

  • Understanding Microcontrollers,2nd Edition:a gentle introduction to an AVR architecture
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※この電子書籍は紙版書籍のページデザインで制作した固定レイアウトです。 本書は、「コンピュータアーキテクチャ」を履修する学生に向けた教科書として、マイクロコントローラを解説した英文書籍“Understanding Microcontrollers”の改訂版です。コンピュータの「特定化」や「省エネ」の社会を踏まえて、比較的わかりやすい機器「マイクロコントローラ」を用いてコンピュータアーキテクチャの基礎を解説しています。 なお、本書は、日本の学生の英語での学習を支援するために、本文中の重要キーワードについて適宜、日本語の訳や解説を側注に加えてることで英文原書の敷居を下げ、英語を敬遠する学生への導入書籍としても役立つ構成となっています。本書を読み進めれば、英文の読解力と情報関係の専門用語の知識を自然に得ることができ、今後、英語論文や英文原書を読みこなすための確かな力を身につけることができます。 改訂版では、実際に行われた授業内容を反映し、12章「SPIによる通信」を大幅に増補するとともに、新たに15章「基本コンパイラ」を追加することで、より使いやすい内容としています。 This book is a revised version of the English book "Understanding Microcontrollers", which explains microcontrollers, as a textbook for students who are studying "computer architecture". Based on the "specialization" and "energy saving" society of computers, we explain the basics of computer architecture using relatively easy-to-understand devices "microcontrollers". In the revised edition, the content of the actual class was reflected, and Chapter 12 "Communication by SPI" was greatly expanded, and Chapter 15 "Basic Compiler" was newly added to make the content easier to use. List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations Preface Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Preliminaries Chapter 3. Instruction Set Architecture Chapter 4. Memory Architecture Chapter 5. Processor Architecture Chapter 6. Addressing Modes Chapter 7. Programming the MCU Chapter 8. I/O Ports Chapter 9. Interrupts Chapter 10. Application: LCD Panel Control Chapter 11. The Analog-to-Digital Converter3 Chapter 12. Communication Through the Serial Peripheral Interface Chapter 13. Rational Numbers and the MCU Chapter 14. Reverse Engineering Chapter 15. A BasicCompiler Chapter 16. Concluding Remarks Appendix A. Character Codes Appendix B. Logic Gates Appendix C. Answers and Discussions Bibliography About the Author Index
  • Karete and Ki The Depth of Thought
    What is “Ki”? How you can make it yours? ―― It is in “the depth of thought.” Ushiro Shihan has been teaching and coaching a great number of people all over the world using his original method of “Ki” that maximizes our potential ability. Karate and Ki was published in Japanese in June of 2007 and has been highly acclaimed not only Budo readers but also by the Japanese public. "Karate and Ki" is a milestone of life, many readers say. We are very honored to present Ushiro shihan’s point of view and thoughts to an audience not limited only to Japan but on worldwide scales through the English translation of Karate and Ki. The text has been translated as faithfully as possible from the Japanese version and many new photos have been specially added to this English publication. This book consists of 2 parts: The first part explains in detail the principle and theory of "Ki", which is the ultimate form of martial arts Karate. The second explores Mr. Ushiro's "no compromise" thought and philosophy which he developed through his life as a martial artist, electronic engineer and top corporate executive. The "Ki" that Mr.Ushiro describes in this book is totally different from the "Ki" normally thought of in the traditional martial arts and regular world. It is an energy that everyone has, the vitality of people's life. It is the source of everything that supports work, family and daily life. This book has attracted many readers who have read it multiple times and derive new energy from it with every read. Some comments from readers include: "This book is like a mass of energy." "It was moving and gave me the courage to move forward".
  • The Path of Prayer, Revised Edition
    The author's longtime bestseller is now available in English. When you are overcome by your emotions and strive to return to your real self; or when you seek to understand a deeper meaning endowed in a given situation, turn to this book and you will be guided through an inner journey toward discovery of your soul. With more than 60 new entries added, this revised edition covers a broad range of circumstances that one confronts in life. Trace the words of wisdom herein and let them accompany you on your path of life.【※本作品はブラウザビューアで閲覧すると表組みのレイアウトが崩れて表示されることがあります。予めご了承下さい。】
  • GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 1 [Third Edition] 初級日本語げんき1[第3版]
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 Get ready for the latest GENKI! 初級テキストのベストセラー、改訂第3版! GENKI, one of the world's favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, has become even better with the arrival of its third edition! シリーズ累計200万超の初級テキストがさらに進化 Enhancements include... ●Dialogues and vocabulary: Updated to reflect today's world ●Grammar explanations: Now even easier to follow ●Practices: Reorganized to further clarify their relationship with grammar points ●Can-do goals: Added to the start of each lesson ●“Let's Find Out"": Investigative tasks have been added ●New app: Learners can use their smartphone to download and listen to audio materials 【主な改訂点】 ●会話・単語:社会の変化に合わせて見直し ●文法:説明をさらに読みやすく改訂 ●練習:文法との対応をわかりやすく整理 ●各課の冒頭に目標(できるようになること)を明記 ●「Let's Find Out」で調べるタスクを導入 ●音声をアプリで配信、スマホですぐ聞ける


  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 地獄の再審請求 -LIVE BLACK MASS 武道館-『控訴』『上告』(D.C.18/2016)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 「全席死刑」LIVE BLACK MASS TOUR(D.C.17/2015)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • 聖飢魔II 歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット 「続・全席死刑」LIVE BLACK MASS TOUR(D.C.17/2015)
    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 デジタルリマスタリングによって復刻した歴代黒ミサツアーパンフレット電子版シリーズに、地球デビュー30周年記念期間限定再集結時の3タイトルが新たに追加! A new collection has been added to SEIKIMAII's reprinted official brochures e-book ver. series ! These are 3 brochures sold at their Black Masses (aka live shows / tours) at the time of “30th Anniversary of Earth Debut Reunion for a Limited Time” in D.C.17(2015) - D.C.18(2016). All SEIKIMAII believers, of course you collect them all, right? *Japanese Edition Only *This e-book is a fixed-layout document.
  • The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance The Japan-US Security Treaty and the Search for Mutuality
    1巻2,464円 (税込)
    The Japan-US Security Treaty was first signed in 1951, coinciding with the end of Allied occupation and Japan’s recovery of independence in the early postwar era, and subsequently revised in 1960 to correct various inadequacies and alleviate a sense of inequality felt on the Japanese side. Its basic structure, namely providing bases in exchange for the guarantee of US security of Japan, however, remains unchanged. This English edition of diplomatic historian SAKAMOTO Kazuya’s highly acclaimed Nichi-Bei domei no kizuna (The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance; 2000, rev. ed. 2020), winner of the 22nd Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, carefully depicts the sensitive negotiations and diplomatic finesse behind the establishment and revision of the Japan-US Security Treaty, highlighting the challenges experienced by the two countries to promote mutuality then and later. Drawing on previously undisclosed confidential documents and new research developments on the issue of secret agreements, which were brought to light during the Ministry of Foreign Affairs investigation in 2009-10, the author added a new chapter with updated notes for his revised 2020 edition. Examining the far-reaching implications of these new historical materials, he puts forward the pressing question: What should be the future of Japan-US security cooperation?


