小説 - 張真晟作品一覧

  • Selling My Daughter for 100 won
    1巻470円 (税込)
    Since the latter half of the 1990s, just a little over the 10 years ago, as the world was welcoming in the age of internet, the unprecedented number of starvation deaths in North Korea was reported.Three million people, more than 15% of the population. Could this be true? The author graduated from the top university in North Korea .His poems appeared in the labor,s newspaper. However,when he came to realize that Kim Jong-il was enjoying the various pleasures of the world ,while spreading his frightening tyranny in such a poor country, his homeland,under the pretext of Communism, he decided to flee the north. In 2004, risking his life, he defected to South Korea.


  • わたしの娘を100ウォンで売ります
    1巻470円 (税込)
    2004年韓国に入国した脱北詩人の詩集。1995年から1998年のあいだに300万人の人民が餓死した歴史的事実を、切切たる家族愛でうたい、飽食の韓国の若者たちに衝撃を与え、ベストセラーになる。 体制がほころびはじめて、やっと明かされた真実は、韓国や日本、世界の北朝鮮に対する援助がなんに使われたのかという疑問を投げかけるが、そういう政治的なものよりも、生きるということはどういうことなのだろうかという根源的な問いかけを読者に投げかける詩集。


