First Order作品一覧

  • Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact Territorial Conflict and the Formation of the Postwar East Asian Order
    1巻3,311円 (税込)
    “A solution without a solution.” In 1965, a secret pact concluded between the leaders of Japan and South Korea quietly shelved the territorial dispute over the island of Takeshima (Dokdo), setting the course for normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Several well-known figures were active in the complex and convoluted political maneuvering and backroom negotiations that helped bring the pact to fruition. For the first time ever, this book-including personal accounts from those who were directly involved-reveals the painstaking work behind the scenes to mend the fraught relationship between Japan and South Korea by conceiving the most subtle of solutions. And yet the pact and all that it achieved would mysteriously be erased from history. How and why did this happen? Winner of the Asia Pacific Award, Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact is a fascinating look into the intricate process of mending diplomatic relations and the small island that was the center of it all.


  • その英語は、ちょっと恥ずかしい!? 実は通じてなかったフレーズ100
    「(私の英語)わかりますか?」Do you understand?と言ったら、ネイティブ大激怒!いったい、どうして!?たとえば…◎「Please,sit down.(どうぞおかけください)」→「席につきなさい」◎「Go first.(お先にどうぞ)」→「先に行けよ」◎「Don't mind!(ドンマイ!)」→「???(通じない)」◎「I want order.(注文をお願いします)」→「静粛に!」と聞こえています。正しく言ったつもりなのに、こんなふうに受け取られていた。――そんな“人の失敗”ほど、ためになるものはありません。「あるある~」「そうだったの!?」と笑いながら読んでいるうちに、一生使える「通じる英語」がきちんと身につきます。日常会話で、旅先で、仕事で…あらゆる場面に対応できる「超簡単フレーズ」が満載です!


  • History Wars  Japan---False Indictment of the Century 歴史戦 世紀の冤罪はなぜ起きたか
    NOTE: This book is an English Edition. Although the indication of title above tells you as if it were a “Japanese Edition,” it contains the full book in both English and Japanese. This book is a modest rebuttal to the absurd demagoguery against Japan on the issue of comfort women (military prostitution during wartime) that continues to be spread by China and South Korea as if it were the truth. In the United States, the anti-Japanese activities have become more animated among local Chinese and Korean groups, as can be seen from the erection of a statue of a comfort woman in Glendale, California. The Sankei Shimbun, one of the Japan's leading newspapers, has been reporting in detail on activities related to the comfort women issue in the U.S. How did the situation come to the point of demeaning Japan to such an extent? Why did the comfort women issue arise in the first place? The Sankei dug deep to seek answers and the result is a book titled “History Wars.” On this occasion the Sankei has decided to publish an English Edition of the book in order to inform people around the world of the facts and clear up the misunderstandings about Japan. About the Author The Sankei Shimbun, which was first published in 1933, is one of Japan's leading Quality Newspapers based in Tokyo. Contents Chapter 1: The False Indictment of the Century Chapter 2: Is America Japan's Enemy? Chapter 3: Why Did the Facts Become Distorted? Chapter 4: Why Didn't Japan Rebut the Mistakes? ○ベストセラー『歴史戦 朝日新聞が世界にまいた「慰安婦」の嘘を討つ』(産経新聞社著)の英日対訳ダイジェスト版。前半に英語版、後半に日本語版を収録。 ○日本をはじめ世界9カ国(米国、カナダ、英、独、仏、伊、スペイン、オランダ)で配信中。 【おもな内容】 第1章 世紀の冤罪 第2章 米国は日本の敵なのか? 第3章 なぜ事実がねじまげられたのか? 第4章 なぜ日本は反論しなかったのか?
  • ウオッチミュージアム ヴォガ アンティークコレクション
    レックスやオメガなど、世界的に知られる有名ブランドの1920~70年代に作られたアンティークウオッチを集めた日本初の本格的な時計博物館「ウオッチミュージアム ヴォガ」。この博物館はかつてアンティークウオッチのバイヤーだった益井俊雄氏が時計バイヤー時代の30年間に収集したコレクションを後世に残すため、2017年4月29日に島根県に開設した私設博物館です。本書は当博物館に展示される貴重なアンティークコレクション、約800本をすべて撮影。一つひとつの解説については業界唯一のアンティークウオッチ専門誌「ロービート」の編集部が担当しました。日本に現存するアンティークウオッチは状態が良く世界的に評価が高いためにどんどん海外に流出しています。その意味からも、現存するものの資料としては時計愛好家にとって貴重な資料となることは間違いありません。解説文は、日本語と英語の両方を記載。 掲載ブランド ロレックス/チュードル/オメガ/ロンジン/ウィットナー/モバード/パテック フィリップ/ミドー/ティソ/ブライトリング/ギャレット/ユニバーサル・ジュネーブ/ジラール・ペルゴ/ジャガー・ルクルト/ゾディアック/マセイティソ/ユリス・ナルダン/ヴァシュロン・コンスタンタン/ブローバ/ハミルトン/グリュエン/エルジン/ベンラス/ウオルサム/ウエストフィールド/セイコー/シチズン、ほか Introduction “Watch Museum VOGA”, Japan’s first one which displays the antique watches of the world-famous brands such as Rolex, Omega and many more. This museum was opened in April, 2017 by Mr. Toshio Masui, former antique watch dealer, in order to preserve and leave for the future all his collection which he acquired during the 30 years of his career. This book has photos of all the watches ? approximately 800 in total - with narratives/ stories of each one of them provided by the editorial staff of Japan’s only antique watch magazine, “Low Beat”. The antique watches found in Japan are well known for their generally great condition, and, therefore, those precious watches are now being bought, brought out and scattered around the world. This book surely makes one of the greatest, if not the greatest, resources of the antique watches for the watch lovers. Commentary is written both in Japanese and English Brand list ROLEX/TUDOR/OMEGA/LONGINES/WITTNAUER/MOVADO/PATEK PHILIPPE/MIDO/TISSOT/BREITLING/GALLET/UNIVERSAL GENEVE/GIRARD-PERREGAUX/JAEGER-LECOULTRE/ZODIAC/MATHEY -TISSOT/ULYSSE NARDIN/VACHERON CONSTANTIN/BULOVA/HAMILTON/GRUEN/ELGIN/BENRUS/WALTHAM/WESTFIELD/SEIKO/CITIZEN、etc.


  • How to Teach Morality to AI and Robots(東大教授が挑むAIに「善悪の判断」を教える方法 「人を殺してはいけない」は“いつも正しい”か? 英語版)
    With rapid advancement in development of artificial intelligences (AIs) and robots in the current world, some people predict that a society where robots and human beings coexist is approaching in the near future. However, I simply wonder if we could actually get along with robots in this world, where we cannot accept diversity even among the same human beings. If we had robots in this deeply divided world, would not it merely end up causing even greater chaos? I recently started researching on morality engine to control behavior of robots. Simply put, I study how to make robots distinguish good and evil by themselves for the upcoming future when robots and human beings coexist. The concept of morality for robots is not anything new. Back in 1940s, for example, an American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov started introducing his famous Three Laws of Robotics in his novels. The Three Laws are very well known, and some people even treat them like golden rules for robots to observe. However, to me, these Laws seem to hold significant problems and therefore to be unsuitable for practical purposes. As you read this book, you will be able to figure out the fundamental defect in the Laws. In order to study the moral engine with which to regulate robots, we need to first describe the moral framework of human beings. We can make possible such an attempt to model an abstract concept, by using an engineering way of thinking as a tool. In this book, I would like to think about this framework together with you, using as simple and easy words as possible. If we can model human morality, we will be able to install it onto brains of robots. If we can build a moral system that robots and human beings – mutually different existences – can share, it will in turn help us to overcome divisions resulting from differences in standpoints among human beings, and to further develop an inclusive and diverse society. Using such a new moral system, I would like to establish alternative principles to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and to think about the possibility of a society where human beings and robots coexist. Morality and robots may seem to have nothing in common — but by looking at the point where these two areas actually cross, we will be able to see principles of a future society that we human beings should aim at. Throughout this intensive seminar, we are going to freely and widely develop our arguments. I plan to also provide you with a summary and practice exercises at the end of each session to help deepen your understanding. Let us make ourselves ready for thinking outside the box, digging deep into our imagination. Contents Introduction Session 1. Is the “You Shall Not Kill” Rule Universal? Session 2. Classifying Prior Moral Thoughts Session 3. You Shall Not Kill… Whom? Session 4. Modeling the Basic Principle of Morality Session 5. Classifying Hierarchy of Morality Session 6. Installing Morality onto Robots Afterword Hints for Practice Exercises References
  • How to Design Your Organization’s Raison D’être―――A translation of Diamond Harvard Business Review (March 2019) Japanese edition
    In the past, the key to a successful business lay in the safeguarding of resources. Corporations carefully accumulated and guarded their personnel, capital, data and know-how in order to sharpen their competitive edge. They exploited this edge to create value by continually optimizing operational efficiency. But in the new digital economy of rapidly changing consumer needs, the safeguarding strategy limits the potential for success. The key to value creation for 21st-century companies lies in lowering the walls surrounding them and inviting in outside resources. How do they attract these resources? Prominent strategic designer, Kunitake Saso, argues that the key lies in gaining empathy and engagement from communities and crowds with their organization’s raison d’être. This paper presents the purpose branding methodology by first redefining some well-known management terms: <g>mission</g>, <g>vision</g> and <g>values</g>, in addition to purpose, which has recently gained attention. It goes on to propose the purpose branding framework to help companies evolve their organization model into the next era, by continually designing and propagating the organization’s <g>raison d’être</g>.
