• The Tokyo Trial War Criminals and Japan’s Postwar International Relations
    1巻2,464円 (税込)
    The Tokyo Trial, like the Nuremberg Trial, was unique as a judicial event. Presided over by eleven Allied judges, Japan’s wartime leaders were individually tried in an international court of justice for crimes against international law. After two years of hearings, a majority judgment found twenty-five of the accused guilty; seven were sentenced to death. However, factionalism amongst justices and competing political interests served to undermine the final judgment, widely criticized as “victors’ justice.” Some seventy years later, its legacy continues to inform international politics and polarize ideological debate. In this revised English edition of his 2008 book, Tokyo Saiban, winner in the History and Civilization category of the 30th Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, eminent political scientist Dr. HIGURASHI Yoshinobu sets aside routine ideological approaches that have characterized study of the tribunal until now and focuses our attention on the engrossing political dynamics surrounding the Tokyo Trial and its current impacts. Drawing on exhaustive research into foreign policy documents and inter-ministerial correspondence, Higurashi traces the contours of diplomacy in the wake of World War II, revisiting the Tokyo Trial from the viewpoint of Japan’s postwar international relations to shed new light on an event unprecedented in world history.


  • The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance The Japan-US Security Treaty and the Search for Mutuality
    1巻2,464円 (税込)
    The Japan-US Security Treaty was first signed in 1951, coinciding with the end of Allied occupation and Japan’s recovery of independence in the early postwar era, and subsequently revised in 1960 to correct various inadequacies and alleviate a sense of inequality felt on the Japanese side. Its basic structure, namely providing bases in exchange for the guarantee of US security of Japan, however, remains unchanged. This English edition of diplomatic historian SAKAMOTO Kazuya’s highly acclaimed Nichi-Bei domei no kizuna (The Bonds of the Japan-US Alliance; 2000, rev. ed. 2020), winner of the 22nd Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, carefully depicts the sensitive negotiations and diplomatic finesse behind the establishment and revision of the Japan-US Security Treaty, highlighting the challenges experienced by the two countries to promote mutuality then and later. Drawing on previously undisclosed confidential documents and new research developments on the issue of secret agreements, which were brought to light during the Ministry of Foreign Affairs investigation in 2009-10, the author added a new chapter with updated notes for his revised 2020 edition. Examining the far-reaching implications of these new historical materials, he puts forward the pressing question: What should be the future of Japan-US security cooperation?


  • 復活のミレニアム―四間飛車・中飛車破り
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 攻撃力が上がったミレニアム、現代将棋界に帰還 本書は、ミレニアム戦法を解説した戦術書です。ミレニアム囲いとは、玉を穴熊のように深く囲って戦う戦法です。2000年頃に流行したことから、そう名付けられました。近年、将棋AIの発達によってミレニアム戦法は再評価されるようになり、アマプロ問わず人気を得ています。そこで、現代によみがえったミレニアム戦法による、振り飛車破りを解説します。 序 章 ミレニアム囲いの概要 第1章 対四間飛車 美濃囲いとその他の囲い 第2章 対四間飛車 穴熊囲い 第3章 対中飛車 第4章 次の一手問題 第5章 実戦編 古賀悠聖(こが・ゆうせい) 2001年1月1日生まれ。福岡県福岡市出身。 2011年9月、6級で中田功門。 2020年10月1日、四段。 2023年3月14日、五段。 竜王戦は6組。順位戦はC級1組。 鋭い攻めが持ち味の居飛車党。 第52期新人王戦では準優勝、第1回SUNTORY将棋オールスター 東西対抗戦では関西予選を勝ち上がるなど、デビューして間もなく好成績を上げる実力派。 第81期順位戦C級2組にて9勝1敗の好成績を挙げ、C級1組への昇級および五段への昇段を決めた。 ※この商品は固定レイアウト型の電子書籍です。 ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字列のハイライトや検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※お使いの端末で無料サンプルをお試しいただいた上でのご購入をお願いいたします。
