす社員を第一にすることで、 社員の創造性や情熱を引き出し、究極的には顧客が第一となる。 ――ヴィニート・ナイアーが打ち出した「社員第一、顧客第二」 というシンプルなアイデアが、5万人を傍観者から変革者へと変えた! 「踊るCEO」「クモからヒトデへ」「組織ピラミッドの逆転」 ……壁にぶつかるたびに自省し、挑戦し続けた5年間にわたる 企業再生の歩みを経営者自らが語った回想記。 原著 Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down
  • People Before Products The Human Factor in Business
    【NOTE : This eBook does not present the entire content as it appears in the print edition. 】Management based on the principle of collective wisdom not only leads to better business performance, it also fosters the growth of individual human potential. From my own experience and observations, employees grow in insight and ability even if their supervisor is the most average of people, as long as that supervisor is a willing listener and is determined to work harder than anyone else to mobilize the human resources available to him or her. This is how humankind’s tremendous potential will be fully realized. 【注 書籍版に収録された「Part Two:Memorable Encounters」は収録されておりません。ご了承ください。】


  • (英文版)社員心得帖 Career Essentials
    『社員心得帖』の英文版。企業組織に生きる者にはいかなる心がまえが必要なのか。新入社員から中堅、幹部まで、働く喜びや生きがいを味わい、自らの能力を高めるためになすべきことを説いた豊かなキャリア形成のための一冊。 The 38 essays in this volume will help you discover ways to successfully develop your career by enjoying your business life and devoting yourself to it. They are all themes that Konosuke spoke about to the employees of Panasonic throughout his business career.


  • The Three-Minute Coach
    The godfather of coaching in Japan brings you the simplest guide to human resource management based upon the incredibly popular 2007 lecture “Corporate Coaching in Japan: Improving Business Performance by Improving Relationships,” held at New York University. The methods introduced don't require any formal coaching skills: all you need to do is create three minutes to think about your direct reports and speak to them. Making this time for your employees will help them grow far more than trying to strictly follow rules set out in other complicated management books. The Three-Minute Coach places a heavy emphasis on learning to foresee when and why your direct reports will want to speak to you. This is because effective leaders are not only well versed in management theory, but also know when and how to apply their knowledge. Each chapter also contains multiple “Three-Second Tips” which summarize the main points, giving you a quick reference when you are short of time. The methods in this book are applicable whether you work at a store with only one employee or at a multinational corporation with a staff of thousands. Itoh’s methods provide managers with stress-free solutions to any problem at hand. Simple, easy and effective, The Three-Minute Coach will transform your organization and employees, helping them to realize their full potential.
