少女・女性マンガ - YURI HUB作品一覧
-■あらすじ あなたを愛している そしてあなたがいるその日常を愛している、ずっと 結城にとって、同期の小野寺は、デスクの向こう側に当たり前に存在する仕事仲間だ。一緒に飲みにいったこともない二人だが、結城は小野寺とのそんな日常を愛している。ある日、小野寺が退職することになり……日常に変化が起こる。10年を経て、二人の関係が動き出す!? 新進気鋭の野宮りおんが送る、女性同士の愛の物語。 コミティアで頒布された希少な作品が、電子書籍になって登場! 野宮りおん先生の詩的な世界をお楽しみください。 ※本作は野宮りおんの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【46ページ】
-The delightfully adorable story of a lovers quarrel ─ Madoka wants compliments that Misa won't give so easily! The sappy and sweet battle of endurance between girlfriends ─guaranteed to leave you with a smile, hungry for more! ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【34ページ】
-A matchmaking service's top agent gets a customer who doesn't seem to know what she wants in a partner. Fujishiro feels as if she's been given her hardest task yet, a client that doesn't seem to be clicking with anyone... What she doesn't know is that Okano only has eyes for her! Mature and thoughtful yuri from the ever-skilled Ayu Inui that brings a truly unique dynamic to the table. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。
-Fluffy attire, idol-like features, and just how darn good they look in the color pink. These are the things Karen loves in girls ? something the woman waiting for her at home is lacking. What gives? A short and sweet heartwarming story about the unpredictability of love. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【14ページ】
-The world is full of things I don't understand... After breaking up with her boyfriend, our protagonist comes home to find a mysterious girl waiting at her door. A girl who somehow knows her nickname "Naako"... An artistic and bittersweet gem by Rion Nomiya. ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【27ページ】
-Mako is deeply, deeply in love with Asuka, her girlfriend. As they spend time together on a relaxed morning, she reflects on their past, and considers their future. An affectionate, domestic yuri romance that's warm and gentle like the summer's morning sun. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【22ページ】
-As much as I hate the dentist... I might be fine with never getting better. The ever-timid Maki tries to muster the courage to converse with an alluring receptionist who's always there at her dentist visits! Simply adorable yuri with Ayu Inui-sensei's unique style. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【32ページ】
-Two clandestine lovers spend their days together in a world that won't accept them for who they are. Kanae, a teacher, reflects on her and her girlfriend's circumstances. Meanwhile, her lover prepares a surprise for her... Masterfully pensive yuri from Rion Nomiya about what one really needs to be happy. ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【26ページ】 ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【26ページ】
-Oh... she's a weirdo Aki Tachibana, the oddball of her school, comes crashing down from a tree branch onto our protagonist Komiya. Can friendship really blossom from such a bad first impression? A lovey autumn romance between two different types of loners that's sure to warm your heart. ※本作はAyu Inuiの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【31ページ】
-I love you. and I will always love this ordinary life, as long as you are in it. Onodera and Yuki find comfort in working together at the same company for years, seeing one another as part of the daily routine - but in life, change is everpresent, unavoidable. Onodera transferring jobs throws off the cordial coworker relationship they've always had... but starts to mold it into something new. Warm yet somber adult life yuri showcasing Rion-sensei's unique style and mastery of paneling. ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【47ページ】
-I really don't know how I should feel when my much younger, very adorable coworker calls me cute. Otsuka can't get her younger coworker Tamachi's compliments out of her head. What does it mean when she takes note of every little thing she does and calls her cute? Is her younger coworker just polite, itching to be her friend? Or perhaps she harbors different, deeper feelings... A feel-good story with a perfect payoff, Rion Nomiya-sensei delivers a dreamy, romantic masterpiece for yuri fans worldwide! ※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【71ページ】