
  • 消えるB型 もしも西郷どんがB型でなかったら
    1巻1,133円 (税込)
    明治維新の「リーダー」ともいえる西郷隆盛の血液型が、もしもB型でなかったら、果たして薩長同盟はあっただろうか? 織田信長がB型でなかったら、本能寺の変で殺されることはなかった? アインシュタインがB型でなかったら、もうちょっと教授達から好かれていた? ……などなど、著名人の血液型と行動から浮かび上がった、「B型による、B型のための」面白エッセイ。
  • Blood Type B Is Vanishing Was Albert Einstein disliked?
    Said to be the best physicist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein has been treated as a strange person due to his unbelievable behavior and going at his own pace.It was caused by his blood type "B"! Other, if the Meiji Restoration leader, Takamori Saigo, was not B, would there really have been the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance? If Nobunaga Oda was not B type, would it not be killed by the Honno-ji Incident? ……etc. An interesting essay "for type B, for type B" that emerged from the blood type and behavior of celebrities.
