
  • アドバイスが変える資産運用ビジネス
    変革を迫られる日本の資産運用ビジネスにおける救世主とは ファイナンシャル・アドバイス市場がかつてないほど重要視されている今、より洗練されたファイナンシャル・アドバイザーが求められる。 日本の「20 年先を行く」アメリカの金融制度を徹底分析した話題作を完全翻訳。 Mitchel, Smetters 'The Market for Retirement Financial Advice' ©Pension Research Council, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 2013.


  • About South Korea
    The case of wartime laborers, compensation for comfort women, dispute over theLiancourt Rocks (Takeshima / Dokdo)... the anti-Japanese activities in Korea seems tobecome more and more violent for the last few years.For the better understanding of Korea, here we would like to review Korean history andcandidly show the points about which we regularly have questions. We would ask people inthe world to judge whether this belief is correct. «about the author» In 1938, Masaru TOKUDA was born in Japan, as the second son of a fallen soldier. After graduating from a technical school, engaged in research & development, manufacturing and sales of industrial machinery equipment. Also, engaged in corporatemanagement for a Japanese private enterprise. Through the business, interacted with people from India, four Southeast Asian countries, twenty-six provinces/cities of China, Taiwan, South Korea, three European countries andthe United States. After retirement, lived his life at the fullest. But concerned about intense of anti-Japanesemovement in South Korea. Established the “Association for the Review of Japan-KoreaRelationship”, and now works in research about the relationship of two countries.


  • 日本版CCRCがわかる本
    1巻2,200円 (税込)
    元気な時から介護時まで安心して暮らせるコミュニティのCCRC(Continuing Care Retirement Community)は米国で普及しているが、政府の地方創生の主要政策として日本版CCRC(生涯活躍のまち)構想という名のもとで注目されています。全国で約230の自治体が日本版CCRCの推進意向を示し、前向きな移住やセカンドライフの理想的なモデルとしても注目を集めています。 本書は、日本版CCRC構想有識者会議の委員も務めるCCRC研究の第一人者と言われる著者による、日本版CCRCについての本邦初の書籍化。全国の自治体の職員はもちろん、元気なセカンドライフを目論むすべての人のためのヒントが満載です。


  • Flower Petals Fall, but the Flower Endures The Japanese Philosophy of Transience
    Life is short and transient. The feeling that this evokes is called mujokan in Japanese. Rather than falling into the despair that is so prevalent in the present day, mujokan allows one to accept transience proactively as a sign of vibrant life. In this book Takeuchi Seiichi examines this view of life from the perspectives of philosophy, literature, art, and religion. He delves into the Japanese concepts of grief and pain, life and death, reaching to the very core of the Japanese spirit. This book presents a full record of Takeuchi’s valedictory lectures in commemoration of his retirement from the University of Tokyo.


