

    1巻1,100円 (税込)
    This novel is to express“What is the important heart that is included in an abstract word,love ?”and “Which route of journey should we humans take to reach to the true happy world where there will be no bullying, no conflicts and no wars?”. The heroine Michiko and the hero Shouichi grow up their young age at a country town Tanushimaru,Kyushu,Japan. They learn what is the true love through playing the drama “King Lear”, played in the graduation memorial show at elementary school and have some faint feelings of their first love. After graduation from the elementary school, Michiko thinks about what is essentials of the true love and speaks it out at an English speech contest of junior high school. She expresses her thought,“True love is the heart to sincerely wish other people's happiness and to conquer her own egoism in order to bring the true happy world.” She is awarded the best prize of the contest. Shouichi is moved very much by her thought and swears to keep it in his deepest mind. Michiko and Shouichi respectively go through their stormy lives. Finally, they get together and married. They live happy life with prayer for bringing a peaceful and happy world with no bullying, no conflicts and no wars forever.
  • The Graveyard Overlooking the Sea
    1巻330円 (税込)
    The bond between parents and children. Mental transition and growth of a young man. With the theme of the bond between parents and children, the story depicts the mental transition and growth of a young man in postwar Japan. 【目次】 1)The story of the parent-child's love and bond. A family lives in a seaside village, struck by floods and war, and the son gazing at his father's death. 2)The Bitter Salt The struggles and realities of a young man who is forced to help his brother-in-law, who was repatriated from China after the war, in the salt making and black market business. 3) A Letter to Mother A young man who left his birthplace to pursue his dreams reunites with his sister and reveals his feelings to his aging mother. 【著者】 Tatsu Hatamura Middle school teacher, librarian and university staff, member of Japan Writers'Association. Major books include “Between Today and Tomorrow,” “From an Ruined City on the Strait,” e-books “The Sea, My Okutsuki Cemetery,” “Factory Closure,” etc.
  • ちきゅうのきもち Feelings of the Earth
    ちきゅうって いま どんなきもち? わたしたちって いま どんなきもち? I wonder how feelings of the Earth are now…I wonder how feelings of ours are now…地球とわたしはつながっているよ。地球という星に住む私たちに思いをはせる英訳付き絵本。
  • This is it.That's that.英語の「超短」決めゼリフ…意味わかる?
    【電子版のご注意事項】 ※一部の記事、画像、広告、付録が含まれていない、または画像が修正されている場合があります。 ※応募券、ハガキなどはご利用いただけません。 ※掲載時の商品やサービスは、時間の経過にともない提供が終了している場合があります。 ※この商品は固定レイアウトで作成されており、タブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。 また、文字列のハイライトや検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 以上、あらかじめご了承の上お楽しみください。 My bad. Duck! TGIF.マイケル・ジャクソンのThis is it.これら超短英語、意味わかる? 「何でもない」をThat's nothing.と言うのは間違い。目からウロコの英語本。 My bad. Duck! TGIF. マイケル・ジャクソンのThis is it. これら超短英語、意味わかる? 「何でもない」をThat's nothing.と言うのは間違い。目からウロコの英語本。 ※「This is it. That's that. ネイティブの超カンタン英語たち…意味わかる?」(発行日2013年8月31日) 「I’m light. No hard feelings. 英語の「超短」決めゼリフ…意味わかる?」(発行日2014年4月10日) 「It’s just 12 o’clock. ちょうど12時。この「正しい」英語、どこが間違い?」(発行日2014年4月10日) の3冊セットです。 藤田 英時:英語とIT(情報技術)を専門分野とする 著作家・コンテンツ作家。 米国ベイラー大学でオーラルコミュニケーションを専攻後、 西南学院大学文学部外国語学科英語専攻卒業。 PR専門会社、パソコンソフト会社勤務を経て独立。 英語の分野では、これまで海外企業のニュースリリースの翻訳・編集や 欧米IT事情視察コーディネーター(通訳・添乗員も含む)などを担当し、 個人での海外旅行経験も豊富。 英検1級、TOEIC950点をいずれも初受験で取得。 IT分野では、翻訳出版、書籍編集・執筆、マニュアル制作、 プログラム開発、技術サポートなどに携わった。 大学で情報処理教育の非常勤講師も務めた。
  • Domestic Violence in the Presence of Children, The Screams of Abuse Victims
    Featuring the unedited voices of eleven victims of abuse raised in households with domestic violence in Japan. Nine young adults, now in their 20s, share their real feelings about their experiences. This book will give you a deeper understanding of the hearts of abuse survivors who witnessed domestic violence.


  • 【二か国語版】Love Silky 気持ちいい授業しよう! 1巻
    ※本作は英語翻訳版のおまけに、現在配信中の日本語版を加えた【二か国語版】です。日本語版を既にお持ちの方は、重複購入にご注意ください。 No matter what anyone says, I love Mr. Aoki!!! Even now that I'm a college student,I've been pursuing my high school teacher so much my friends are exasperated with me. No matter what I do, Mr. Aoki never reciprocates my feelings, so I finally say, “I'm not a child anymore. You can have me if you like...” 誰がなんと言おうと先生が好きっ!! 高校の時の先生を、大学生になってもずっと追い回して、友だちにあきれられている私。どれだけ迫っても振り向いてくれない先生に、ついに「私、いつまでも子供じゃないんだよ? Hしたっていいよ?」…(この作品の日本語版はウェブ・マガジン:Love Silky Vol.20に収録されています。重複購入にご注意ください。)
  • Hatsujo Playroom
    全1巻1,210円 (税込)
    ”I can't believe this is getting me excited.” Even after 10 years, Moriya can't get over his unrequited love for former high school classmate Tsujimura. In spite of that, he has a sexual relationship with his boss, Nanamiya, who knows about his feelings. Tsujimura joins their company, and he and Moriya meet again after so long. Nanamiya whispers to Moriya - who is confused by the feelings he should have given up – saying: ”If you'd like to confess your feelings to him, I'll lend you a hand.” Moriya dismisses it as a joke, but the same night the office suddenly goes out of power and he gets trapped alone with Tsujimura. On the monitor, the words: ”If you wish to leave, then you must follow the orders given.” What was a light touch at first, gradually becomes more and more sexually intense. “I can't do this…” Moriya's thoughts can't help him to resist the passion and the pleasure Tsujimura's giving him… ※本書は、現在配信している「発情プレイルーム【単行本版(電子限定描き下ろし付)】」の英語版になります。内容は同じですので、重複購入にご注意下さい。また、特典は収録されておりません。
