kyoto japan作品一覧

  • Another Kyoto
    Another Kyoto is a book unlike any you have ever read about Japan. With his unexpected and counterintuitive approach, Alex Kerr transforms our conventional views of the city and its traditions. This book is the fruit of Alex Kerr's half-century of living in Japan and of lore gleaned from people he's met along the way: artists, Zen monks and Shinto priests, Japanese literati, and expat personalities from days past, such as legendary art dealer David Kidd. Kerr turns what we thought we knew about Kyoto inside-out, revealing the inner ideas behind simple things like walls, floors, and sliding doors. After this book, one can never walk through a Zen gate in the same way again. Yet despite its wealth of detailed knowledge and insight, Another Kyoto has the light-hearted character of an ideal travel companion. Another Kyoto, published simultaneously in Japanese, is a book not only for visitors and foreign residents, but for Japanese themselves, who seek to penetrate more deeply into this endlessly fascinating city. 「もうひとつの京都」英語版として同時発売。
  • 別冊Discover Japan TRAVEL プレミアム京都
    一家に一冊、京都ガイドの決定版です! 日本人ならば、誰もが一度は京都への旅を夢見るはず。 創刊以来8年にわたり、京都特集をお届けしてきた 雑誌『Discover Japan』がお届けする、 プレミアムな京都旅・完全ガイドです。 「真の京都に触れるために足を運ぶべき定番スポットは?」 「本物の京都の『食』は、どこに行けば味わえるのか?」 「京都ならではの〝おもてなし”を体感できる宿は?」等々、 はじめて都へ足を運ぶ人から既に何度も京都へ足を運んでいる人まで、 すべてのKYOTO LOVERに捧げる京都旅ガイドの永久保存版です。 ※本誌のために取材・撮影した記事のほか、これまで雑誌『Discover Japan』が取材してきた内容の一部を再編集し、構成されたものを含みます。 ※デジタル版は、紙の雑誌とは内容が一部異なり、表紙画像や目次に掲載している記事、画像、広告、付録が含まれない場合があります。また、本誌掲載の情報は、原則として奥付に表記している発行時のものです。
  • A Compass to a Wonderful Life Simple Yet Effective Ideas from Japan’s Legendary Entrepreneur
    At a young age, Inamori suffered from tuberculosis and from his family's financial hardships. As a young man, he failed to enter his desired university and company. But even faced with a series of failures, he did not become jaded or demoralized, but instead focused on the one thing he could control - his attitude. Maintaining a positive outlook, he continued his research and studies on his own. His hard work eventually paid off when he became the first engineer in Japan to successfully synthesize forsterite ceramics, which led to his founding Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd. known today as the manufacturing powerhouse Kyocera.Inamori's life story is proof that maintaining a positive attitude has the potential to reverse one's fortunes no matter how many defeats one faces. No matter what your goals are, this book will help you rethink your attitude and develop the mindset you need to succeed. ※『考え方』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • 日本の魅力・日本的なもの/Japan and Things Japanese
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 この本を書きたいと思ったのは、日本にやってくる外国人の皆さまや、 またこれらの人たちに日本を紹介する役目を担った皆さまに、日本文化の真実の姿を見て欲しいという気持ちからです。巷には、日本人向け、外国人向けにせよ、種々の観光案内書があふれています。しかしながら、それらには、グルメやショッピングや宿泊設備に関した内容のものが多く、歴 史・文化・習俗習慣などについては、申し訳程度に、表層的に触れられているだけであり、寂しさを感じます。もちろん、歴史・文化・習俗習慣などについて、もっと専門的に解説した大部の専門的な書物もありますが、 詳細に過ぎ、読むのが億劫に感じられます。 そのため、日本歴史や文化・習慣などにも触れて、しかもこれらが、「もののあはれ」や「侘び寂び」といった日本人独特の特質とどう関係しているかといったことに言及した手頃な解説書的な案内書が必要だと考えました。しかも日本語と英語で併記したような本があればいいのになあ、と以前から思っていました。かつて、この種の書物には、日本人よりも外国人によって書かれた優れた書物がありました。バジル・ホール・チェンバレンやMock Joyaによって書かれたものです。これらは、西欧人の目から見て、大変詳細に書かれており、参考すべき点が多くあります。本書はこれらを参考にしつつ、精神的・文化的な側面に重点を置き、十分理解してもらうために、ある程度の詳しさを保ちつつも、簡潔さを意識しました。すなわち、本書では適度な分量の説明で、 しかもポイントを外さないように留意しました。 そんなわけで、本書を読んでいただきたい方は、外国人の方で、一般的な観光ガイドブックには書かれていないようなレベルの内容に、専門的ではないが、若干深入りして踏み入れて、日本を理解してみたいという方、 また、同じように考えておられる日本人の観光ガイドの方、これに加えて、 観光に限らず、日本文化について、教科書的なレベルを卒業してさらに勉強してみたいと思っておられる方です。 本書は、日本語と英語の併記で、日本の風土や歴史から生まれ、培われた日本人の気質や思考、美意識、文化などを20の項目に分けて記しました。  例えば、日本の成り立ち、日本の風土と気質、日本人の信仰の形成、日本人の宗教は何なのか?、もののあはれ、侘び寂び、清貧の思想、外国文化の受容(漢字・儒学・律令制度・仏教)、日本語の特徴、日本人の美意識(造形美《建築・庭園・茶室・紙漉き》・和歌・俳句・文学・芸能≪能・茶道・歌舞伎》)、社会生活上の意識(和・義理人情・気遣い)、日本の習慣・伝統行事(節分・お盆・お彼岸・七夕)、日本人の食文化(寿司・刺身・そば・すき焼き)、外国人が見た日本人、等です。 著者・英語翻訳者について 八木芳昭(Yagi Yoshiaki) 大阪大学工学部卒業。学生時代、母子家庭寮などでのボランティア活動への携わりを通じ、以降、社会的な問題に関心を抱く。企業勤務時代には、モノづくりや中近東・東南アジアなどでの海外プロジェクト業務に従事。その後経営経営コンサルタントとして、小さな企業を対象とする、モノづくり支援、経営相談、経営セミナー講師などに従事。その後は、文筆活動を行いながら、地元箕面市で、国際親善活動や観光活動に長年従事。著書に、「伝えたい細やかな日本のモノづくりの心~日本独特の風土・歴史・文化のなかで醸成された誇るべきモノづ くり文化」、「尊ぶべきは、小さな社会と細やかな心 Small is Beautiful」などがある。 英語訳監修者について Jann Williams(ジャンン・ウイリアムズ) 環境科学者として、また作家、編集者としての長年にわたる活動で高く評価されている。オーストラリア国立大学の生態系力学の博士課程を卒業後、オーストラリアや海外の政府、大学、民間機関に勤務。自然保護、自然管理や自然再生に関する200にも及ぶ書籍や記事、調査・研究論文を書き、編集。生態学に対する顕著な貢献により、2007 年には、気候変動に関する政府間パネルから、2011年と2019年には、オーストラリア環境保護協会から表彰されている。人間と自然が如何に結びついているかを探究することに情熱を燃やしており、また日本文化と日本文化が示唆する教訓に大変興味を抱き頻繁に日本を訪問し京都を拠点として活動している。著書に、「Encounters with Kyoto: Writers in Kyoto Anthology 3」 などがある。
  • Venetia’s Ohara Gardening Diary OVER 80 HERB RECIPES FROM KYOTO
    1巻2,376円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 エッセイやイラスト、ハーブの育て方、ハーブレシピ、庭造りのコツなどが詰まった、ベニシアの初の英語の著書!「ベニシアの庭づくり ハーブと暮らす12か月」の英語の原文を編集したものです。英会話スクールで長年教えているベニシアならではの、シンプルで平易な英語で書かれている。 In England, Jersey, Spain and Japan I have grown up in gardens―played and learned in them, laughed and cried, raised a family and made many friends. All the while I have kept diaries, made drawings and collected snippets of wisdom to nurture the inner garden of my heart. I am overjoyed to share with you in this book some of the stories behind my cottage garden in Kyoto where I now live. I hope that this fruit of my personal journey will help and inspire you in yours.
  • Mt. FUJI Travel Guide
    Iconic Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and was designated by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in June 2013. Mount Fuji and the Fuji Five Lakes (Fujigoko) are among the most popular destinations for international travelers in Japan. This guidebook is illustrated with beautiful photos and covers a wide range of topics: local foods, festivals, hotels, onsen (hot spring), popular sights, superb view points, shrines, hotels and transportation. This guide will help you plan a day trip from Tokyo or Kyoto or a longer visit exploring the area. The first edition of the comprehensive “Mt. Fuji Travel Guide” was compiled by the editorial team of the DeepJapan travel website in cooperation with the tourism divisions of local governments and organizations. Contents: Mt. Fuji, Introduction Finally, a World Cultural Heritage Site The Fuji Five Lakes Region (Fujigoko) Approaches To Mt. Fuji Area Scenes of Mount Fuji Sightseeing Mt. Fuji Climbing Eating Events Accommodation About the auther: DeepJapan is currently presenting an advisor or “Senpai” network of more than 400 long term international residents of Japan on the website “”. DeepJapan works to provide inside tips and hints, from the local “Senpai”, on how to better enjoy a visit to the Land of the Rising Sun. Approaching 2000 articles on everything regarding travel in Japan. DeepJapan gives insight on the “how to” “why” “what to do” and “where to go” for the interested international guest.
  • Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 This book is about a way to build one’s global-local(g-local) mindset for the 21st century. I have based the book on information about Japan and the Japanese way of life, particularly information related to technology, economics, politics, environment, and society. And I talk about our relations with China and ASEAN countries to show how they influence us to nurture our g-local mindset for the future.  “Civilization may evolve into a merger of technology and humanity. Since Japanese culture seems a good harmony between mystic attitudes and technocratic knowledge more than others, it could be a positive influence on our future Conscious-Technology Age. Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture by Professor Mizuta Kazuo on sustainable development and global consciousness gives great detail on this transition to the required future mindset.”  Jerome C. Glenn, the Millennium Project [Author] Kazuo Mizuta Kyoto Sangyo University    Professor Emeritus    Comparative Culture Studies    Futurist  I am a practicing sociologist in the field of comparative culture, long-time futurist, and professor emeritus at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, one of the leading private universities in the country. I have spent years assessing and comparing traditional Japanese values and institutions with those of other countries both in Asia and the West. My research fields are comparative culture and future studies. I’ve worked all my life thinking and learning about American and Japanese ways of living.  I received a Fulbright scholarship to study at English Department, Western Michigan University as a graduate student. After finishing the M.A. program there, I moved to Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison as I received a teaching assistantship there. While I studied modern American novels and taught basic Japanese in late 1960s at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. I learned how important it was to know the ways that students live, work, engage in sport activities, and socialize in everyday life.  I taught at Kyoto Sangyo University, Department of Cultural Studies. I have also worked for the University Affiliated Research Institute of World Affairs.  I wrote An Introduction to Comparative Culture Studies (1996).and translated The State of the Future2016 of the Millennium Project.  The paper, Human and Robots Interaction: When Will Robots Come of Age? (World Future Review September 2014 vol.6, issue 3: 251-260) shows my future point of view.
  • From Zero to Kyocera A Company Philosophy to Grow People and Organizations
    The eye-opening business philosophy and life wisdom of one of Japan’s most influential entrepreneurs. This book is not merely a business how-to but a guide to personal growth. Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairman. Inamori also established the non-profit Inamori Foundation and the Kyoto Prize to honor researchers and artists all over the world. He has received the title of Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his outstanding contributions to society. Along the way, he has published over 60 books in Japanese which have sold over 19 million copies in 21 different languages. This book focuses on the often-dramatic ups and downs of his life and reveals how he arrived at his guiding principle, “Respect the Divine and Love People.” In the book’s introduction, he makes a promise to the reader: If you adopt the management philosophy and lifestyle laid out in this book, you are certain to succeed both in business and in life. ※『ゼロからの挑戦』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
  • Hopeful care in a rapidly aging society
    The ideology that will transcend even death. A doctor running an aged day care since the long-term care insurance system was first implemented in Japan explains life and death based on existential philosophy-like beliefs and the hope that can be found therein. This book will help you find your true self and live free from loneliness. With real life stories composed at the day care. 〈Contents (chapters)〉 Introduction About me Chapter 1 Flow of Thought Chapter 2 The Nice Day Journey Establishment of the long-term care insurance system Historical changes in the plight of those requiring care The beginning of Nice Day The first attendees Issues between staff From individual therapy to group therapy Signs of change at Nice Day with reverse thinking Analysis of the reverse thinking effect Therapeutic community The criteria for TC The TC approach A comparison between Nice Day and TC The TC-like community makes it Japan’s “mahoroba” Another look at Nice Day Memorial services and Heidegger’s philosophy Differences between TC and fundamental co-existence (community of salvation) Realization that life is finite Relationships at Nice Day The Nice Day scene Life stories Chapter 3 Life Stories at Nice Day Akio Akamatsu Tatsuko Shinoda Tomiko Hasegawa Yukihiro Hamada Chiharu Hayakawa Masayuki Higuchi Ms. S. H. Hajime Fujita Ms. T. M. Mr. Y. W. Chimao Motojima Life story effect survey results March 2021 Some remarks about the survey Conclusion Reverse thinking and nursing care with love Fundamental issues of scientific humanity Conditions for keeping older people at home Conditions for the emergence of a community of salvation Getting closer to the ideal community Step one: I recommend nursing care with love by reverse thinking Step two: “Demonstration” of the respect for the aged concept Afterword 〈Author’s bio〉 Yoshihiro Ito Dr. Ito was born in Kyoto City. In 1961, he entered the faculty of engineering at Kyoto University before transferring to the university’s medical faculty in 1963 and graduating in 1967. That same year he enrolled in a doctoral course in physiology at Kyoto University. In 1971, he withdrew from the course and was appointed director of radiology at a general hospital in Kyoto City, a position he retired from ten years later. In 1981, he opened Ito Clinic then an adjoining large-scale day care for 60 attendees in 2001. Find Dr. Ito on Facebook. He is also the author of “Jiritsu Kunrenho no Igaku” [The Medicine of Autogenic Training] (published by Chuko Shinsho).


  • ランドスケープデザイン no.156
    IFLA-APR 2023日本大会(後編) IFLA Asia-Pacific Regional Congress 2023 TOKYO, JAPAN [second part] テーマセッション Theme Session グリーンインフラ Green infrastructure Report from JLAU Technical Committee 小澤亮太(HOC) Report from JLAU Technical Committee Ryota Ozawa (HOC) Landscape as a Vessel to Share in the Age of Climate Change Referring to the Communication Process in Kameoka City 武田史朗(千葉大学教授) Landscape as a Vessel to Share in the Age of Climate Change: Referring to the Communication Process in Kameoka City Shiro Takeda (Professor, Chiba University) The Slow-onset Disaster a Wholistic Approach to Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Claire Martin(Associate Director of OCULUS) The Slow-onset Disaster: a Wholistic Approach to Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Claire Martin (Associate Director of OCULUS) Climate Change: A call to Action for the Landscape Architectural Profession a Wholistic Approach to Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Leonard Ng(Country Market Director, APAC, Henning Larsen) Climate Change: A call to Action for the Landscape Architectural Profession Leonard Ng (Country Market Director, APAC, Henning Larsen) 武田史朗×Claire Martin×Leonard Ng モデレーター/山田順之(鹿島建設技術研究所) Shiro Takeda × Claire Martin × Leonard Ng Moderator: Yoriyuki Yamada (KAJIMA Technical Research Institute) ウェルビーイング Well-being ウェルビーイングとは 武田重昭(大阪公立大学准教授) What is well-being? Shigeaki Takeda (Associate Professor, Osaka Metropolitan University) Small Intervention, Big Impact Yossapon Boonsom(Director, Shma) Small Intervention, Big Impact Yossapon Boonsom (Director, Shma) Designing for Equitable Wellbeing Sandhya Naidu Janardhan(Founder, Community Design Agency) Designing for Equitable Wellbeing Sandhya Naidu Janardhan(Founder, Community Design Agency) Revisiting the Way to Create Well-being 平松宏城(ヴォンエルフ創設者) Revisiting the Way to Create Well-being Hiroki Hiramatsu (Founder, Woonerf) Yossapon Boonsom×Sandhya Naidu Janardhan×平松宏城 モデレーター/武田重昭(大阪公立大学准教授),忽那裕樹(E-DESIGN代表取締役) Yossapon Boonsom × Sandhya Naidu Janardhan × Hiroki Hiramatsu Moderator: Shigeaki Takeda (Associate Professor, Osaka Metropolitan University), Hiroki Kutsuna (Representative Director, E-DESIGN) ランドスケープカルチャー Landscape Culture Envisioning Communal Autonomy for Urban Plants and Ecology 三島由樹(FOLK代表取締役) Envisioning Communal Autonomy for Urban Plants and Ecology Yoshiki Mishima (Founding Director, FOLK) Bridging Culture(s) Jeffrey Hou(ワシントン大学教授) Bridging Culture(s) Jeffrey Hou (Professor, University of Washington) Evolving Landscape Culture Yumi Lee(ソウル大学准教授) Evolving Landscape Culture Yumi Lee (Associate Professor, Seoul National University) 三島由樹×Jeffrey Hou×Yumi Lee モデレーター/竹本祥子(Urban Analytics Assistant Project Manager, Woven by Toyota) Yoshiki Mishima × Jeffrey Hou × Yumi Lee Moderator: Shoko Takemoto (Urban Analytics Assistant Project Manager, Woven by Toyota) クロージングセッション Closing Session Gala & LA & Luminary Awards 2023 Ceremony Gala & LA & Luminary Awards 2023 Ceremony テクニカルツアー Technical Tour [Aコース]二子玉川エリア 地域資源を廻るランドスケープカルチャーツアー Course A | Futakotamagawa Area: Landscape Culture Tour to visit local resources [Bコース]丸の内・日本橋エリア 伝統と革新を廻るセントラルTokyoツアー Course B | Marunouchi and Nihonbashi Area: Central Tokyo Tour of Tradition and Innovation [Cコース]渋谷・青山エリア 都市と森林を廻るグリーンインフラツアー Course C | Shibuya and Aoyama Area: Green Infrastructure Tour of Cities and Forests [Dコース]池袋エリア 4つの公園を廻るウォーカブルシティツアー Course D | Ikebukuro Area: Walkable City Tour around 4 parks [Eコース]郊外エリア 郊外のリアルを廻るウェルビーイングツアー Course E | Suburban Area: Well-being Tour around the real suburbs ポストコングレスツアー Post Congress Tour [Aコース]北海道ツアー Course A | Hokkaido Round Trip [Bコース]京都・宇治ツアー Course B | Kyoto Uji Round Trip [Cコース]九州ツアー Course C | Kyushu Round Trip 協賛・助成・後援 SPONSORS 都市に求められる想像力とは?―kudan houseの取り組みをめぐって 吉川 稔(東邦レオ(株)代表取締役社長)×近藤亮介(山水東京代表,東京藝術大学大学院非常勤講師) 構成: 編集部 写真・資料提供/近藤亮介+kudan house 進行・文責/丸茂 喬(ランドスケープデザイン編集部) What Imagination is Required for a City? —A Discussion on the kudan house Project Minoru Yoshikawa (President of Toho Leo) × Ryosuke Kondo (Director of Sansui Tokyo) Edited by the editorial desk, Photographs and sources by Ryosuke Kondo + kudan house 九段の地霊(ゲニウスロキ)と日本庭園の和(にき) 近藤亮介 The Genius Loci of Kudan and the Niki of the Japanese Garden Ryosuke Kondo (Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts) The Villages[大阪府高石市] ランドスケープ/積水ハウス(株)(齋藤 英) The Villages Sekisui House, Ltd. (Ei Saito) ロジポート名古屋「LOGIPORT TOWN」[愛知県名古屋市] 設計・施工/清水建設(株) ランドスケープデザイン/(株)フィールドフォー・デザインオフィス LOGIPORT NAGOYA “LOGIPORT TOWN” SHIMIZU CORPORATION, FIELD FOUR DESIGN OFFICE 岐阜県立森林文化アカデミー×住友林業による「森の出張」 morino de van in UR賃貸住宅 常盤平団地 協力/岐阜県立森林文化アカデミー,住友林業(株),住友林業緑化(株),(独)都市再生機構(UR都市機構) Gifu Academy of Forest Science and Culture × Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. morino de van in TOKIWATAIRA-apartments デザインを読み解く24 成田山新勝寺「成田山公園」を訪ねる 文・写真/戸田芳樹((株)戸田芳樹風景計画) Deciphering the Landscape Design 24 The design of Japanese garden of NARITASAN SHINSHOJI TEMPLE “Naritasan-park” Text by Yoshiki Toda 風景散歩/海外編 7 文・スケッチ/佐藤岳三(造園家) Scenery walk / overseas edition 7 Text & Sketch by Gakuzo Sato 連載 文化継承をポップに! [第4回]石積みの手順 2―根石(1段目) 文・資料提供/鈴木富幸(鈴木庭苑) [Series] Cultural Inheritance in Pop! ④ Stone masonry steps 2—plinth stone (first layer) Text & materials provided by Tomiyuki Suzuki (SUZUKI TEIEN) Information/Products/Books バックナンバー


  • Lectures on Japanese Law from a Comparative Perspective
    1巻3,300円 (税込)
    外国人研究者の視点から、日本法の基本的な特徴を英語で広く世界に発信する。一般的に日本法は明治維新後に外国法がどのように継受、修正されたかが問題とされるが、本書では特に、日本法を取り囲む様々な基層を踏まえつつ、古代国家の成立から現代に至る日本法の歴史的形成・発展や特徴を、物語として記述する。また、現代日本の法及び制度を包括的に解説しており、日本法を学び、研究する外国人にとっても最適な一冊である。 Written from the perspective of a non-Japanese scholar, this book aims at broadly divulging in English the basic features and traits of Japanese law. Generally, studies on Japanese law tend to focus on the problem of how foreign law has been received and modified in Japan after the Meiji Restoration. In an attempt to identify the different layers that constitute Japan's legal system, this work narrates the historical formation and development of Japanese law from Ancient to Modern times. It also provides a well-balanced and up-to-date account of the basic legal rules and institutions of Today's Japan. Thus, the book will be a perfect primer for non-Japanese students seeking to learn the basics of Japanese law. Publisher: Osaka University Press Author: Luis Pedriza moved to Japan as a postgraduate student in 2002. He obtained a Ph.D. in Public Law at the Graduate School of Law of Kyoto University in 2008. Subsequently, he was appointed as assistant professor at the same academic institution. In 2013, he became associated professor at the Graduate School of Law of Osaka University. Currently, he teaches Japanese Constitutional law and Comparative Constitutional law at the Faculty of Law of Dokkyo University.
