
  • 愛という名の罪
    アウディ賞エロティカ部門ノミネート作品! 敵とのベッドインは予期していた。想像もしなかったのは、彼に夢中になってしまうこと……。 母を殺害した男に復讐を誓ったブルー。 だが、思いがけない恋に落ち…… ブルーはある目的を持って潜り込んだバーで露出度の高いウェイトレスの制服に身を包み、男に挨拶をした。シン・ブレッケンリッジ――7歳のとき、目の前で私の母を殺害した男の息子だ。あれ以来、復讐することだけを目的に生きてきたが、そのためにはシンを誘惑し、私の虜にしてブレッケンリッジ家に近づくのだ。だが計画どおりデートをし、シンに身を任せて初めての悦びを知ると、もう何も考えられなくなった。憎き相手を本気で愛してしまったブルーに、運命はさらなる残酷な罠を用意していて…… 原題:A Necessary Sin
    ■Introductuon ●Lanchester’s laws were originally presented as laws of combat, but in Japan they have been adapted into "laws of competition." If one applies Lanchester’s laws to business strategy, previously vague aspects of running a business become clearer, so it becomes easy to apply them to actual business situations. When these laws are applied to business, the following things become clarified. ●First is the relationship between market share and profitability. Second, distinctions can be made between the "strategy of the strong" that can be implemented by the company fulfilling the conditions necessary to become top-ranked, and the "strategy of the weak" that must be implemented by those, including the second-ranked company, that have failed to meet those conditions. ●Third, specific weightings can be assigned to products, their marketing strategies and tactics, and other such important factors and attendant procedures comprising a business. I believe that these ideas, which until now seem to have escaped the attention of guru consultants in the United Kingdom and the United States, constitute a novel approach.
  • JLPT N1~5 wordbook
    This book is edited to make it easy to learn frequent words necessary for passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1. N1. We make it as simple as possible on the premise of reading with e-books, and you can learn effectively by reading repeatedly. I pray from the bottom of mind that this book will be useful as a reference book for the examination.
  • 日本の寿司:A Visual Guide to SUSHI Menus (Bilingual English and Japanese Edition)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 江戸前鮨と伝統、寿司にまつわる漢字を英語で説明するときに便利な一冊。海外の方を寿司でもてなすときや、外国へのお土産に最適です。Contains clear, concise explanations of the history and vocabulary necessary to navigate the world of traditional Edomae sushi.An ideal gift for travelers.※特製手ぬぐいは電子版には付いておりません。ご了承ください。
