
  • A Compass to a Wonderful Life Simple Yet Effective Ideas from Japan’s Legendary Entrepreneur
    At a young age, Inamori suffered from tuberculosis and from his family's financial hardships. As a young man, he failed to enter his desired university and company. But even faced with a series of failures, he did not become jaded or demoralized, but instead focused on the one thing he could control - his attitude. Maintaining a positive outlook, he continued his research and studies on his own. His hard work eventually paid off when he became the first engineer in Japan to successfully synthesize forsterite ceramics, which led to his founding Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd. known today as the manufacturing powerhouse Kyocera.Inamori's life story is proof that maintaining a positive attitude has the potential to reverse one's fortunes no matter how many defeats one faces. No matter what your goals are, this book will help you rethink your attitude and develop the mindset you need to succeed. ※『考え方』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • Amami Oshima―Enjoying Serendipity, Pilgrimage and Requiem[English version: with Persian translation]
    This is a record of the group [Marcion's Box], which travels to shrines and temples all over Japan, exploring the unknown culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima, a subtropical island in Japan that has just arrived in early summer. Encounter with the strong people who live on the island, which lives on the history and cultural customs of the island, which experienced the rule of the Satsuma domain in the Edo period and the American military after the war. The tradition of singing and the life of gay bar moms. This is a pilgrimage that you cannot experience on a regular trip, such as the ecology of habu as a famous guardian deity of Amami Oshima, a national sanatorium that tells the negative history of people suffering from leprosy, and the feelings of Kazumura Tanaka, who is known as Japan's Gauguin who loved Amami. An English version (with Persian translation) of a travelogue full of color photos that conveys the culture and unexplored region of Amami Oshima through requiems. This bilingual translated book was created by the translator (Reinoldx Matsuda) to help people from the Christian world (English) and the Muslim world (Persian) learn about the nature and culture of Japan, Amami Oshima, through the same book. Something I hope you can share. This is an attempt to realize world peace. 日本各地の神社仏閣を巡る旅をしているグループ[Marcionの匣]が、初夏の訪れまもない日本のなかの亜熱帯、奄美大島の知られざる文化と秘境を探訪した記録。江戸時代の薩摩藩の支配、戦後のアメリカ軍の支配を経験した島の歴史と文化風習に息づく、島に生きるたくましい人々との出会い――教会での洗礼やノロ神様とユタ神様の存在、シマ唄の伝統とゲイバーママの生きざま。奄美大島で有名な守り神としてのハブの生態、ハンセン病者の負の歴史を伝える国立療養所、奄美を愛した日本のゴーギャンとして知られる田中一村への想いなど、通常の旅では体験できない巡礼と鎮魂によって奄美大島の文化と秘境を伝えるカラー写真満載の旅行記の英語版(ペルシャ語対訳付き)。この二か国語併記の翻訳本は、翻訳版企画者(Reinoldx Matsuda) が、英語のキリスト教圏とペルシャ語のイスラム教圏の人々が、同一の書籍を通じて共に奄美大島という日本の自然と文化を共有できることを願ってのもの。世界平和実現の一つの試みである。
    Ishibumi: A memorial to the atomic annihilation of 321 students of Hiroshima Middle School, is one of the enduring Japanese classics in atomic bomb literature since its publication in 1970. Made available for the first time in English in 2016 to coincide with former President Barack Obama’s historic visit to Hiroshima. Ishibumi presents more than just horrific stories of 321 young male students of ages 12-13, who were killed by the atomic bomb. One-thirds of them perished instantaneously and the remaining two-thirds suffered a slow and painful death. It describes the uncompromised bond of family kinship, and how children tried to make sense of their fate as Imperial subjects in wartime. Their courage facing deaths and their yearnings to see their parents one more time, compels us to reflect on why they were placed in this crisis. The vernacular daily language is accessible to all generations and, of course, the seriousness of this subject sadly remains relevant to all of us today. 『いしぶみ――広島二中一年生全滅の記録』は、1970年の刊行以来、日本の原爆文学における不朽の名作として知られています。2016年には、オバマ前大統領の歴史的な広島訪問に合わせて英語版が刊行されました。この本は、原爆で命を落とした12歳から13歳までの男子生徒321人の悲惨な物語を紹介しているだけではありません。原爆によって、生徒の3分の1は即死、残りの3分の2はゆっくりとつらい死を遂げました。本書には、家族の絆という揺るぎない絆と、戦時下の帝国臣民としての運命を理解しようとする子どもたちの姿が描かれています。死と向き合う彼らの勇気と、もう一度親に会いたいという願いを読むと、彼らがなぜこのような危難に遭ったのかをあらためて考えさせられます。本書には、生徒たちの語る言葉が誰にでも読めるかたちで書かれています。そしてこのテーマの深刻さは、悲しいかな、現代の私たちにも関係しているのです。
  • Wails of the Bound;β 1
    1巻1,210円 (税込)
    A Beta who wanted to protect an Omega and an Omega betrayed by a Beta - The long-awaited sequel to the brilliant Omegaverse story by genius mangaka Keri Kusabi!! A new graduate, Sasabe, is assigned to Utou, who works for a major advertising agency and takes good care of by his subordinates. Even though the newcomer is cheeky, overly ambitious and shows a bad attitude right away, Utou feels that he can't leave him alone. He soon finds out Sasabe's secret: he has a predisposition to seduce people and stir up their sexual desire. Betrayed by his best friends, oppressed by his parents... Sasabe just wants to get out of a life of suffering. He tries to hide his discriminated Omega status, and wants to move up relying only on his talent. Utou keeps watching over him, even helping him to relieve his pain when he goes on heat. But, his past inability to protect someone who was dear to him makes him hesitate to get close to Sasabe. In the meantime, unbeknown to them, the higher-ups have dirty plans for Sasabe… ※本書は、現在配信している「狂い鳴くのは僕の番 ;β1【電子限定特典マンガ付き】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • 英語ネイティブと話したい「7つの話題」 さて、その外国人は何て答えるかな?
    「異文化文化コミュニケーション」「アメリカ人への素朴な疑問」「ダリちゃんが日本人に伝えたいこと」……。英会話に欠かせない頻出単語やイディオムを付け加え、日本人として著者の「考え」や「感想」を添えました。ネイティブとの会話で話題がなくなってピンチになったとき、役に立つこと請け合い。会話が止まった時は「これ」を言え! 【内容】ダリちゃん、なんでビール入れてくれないの?(Why will you not pour beer into my glass?)◆まだ、ダイエットしてるの?(Are you still struggling to lose weight?)◆アメリカにも花粉症ってあるの?(Do Americans suffer from kafun-syou?)◆ねえ、イースターって何?(What's Easter?)◆ダリちゃん、天使ってどう思う?(Do you believe in angels?)◆「ユーノー」の連発ってどうよ?(Why some Americans say “you know” so much?)◆日本人の英語ってどうよ?(Do you have any criticisms of Japanese English?) 【著者】稲庭武文(いなにわ・たけふみ)大学卒業後、地方に左遷されて早5年。このままでは一生、田舎暮らしになると危機感を覚えたため、いいかげん大学に戻らせてほしいと教授に頼み込む。教授曰く「え、君、大学に帰りたいの? ず~と田舎にいたいのかなーと思ってた」と。大学に帰って安月給でこき使われるのもしゃくなので、そのまま大学院に入学。ところが大学院では、テーマも与えられず、指導教官に「放置プレイ」されて早1年。悶々とした日々を送る中、下町のある沖縄料理店のカウンターで一人、古酒(くーす)を飲んでいたところ、たまたまビジネスパートナーの日本人と商談をしていたダリちゃんを見つけ、酒の勢いで話しかける。それがダリちゃんとの付き合いの始まり。英語が好きな日本人。◆Sebastian Dali(ダリちゃん)アメリカ生まれ。アメリカの大学院を終了後、ふとしたきっかけから、ビジネス目的で来日。当時、日本語はまったく分からなかったが、現在では日常会話には滅多に苦労することはない。日本では、大学の英語の非常勤講師や、日本人の大人向けの英会話教師をするかたわら、在日米国人の様々な支援も精力的に行っている。日本をこよなく愛する米国人である。


  • The book of Genesis for the 21st Century
    The novel coronavirus, which appeared at the end of 2019, rapidly spread around the world. Suffering does not only come in the form of disease. Why is this world filled with such suffering? To find the correct answer to this difficult question, and to clarify the relationship between God and humanity, this author would like to reread the Book of Genesis from a completely new point of view. Anyone who distances themselves from ancient theology and rereads the Book of Genesis will be able to see matters that could not be seen before. The Truth of the Book of Genesis Is Now Revealed.
  • JELLICE The amazing story of a Company who miraculously survived the catastrophic earthquake in the East of Japan.
    Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake! True story of Jellice that demonstrated its resilience after a massive earthquake by leveraging good fortune, business connections and favors -- What Jellice, a gelatin manufacturer with 117 years of history and a pioneer of household-use gelatin powder, has been done and will continue to do -- Gelatin powder product “Jellice” is loved by all generations. In Japan, the product name Jellice is well known, but few people know about the company Jellice that manufactures the product. Jellice Co., Ltd. is a long-established gelatin manufacturer with a miraculous history of 117 years. Having headquarters in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, the company suffered tremendous damage and significant decline in revenue following the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, seven year later, the company miraculously recovered and achieved the highest recurring profit in its history. Jellice is also proud of contributing to the local community centering on Miyagi Prefecture, to which they are the closest, through CSR activities. Through this book, you will learn about the unshakable commitment and future vision of Jellice toward breakthroughs, with the passion for manufacturing (monozukuri) that the company has had throughout its history.
  • 日本女性2人詩集(1) おばさんから子どもたちへ 贈る詩の花束
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 言葉の花束 新川和江・水崎野里子 みなさん!おばちゃんの詩を読んでくれてありがとう! 世界にはいろいろな子供たちと大人たちがいます。 すべてのひとびとがしあわせで楽しい毎日を過ごしているとは限りません。 病気や戦争に苦しんでいる人もいます。貧困や嵐や地震に苦しんでいるひともいます。 人生には苦しいことも楽しいこともあります。でも負けないでまっすぐしあわせに生きてください。希望をいつも持ってください。 このご本は日本のおばちゃん二人のあなた方世界の子供たちに贈る花束です。 A Bouquet of Poems to You Noriko Mizusaki Hi! All of you! Thanks for your reading our poems to the last one! In the world various children and adults are living along. But it is not that all of us are always living happy and merry days. Some of us suffer from sickness or wars. Some people live in hardships from poverty and the natural disasters like storms and quakes. You have to live through difficulties and hardships,while you can have a right to live in happiness. Do not get defeated by them and live straight and in happiness. Always you do not forget hope. We are two aunties living in Japan. This book is our present to you,all the children in the world,for peace and hope: A Bouquet of Poems gifted to you.
  • MADE IN JAPAN A Wonder of Whole-Body Breathing-Dentistry
    1巻594円 (税込)
    Are you suffering from lower back pain, stiff shoulders, or lassitude? The cause is maybe due to your Occlusion! We tend to move our jaw or grinding teeth unconsciously to maintain breathing while sleeping. A force produced by jaw movement to seek oxygen is totally beyond our imagination. That kind of force easily destroy our dentition which leads to malocclusion, bodily distortion and eventually cause physical illness. "Is my symptoms came from dental occlusion..?" Hopefully this comic will trigger your mind towards health and help to improve the quality of life! Recommended for person who are: ・suffering from unknown, unidentified, prolonged physical/mental illness ・interested with unconventional dental treatment 【PROFILE】 He developed his original 【JSC (Jaw Self Control) therapy】 based on actual experience. He is implementing workshop for dental staff about breakdown of dentition by the breathing energy in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Additionally, he is visiting the dental clinic nationwide to instruct a patient together with attending dentist. Had lectures at various places in China, and Universities.


