
  • Shidehara Kijuro and His Time
    The Constitution of Japan is often described as a pacifist constitution for its Article 9 renouncing war and foreswearing war potential. Although this is usually attributed to starry-eyed idealists and steely-eyed realists in the occupation, both of which wanted to ensure Japan did not again challenge America’s position, there is also a cast to be made for crediting Shidehara Kijuro (1872-1951). Indeed, the case becomes even stronger if we think of the Constitution not so much as pacifist but more as internationalist―as evidenced in the Preamble’s trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world and its belief that no nation is responsible to itself alone. For it was Shidehara who was the ultimate internationalist. Born to a middle-class family four years after the Meiji Restoration, he went to Tokyo Imperial University and from there to the civil service, ending up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, history took him to a number of foreign capitals and historic international conferences on his way to the foreign ministership and after he became foreign minister. Serving as foreign minister under a succession of prime ministers, he developed and staunchly promoted what came to be called Shidehara diplomacy―a foreign policy stance of not intervening in China, respecting the Anglo-Japanese alliance, and adhering to what were put forward as universal values. Yet despite his steadfast championship, this internationalist stance was weakened by widespread discrimination against Japanese (e.g., in America’s immigration laws) and fatally wounded by the Kwangtung Army’s rogue aggression in China. He resigned as foreign minister in 1931, while retaining his seat in the House of Peers, and was tapped by the occupation to be Japan’s first postwar prime minister, putting him in a position to influence the Constitution’s drafting. Shidehara’s was a principled life engagingly recounted in this informative biography by one of Japan’s foremost diplomat-turned-historians.


  • PLUG Magazine vol55 (2020AW)
    政治家、ミュージシャン、ファッショニスタまでがNO BORDERに共演する新しい雑誌。それぞれの郷土をREPするローカル発のカルチャー・マガジン。 【内容】NAGASHIMA 特集/THINK INFECTION DISCRIMINATION 一変した日常で、あなたは何をみつけましたか◆-WNAT IS DISCRIMINATION-「差別とは何か」・加藤 勝信(内閣官房長官/衆議院議員)・田村 朋久(長島愛生園歴史館 主任学芸員)・槇野 博史(岡山大学長/医学者)・吾浦 恵美苗(看護師)・神原 むつえ(モデル)・能勢 伊勢雄(写真家/美術展企画/Live House PEPPERLAND主宰)・“Cebo” Terry Carr(Next Generation New York Studios代表)◆MASK/FASHION 72人のFASHION with MASK スナップ◆One Week わたしの、1週間スタイル七変化◆ボーナスで買いたい「価値ある良品」Dessert of Life◆SETOUCHI LEADING COMPANY 瀬戸内で活躍するリーディングカンパニー 5社 01.ちとせ交友会02.シティライト03.山陽事務機04.エコライフジャパン05.赤田運輸産業◆VARIOUS LEADER リーダー達が語る「我が社の進化論」◆古市大蔵の岡山表町慕情◆松野健太の街と仕事 Guest : 小林史明(自由民主党・衆議院議員)◆THE PLACE OF NEW ERA あたらしい時代を代表するポジティブなローカル店を集約 【「PLUG」について】刊行:年2回(4,10月の第4月曜日)◆規格(紙版):212ページ、オールカラー◆発行/制作:有限会社サーブ 【お知らせ】プラグは、巷に散見されるタウン情報誌でもなければ、気高いファッションカルチャー誌でもない、岡山のブランディングと地方創生の新たなアプローチを探るための雑誌です。オカヤマをスタート地点に、東京も含めた全国のローカルから「日本の新しい時代を拓く」、そんな目標を掲げました。プラグを読んでくれた人が、自分の地元に「誇り」を持てる、日本人として大切なものは何かを考えるきっかけとなるような、新しい雑誌の在り方を提案していきます。私たち一人ひとりがこれまで以上に郷土への誇りを持ち、ニッポンを“Rep”することが、日本人の生きる強さを取り戻す唯一の方法であると信じて。


