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    「ここからはじめる図解・会計入門シリーズ」なら初心者にも分かりやすく、奥深い内容で、中級者でも満足できます。本書は、国内の会計基準はもちろん、これからの国際会計基準であるIFRS(International Financial Reporting Standards=国際財務報告基準)にも対応した会計基準のすべてが分かります。 会計初心者から財務担当者まで、学習はもちろん、ビジネスパーソンなら机上に常備したい一冊! ※本作品に収録されている図表の中には、微細なものが含まれております。あらかじめご了承いただきますようお願い申し上げます。専用端末やPC、タブレット型PCで読書されることをお勧めいたします。
  • Newsweek International May 31 - June 7 2024
    「Newsweek International」は探求心のある方々へより深い考察に繋がるような視点を提供します。 This exciting weekly publication offers a clear combination of news, culture and thought-provoking ideas that challenge the smart and inquisitive. Our promise is to put the reporting back into the news.  AD CONTENTS AD In Focus Periscope Biden’s Battleground Election Global Most Loved Workplaces® 2024 Culture AD


  • History Wars  Japan---False Indictment of the Century 歴史戦 世紀の冤罪はなぜ起きたか
    NOTE: This book is an English Edition. Although the indication of title above tells you as if it were a “Japanese Edition,” it contains the full book in both English and Japanese. This book is a modest rebuttal to the absurd demagoguery against Japan on the issue of comfort women (military prostitution during wartime) that continues to be spread by China and South Korea as if it were the truth. In the United States, the anti-Japanese activities have become more animated among local Chinese and Korean groups, as can be seen from the erection of a statue of a comfort woman in Glendale, California. The Sankei Shimbun, one of the Japan's leading newspapers, has been reporting in detail on activities related to the comfort women issue in the U.S. How did the situation come to the point of demeaning Japan to such an extent? Why did the comfort women issue arise in the first place? The Sankei dug deep to seek answers and the result is a book titled “History Wars.” On this occasion the Sankei has decided to publish an English Edition of the book in order to inform people around the world of the facts and clear up the misunderstandings about Japan. About the Author The Sankei Shimbun, which was first published in 1933, is one of Japan's leading Quality Newspapers based in Tokyo. Contents Chapter 1: The False Indictment of the Century Chapter 2: Is America Japan's Enemy? Chapter 3: Why Did the Facts Become Distorted? Chapter 4: Why Didn't Japan Rebut the Mistakes? ○ベストセラー『歴史戦 朝日新聞が世界にまいた「慰安婦」の嘘を討つ』(産経新聞社著)の英日対訳ダイジェスト版。前半に英語版、後半に日本語版を収録。 ○日本をはじめ世界9カ国(米国、カナダ、英、独、仏、伊、スペイン、オランダ)で配信中。 【おもな内容】 第1章 世紀の冤罪 第2章 米国は日本の敵なのか? 第3章 なぜ事実がねじまげられたのか? 第4章 なぜ日本は反論しなかったのか?
