禁断の原哲夫画風で北斗ギャグ!!あの聖帝サウザーがキレる!!デレる!!省みる!?ケンシロウと仲良くなる方法を考えたり、宴会芸を披露したり、時に五車星と遊んだり…と、とにかく楽しそうな聖帝様が満載!!さらに、2ちゃんねる痛いニュースランキングで2位を獲得した、姉・行徒による幻の美少年ハート様外伝「HEART of Meet~あの日の約束~」も収録! そして、巻末お便りコーナーには東京都武蔵野市在住の原哲夫くんが登場!?とにかく北斗の拳を愛する人に贈るバラエティーパック!!
This is a manga based on the original "Kage over Flowers"
If this manga is remade and rebooted and made into an animation, I think it will do well
I hope this is remade into an animation
After the second season of the Sky Fist Regenesis anime,
there has been no news about the 5th volume. I guess it's because I'm too busy.
I hope author Haratetsuo lives long and prospers, and I wish him the best of luck with the serialization.
If there is a remake animation of Fist of the North Star,
this will be the most magnificent and fun scene.
I'm looking forward to it because it seems like it will be remade again.
Is there any sign that Fist of the North Star will be officially dramatized? This is good because it's humorous and humane. I'm sure the Fist of the North Star manga author will be happy. I'm really looking forward to the next volume.