love or not作品一覧

  • Parenting Recipe
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    Dear all struggling parents: There is a simple and easy way to make your child smarter and happier. ー it doesn't matter if you are highly educated or not –or if your child is diagnosed with disabilities or not. All you need is quality nutrition, and your unconditional love to develop their self-esteem. In this book, you will find helpful tips. For example: · Do optimize nutrition with supplements such as Aloe Vera, Bee Pollen, and Propolis. · Don't blame your child for small mistakes (very important). Any child can have a smarter and healthier brain!
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 One year after World War II ended, in 1946, two young Japanese children, a sister and her brother, somehow defied the odds and survived a month long dangerous journey from the former Japanese colony of Manchuria in northeast China to their hometown in Japan. Iku was only 10 years old. She and her 6-yr. old brother traveled 340 miles on land, mostly on foot, day and night, with little food, clothing, or money while holding each other’s hands. What kept them going every day? It was the promise that they made to their mother? “Never let go of each other’s hand and safely return to Japan to be reunited with everyone.” They simply wanted to see Mommy again. This is a true story of war, not of who’s on the right side and who’s on the wrong side, or who was crueler than the other, but how war impacts people everywhere, including innocent children, like Iku and her siblings. Most importantly, this book demonstrates how love, courage and determination can see us through the most difficult times. 70 years after the end of World War II, Iku finally decided to let her daughter, Izumi, tell her story to the whole world, hoping her ordeal will play a small part in contributing to world peace. All the illustrations in this book are done by Iku herself. Originally published in Japanese in 2016, this English version is now available to spread Iku’s inspiring story across the world.
  • Dream Small, Win Big Life Lessons from Japan’s Preeminent Business Philosopher
    Do you have a dream? Do you know how to make it come true? It is simple: Always do the right thing. The author, Kazuo Inamori is a global entrepreneur who founded Kyocera and KDDI and lifted Japan Airlines out of bankruptcy to solid profitability as its chairperson. However, Inamori had not always been so successful. As an adolescent, he failed both the middle school and university entrance exams. After graduation, the only company that was willing to hire him was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. In spite of his misfortunes, he focused on achieving what he could given his circumstances. Instead of becoming discouraged, he tried to love his work, to experiment with new ideas, and to remain optimistic. This may sound simple, but the challenge is to bring this mindset to work every single day. This was the key to Inamori's success. This book contains no shortcuts or get-rich-quick tips. Rather, it is a testament to the power of perseverance and positivity, and its readers will gain a new appreciation of the importance of hard work, routine, and maintaining growth mindset. ※『君の思いは必ず実現する』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
