love is over作品一覧


  • Arriba! 2nd season 英語版
    1巻110円 (税込)
    Hello. This is a manga artist, Natsuko Hamaguchi.『Arriba! 2nd season』is the sequel of 『Arriba!』which was published serially in extra issue of Shogakukan petit comic.Unfortunately, as of 2019, 『Arriba!』is only published in Japan and Taiwan.However, once you read the summary which you can find at the beginning of this book, you’ll soon be able to enter the world of 『Arriba!』.『Arriba! 2nd season』was published by a manga artist, that is myself.I, myself had also learnt flamenco for 8 years. Moreover, I love various styles of dancing and theater arts.I would love to explore the world of 『Arriba! 2nd season』with manga and dance lovers.Be sure to check out the next episode.Last but not least, I would be very happy if you could send me a message.Please find me at hnatsuko.Special thanks to all dance and manga lovers around the world.
  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky 彼の指はいつも濡れてる
    全1巻220円 (税込)
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 FUL is a hole-in-the-wall reflexology studio, owned and operated by Kei. He has the hands of an angel. One day, Saki visits and is caught off guard when a foot rub has her heart going wild and her body on fire... Over 40 pages of pure pleasure! 隠れ家のようなリフレクソロジー店『FUL』。そこにいるのは『神の手』を持つ男性リフレクソロジスト・西海。何も知らず訪れた咲は、生足に触れられただけで、心まで暴かれ、身体中が感じてしまう…。超快感エロティック!(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky増刊 Vol.1に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky 彼の香りと私の匂い story01
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 “Let me smell your scent!” I thought I didn't like... no, I thought I hated this guy... But, when he puts his face so close to my body that we're a hair's breadth away from touching and begins to sniff me all over, I feel myself responding... What's wrong with me!? My fantasies are getting to the point where I'm about to lose control! This is a bittersweet, heart-throbbing romantic comedy based on a fetish and starts off with an extended 47-page chapter! 「お前の匂い、嗅がせろよ」…あたしが好きなのはコイツじゃない、むしろコイツのことは大嫌いだったはず…なのに、触れるか触れないかの距離で顔を寄せてこられて、全身の匂いを嗅がれるとだんだんムラムラしてくる…。あたし、どうしちゃったの!? 抑えが効かなくなるほど妄想が突っ走る! 甘酸っぱ過ぎるドキドキのフェチ・ラブコメ、長編47Pでスタート! (この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky Vol.42に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • The Graveyard Overlooking the Sea
    1巻330円 (税込)
    The bond between parents and children. Mental transition and growth of a young man. With the theme of the bond between parents and children, the story depicts the mental transition and growth of a young man in postwar Japan. 【目次】 1)The story of the parent-child's love and bond. A family lives in a seaside village, struck by floods and war, and the son gazing at his father's death. 2)The Bitter Salt The struggles and realities of a young man who is forced to help his brother-in-law, who was repatriated from China after the war, in the salt making and black market business. 3) A Letter to Mother A young man who left his birthplace to pursue his dreams reunites with his sister and reveals his feelings to his aging mother. 【著者】 Tatsu Hatamura Middle school teacher, librarian and university staff, member of Japan Writers'Association. Major books include “Between Today and Tomorrow,” “From an Ruined City on the Strait,” e-books “The Sea, My Okutsuki Cemetery,” “Factory Closure,” etc.
  • Hatsujo Playroom
    全1巻1,210円 (税込)
    ”I can't believe this is getting me excited.” Even after 10 years, Moriya can't get over his unrequited love for former high school classmate Tsujimura. In spite of that, he has a sexual relationship with his boss, Nanamiya, who knows about his feelings. Tsujimura joins their company, and he and Moriya meet again after so long. Nanamiya whispers to Moriya - who is confused by the feelings he should have given up – saying: ”If you'd like to confess your feelings to him, I'll lend you a hand.” Moriya dismisses it as a joke, but the same night the office suddenly goes out of power and he gets trapped alone with Tsujimura. On the monitor, the words: ”If you wish to leave, then you must follow the orders given.” What was a light touch at first, gradually becomes more and more sexually intense. “I can't do this…” Moriya's thoughts can't help him to resist the passion and the pleasure Tsujimura's giving him… ※本書は、現在配信している「発情プレイルーム【単行本版(電子限定描き下ろし付)】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • From Zero to Kyocera A Company Philosophy to Grow People and Organizations
    The eye-opening business philosophy and life wisdom of one of Japan’s most influential entrepreneurs. This book is not merely a business how-to but a guide to personal growth. Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairman. Inamori also established the non-profit Inamori Foundation and the Kyoto Prize to honor researchers and artists all over the world. He has received the title of Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his outstanding contributions to society. Along the way, he has published over 60 books in Japanese which have sold over 19 million copies in 21 different languages. This book focuses on the often-dramatic ups and downs of his life and reveals how he arrived at his guiding principle, “Respect the Divine and Love People.” In the book’s introduction, he makes a promise to the reader: If you adopt the management philosophy and lifestyle laid out in this book, you are certain to succeed both in business and in life. ※『ゼロからの挑戦』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • 活動芸術論
    Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Groupの元リーダー、渾身の書き下ろし40万字(単行本3冊分)! アートが育んできたラディカルさ、全ての行為・行動・活動が「アクション」であるという自覚で、私たちの日常はガラリと変わる。いまやアクション(活動芸術)あるのみ! 本書は、独創的なアイデアと卓越した行動力で、社会に介入し、私たちの意表を突く数々のプロジェクトを成功させてきたアーティスト・コレクティブ、Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Groupの卯城竜太によるはじめての単著です。今春、森美術館で開催された「Chim↑Pom展:ハッピースプリング」は、初の大規模な回顧展ですが、実は作品を見ただけでは彼らがやってきたこと、成し遂げてきたことはあまりわかりません。彼らにおいては、作品成立の元に「プランニング」「スタディ」「ネゴシエーション」「オーガナイズ」「ステートメント」「ファンディング」「展開」などの様々なオペレーションが隠されているからです。それは精緻な理論にささえられており、実際、驚くべき冒険そのものです。本書はそうした日本で最もラディカルなアーティスト・コレクティブの内奥をすべて開示し、グランドセオリーなき世界で新しい未来を切り開くためのドキュメント&理論書です。 【目次】 ●第1部 第1章「にんげんレストラン」 第2章 Chim↑Pom とは誰か? 第3章 アクションの歴史 ●第2部 第4章 《スーパーラット》「サンキューセレブプロジェクト アイムボカン」 第5章 《ヒロシマの空をピカッとさせる》 第6章 「REAL TIMES」 第7章 「芸術実行犯」 第8章 「Don’t Follow the Wind」 第9章 「The other side」《気合い100連発》 第10章 《LOVE IS OVER》「また明日も観てくれるかな?」「道が拓ける」《道》 ●第3部 第11章 「ReFreedom_Aichi」「ダークアンデパンダン」 第12章 「WHITEHOUSE」 第13章 コレクティヴィズム 第14章 ポスト資本主義とプラネタリー 年表
