
  • [音声データ付き]キムタツ式「名スピーチ」リスニング
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【特長】 ・ジョブズ、オバマ、マララ、ケネディなどの名スピーチが素材 ・いずれも本人の <生声> を収録 ・プロのナレーターが読み直した音声も収録 ・リスニングに加えリーディング、スピーキング&ライティングにも対応 ・自学自習を効率化するキムタツ式の工夫とアドバイスが満載 【内容】 ●音声再生について ●本書の使い方に代えて (*)スピーチはいずれも全文ではなく一部を抜粋して収録しています。 Part 1 スティーブ・ジョブズ「伝説のスタンフォード大学スピーチ」 Steve Jobs "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" Part 2 バラク・オバマ「広島演説」 Barack Obama "Toward a Moral Awakening" Part 3 マララ・ユスフザイ「国連演説」 Malala Yousafzai "Not Be Silenced" Part 4 その他の名スピーチ Five Other Great Speeches ・バラク・オバマ「2004年民主党大会基調演説」 ・バラク・オバマ「大統領選勝利演説(1期目)」 ・ジョン・F・ケネディ「大統領就任演説」 ・ジョン・F・ケネディ「大統領とメディア」 ・アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー「成功するための6つの法則」 Answers(スピーキング&ライティングの回答例)
  • The Path of Prayer, Revised Edition
    The author's longtime bestseller is now available in English. When you are overcome by your emotions and strive to return to your real self; or when you seek to understand a deeper meaning endowed in a given situation, turn to this book and you will be guided through an inner journey toward discovery of your soul. With more than 60 new entries added, this revised edition covers a broad range of circumstances that one confronts in life. Trace the words of wisdom herein and let them accompany you on your path of life.【※本作品はブラウザビューアで閲覧すると表組みのレイアウトが崩れて表示されることがあります。予めご了承下さい。】
  • JELLICE The amazing story of a Company who miraculously survived the catastrophic earthquake in the East of Japan.
    Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake! True story of Jellice that demonstrated its resilience after a massive earthquake by leveraging good fortune, business connections and favors -- What Jellice, a gelatin manufacturer with 117 years of history and a pioneer of household-use gelatin powder, has been done and will continue to do -- Gelatin powder product “Jellice” is loved by all generations. In Japan, the product name Jellice is well known, but few people know about the company Jellice that manufactures the product. Jellice Co., Ltd. is a long-established gelatin manufacturer with a miraculous history of 117 years. Having headquarters in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, the company suffered tremendous damage and significant decline in revenue following the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, seven year later, the company miraculously recovered and achieved the highest recurring profit in its history. Jellice is also proud of contributing to the local community centering on Miyagi Prefecture, to which they are the closest, through CSR activities. Through this book, you will learn about the unshakable commitment and future vision of Jellice toward breakthroughs, with the passion for manufacturing (monozukuri) that the company has had throughout its history.
  • Toward a Sustainable Japanese Economy Beyond the Triple Failures of Market, Government and Institutions
    This book includes an analysis of Japan's challenges in moving toward an environmentally sustainable society. "Part I: Postwar Japan Pollution and the Fukushima Nuclear Accident" focuses on the history of Japanese pollution after World War II and the situation of the Fukushima nuclear accident. "Part II: Toward Sustainable Development of Natural Resource-based Economies" focuses on the agricultural sector. It introduces the current status of environment-friendly production. There is very little information in English that comprehensively introduces the situation in Japan in this field, and the content meets the needs of readers seeking information.
    【緒言】 ISMRM2023 トロント再訪  2 堀 正明(東邦大学医療センター大森病院 放射線科) 【ISMRM2023見聞録】 ISMRM2023 中枢神経領域のホットトピックス 鎌形康司ほか 22 ISMRM・トロント参加見聞記&amp;#12316;エンジニアの視点&amp;#12316; 玉田大輝 29 ISMRM2023 Web参加の視点から 坂井上之 33 2023 ISMRT Annual Meeting見聞録 大浦大輔 38 Toward a New Era of MR 渕辺章太郎ほか 42 【臨床論文】 頭部および脊椎・脊髄領域における最新ソフトウェアバージョンMR30 の臨床的有用性 井手 智ほか 48 頭頸部領域におけるDeep Resolve Swift BrainおよびDeep Resolve Boostの使用経験  名定良祐ほか 55 定量評価の最新動向とDLRを用いた将来への展望  萩原彰文 62 SmartSpeedがMRIの概念を覆す~ Ingenia Elitionがもたらす高速化と画質向上~  金本雅行ほか 68 Deep learning reconstructionを用いた心臓MRI検査(GE社製:SIGNA Artist 1.5T)検査 折居 誠 75 MR7700 の臨床における有用性  市川新太郎ほか 82 Vantage Centurianの腹部骨盤領域における使用経験  中本 篤ほか 87 泌尿器科領域におけるMRI画像の有用性  伊藤祐介 93 Deep Learning Reconstructionを活用した婦人科領域の画像診断  小池玄文ほか 99 MRIの新たな撮像法MR Bone Imaging~整形外科診療における有用性~  奥山晃平ほか 107 【技術論文】 中枢神経領域のRoutineを進化させるsyngo MR XAソフトウェアの新技術  シーメンスヘルスケア株式会社 118 さらなる進化を遂げたDLR技術とAI技術を取り入れた検査ワークフローがもたらす臨床価値  キヤノンメディカルシステムズ株式会社 123 SmartSpeed AI:先進的高速撮像法がもたらす臨床ベネフィット 株式会社フィリップス・ジャパン 129 AI技術を活用してMRI検査のワークフローを効率化し、検査時間の大幅な短縮を実現ワイドボア 1.5 テスラ超電導MRIシステム「ECHELON Synergy」 富士フイルムヘルスケア株式会社 135 ディープラーニング画像再構成がもたらすMR画像診断の変革― 画質改善と高速撮像技術の進化 ― GEヘルスケア・ジャパン株式会社 141 Ziostation REVORASの心臓MRI解析アプリケーション ザイオソフト株式会社 146 MRI文献ダウンロードBEST100 152   


  • What makes KOREA insult JAPAN Truth behind Korea’s resentment over Japan
    本書は呉善花による「反日韓国論」の集大成にしてベストセラー『侮日論』(文春新書)を英訳し、電子書籍化したものです。 Through this book, you will get to know true historical and social reasons why Koreans have continued to resent and insult Japanese people. The author of this book will share with you her inexcusable experiences with the Korean authorities who took away her human rights, certainly knowing that she was born as a Korean but is now a naturalized Japanese citizen. Though it is not wildly known that the relationship between Japan and Korea is not as good as you might think, it is hard to believe that reasons for some offensive actions taken by Koreans against Japanese people, which this book discusses, will definitely shed light on what truly was happening during the past decades. The annexation of Korea and the WWII might be the reasons behind these offensive actions against Japanese people. However, most of Japanese people simply can’t accept these behaviors. In fact, Korean people should realize that during the 1900’s, Japan helped Korea economically and socially, and improved Korea’s social and physical infrastructure that laid the foundation for Korea to become a modernized and industrialized society. Japan also has been fulfilling Korea’s requests, such as paying compensatory money for “so-called comfort women.” However, it seems that such compensation was not enough to Korean people, who kept asking for more. We cannot deny the fact that Korea has been taking an advantage of the comfort woman issue and the kind-hearted attitude of the Japanese people. As a result, Korean people keep on looking down Japanese people and spreading Korean people’s hate toward Japanese people through Korea’s education system. So, let’s take a look at what the author says about the real situation between Japan and Korea nowadays.
