

  • Another Kyoto
    Another Kyoto is a book unlike any you have ever read about Japan. With his unexpected and counterintuitive approach, Alex Kerr transforms our conventional views of the city and its traditions. This book is the fruit of Alex Kerr's half-century of living in Japan and of lore gleaned from people he's met along the way: artists, Zen monks and Shinto priests, Japanese literati, and expat personalities from days past, such as legendary art dealer David Kidd. Kerr turns what we thought we knew about Kyoto inside-out, revealing the inner ideas behind simple things like walls, floors, and sliding doors. After this book, one can never walk through a Zen gate in the same way again. Yet despite its wealth of detailed knowledge and insight, Another Kyoto has the light-hearted character of an ideal travel companion. Another Kyoto, published simultaneously in Japanese, is a book not only for visitors and foreign residents, but for Japanese themselves, who seek to penetrate more deeply into this endlessly fascinating city. 「もうひとつの京都」英語版として同時発売。
  • Urashima Taro 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Taro, who lived with his mother in a small village along the shore, discovered a turtle who was being bullied by several kids on his way home…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 73)
  • 英熟語の集中治療室 <INTENSIVE CARE 2>
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 「書いた原稿1万ページ、売れた本1000万冊、教え子100万人」とも言われ、日本の英語教育界に多大なる影響を与えた元駿台予備校英語科講師・伊藤和夫。その著者が、1992年に“必要な知識だけを、本当に選別して提示した”という参考書シリーズの一冊。 長年の予備校講師という経験から、「大学受験に本当に必須の知識とは何だろう」ということを、自らにいつも問いかけてきた著者。本書は、大学入試に頻出する熟語だけを厳選して集め、「集中的に学習する」ことで、確実な得点を狙うための参考書です。 膨大な熟語を覚えられれば、それにこしたことはありませんが、なかなか限られた時間内で全てを学習するのは難しいもの。そこで、“受験の神様”が、予備校講師としての経験から、「本当に必要な熟語」だけを選び抜きました。 ムリに覚えようとせず、読むだけで理解が深まる内容構成。受験勉強の無駄を省き、効率的に英熟語を学びたい方におススメします。 ▼目次 まえがき とぅーる・ぼっくす(Tool Box):前置詞と[前置詞的]副詞 表題文一覧(英文) 1. account for 2. at a loss 3. blame for 4. bring up 5. by… 6. call for 7. carry out 8. catch up with 9. come across 10. different from 11. do without 12. each other 13. familiar with 14. far from 15. feel like 16. for all 17. get along with 18. get over 19. give up 20. have nothing to do with 21. in spite of 22. know better than to - 23. look after 24. look down on 25. make out 26. make up for 27. much of 28. on…terms with 29. out of order 30. pick up 31. prefer…to 32. prevent…from 33. provide…with 34. put off 35. put up with 36. quite a few 37. remind…of 38. rob…of 39. stand for 40. take…for granted 41. take part in 42. tell…from 43. turn down 44. turn out 45. what…become of 表題文一覧(訳文) Preparatory Test, Achievement Test 解答 Index ※本書は、1992年・一竹書房刊『英熟語の集中治療室』を底本に、復刊するものです。
  • The Kind Demon
    Foo lives together with his grandmother, but doesn't have any friends. One day, Foo gets lost in the mountains trying to find herbs for medicine. He meets Smoochy, a demon, who helps him. Smoochy doesn't have any friends either! They get along well and become each other's first-ever friends, and play together all the time. But Foo suddenly stops coming to the mountain...
  • The Ugliest Teddy Bear In The World
    Tart is the world’s ugliest stuffed animal, and gets thrown out by his owner because of it. Yet...he still loves her! Wanting to gain her affection, Tart sets off on a quest to find the witch who is said to grant any wish. Though his ugliness remains unchanged, Tart grows and forms new bonds along his journey.
  • Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership
    Beginning with the drafting of Vietnam’s civil law in 1996, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has supported the “making of laws” in developing countries including Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This is a field of cooperation unique to Japan, originating from its experience studying foreign legal systems during the Meiji Restoration. Today, Official Development Assistance (ODA) is considered one of the pillars of Japan’s rule of law promotion. JICA has collected documents relating to its 20 years of work, along with interviews with those involved in rule of law promotion from Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more. Clashes over wariness towards foreigners and differences in understanding of legal terminology… This is a record of the obstacles overcome by the people of developing nations who wanted to draft their own national laws, and the Japanese lawyers who supported them, as well as their sincere efforts, struggles, and challenges. This is a recommended book for those interested in international cooperation, as well as those who want to know more about the rule of law promotion process.


  • すぐ理解できる「イメージ図」付き 副詞で覚える「句動詞」(CNNEE ベスト・セレクション 特集49)
    【今週のトピック】「句動詞」とは、〈動詞+副詞〉あるいは〈動詞+前置詞〉の2語、時には〈動詞+副詞+前置詞〉の3語から成る動詞フレーズで、全体として「一つの動詞」のように機能します。自然な英語を話したり書いたりするには、できるだけ多くの句動詞を活用できるようになることが重要です。 例えば、mature(成長する)のような「少し堅い動詞1語」を、grow upという「簡単な動詞+α」で表現できるので、ネイティブスピーカーは「普段遣いの英語」として実によく句動詞を用いています。句動詞を活用できるようになるには、「句動詞」の構成要素のうちサブのように見える「副詞/前置詞」を逆に鍵としてとらえ、「副詞/前置詞」ごとにコアイメージをまとめてつかんでいくのが効率的です。 さらに、そのようにして身につけていくことで、意味を知らない句動詞に遭遇したときにも応用が利き、類推が働いてイメージをつかむことができるのです。 【本書の内容】 ・about/around ・away ・down ・in ・into ・off ・on ・out ・over ・up ・その他の副詞・前置詞(along, back, by, of, through, to, under, with) ・雑誌再現 *『CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS』編集部編『CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS』2018年11月号掲載の特集をもとに制作されました。
  • Departure from a War-Ruined City
    1巻440円 (税込)
    War and Woman Content description, short : A story of comeback and departure of a woman who faced the living hell of wartime. 【目次】 Hell on Earth/ Tree Rustling in the Wind / Spring Snow/Where, with Whom, and How to ?/ Abyss of Death/House at the Military Drill Field/ Snow Garden of a Big Residence/ School Disturbance / Time of Farewell/ Road Opening to the Sky/Will There Really be a Ttomorrow? 【著者】 Tatsu Hatamura After working as a teacher, librarian, and university staff, became a member of Japan Writers' Association. Major books include “From a War-Ravaged City along the Straits,” e-books “The Graveyard Overlooking the Sea,” “Factory Closure,” etc.
  • 【二か国語版】Love Jossie 夢の中でも愛して~あなたを覗きます~
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 Onodera is a smart, popular guy, who would never give me the time of day in the real world. But in my dreams, we get along really well! As we have fun chatting, I gradually get to know him better, and fall for him even harder... Is my dream going to end as just that, a dream...? I want my dreams to come true, even in real life! A long, 60-page love story about a mysterious girl doing her best! 現実の世界ではまったく私なんか眼中にない、人気者で優等生の小野寺くんが、夢の中では、地味な私ともとても仲良くしてくれる! 夢の中だけど、楽しく彼とおしゃべりしていくうちに、次第に彼の内面もわかってきて、どんどん好きになってしまうのだけど…。やっぱり夢は夢のままで終わるのかしら…? リアルでも「夢」をかなえたい!ちょっと不思議な頑張る女子のラブ・ストーリー、長編60P!(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Jossie Vol.5に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar 日本語基本文法辞典
    1巻3,086円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The Dictionary of Japanese Grammar series, an enduring favorite. This ever-popular series of dictionary-style grammar guides comprises three volumes―basic, intermediate, and advanced―with each presenting some 200 key grammar items, along with analysis of sentence patterns, abundant example sentences, and easy-to-understand explanations in English. The books also thoroughly explains common pitfalls and the distinctions in usage of similar expressions, helping users to develop an even stronger grasp of Japanese grammar. A must-have reference for learners and teachers alike. 初級レベルの重要な文法を約200項目ずつ取り上げ、文型分析と豊富な例文と的確でわかりやすい英文解説を施した、ロングセラーの辞典形式の文法書。 間違えやすいポイントや類似表現との使い分けも丁寧に説明しているので、より深く日本語文法が理解できます。学習者だけでなく教師のための参考書としても必携です。


  • A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar 日本語文法辞典【上級編】
    1巻4,180円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The Dictionary of Japanese Grammar series, an enduring favorite. This ever-popular series of dictionary-style grammar guides comprises three volumes―basic, intermediate, and advanced―with each presenting some 200 key grammar items, along with analysis of sentence patterns, abundant example sentences, and easy-to-understand explanations in English. The books also thoroughly explains common pitfalls and the distinctions in usage of similar expressions, helping users to develop an even stronger grasp of Japanese grammar. A must-have reference for learners and teachers alike. 上級レベルの重要な文法を約200項目ずつ取り上げ、文型分析と豊富な例文、的確でわかりやすい英文解説を施したロングセラーの文法書。 間違えやすいポイントや類似表現との使い分けも丁寧に説明しているので、より深く日本語文法が理解できます。 学習者だけでなく教師のための参考書としても必携です。


  • A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar 日本語文法辞典【中級編】
    1巻4,070円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The Dictionary of Japanese Grammar series, an enduring favorite. This ever-popular series of dictionary-style grammar guides comprises three volumes―basic, intermediate, and advanced―with each presenting some 200 key grammar items, along with analysis of sentence patterns, abundant example sentences, and easy-to-understand explanations in English. The books also thoroughly explains common pitfalls and the distinctions in usage of similar expressions, helping users to develop an even stronger grasp of Japanese grammar. A must-have reference for learners and teachers alike. 中級レベルの重要な文法を約200項目ずつ取り上げ、文型分析と豊富な例文、的確でわかりやすい英文解説を施したロングセラーの文法書。 間違えやすいポイントや類似表現との使い分けも丁寧に説明しているので、より深く日本語文法が理解できます。 学習者だけでなく教師のための参考書としても必携です。


  • 日本女性2人詩集(1) おばさんから子どもたちへ 贈る詩の花束
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 言葉の花束 新川和江・水崎野里子 みなさん!おばちゃんの詩を読んでくれてありがとう! 世界にはいろいろな子供たちと大人たちがいます。 すべてのひとびとがしあわせで楽しい毎日を過ごしているとは限りません。 病気や戦争に苦しんでいる人もいます。貧困や嵐や地震に苦しんでいるひともいます。 人生には苦しいことも楽しいこともあります。でも負けないでまっすぐしあわせに生きてください。希望をいつも持ってください。 このご本は日本のおばちゃん二人のあなた方世界の子供たちに贈る花束です。 A Bouquet of Poems to You Noriko Mizusaki Hi! All of you! Thanks for your reading our poems to the last one! In the world various children and adults are living along. But it is not that all of us are always living happy and merry days. Some of us suffer from sickness or wars. Some people live in hardships from poverty and the natural disasters like storms and quakes. You have to live through difficulties and hardships,while you can have a right to live in happiness. Do not get defeated by them and live straight and in happiness. Always you do not forget hope. We are two aunties living in Japan. This book is our present to you,all the children in the world,for peace and hope: A Bouquet of Poems gifted to you.
  • Nuclear Focus:A Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse of the Atomic Ambitions of Pakistan,Iran and Wartime Japan(EnglishEdition)
    This is an English translation of a long-term series titled, and a writing style of nonfiction “Kaku Kairo o Aruku”(Walking along nuclear corridors),which was carried in the Mainichi Shimbun daily. The series covered nuclear development in Pakistan, Iran and Japan. Attention: This content will be the same as the content distributed by other publishers in the past. Please be careful about duplicate purchases
  • No Regrets: How To Kickstart Your Career AND Your Life
    This inspiring guide is for young people who are looking to kick start their careers and live their dream life. This book is perfect for students, recent college graduates, Gen Z and millennials already in the working world, along with those of any age who simply want a fresh start in their career. This book lays down the essential groundwork to help realize the career and life that you want to lead. The valuable advice and guidance given will alter how you navigate the journey into beginning your career and change the way you live each day—with no regrets! Renown executive coach, teacher, consultant, author, keynote speaker, workshop leader, and jack of many trades, Dr. Bob Tobin draws on his own diverse work experience as well as from the powerful inspirational anecdotes of his students, peers, mentors, and more, to help you navigate this crucial part of your career journey. From the examples and anecdotes, you’ll learn about what has made a difference in their lives, the decisions that have helped them, the mistakes they have made, and what they have learned from the mistakes. Rich with practical and actionable guidance, this book is for young people about to embark on their professional lives along with those seeking more purpose and meaning in their current work and lives. This book is the essential way to help you think more deeply about what you do for work and how you want to live. The mix of inspiring advice, practical suggestions, questions for reflection, and uplifting stories will help guide you to develop important skills so you can build a wonderful career and a beautiful life that you can be proud of. You’ll discover: How to start thinking more deeply about your career. How to let go of your long held beliefs. How to embrace the act of change. How to develop decision making skills. How to gain confidence and build courage. How to make sure you are adding value. How to widen your world. And more!
  • How to Teach Morality to AI and Robots(東大教授が挑むAIに「善悪の判断」を教える方法 「人を殺してはいけない」は“いつも正しい”か? 英語版)
    With rapid advancement in development of artificial intelligences (AIs) and robots in the current world, some people predict that a society where robots and human beings coexist is approaching in the near future. However, I simply wonder if we could actually get along with robots in this world, where we cannot accept diversity even among the same human beings. If we had robots in this deeply divided world, would not it merely end up causing even greater chaos? I recently started researching on morality engine to control behavior of robots. Simply put, I study how to make robots distinguish good and evil by themselves for the upcoming future when robots and human beings coexist. The concept of morality for robots is not anything new. Back in 1940s, for example, an American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov started introducing his famous Three Laws of Robotics in his novels. The Three Laws are very well known, and some people even treat them like golden rules for robots to observe. However, to me, these Laws seem to hold significant problems and therefore to be unsuitable for practical purposes. As you read this book, you will be able to figure out the fundamental defect in the Laws. In order to study the moral engine with which to regulate robots, we need to first describe the moral framework of human beings. We can make possible such an attempt to model an abstract concept, by using an engineering way of thinking as a tool. In this book, I would like to think about this framework together with you, using as simple and easy words as possible. If we can model human morality, we will be able to install it onto brains of robots. If we can build a moral system that robots and human beings – mutually different existences – can share, it will in turn help us to overcome divisions resulting from differences in standpoints among human beings, and to further develop an inclusive and diverse society. Using such a new moral system, I would like to establish alternative principles to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and to think about the possibility of a society where human beings and robots coexist. Morality and robots may seem to have nothing in common — but by looking at the point where these two areas actually cross, we will be able to see principles of a future society that we human beings should aim at. Throughout this intensive seminar, we are going to freely and widely develop our arguments. I plan to also provide you with a summary and practice exercises at the end of each session to help deepen your understanding. Let us make ourselves ready for thinking outside the box, digging deep into our imagination. Contents Introduction Session 1. Is the “You Shall Not Kill” Rule Universal? Session 2. Classifying Prior Moral Thoughts Session 3. You Shall Not Kill… Whom? Session 4. Modeling the Basic Principle of Morality Session 5. Classifying Hierarchy of Morality Session 6. Installing Morality onto Robots Afterword Hints for Practice Exercises References
  • From Zero to Kyocera A Company Philosophy to Grow People and Organizations
    The eye-opening business philosophy and life wisdom of one of Japan’s most influential entrepreneurs. This book is not merely a business how-to but a guide to personal growth. Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairman. Inamori also established the non-profit Inamori Foundation and the Kyoto Prize to honor researchers and artists all over the world. He has received the title of Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his outstanding contributions to society. Along the way, he has published over 60 books in Japanese which have sold over 19 million copies in 21 different languages. This book focuses on the often-dramatic ups and downs of his life and reveals how he arrived at his guiding principle, “Respect the Divine and Love People.” In the book’s introduction, he makes a promise to the reader: If you adopt the management philosophy and lifestyle laid out in this book, you are certain to succeed both in business and in life. ※『ゼロからの挑戦』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • A White Saint
    1巻330円 (税込)
    Death of a beloved dog A moving story that looks at the death of the beloved dogs. The sudden death of a beloved dog, Spitz. The natural death of an old beloved dog, Shiba Inu. The regret of the owner who accidentally shot his hunting dog. 【著者】 Tatsu Hatamura After working as a teacher, librarian, and university staff, became a member of Japan Writers' Association. Major books include “From a War-Ravaged City along the Straits,” e-books “The Graveyard Overlooking the Sea,” “Factory Closure,” etc.
  • マルチメディア日本語基本文法ワークブック Multimedia Exercises for Basic Japanese Grammar
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 日本語学習書のロングセラー『日本語基本文法辞典』の完全準拠した文法ワークブック。 言語学習には文法理解が不可欠ですが、適切なコミュニケーションができるようになるためには、文法知識をもとに正しい文を作り、それを現実に起こる状況や自然な文脈の中で使う練習が欠かせません。 本書は初級レベルの日本語文法を対象に、教室でも個人学習でも、このような練習が効率的にできることをめざした教材です。 The Dictionary of Japanese Grammar series, an enduring favorite. This ever-popular series of dictionary-style grammar guides comprises three volumes―basic, intermediate, and advanced―with each presenting some 200 key grammar items, along with analysis of sentence patterns, abundant example sentences, and easy-to-understand explanations in English. The books also thoroughly explains common pitfalls and the distinctions in usage of similar expressions, helping users to develop an even stronger grasp of Japanese grammar. A must-have reference for learners and teachers alike.


  • 水野英多画集 SPIRAL Complete Art Collection
    【「スパイラル ~推理の絆~」生誕20周年記念奇跡の一冊 ここに凱旋!!】 「水野英多画集 SPIRAL」「水野英多画集2 SPIRAL ALL ALONG」「水野英多画集3 SPIRAL ALIVE」の3画集を合冊。収録される画は、200点以上。さらに「Complete Art Collection」版としての新たなイラストも追加収録予定。作品生誕20周年となった、水野英多の「SPIRAL画業」を辿る記念画集。電子書籍限定で発売です!! (C)2019 Eita Mizuno(C)2019 Kyo Shirodaira
  • The Donkey in the Lion’s Skin 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A donkey was wearing the skin of lion which he had found during his walk. He was entertaining himself by scaring other animals. Everyone thought he was a real lion and ran away immediately. The next animal that came along was…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 121)
