
  • AFTERMATH 金融クライシスから財産を守る7つの秘策
    国際金融のリセットはすでに始まっている アメリカ“ドル”の支配を覆そうとする中国とロシアの動きとは―― 米ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙でベストセラーとなった話題作を完全邦訳 「言い換えると、実物資産と勤労だけが価値の蓄えになる。株式も債券もすべての会社が潰れてしまえば、無価値になる。債務者は破産し、残された名目的価値はインフレですっかり無くなってしまう。ゲームのスタートオーバーになるかもしれないが、今までいたプレイヤーはすべて吹っ飛ばされてしまっている。」(本文より) 2020年のパンデミックとアメリカ主要都市での暴動を予測した話題の書


  • アベンジャーズ/ファンタスティック・フォー:エンパイヤ
    アベンジャーズとファンタスティック・フォー。 マーベルを代表する二大チームが挑む驚異のスペースアドベンチャー開幕!   銀河列強種族たるクリーとスクラル、100万年に及んだ両者の星間戦争についに終止符が打たれる時が来た。両種族の血を引くハルクリングを新皇帝に戴き、クリーとスクラルが固き同盟を結んだのだ。だが大戦の終結は、次なる騒乱の幕開けでしかなかった。新たなる帝国《エンパイヤ》の誕生が意味するものとは何か……アベンジャーズ、そしてファンタスティック・フォーはこの危機をいかに乗り越えるのか? マーベルを代表する二大チームが挑む驚異のスペースアドベンチャー開幕! ●収録作品● 収録作品:Empyre #0 Avengers (2020), Empyre #0 Fantastic Four (2020), Empyre (2020) #1-6, Empyre Aftermath: Avengers (2020) #1, Empyre Fallout: Fantastic Four (2020) #1 © 2023 MARVEL
  • The Rose Garden of Fukushima
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A stunning coffee table book, The Rose Garden of Fukushima features a collection of photos of an actual garden that existed in Fukushima, Japan. Boasting over 7500 bushes of roses and 50-thousand visitors a year, the Garden was rendered null and void in an instant due to the triple disaster -- earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown — on March 11th, 2011,forcing Katsuhide Okada, the creator of the 50-year old oasis, to abandon his roses in their radioactive state. The book follows the process in which the Garden was built and the aftermath of the earthquake through an incredible collection of photographs of the Garden and roses, taken mostly amateur photographers. One would never believe these are not taken by pros! Flipping through the pages will make the readers feel like they've taken a walk through a most sacred garden!
  • The Economics of Colonialism in Korea: Rethinking Japanese Rule and Aftermath
    From 1910 to 1945,Korea was a colony of Imperial Japan. Its governance has been described politically in terms of harsh oppression and economically as exploitation and impoverishment. Certainly, there were many problems with Japanese rule in Korea, but how accurate are those claims? What is the connection between the postwar development of South Korea and the socialist regime in North Korea? This book focuses on economic issues, sticks to positivism, and depicts the reality and transformation of Korea during the period of Japanese control.


  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki:That We Never Forget
    “Each and every scene was hell itself.” “Human beings do not need atomic bombs.” - Shigeru Nonoyama, exposed to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima at the age of 15 // Over 50 hibakusha - victims of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 - give vivid testimony of living through the nightmare of those fateful days and their hellish aftermath. Today, more than 70 years later, it is a challenge to keep alive an understanding of the true nature of nuclear weapons and their human toll. This book is a unique resource for those engaged in advocacy and education for the sake of peace. Accounts by women and men from Hiroshima are presented in separate sections, enabling the reader to gain a uniquely gendered perspective of the different ways the bombing affected survivors’ lives. These firsthand accounts give a chilling picture of the horror that nuclear weapons inflict. Survivors describe disfiguring and agonizing burns, and how radiation exposure causes pain, anxiety and discriminatory attitudes that last a lifetime as well as affecting subsequent generations.
