
  • 覚醒兵士アレックス・ハンター クウォトアンの生贄 上
    ここは謎の生命体の餌場なのか── 南極の地下洞窟を舞台に、食物連鎖の頂点を賭けて 人類と“クウォトアン”の闘いが始まる! 『遊星からの物体X』×『エイリアン』!! 遥か彼方の危険な舞台、勇敢なヒーロー、 狡猾な悪者の陰謀と最先端の科学── 魅力的なヒーローとエリート兵士の一団が、 古代文明の遺跡で神話の生物に挑む── 本書には“面白さ”のすべてが詰まっている。 ──Lachlan Jobbins, Good Reading Magazine. 〈あらすじ〉南極大陸の氷原に小型飛行機が墜落。その区域に膨大な原油貯留層が存在する可能性が浮上し、米国政府は救助隊を派遣する。だが、隊員たちは墜落現場に口を開けた地下洞窟に降下してから24時間もたたないうちに消息を絶ってしまう。最後に送信されたのは、“分泌物”という謎めいた言葉と赤ん坊を抱いた女性の写真。事態を重く見た政府は、アレックス・ハンター率いる激戦地陸海空域コマンド部隊HAWC(Hotzone All‐Forces Warfare Commandos)と4名の科学者からなる救出調査チームを送りこむ。だが、それは歴史という時間に封印された“未知の生物”を呼び覚ますものだった……
  • 覚醒兵士アレックス・ハンター クウォトアンの生贄【上下合本版】
    南極大陸の氷原に小型飛行機が墜落。その区域に膨大な原油貯留層が存在する可能性が浮上し、米国政府は救助隊を派遣する。だが、隊員たちは墜落現場に口を開けた地下洞窟に降下してから24時間もたたないうちに消息を絶ってしまう。最後に送信されたのは、“分泌物”という謎めいた言葉と赤ん坊を抱いた女性の写真。事態を重く見た政府は、アレックス・ハンター率いる戦闘地帯陸海空域コマンド部隊HAWC(Hotzone All-Forces Warfare Commandos)と4名の科学者からなる救出調査チームを送り込む。だが、それは歴史という時間に封印された“未知の生物”を呼び覚ますものだった…… ここは謎の生命体の餌場なのか―― 南極の地下洞窟を舞台に、食物連鎖の頂点を賭けて、人類と“クウォトアン”の闘いが始まる!
  • Closed Linguistic Space: Censorship by the Occupation Forces and Postwar Japan
    1巻2,079円 (税込)
    The United States postwar occupation of Japan likes to boast of having given the Japanese freedom of expression and freedom of the press. True, it freed the Japanese press from many wartime constraints. But at the same time, it imposed a large number of new constraints, replacing wartime censorship by the Japanese government with postwar censorship by the American occupation authority. Even before the war ended, planning for the occupation included a censorship and public relations efforts that would work to “re-educate” the Japanese and fold them into the postwar American international order. Similar efforts were made in Germany, but the effort in Japan was far more sweeping and far more sustained. This book documents that history in detail with extensive reference to primary resources held in U.S. archives and elsewhere. Was the occupation successful in reshaping the Japanese mindset? Citing not only the postwar Constitution but also, among other things, the widespread belief in the Tokyo Trials’ validity, Eto argues doggedly that it was so successful that its pernicious influence persists even today. Yet the heart of this heavily researched book is its meticulous documentation of how this censorship was planned and enforced.


  • 大前研一通信特別保存版 Part.VIII 「グローバルに通用する異能を開花する」
    今回で第8弾となる「大前研一通信・特別保存版」の電子版。第1章:〈Forces at Work-30年後の未来から今を考える〉と第2章:〈企業と学校の現場でおきている課題〉では、日本人やその教育制度に対して大前研一が、20年前に既に「異能教育の必要性」を洞察していた記事の他、現在の日本社会が置かれている状況を含め、今から30年後の世界、日本経済の動きを俯瞰して解説、現在の企業経営と学校教育の抱える課題も分析し、今後の日本(人)は、どのような方向に進むべきかという指針を提示。第3章では、今や世界の約150か国でプログラムが導入され、国内でもその導入を政府が推進しようとしていることで注目を浴び始めている国際バカロレア(IB)のプログラムの概要を、国内外の専門家の寄稿も取り上げてご紹介。第4章で、グローバルマインド、教養力、議論する力、英語力、スピーチ力などの〈21世紀の日本人ビジネスパーソンに必要な能力〉を具体的に解説。第5章では、eラーニングアワード2014受賞(厚生労働大臣賞)フォーラムでのBBT大学大前学長と経営学部学部長の講演録や、BBTで実践している教育プログラムの一部を、〈BBTで実践するテクノロジーを活用した異能教育〉と題してご紹介。これからの答えのないと言われる社会でも、グローバルに通用する「異能」を開眼、開花させるための羅針盤として、学ぶべき必要なこととは何かを提言した書。
  • The True Meaning of Studying
    Society’s’ rules have changed, and the next to change is you! The world has changed greatly; what was once ‘correct’ is now broken. As youths, what and how should you learn? The way things are now, just memorizing textbooks, is that really ok? Will this allow you to live happily in the future? In this book, in a style like middle school and high school classes, we’ll learn about the ‘five forces’ that are required in order to survive this coming era. 1 Simulation 2 Communication 3 Logical Thinking 4 Role Playing 5 Presentation Skills If you acquire these abilities, then with your own hands you should be able to create a new answer. Well now, let’s start the class that will change your future.
  • Listen to the Voice of the Earth
    1~61巻1,694~3,426円 (税込)
    “I wrote this book in the hope that readers will be able to save their own lives as well as those of the ones they love when an earthquake next strikes, so that the tragedy of March 11, 2011, would never be repeated.” ―Satoko Oki What our chatty planet teaches us Would you be surprised to hear that there are scientists who listen to the Earth? Yes, the Earth does talk in many different voices?the voice of the air, the voice of the sea, the voice of volcanoes, and the voice of the Earth. Seismologists listen to the voice of the Earth. We use high performance seismometers that do not miss the slightest muttering by the Earth that human ears cannot hear. That way, we can learn about what causes earthquakes and even what it is like inside the planet. Earthquakes occur because it is hot inside the planet?because the Earth is dynamic. We cannot escape earthquakes as long as we live on the Earth. But from listening to the planet, seismologists have discovered what causes earthquakes and how we can live with them to protect our lives.


  • Asia Reoriented A New Conception of World History
    1巻2,156円 (税込)
    Nomads, farmers, and trade: world history was born where these elements intersected. In this reconceptualized view, respected Japanese historian OKAMOTO Takashi locates history’s crucible in the boundary zones between settled agriculturists and nomadic peoples, where the Silk Road emerged as an early engine of trade and culture. Okamoto presents a new historical narrative which overturns Eurocentric perceptions of history, boldly and clearly reconfiguring the structure of world history in terms of economic ebbs and flows. When Asian military forces took to horseback some three thousand years ago, commercial capital developed that linked remote regions, innovating technologies, increasing productivity, and eventually culminating in the Mongol Empire. Their control of the Silk Road connected them with Near Eastern empires at the road’s western terminus, enriching the Greek and Roman civilizations of the Mediterranean world. But as crucial trade routes moved from inland to the coast during the Age of Discovery, the center stage of history shifted to Europe, which evolved its own financial and navigational technologies to win the global economic game. Looking anew at history from this perspective forces a reconsideration of accepted notions from “Greco-Roman civilization,” the “European miracle,” and the “Great Divergence” to “Japan’s modernization.” Through his unique overview of the whole of Eurasia and the maritime realm, from ancient times to the present, the author reorients our view of Asia’s role in global history.


