

    電機メーカーの子会社に勤める岡崎祐司は、同期入社の吉家邦夫に恋していた。だが、遅刻のしすぎがたたり「整理課」という窓際の部署に異動させられてしまう。整理課にはちょっと変な人ばかり、なかでも課長の板倉さんは格別……。同じ時期、祐司は他人の夢を見るというおかしな現象に見舞われる。しかも内容は淫靡なものばかり。誰の夢なのだろう、もしや……? そんな折、整理課総員解雇の噂が?! 大騒ぎの中、激しい恋のバトルへとなだれ込む斬新なサラリーマン・ラヴ・コメディ!! ※こちらの電子書籍については、口絵や挿絵は収録しておりません。ご了承ください。
  • resort banking everybody wins when somebody shares
    Takeshi Kato, a financial independence, Japanese New Zealander and an author of several investment books, writes first time in English. This is a must-read on how you change your mindset from being rich to becoming a financial resortist. <Author Profile> Takeshi Kato Takeshi was born in Japan and has been living in New Zealand since 1991. He became financial independent in 2004 after successfully investing in New Zealand property market. He has spent last seven years in private banking business. Takeshi starts a new business, named Resort Banking in October 2014. URL: www.resortists.nz Email: hello@resortists.nz
  • Violet Light, Nearsightedness, and Your Child’s Eye Health
    Do you know that 30% of primary school students and 65% of high school students have myopia in Japan? Also, do you know that progressive myopia leads to blindness? Now, children with myopia are rapidly increasing all over the world. It is at a level where you would want to declare it as pandemic. However, the real cause is unknown. Here, I present you with the breakthrough method to prevent and halt myopia which may overturn the prevailing theory that "myopia cannot be prevented." ---Expert taken from the chapter「Introduction」--- Do you sense, as I do, that myopia is increasing among children? There seems to be a general uneasiness among parents who suspect that their children in the community are increasingly nearsighted. Suddenly, it seems everybody is nearsighted. This uptick in nearsightedness is not just a localized phenomenon. In recent years, the entire world has seen a rise in myopia. The 2013 School Health Statistics Survey by MEXT (the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) revealed that primary school students with uncorrected visual acuity (VA) of 0.3 or less had more than tripled since 1979. Moreover, the percentage of those with unaided vision of less than 0.3 rises with age (33% in 2013); the data showed that 65% of high school students had naked-eye vision of less than 1.0. Of all the theories proposed to date, the only one bearing truth is that outdoor play helps suppress myopia. Although longer periods of outdoor activity seem preferable, researchers disagree on the required duration, suggestions range from 1 hour per day to 14 hours per week. As nobody knows why playing outdoor helps prevent myopia and its mechanism remains unknown, it is impossible to set guidelines on duration.
  • デビル メイ クライ 4 スペシャルエディション 公式ガイドブック
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 どんなにアクションが苦手な人でも余裕で使いこなせる、強力なスキルやコンボ、ミッション・ボス攻略方法を、ネロ&ダンテ、バージル、レディ&トリッシュ全キャラクターこぞりて紹介! さらに、“ちょっと”から、“ものすごく”、“とてつもなく”難しいけれど、使いこなせればむちゃくちゃクールでキレッキレアクションのキメ方、目から鱗のビックリコンボなど、『デビル メイ クライ 4 スペシャルエディション』を遊び尽くすための情報満載。舞い踊れ! そして華麗にSを獲れ! EVERYBODY SAY STYLISH!
