WanteD! WanteD!作品一覧


  • ニューズウィーク日本版 2024年5月21日号
    他の日本のメディアにはない深い追求、グローバルな視点。「知とライフスタイル」のナビゲート雑誌。 ※デジタル版は紙の雑誌とは一部内容が異なり、掲載されない、または掲載期限のある広告や写真、記事、ページがある場合がございます。また、掲載されているプレゼント企画に、デジタル版ではご応募できません。あらかじめご了承ください。 Perspectives 目次 In Focus TAIWAN 台湾新総統は就任演説で何を語るのか UKRAINE ゼレンスキー暗殺計画が明るみに 分析 ロシアの歴史も「韻」を踏む──河東哲夫 米社会 燃え上がる米学生デモを読み解く──グレン・カール 視点 「袋小路」パレスチナ再出発のカギ──曽我太一 Superpower Satire 風刺画で読み解く「超大国」の現実 本当の日中友好は逃亡者がつくる──ラージャオ&トウガラシ 南アジア インドを体現する男の声を聞け Q&A モディ首相独占取材「私は常に集中している」 経済 それでも中国に勝てない訳 国際関係 戦虎外交を実践する男 アメリカを無視するイスラエル 東南アジア ミャンマー和平にタクシンが名乗り? プーチンが戦術核を使う日 Economics Explainer 経済ニュース超解説 年金納付「5年延長」案の狙いは── 加谷珪一 Help Wanted 人生相談からアメリカが見える クリスマスの翌日が誕生日という不運 Petit’s Punch かしまし世界時評 「選挙妨害」は表現の自由か?──プチ鹿島 CCCメディアハウス書籍のご案内 The Extra Edge CHALLENGER 東欧 ジョージアはいかにロシアに傾いたか Drama 『私のトナカイちゃん』が描く善悪の危うい境界 Books ADHDの家族を支えるためのヒント Movies 世界がラブコメ『恋プリ』にハマる訳 Movies 『悪は存在しない』が映す人間の本質 Music 名盤30周年のお祝いはステージで Health シニアの「脳活」研究最前線 My Turn 大好きなバレエが開いた世界へ飛び出す扉 Pen Books フェアのご案内 Picture Power 先進国の電子ゴミがアフリカを汚す News English & Letters 定期購読のご案内 Tokyo Eye 外国人リレーコラム── 西村カリン 「国民を守る」のか「国を守る」のか


  • WANTED! 尾田栄一郎短編集
    史上最大の賞金首ギル・バスターに、幽霊がとりついた!? 幻の処女作『WANTED!』、大人気作品『ONE PIECE』の原点、もう一人のルフィがここに!『ROMANCE DAWN』ほか3編を収録!!
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One year after World War II ended, in 1946, two young Japanese children, a sister and her brother, somehow defied the odds and survived a month long dangerous journey from the former Japanese colony of Manchuria in northeast China to their hometown in Japan. Iku was only 10 years old. She and her 6-yr. old brother traveled 340 miles on land, mostly on foot, day and night, with little food, clothing, or money while holding each other’s hands. What kept them going every day? It was the promise that they made to their mother? “Never let go of each other’s hand and safely return to Japan to be reunited with everyone.” They simply wanted to see Mommy again. This is a true story of war, not of who’s on the right side and who’s on the wrong side, or who was crueler than the other, but how war impacts people everywhere, including innocent children, like Iku and her siblings. Most importantly, this book demonstrates how love, courage and determination can see us through the most difficult times. 70 years after the end of World War II, Iku finally decided to let her daughter, Izumi, tell her story to the whole world, hoping her ordeal will play a small part in contributing to world peace. All the illustrations in this book are done by Iku herself. Originally published in Japanese in 2016, this English version is now available to spread Iku’s inspiring story across the world.
  • Wails of the Bound;β 1
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    A Beta who wanted to protect an Omega and an Omega betrayed by a Beta - The long-awaited sequel to the brilliant Omegaverse story by genius mangaka Keri Kusabi!! A new graduate, Sasabe, is assigned to Utou, who works for a major advertising agency and takes good care of by his subordinates. Even though the newcomer is cheeky, overly ambitious and shows a bad attitude right away, Utou feels that he can't leave him alone. He soon finds out Sasabe's secret: he has a predisposition to seduce people and stir up their sexual desire. Betrayed by his best friends, oppressed by his parents... Sasabe just wants to get out of a life of suffering. He tries to hide his discriminated Omega status, and wants to move up relying only on his talent. Utou keeps watching over him, even helping him to relieve his pain when he goes on heat. But, his past inability to protect someone who was dear to him makes him hesitate to get close to Sasabe. In the meantime, unbeknown to them, the higher-ups have dirty plans for Sasabe… ※本書は、現在配信している「狂い鳴くのは僕の番 ;β1【電子限定特典マンガ付き】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
    全1巻528円 (税込)
    17世紀末、地中海。元歌姫・アルメリアは、初恋の少年・ルースをさらった海賊スカルズの船に、男装して乗り込んだ。スカルズ船長は傲慢で凶暴、そのうえ女好き!ひょんな事から女だとバレてしまったアルメルアは…!? 純和風読み切り『春は桜』も併録!!
  • 英語の雑学百科~面白がりながら力がつく本~
    “WANTED”は「お尋ね者」、“HELP WANTED”は「お手伝いさん求む」、短い言葉が気持ちいい。うたい文句、口説き文句、おどし文句、殺し文句から、合言葉、売り言葉、絵言葉、添え言葉、流行言葉に褒め言葉まで。短くて粋な英語のきまり文句を話題に、現代感覚をうつし出し、考え方や生き方の東西比較へ発展させた英語雑学大全。


  • The King with Donkey Ears 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This is a fairy tale from ancient Greece. A young man, who was suddenly summoned to the castle, happened to find out a secret of the king. He really wanted to tell someone the secret. But what if the king finds out...Oh no, what should he do....? (KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 17)
  • The Frogs who wished for a King 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 The frogs lived very freely and peacefully under nobody’s control in a big pond. However, the frogs wanted more comfortable lives, and wished for a better king who orders them commands.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 66)
  • おねぇさまWanted? 1巻
    1~2巻110~220円 (税込)
    大好きな冴木(さえき)君の見ている前で、事故によるファーストキスをしてしまった石原みさき。しかもその相手は、学校内で有名な「おねぇさま」こと八神速人(やがみはやと)だった! ご立腹の八神から奴隷宣告されたみさきは、すっかり八神のペースに乱されて……周りをどんどん巻き込みながら、みさきのドラバタ学園生活が始まる! ※作家個人で公開しているWeb漫画作品を大幅リメイク!電子書籍版としてリニューアル配信!※本商品は過去に他出版社から発行されていた商品になります。収録内容に変更はありませんので、重複購入にご注意ください。
  • Shidehara Kijuro and His Time
    The Constitution of Japan is often described as a pacifist constitution for its Article 9 renouncing war and foreswearing war potential. Although this is usually attributed to starry-eyed idealists and steely-eyed realists in the occupation, both of which wanted to ensure Japan did not again challenge America’s position, there is also a cast to be made for crediting Shidehara Kijuro (1872-1951). Indeed, the case becomes even stronger if we think of the Constitution not so much as pacifist but more as internationalist―as evidenced in the Preamble’s trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world and its belief that no nation is responsible to itself alone. For it was Shidehara who was the ultimate internationalist. Born to a middle-class family four years after the Meiji Restoration, he went to Tokyo Imperial University and from there to the civil service, ending up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, history took him to a number of foreign capitals and historic international conferences on his way to the foreign ministership and after he became foreign minister. Serving as foreign minister under a succession of prime ministers, he developed and staunchly promoted what came to be called Shidehara diplomacy―a foreign policy stance of not intervening in China, respecting the Anglo-Japanese alliance, and adhering to what were put forward as universal values. Yet despite his steadfast championship, this internationalist stance was weakened by widespread discrimination against Japanese (e.g., in America’s immigration laws) and fatally wounded by the Kwangtung Army’s rogue aggression in China. He resigned as foreign minister in 1931, while retaining his seat in the House of Peers, and was tapped by the occupation to be Japan’s first postwar prime minister, putting him in a position to influence the Constitution’s drafting. Shidehara’s was a principled life engagingly recounted in this informative biography by one of Japan’s foremost diplomat-turned-historians.


  • Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership
    Beginning with the drafting of Vietnam’s civil law in 1996, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has supported the “making of laws” in developing countries including Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This is a field of cooperation unique to Japan, originating from its experience studying foreign legal systems during the Meiji Restoration. Today, Official Development Assistance (ODA) is considered one of the pillars of Japan’s rule of law promotion. JICA has collected documents relating to its 20 years of work, along with interviews with those involved in rule of law promotion from Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more. Clashes over wariness towards foreigners and differences in understanding of legal terminology… This is a record of the obstacles overcome by the people of developing nations who wanted to draft their own national laws, and the Japanese lawyers who supported them, as well as their sincere efforts, struggles, and challenges. This is a recommended book for those interested in international cooperation, as well as those who want to know more about the rule of law promotion process.


  • The Great Bear 【English/Japanese versions】
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This is a story from far Northland. In this country, the rain had stopped for a very long time and people were having a very tough time. Natalie, who lived with her sick mother wanted to give her some water to recover. So, she left the house to search for water with a wooden ladle…(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 11)
    The amazing power of music changes the patients’ faces one after another! Wonderful and heartwarming stories that really happened in a hospital in a city close to Tokyo. One day, a hospital concert was whimsically organized by a woman doctor. Not only she but also all the hospital staff saw the amazing power of music that brought smiles to the patients. Thereafter, they repeatedly hold the original unique concerts. Duet by the patients and the doctors. Singing together with whole the audience, etc. Vigorous and happy smiles of the patients, singing on a stage with full dress up! One patient was released from the strong lower back pain after singing her most favorite song. The woman doctor, who had recognized the great power of music, strongly wished to learn the piano again after long interruption. This book is the letter to her piano teacher to explain the reason why she wanted to take his piano lessons. You will find impressive stories of various patients who really enjoyed music in her hospital. 【本書は、日本語版の原作本を英語翻訳した書籍です】 音楽の力が患者さんたちを次々に笑顔に変えて行く。東京近郊のとある病院で本当に起こった、ちょっぴり不思議で心温まるお話。 ある日ひょんなことからコンサートを企画することになった内科医。音楽が患者を笑顔にすることを目の当たりにした院内のスタッフもそれぞれの特技を活かしてふたたび手作りのコンサートを。 患者と医師とのデュエット、全員での大合唱。おめかしをして人前で唄う患者の生き生きとした笑顔。大好きな歌を歌った後に強い腰痛が消えてしまった患者。 音楽の力を再確認した内科医が数十年のブランクを経てまたピアノを習いたいと痛切に願ったそのわけをピアノの先生へ宛てて書いた長い手紙が一冊の本になりました。 いろんな患者さんの物語が登場します。


