The Rose Book作品一覧

  • The Rose Garden of Fukushima
    ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 A stunning coffee table book, The Rose Garden of Fukushima features a collection of photos of an actual garden that existed in Fukushima, Japan. Boasting over 7500 bushes of roses and 50-thousand visitors a year, the Garden was rendered null and void in an instant due to the triple disaster -- earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown — on March 11th, 2011,forcing Katsuhide Okada, the creator of the 50-year old oasis, to abandon his roses in their radioactive state. The book follows the process in which the Garden was built and the aftermath of the earthquake through an incredible collection of photographs of the Garden and roses, taken mostly amateur photographers. One would never believe these are not taken by pros! Flipping through the pages will make the readers feel like they've taken a walk through a most sacred garden!
  • Unholy Obedience 1
    全4巻110円 (税込)
    Kanami is a 1st-year high school student who Lady Luck hasn't shined on in the love department just yet. One night after falling asleep, she is paid a visit by a mysterious figure who leaves her with a most dubious present -- a book of magical tickets that elicit total obedience from the opposite sex for 24 hours. Kanami is naturally skeptical...but will she pass up on this chance to turn her dreary high school existence into a rose-colored one?
