ultimate life作品一覧

  • Karete and Ki The Depth of Thought
    What is “Ki”? How you can make it yours? ―― It is in “the depth of thought.” Ushiro Shihan has been teaching and coaching a great number of people all over the world using his original method of “Ki” that maximizes our potential ability. Karate and Ki was published in Japanese in June of 2007 and has been highly acclaimed not only Budo readers but also by the Japanese public. "Karate and Ki" is a milestone of life, many readers say. We are very honored to present Ushiro shihan’s point of view and thoughts to an audience not limited only to Japan but on worldwide scales through the English translation of Karate and Ki. The text has been translated as faithfully as possible from the Japanese version and many new photos have been specially added to this English publication. This book consists of 2 parts: The first part explains in detail the principle and theory of "Ki", which is the ultimate form of martial arts Karate. The second explores Mr. Ushiro's "no compromise" thought and philosophy which he developed through his life as a martial artist, electronic engineer and top corporate executive. The "Ki" that Mr.Ushiro describes in this book is totally different from the "Ki" normally thought of in the traditional martial arts and regular world. It is an energy that everyone has, the vitality of people's life. It is the source of everything that supports work, family and daily life. This book has attracted many readers who have read it multiple times and derive new energy from it with every read. Some comments from readers include: "This book is like a mass of energy." "It was moving and gave me the courage to move forward".
  • Shidehara Kijuro and His Time
    The Constitution of Japan is often described as a pacifist constitution for its Article 9 renouncing war and foreswearing war potential. Although this is usually attributed to starry-eyed idealists and steely-eyed realists in the occupation, both of which wanted to ensure Japan did not again challenge America’s position, there is also a cast to be made for crediting Shidehara Kijuro (1872-1951). Indeed, the case becomes even stronger if we think of the Constitution not so much as pacifist but more as internationalist―as evidenced in the Preamble’s trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world and its belief that no nation is responsible to itself alone. For it was Shidehara who was the ultimate internationalist. Born to a middle-class family four years after the Meiji Restoration, he went to Tokyo Imperial University and from there to the civil service, ending up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, history took him to a number of foreign capitals and historic international conferences on his way to the foreign ministership and after he became foreign minister. Serving as foreign minister under a succession of prime ministers, he developed and staunchly promoted what came to be called Shidehara diplomacy―a foreign policy stance of not intervening in China, respecting the Anglo-Japanese alliance, and adhering to what were put forward as universal values. Yet despite his steadfast championship, this internationalist stance was weakened by widespread discrimination against Japanese (e.g., in America’s immigration laws) and fatally wounded by the Kwangtung Army’s rogue aggression in China. He resigned as foreign minister in 1931, while retaining his seat in the House of Peers, and was tapped by the occupation to be Japan’s first postwar prime minister, putting him in a position to influence the Constitution’s drafting. Shidehara’s was a principled life engagingly recounted in this informative biography by one of Japan’s foremost diplomat-turned-historians.


    みんなやりたいECUセッティング 超絶660カスタムのブーム到来 目次 コンプリートエンジン制作現場[MONSTER SPORT] S660最新チューン 老舗&若手 自慢のマシン乗り比べ 特集 Kチューンの最新ECUセッティング K-Parts EXPRESS K-CAR TUNING専科 REST-MOD K-Car TUNE 知って納得!! HOT ITEMS THE RECOMMEND WHEEL Pa; Sports流 K-Car TUNING論 走行会仕様の作り方 by NAVIC 東北660通信 660GT Special Shop Guide 660 AUTUMN MEETING SPL 老舗の底ヂカラ[TOP FUEL] JIMNY 660 POWER WORLD pupa流 CAPPUCCINO LIFE 載せ替えろ!! BIG BIKEの強心臓 BEST WHEEL Matching 驚異の燃費ジャンキー ALTO 裏表紙


    走快で軽快 手軽なNAに萌える!! 660 TOPICS 目次 660 AERO STYLES 快感 NAワールド MASTER OF 660 TUNING S660 TUNING PHASE 2 九州男児のアルトTUNE K-Parts EXPRESS 660旧車改 コチラ660 ドリフトワールド!! EXCITING K-CAR WORLD 2023 TOHOKU 660 SERIES GUIDE 東北660シリーズガイド 660GT Special Shop Guide お手軽ECUチューンのススメ ATTACK-K TSUKUBA REPORT 載せ換えろ!! BIG BIKEの強心臓 JIMNY 660 POWER WORLD オフ会レポート WE LOVE BEAT pupa流 CAPPCCINO LIFE 超絶俺流 660 CUSTOM WORLD 裏表紙


    660プロショップのチャレンジ 新しいコトやってみよう!! 660 TOPICS 目次 特集 新しいコト、やってみよう!! S660で風洞実験  2ペダル改5MTのススメ  アルトのCVTモデルに注目!!  キャストのチューニング計画  新旧対比!? アヴァンツァート  オールドモデルのリフレ&チューン K-DORI カプチーノ3連星 鬼トルク!! K6A改ツインチャージ 秋の全国ミーティング行脚 その1 アルト・ワークス モーターファン別冊ニューモデル速報 告知 K-Parts EXPRESS 今どきのタービン選択術 36系アルトseries TUNING論 岡山チューニングフェスタ【Kカークラス】 660タイムアタック最前線 秋の全国ミーティング行脚 その2 スバルR1/R2 HYPER REV 告知 ケーキ屋さんのツインターボ 東北660シリーズ通信 スペシャルショップガイド 末永ナオトと東日本・K-DORI最前線 至極・究極 NA TUNED イオタルックのCARA SVR 秋の全国ミーティング行脚 その3 AZ-1&MAZDA  その4 660ブースター in おぷじゃん pupa流 CAPPUCCINO LIFE コンプリートカーという選択肢 SPOON N-ONE RS TUNE 裏表紙


    買うなら今だ!! 勢力を拡大する36アルトVANワールド 目次 『660 speedster』 SPOON N-ONE RS 奥伊吹スーパーラップに挑戦!! 走り屋マシン化計画 新型アルト改 戦うアルトバン and NA MODEL ALTO WORKS TUNE 最前線 AGSに最適なワイドバンドターボ 660FR TUNE!! Daihatsu Drift Avengers FFでも簡単にできる!! PVCドリフト講座 S660 PARTY 44G Spec S07A Complete Engine SPL STREET TUNE 試乗 無限クオリティで仕立てたS660の魅力 ACRE CUP NA660関西 K-Parts EXPRESS 関西イッテル 660レーサー TAKASU.66 CHAMPION SHIP ヤフオクでノスタルジックなKを買う!! そのメリットとデメリットは?? TOHOKU 660 SERIES GUIDE 660GT Special Shop Guide TSUKUBA Attack-K 2022 660最速王決定戦 Drag 660 TWINz 1300cc×TURBO×5MT L880K BLACK LINE EDITION 個性満点AZ-1ワールド ピックアップマシン MEET THE BEAT! 2022 Cappuccino 駆動系の強化延命MENU CAPPUCCINO LIFEの楽しみかた Result Japan S660 Type-S Series STYLE UP GUIDE GARAGE noah BREEZY 660 STYLES 『ESQUELETO KL400K/JW5』 Present & News 裏表紙


  • Exploring Roman Mosaics Tunisia An amazing treasure trove of mosaics
    Detailing the charm of those amazing marble carpets found across the Mediterranean. It’s the ultimate trip into the world of ancient Roman mosaics, written by a mosaic artist and a ‘mosaic navigator’, made for mosaic lovers around the world. The first installment in this series is… Tunisia! 【目次】 The Beginning of Our Trip Basic Information About Tunisia The Ancient Roman Empire and Tunisia Recommended Spots for Seeing Mosaics Make the Most Out of the Bardo National Museum Know the Story Know How They Lived Life in the Mediterranean Visiting the Ruins Journey to Meet the Goddess Visiting the Ruins Mosaics of Byzacena Sousse Archaeological Museum El Jem Museum Living With Animals Beautiful Design Tunisia’s Richly Colored Marble The History of Tunisia’s Mosaics The Story of a MOSAICIST Ancient Roman Mosaics Brought to Life in Modern Times 【著者】 Mihoko Narasaki President of Studio Mosaico, Mosaicist Check the book for more. Akiko Kondo Studio Mosaico, Mosaic Navigator Check the book for more. Cody Carpenter Translator Musician Check the book for more.
