
  • & Premium特別編集 住まいと生き方。
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※本ムックはカラーページを含みます。お使いの端末によっては、一部読みづらい場合がございます。 ※ 本誌は『&Premium』2018年9月号「心地のいい暮らし、を考えてみた」を中心に、 2019年5月号「スタンダードになっていくもの」、同9月号「住まいを変えると、生き方が変わる」に掲載した、 住まいと生き方の企画を再編集・増補改訂したものです。 掲載されている情報は2021年5月25日現在の編集部調べです。 &Lifestyle 住まいと生き方。 My House Changed My Life 生き方に合った住まいを考えた、17組の人々。 河井菜摘、久保田梓美、猪飼尚司、太田メグ、竹形尚子、ひがしちか、安藤 愛、酒寄剛史・寿子、 知花くらら、福田義竜、秋山卓哉、入江 晶・壽美、橋本忠明・梢、柳瀬佳代、田中優佳子、春日武彦、砺波周平 Away from the City 都心を離れた、豊かな暮らし。 山形・小国町/熊谷 茜・柳沢 悟、神奈川・藤野/中村暁野、香川・小豆島/三村拓洋・ひかり、 兵庫・城崎温泉/ひうらさとる、大分・国東/武井啓江、岡山・蒜山/松井美樹、沖縄・大宜味村/キッタユウコ House of Comforts 都心の心地いい住まい、を考えてみた。 ワンルーム/杉並、窓/用賀、光と風/目黒本町、収納/下北沢、道を取り込む/青山 Community at the End of the East 道東の地、根室で見つけた心地よい時間。 スズキタカユキ・高箸橋涼子、野崎敬子・中村美也子、菊地亮太・芙美子、中島孝介、古川広道 Balanced Lifestyle 二拠点生活の心地いいバランス。 東京・清澄白河⇔新潟・十日町/後藤寿和・池田史子、東京・自由が丘⇔千葉・南房総/馬場未織、 東京・上原⇔福井・美浜町/松尾たいこ Daily Life Staples 大草直子さんと伊藤まさこさんの暮らしのスタンダード。
  • The Japanese Linguistic Landscape: Reflections on Quintessential Words
    Languages change over time. No matter how hard we try to control and regulate them, they exist in a state of endless metamorphosis. This does not mean, though, that we should simply stand by and watch as language devolves into nonsense. What should we do, then? Recognizing the inevitability of change is a given, of course. But we must also navigate the delicate line between the pull of popular trends and the urge to cling blindly to the ways of the past. The ideal balance, Professor Nakanishi argues in this book, lies in being “one step behind the times,” which is the best approach for wielding all the charms of a language. Beautiful words have an ageless quality, regardless of when they first appeared in a language. The Japanese language testifies to that truth. This book introduces a balanced mix of new and old words that reflect the singular beauty of the Japanese language. The beautiful words of the Japanese language are not―as some people say―simply old, antiquated terms. Discerning beauty in a language requires more than having an antiquarian’s ear; it requires certain sensibilities and sensitivities. Only by submerging ourselves in a language can we perceive its splendid subtleties, and appreciate its true beauty. This book offers readers an opportunity to delve into to those nuances of Japanese, explore the language’s history, and savor its unique beauty.


  • Not for Bread Alone
    現代のマネージャー全てが直面する経営における課題を解決するヒントとなるエッセンスを、松下幸之助の著作『商売心得帖』、『経営心得帖』、『決断の経営』、『経営のコツここなりと気づいた価値は百万両』から選びぬき、まとめた一冊。This work presents a selection of 71 essays culled from experiences described in four books Konosuke Matsushita published in Japanese. Encapsulating the essence of Japanese management and presenting the author’s business ethos and management ethic, Not for Bread Alone is the ideal reference for anyone running a business. It provides a balanced and thoughtful look at the ethical and business issues facing every manager today.
  • Lectures on Japanese Law from a Comparative Perspective
    1巻3,300円 (税込)
    外国人研究者の視点から、日本法の基本的な特徴を英語で広く世界に発信する。一般的に日本法は明治維新後に外国法がどのように継受、修正されたかが問題とされるが、本書では特に、日本法を取り囲む様々な基層を踏まえつつ、古代国家の成立から現代に至る日本法の歴史的形成・発展や特徴を、物語として記述する。また、現代日本の法及び制度を包括的に解説しており、日本法を学び、研究する外国人にとっても最適な一冊である。 Written from the perspective of a non-Japanese scholar, this book aims at broadly divulging in English the basic features and traits of Japanese law. Generally, studies on Japanese law tend to focus on the problem of how foreign law has been received and modified in Japan after the Meiji Restoration. In an attempt to identify the different layers that constitute Japan's legal system, this work narrates the historical formation and development of Japanese law from Ancient to Modern times. It also provides a well-balanced and up-to-date account of the basic legal rules and institutions of Today's Japan. Thus, the book will be a perfect primer for non-Japanese students seeking to learn the basics of Japanese law. Publisher: Osaka University Press Author: Luis Pedriza moved to Japan as a postgraduate student in 2002. He obtained a Ph.D. in Public Law at the Graduate School of Law of Kyoto University in 2008. Subsequently, he was appointed as assistant professor at the same academic institution. In 2013, he became associated professor at the Graduate School of Law of Osaka University. Currently, he teaches Japanese Constitutional law and Comparative Constitutional law at the Faculty of Law of Dokkyo University.
