
  • (英文版)企業の社会的責任とは何か Corporate Social Responsibility
    産業がもたらす発展や、人と人とのつながり、企業が果たすべき役割、松下幸之助の信念が詰まった一冊。 The essays included here reflect Konosuke Matsushita’s convictions on topics ranging from many ways industry can help improve living conditions in local communities and environment, to people-to-people diplomacy, the benefits of sensible competition, perspectives on natural resources, and even ideas on integrating ex-convicts back into society.


  • こだわり塗り絵シリーズ 季節のリース Seasonal Wreaths of plants and friends
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 大好きなモチーフをとことん愉しむ「こだわり塗り絵シリーズ」第1弾。 『野ねずみ ユルリの旅スケッチ ときめく塗り絵シリーズ』でお馴染みの「いなとめまきこ」氏が描く、四季折々の植物と季節のイベントを愛らしいリースで表現したイラスト集のような美しい塗り絵集です。リースには季節の植物だけでなく、生き物や風物詩を交えて、自然との調和を感じる情景豊かな美しいイラストとして表現されています。まるで絵本やポストカードの1シーンを仕上げるように塗り絵を楽しむことができます。 【読者限定 PDFダウンロード特典】印刷して何度でもできる塗り絵 & 彩色見本(ポストカードサイズ)PDFダウンロード特典付き。 The KODAWARI coloring book series is a coloring book for adults with one theme. This book is themed around seasonal wreaths created by Makiko Inatome. It is a beautiful coloring book that looks like a picture book, expressing seasonal plants, events, and cute animals in beautiful wreaths. Reader benefits: Includes PDF downloads of coloring book illustrations and color models.
  • School and Business: Learning Essentials Through School Basics(English Edition)
    ※This is the English version of “All important things in business are learned by elementary school - Principles of work and life” released on April 17th, 2018 ※こちらは2018年4月17日発売『ビジネスで大切なことはすべて小学校までに学んでいます - 仕事と人生の原理原則 -』の英語版です。 The key for great greetings can be found in propriety, eye contact and a clear voice. We are all human beings before being business people, who need propriety, according to this groundbreaking book by Kuniko Fujiyama. She states that all the ingredients we need to succeed and be decent people can be found in teachings we learned in elementary school. This spirit of propriety results in the acquisition of essential skills, which also leads us to great business performance. Through well-established company training, Fujiyama brings “ideas and teaching” to a variety of business people. Now all these tips are contained in one book. ・Be a decent person and conduct yourself with propriety. ・Know what to change and what to keep. ・Any success is by accident. Any mistake is meant to be. ・Do what you can do - the “spirit of handicap.” ・Always be responsible - irresponsibility ruins business. ・Make sure that everything is okay and always do your best - “the rule of 1:29:300.” ・Morality matters, benefits come afterwards. The way we handle benefits is of value to companies. ・Learn from customers. ・How-to manuals do not create real customer service.
  • 日英翻訳のプロが使う ラクラク!省エネ英単語~ネイティブ英語の秘密が分かる
    意味が凝縮された英単語を使いこなして簡潔で洗練された英語に! 「省エネ英単語」を用いると、簡潔・明快な英語で話したり書いたりできるようになります。 次の例を見てください。 「環境に優しい生活を送るようにすれば、結局は得することになる」 逐語的な英訳: When we live an environmentally friendly lifestyle, we can expect benefits in the end.(14語) 省エネ英単語を使った英訳: It pays to go green.(5語) 5語の英文の方が簡潔で、メッセージが明確に伝わります。これが省エネ英単語の威力です。 本書では、多様に使える基本的な動詞と、表現を引き締める「意味の濃い動詞」を厳選し、省エネ英単語として紹介しています。 また、意味の濃い動詞を自分で見つける方法も伝えています。 本書を参考に、ぜひ「スマートな英語の使い手」になってください! 【対象レベル】英語全レベル 【著者プロフィール】 遠田 和子: 日英翻訳者、ライター。著書に『究極の英語ライティング』(研究社)、『Google 英文ライティング』『英語「なるほど!」ライティング』『あいさつ・あいづち・あいきょうで3倍話せる英会話』(講談社、含む共著)などがある。共訳書は『Love from the Depths ― The Story of Tomihiro Hoshino』(立風書房)、『Rudolf and Ippai Attena』(講談社)、『Pilgrimages in the Secular Age: From El Camino to Anime (Japan Library)』(出版文化産業振興財団)など。
  • One Hundred Fifty Years of Japanese Foreign Relations From 1868 to 2018
    1巻5,005円 (税込)
    This book traces the past 150 years of Japan’s diplomatic history, focusing on the thoughts and actions of the leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the ministry’s establishment in 1869. It includes a discussion of the last fifteen years of the Edo period, beginning with the arrival of Commodore Perry in 1854. Since the Meiji era, Japan’s foreign policy has been informed by its response to that “confrontation from the West.” This foreign policy has been largely based on “accommodation diplomacy” (also called responsive diplomacy). Japan has designed its diplomatic response with an eye to its own foreign policy goals, applying the metric of what might be feasible more than what might be desirable. In “accommodation diplomacy,” the international issues, international order, and the rules of the game are not defined. In that sense, there has been no all-encompassing strategy behind Japan’s foreign policy. Instead, Japan has regarded the international situation simply, as a set of facts. It has sought to maximize the benefits to itself while minimizing risk. Its foreign policy has been an attempt to solve this conundrum through accommodation. Reflective of the times, this has required an abundance of creativity. Japan has needed to be both pragmatic and forward-thinking in its response to changes in the international environment. In the postwar period, as Japan aimed to elevate its standing in the competition-driven international environment, its foreign policy can be understood as an extension of the way it had comported itself since the Meiji era: emphasizing cooperation and coordination with other nations while responding to changes in the international environment.


  • Mysteries of Wine Can it make you healthy?
    “Since the taste of leftover wine gets worse and worse after opening the bottle, you must drink up the wine in the bottle after opening it” “You should combine Burgundy lamb dishes when you take this certain wine”….Are these “useful” instructions really correct? Kenichi Shimizu is not only a Doctor of Microbiology, but also a world-class consultant on brewing technology. This book is an introductory book that solves general questions about wine from a scientist's point of view. Various positive effects of wine on human health have recently come up in the conversation. “Red wine is helpful for anti-aging” “Red wine can protect us from heart diseases” “Red wine can prevent dementia”….Numerous health-friendly substances have been found in wine indeed, but there is too much misinformation. This book also unravels the truth of various discourses in media such as TV, magazines or the internet on the health benefits of wine. ※『ワインの秘密』を英訳し、電子書籍として配信いたします。
