just because作品一覧

  • Ushiro Karate Practical Philosophy of Bujutsu
    Win without fighting - the definitive version of Ushiro Karate that realizes the essence of Bujutsu!   This book is a compilation of three of Kenji Ushiro's karate books, "The Origin of Budo” (in 2000), "The Knowledge and Practice of Bujutsu Karate” (in 2001), and "The Way to Bujutsu Karate” (in 2003). And it is the definitive version of “Ushiro Karate”with new and detailed additions and corrections.   The essence of Bujutsu Karate, beyond styles and schools, is explained based on actual practice. What is the true meaning of Bujutsu? What is the meaning of Kata? What is the meaning of Bunkai-kumite? What is Body-Brain? What is Breathing Power? What is Neutralization? Who is a master? What is training? The book is a must-read for all practitioners of Bujutsu, not just karate practitioners.   In addition, this book contains a "practical philosophy" of life that leads to how we should be in our daily lives, how we should be as people, how we should be as leaders, and ultimately, how we should live based on Mr. Ushiro's wide range of experiences and perspectives as a corporate leader and a leading-edge engineer in the field of electronics. This is the starting point for the teaching of "Ki" that Mr. Ushiro is currently deploying to bring out the potential of human beings.   This book is not a ‘how-to’ book as we have seen in recent years. This is because there is no how-to in Bujutsu. However, for those who are serious about pursuing the path of Bujutsu, I am certain that this book will lead them to the true way of training. Furthermore, for those who are searching for a way to live in this difficult time, I am confident that this book will be a guide to living an unwavering life.
  • I Won’t Say I Love You
    全1巻1,100円 (税込)
    Minami Nashimoto came to Tokyo to pursue his dream to become a porn actor, but his debut will be on a gay video?! If that wasn't enough, his colleague Yuma Honami, who becomes his trainer, is a sarcastic and unpleasant guy. He may be a star, but he's too arrogant! But, as he spends time with him, Minami realizes that Yuma won't let anyone get close because he's just a very awkward guy, and Minami starts feeling that he can't leave him alone… Cool and sadistic star actor & lively straight newcomer, from not-so-close colleagues to irreplaceable partners! ※本書は、現在配信している「お前にだけは好きって言わない【単行本版(電子限定描き下ろし付)】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
  • Just Because!
    2017年10月より放送のオリジナル青春アニメ『Just Because!』の原作小説。高校生活、残り3ヶ月。告げられない想い、受験や就職、将来への不安……消化するだけだった日々に淡い輝きが差す。 高校三年の冬。残りわずかとなった高校生活。このまま、なんとなく卒業していくのだと誰もが思っていた。突然、彼が帰ってくるまでは。中学の頃に一度は遠くの街へと引っ越した同級生。季節外れの転校生との再会は、「なんとなく」で終わろうとしていた彼らの気持ちに、小さなスタートの合図を響かせた――。2017年10~12月に放映となるテレビアニメの原作小説。湘南を舞台にした青春群像劇を、アニメのシリーズ構成・脚本を手掛けた鴨志田一が執筆。 ※本書は「ダ・ヴィンチ」2017年10月号~12月号の連載に、書き下ろしを加えたものです。
