TIME MAY 27  2024

TIME MAY 27 2024

896円 (税込)






The Brief
The View
Trump Take 2
Beneath The Gobi
Next Generation Leaders
Hunting Toxins
Time Off




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  • TIME JUNE 10, 2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 AD CONTENTS AD The Brief The View The Lion’s Den 100 Most Influential Companies Time Off
  • TIME MAY 27  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 CONTENTS The Brief The View Trump Take 2 Beneath The Gobi Next Generation Leaders Hunting Toxins Time Off
  • TIME MAY 13  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 AD CONTENTS The Brief The View Coco’s Game Modern Greece TIME100 Health Time Off
  • TIME APRIL 29  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 CONTENTS AD The most influential people in the world Artists Titans Leaders Innovators Icons Pioneers
  • TIME APRIL 8  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 AD CONTENTS The Brief The View Biden Behind Silicon Desert Earth Awards 2024 Time Off
  • TIME MARCH 25  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 AD CONTENTS The Brief The View Political Hostage Best-Selling Nonfriction The Face of Thailand Breaking Good Time Off
  • TIME MARCH 11  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 CONTENTS The Brief The View Reinvented Hatred Putting Secrets to Use Women of the Year Time Off
  • TIME FEB. 26  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 CONTENTS The Brief The View Battle-Tested Secretary of Environmental Justice Changing Times Behind the Scenes With MrBeast Time Off
  • TIME FEB. 12  2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 AD CONTENTS The Brief The View Uncertain Ground The Closers Time Off
  • TIME JAN. 22 2024
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 AD CONTENTS The Brief The View Table Stakes Nikki Haley’s Ascent The Showman Ideas of the Year Time Off
  • TIME DEC. 25 2023
    896円 (税込)
    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 1923年創刊、発行部数368万部。世界200カ国、2000万人が読む世界最大の英文週刊ニュース誌「TIME(タイム)」。政治、経済、環境、文化、エンターテイメント、最新医療事情等、様々な分野をグローバルな観点から鋭く切り込む世界のオピニオンリーダー。日本では入手しにくいニュースを、TIME独自の見解・視点で伝えます。また、アジア版では日本の読者向けに、よりなじみの深いニュースを編集しておりますので、日本人にも身近な話題を外側から知る事が出来ます。そしてビジネスやインターネットなど、さまざまなシーンで英語力が重要視される時代。現代英語のお手本とされ、洗練された英語表現を駆使したタイムなら、世界の情報を通して生きた英語表現が身につきます。 AD CONTENTS AD From the Editor AD The Year In ... THE CHOICE By Sam Jacobs PERSON OF THE YEAR TAYLOR SWIFT By Sam Lansky CEO of the Year SAM ALTMAN By Naina Bajekal and Billy Perrigo Athlete of the Year LIONEL MESSI By Sean Gregory THE NATION BUILDERS By Karl Vick and Yasmeen Serhan AD
  • TIME 2023年12/4号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 27 The View 32 Oil And Water As the world gathers in a Gulf kingdom enriched by fossil fuels to hammer out agreements on climate change, one man embodies the paradox By Justin Worland 38 TIME100 Climate Our inaugural list of the leaders, advocates, executives, and researchers steering the world’s businesses toward the only future that will work 60 Waking Up Japan Uniqlo founder Tadashi Yanai became the richest person in his country by ignoring what he sees as a cautious business climate that holds Japan back By Charlie Campbell 65 Time Off ^ Photograph by Maciek Nabrdralik—The New York Times/Redux 18 PHOTOS OF THE YEAR Shepherds block the road to a political rally in Poland before national elections in October
  • TIME 2023年11/20号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 17 The View 28 Zelensky’s Next Move Inside the Ukrainian President’s struggle to keep his country in the fight—no matter what the world thinks By Simon Shuster 36 The Obesity Question Drugs like Ozempic offer new possibilities for patients, and raise new questions about the meaning of health By Jamie Ducharme 42 Family Business Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rules her country with an increasingly firm hand By Charlie Campbell 46 In It to Win It Formula One’s Max Verstappen doesn’t want to be a star. He just wants victory By Sean Gregory 51 Time Off ^ Verstappen at a pit stop during a November 2022 Formula One race in Abu Dhabi PHILIPP SPALEK—LAIF/REDUX
  • TIME 2023年11/6号
    896円 (税込)
    CONTENTS 7 The Brief 17 The View 53 Time Off 20 The Missing Israeli families waiting to hear about loved ones missing since the Oct. 7 Massacre—in portraits and in their own words 28 What the World Can Do With Israelis and Palestinians blinded by anger and grief, someone must guard what space remains for peace By Yuval Noah Harari 29 Under Bombardment Gaza photojournalist Saher Alghorra documents the destruction of the only home he has known By Sangsuk Sylvia Kang 33 Best Inventions 2023 A bird-watching bird feeder, a shushing bassinet, Braille Legos, and 197 other brilliant innovations that can improve life—and sometimes the world
  • TIME 2023年10/23号
    896円 (税込)
    CONTENTS 7 The Brief 21 The View 30 Kids These Days Growing up was never easy, but the challenges around coming of age in America are different today. Young people have thoughts— and advice By Jamie Ducharme and Robin Hammond 40 Prime All the Time What Deion Sanders is doing as coach of the University of Colorado Buffaloes is changing pretty much everything about the business of college football By Sean Gregory 48 Next Generation Leaders The autumn 2023 class of trailblazers offering new visions for the future 61 Time Off The 100 Best Mystery and Thriller Books of All Time, plus essays from Tana French and Rachel Howzell Hall Deion Sanders in Boulder, Colo., on Sept. 30 Photograph by RJ Sangosti, MediaNews Group/The Denver Post /Getty Images
  • TIME 2023年10/9号
    896円 (税込)
    11 The Brief 22 The Musk Factor Inside the efforts of the world’s richest man to both save humanity from artificial intelligence, and get in on it By Walter Isaacson 30 Leaders Dario and Daniela Amodei, Alex Karp, Lila Ibrahim, and more 34 Shapers Alondra Nelson, Ian Hogarth, Audrey Tang, Elham Tabassi, and more 38 Innovators Ted Chiang, Holly Herndon, Pelonomi Moiloa, Charlie Brooker, and more 42 Thinkers Geoffrey Hinton, Kate Crawford, Kalika Bali, Ilya Sutskever, and more 47 Time Off Martin Scorsese on his relentless quest to open the world by making movies By Stephanie Zacharek Director Martin Scorsese and actor Lily Gladstone on the set of Killers of the Flower Moon Photograph courtesy of Apple
  • TIME 2023年9/25号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 25 The View 40 Artists Kelsea Ballerini, Tyler James Williams, Stephanie Hsu, Paul Mescal, and more 46 Phenoms Jalen Hurts, R.F. Kuang, Sophia Smith, Xiye Bastida, and more 52 Leaders Victor J. Glover Jr., Yulia Svyrydenko, Shalanda Young, Pita Limjaroenrat, and more 60 Innovators Mory Sacko, Mae Martin, Mira Murati, Angel Reese, and more 66 Advocates Txai Suruí, Ghali Amdouni, Adam Conover, Nabarun Dasgupta, and more 32 A Child Becomes a Mother In a state that banned abortion, a 13-year-old rape victim brings her baby home By Charlotte Alter Dr. Erica Balthrop at the Clarksdale Woman’s Clinic in Clarksdale, Miss., on Aug. 2 Photograph by Lucy Garrett for TIME
  • TIME 2023年9/4号
    896円 (税込)
    CONTENTS The Brief 19 The View 24 The Race Is On For the GOP candidates trying to dethrone Trump, it may all come down to Iowa By Molly Ball 30 Forward Fashion Designer Stella McCartney’s quest to align looking good with doing good By Naina Bajekal 36 The Reef Warrior Ecologist Enric Sala is coaxing leaders to protect the coastal zones that, in turn, will save entire oceans By Aryn Baker 42 Baja on The Bubble Conserving the coasts of Baja California means barring industrial fishing while embracing the local fleet, plus some ecotourism By Jeffrey Kluger 49 Time Off Photographer Cristina Mittermeier among Spanish jack in Cabo Pulmo Marine Protected Area, Baja California, Mexico Photograph by Paul Nicklen—SeaLegacy
  • TIME 2023年8/14号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 15 The View 20 John Fetterman Begins Again After surviving a stroke and winning the most expensive U.S. Senate race ever, he fought depression—and is now fighting its stigma By Molly Ball 30 Voice of the People Thanks to a small Indian startup, millions of people whose languages are marginalized online could gain better access to the benefits of AI By Billy Perrigo 38 Sweatshop With no federal protections in place against extreme heat, the choice facing outdoor workers in the U.S. is either risk your life, or quit By Aryn Baker 49 Time Off Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman outside a U.S. Senate office building on May 16 Photograph by Shuran Huang for TIME
  • TIME 2023年7/24号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 13 The View 18 Late Payment Calls for reparations for enslavement have never been louder, and Barbados is leading the charge By Janell Ross 28 Three-Peat Pursuit Having transformed women’s sports, Megan Rapinoe and her teammates set their sights on a third straight World Cup By Sean Gregory 36 Sleepaway Solace Profound healing takes place at summer camps for kids who have lost loved ones to suicide By Jamie Ducharme and Kara Milstein 42 A Doll’s House The inside story of how Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie made a Barbie movie that’s both fun and full of contradictions By Eliana Dockterman 49 Time Off Bathing horses at Pebbles Beach in Bridgetown, Barbados, where horse racing and polo are an inheritance of the British colonial past Photograph by Christopher Gregory-Rivera for TIME
  • TIME 2023年7/3号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 17 The View 26 The Next Battle Should Ukraine regain its territory, it will have to govern a population that has spent nearly a decade under Putin’s sway By Simon Shuster 32 New Heights With student athletes now allowed to sign outside deals, college high jumper Sam Hurley has earned nearly $1 million By Sean Gregory 37 Top 100 Companies TIME’s 2023 list of the disrupters, innovators, titans, leaders, and pioneers shaping more than just the world of commerce 67 Time Off Ukrainian soldiers atop a tank en route to positions near Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, on May 23 Photograph by Efrem Lukatsky—AP
  • TIME 2023年6/12号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 19 The View 30 Uh-Oh, AI Charles Darwin anticipated what makes artificial intelligence an existential threat By Dan Hendrycks It’s never been more important to slow down By Katja Grace China, the U.S., and the rest of the world must convene to set the rules By Ian Bremmer 36 The DeSantis Project Florida’s strongman governor has made the state a blueprint for conservative governance—and his presidential campaign By Molly Ball 46 Next Generation Leaders Florence Pugh and nine other young trailblazers showing the way to a better world 59 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年5/22・5/29号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 17 The View 24 His Majesty Even before the pageantry of his coronation, King Charles was doing a lot of things right By Tina Brown Antimonarchists struggled to be heard on the streets of London By Yasmeen Serhan 32 Breakout Star Bollywood’s Deepika Padukone has the kind of magnetic appeal that transcends East and West By Astha Rajvanshi 38 Lone Star Promise Texas could be the global leader in alternative energy— if it took a liking to the idea By Justin Worland 42 A New Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida faces down his country’s ghosts By Charlie Campbell 49 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年5/8・5/15号
    896円 (税込)
    The Brief 21 The View 30 Ukraine Arms Race Inside the Pentagon’s scramble to produce the weapons for Kyiv’s spring counteroffensive By W.J. Hennigan 37 The 2023 Earth Awards TIME and TIMECO2 recognize five leaders in the battle against climate change. Mark Ruffalo and Gloria Walton extol the power of stories. Lisa P. Jackson greens Apple. Vanessa Nakate takes questions. And António Guterres writes a descendant 44 Imran Khan Plans His Comeback Pakistan’s most popular politician was ousted from office—and is now demanding elections By Charlie Campbell 50 A Burnt-Out Case A reporter’s solo search for relief, and resilience By Jamie Ducharme 57 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年4/24・5/1号
    896円 (税込)
  • TIME 2023年4/10・4/17号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 21 The View 28 Solamente Bad Bunny remade the rules of popular music—and did it while singing only in Spanish By Andrew R. Chow and Mariah Espada 34 Ukraine v. Putin Skeptical of the existing system of international justice, Ukraine wants to establish a tribunal devoted exclusively to Russian war crimes By Simon Shuster 38 The Waters of Paris The decades-long, multibillion-dollar, and apparently successful effort to clean the world’s most romantic river By Vivienne Walt 44 A Bilbao Story Frank Gehry pays a visit to the museum that made him the world’s most celebrated architect, as it turns 25 By Belinda Luscombe 49 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年3/27・4/3号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 29 The View 36 Off the Clock When pandemic measures destroyed our routines, the changes freed many of us from the tyranny of time. But that liberty must be defended By Lily Rothman 40 Carrying the Mail Louis DeJoy emerged from the shadow of Donald Trump as a champion of the U.S. Postal Service By Eric Cortellessa 46 The World’s Greatest Places 2023 TIME’s annual list extends from the sands of Egypt to the hills of Rwanda to the banks of the Danube Plus: How to travel now 65 Time Off Jan Epps has worked at the Comer, Ga., post office for 23 years
  • TIME 2023年3/13・3/20号
    896円 (税込)
    11 The Brief 21 The View 30 The First 100 Years of TIME Highlights and history from the more than 5,000 issues published since March 3, 1923 36 Women of the Year 2023 Recognizing 12 of this moment’s extraordinary leaders in the quest for a more equal world 56 Patients Out Of Patience A new health crisis is emerging: Americans simply giving up on an unwieldy and overpriced medical system By Jamie Ducharme 61 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年2/27・3/6号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 19 The View 26 ‘You Are Being Punished’ In the first days of the war, Russian troops locked an entire Ukrainian village in a school basement for nearly a month By Svitlana Oslavska 36 The Patriot Veteran and Rhodes scholar Wes Moore is Maryland’s new governor, and perhaps Democrats’ new hope By Molly Ball 44 Machine Yearning In their rush to get in on AI, tech companies are making the same mistakes they did with social media By Andrew R. Chow and Billy Perrigo 50 The Feminist And the Law Spain’s embattled Minister of Equality confronts unintended consequences By Lisa Abend 59 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年2/13・2/20号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 17 The View 26 Our Story So Far The author of Caste takes another look at the system that enforces inequality By Isabel Wilkerson 34 Don’t Look Away The killing of Tyre Nichols highlights the contours of American brutality By Janell Ross 38 Smuggling An Internet The clandestine efforts to get Starlink receivers to protesters in Iran By Karl Vick 42 Not So Hot Magic Mike is the exception proving the rule: movies are no longer sexy By Eliana Dockterman 46 The Future Is Already Here Quantum computers that work exponentially faster are changing everything, including digital security By Charlie Campbell PLUS: Keeping an Eye on AI 55 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年1/30・2/6号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 19 The View 28 India on the Pivot The fate of the world may well be determined by whether one country’s markets embrace solar or coal By Justin Worland 36 Voices of Davos Yuval Noah Harari on the hazards of identity; Christiana Figueres on writing our own destiny; Sergii Marchenko on the cost of the Ukraine war; Tristan Harris on what social media misses; and World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab on staying optimistic 42 Move Slow and Save Things A pioneer in artificial intelligence argues for proceeding with caution By Billy Perrigo 52 Quiet Down The case for keeping your thoughts to yourself By Dan Lyons 57 Time Off
  • TIME 2023年1/16・1/23号
    896円 (税込)
    3 The Brief 15 The View 22 Winter Offensive To prevent Putin from going nuclear, Ukraine must continue the fight By Elliot Ackerman Plus: Biden’s strategy By Graham Allison 28 Nuclear Moment Beatrice Fihn, who won a Nobel for campaigning for global disarmament, meets a perilous turning point By Naina Bajekal 32 Building a Better Bomber The stealthy and very expensive B-21 Raider heralds a new era of great-power confrontation By W.J. Hennigan 38 Farming In the Forest Agroforestry offers both a lifeline for Brazil’s troubled agriculture industry and an alternative to clear-cutting the Amazon By Ciara Nugent 44 A Happiness Guide The founders’ pursuit By Darrin M. McMahon How the happiness professor battles burnout By Jamie Ducharme Plus: Joy-building tips from experts 57 Time Off Workers take a water break while planting tree seedlings in Timburi, Brazil Photograph by Victor Moriyama for TIME
  • TIME 2022年12/26・1/9号
    896円 (税込)
    34 The Choice 38 Person of the Year Volodymyr Zelensky, who in his country’s darkest hour inspired the world By Simon Shuster 52 The Spirit 58 Heroes of the Year The women of Iran, who led a rebellion grounded in three words: woman, life, freedom By Azadeh Moaveni 62 Innovators of the Year Gregory Robinson and the James Webb Space Telescope team, who opened a door to the universe By Jeffrey Kluger 66 Icon of the Year Michelle Yeoh, who deserves to be Everything Everywhere All at Once By Lucy Feldman 70 Athlete of the Year Aaron Judge, who in setting a home-run record brought a nation back to its pastime By Sean Gregory 74 Entertainer of the Year Blackpink, who became the world’s biggest girl group by letting each member be herself By Raisa Bruner 89 Breakthrough of the Year Mickey Guyton, who in a standout year breached country music’s barriers By Andrew R. Chow 8 From the Editor 13 The Year In ... 81 Best of Culture
  • TIME 2022年12/5・12/12号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 21 The View 30 What Ukraine Reveals Russia’s war has made clear how authoritarian states weaponize the networks that connect the world By Peter Pomerantsev 34 Origin Story In The Fabelmans, Steven Spielberg brings his life to the movies By Stephanie Zacharek 40 Photos of the Year 2022 The images that captured the moments that mattered ◁ To see more of TIME’s Photos of the Year, including the one at left, visit time.com/100-photos-2022 54 Kids at Heart Brands like Lego and Mattel are now marketing to grownups who still enjoy playtime By Eliana Dockterman 59 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年11/21・11/28号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 19 The View 24 A New Kind of Midterm An off-year election is usually a referendum on the incumbent President, but it was the 45th who loomed over this vote—and held Republicans back once again By Molly Ball 29 Best Inventions 2022 TIME’s annual list of innovative products doubles in size this year and ranges ever further, from a robotic scalpel and a swim cap for textured hair to a lithium battery that’s both smaller and more powerful than the ones we have 54 Under the Sun After the heat-related deaths of thousands of migrant workers, hosting the World Cup compelled Qatar to develop protocols for working outdoors safely in a rapidly warming world By Aryn Baker 69 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年11/7・11/14号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 23 The View 36 Gathering of the Vibes How voters feel about the candidates may matter more than the issues By Charlotte Alter Plus: Arizona gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake, rising Republican star By Eric Cortellessa 37 Climate in the Balance Appealing to wealthy countries’ sense of climate justice hasn’t worked, but reframing the conversation around issues of self-interest could By Justin Worland The importance of loss and damage By Aryn Baker 45 Viewpoints: The Bridgetown Initiative By Mia Mottley A climate migrant in Uganda By Nyombi Morris What the world can learn from Bangladesh By Saleemul Huq How Egypt stifles environmental activism By Sahar Aziz 50 In Ecuador, green-energy developers go head-to-head with river defenders By Mélissa Godin 52 60 Disrupter Maestro Gustavo Dudamel, the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s artistic director, brings classical music to the masses By Ed Leibowitz 65 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年10/24・10/31号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 23 The View 32 All Roads Lead to Xi Jinping China’s President for life begins his third term with a ruthless grip on power that imperils the global economy By Charlie Campbell 38 Lincoln’s Lessons When he faced a profoundly polarized America, the 16th President preserved democracy by linking politics to conscience By Jon Meacham 44 The Measure of #MeToo Five years after a movement that provided an invaluable solidarity to survivors went viral, sexual violence remains a public-health crisis By Tarana Burke 49 Next Generation Leaders From Chennai to London, Beijing to Kyiv, meet 10 rising stars steering the world to a brighter future 63 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年10/10・10/17号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 21 The View 28 Top Gun Ukrainian General Valeriy Zaluzhny leads a counteroffensive against the Russians By Simon Shuster and Vera Bergengruen 34 Democracy On the Ballot The most important races in November’s midterms feature candidates trying to fend off conspiracy theorists By Charlotte Alter 41 TIME100 Next The artists, advocates, leaders, innovators, and phenoms who are today’s brightest rising stars—including Lashana Lynch by Viola Davis, Ja Morant by Justin Timberlake, Luisa Neubauer by Vanessa Nakate, and 97 more
  • TIME 2022年9/26・10/3号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 19 The View 26 The Age of Elizabeth The reign of Queen Elizabeth II spanned seven decades that seemed to change everything except Britain’s longest serving monarch By Steve Dougherty and Larry Sutton 44 Nuclear Option Under the prairie with crews struggling to maintain a Cold War arsenal that would cost $100 billion to fully upgrade By W.J. Hennigan 52 Climate Changes Playing for Time: As the human cost of climate change accelerates, signs of hope emerge By Justin Worland Urging Action: Author Margaret Atwood on the importance of being positive about the future By Lucy Feldman 56 The Other Amazon: The online retailer is buying up wind or solar capacity worldwide in its drive to reach net-zero carbon by 2040 By Andrew Blum 58 65 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年9/12・9/19号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 21 The View 73 Time Off 28 The Greatest Of All Time Serena Williams changed far more than the sport she dominated By Sean Gregory 36 Gun Mettle The saber-rattling of U.S. firearms companies By Alana Semuels What sells guns By Olivia B. Waxman 44 Hacking Twitter The platform’s former security chief blows the whistle By Billy Perrigo, Andrew R. Chow, and Vera Bergengruen 50 How Green Was My Desert Saudi Arabia claims the world’s biggest oil exporter can also lead the way on sustainable technology By Vivienne Walt 56 A New Latin American Left Chile is on the brink of historic change—and so is its youngest President ever By Ciara Nugent64 The Power Of Rings Inside Amazon’s bighearted, extravagant, and wildly expensive prequel to Lord of the Rings By Eliana Dockterman
  • TIME 2022年8/22・8/29号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 25 The View 32 Afghanistan in Memory Women who fled Kabul a year ago build new lives abroad By Naina Bajekal, Amie Ferris-Rotman, Farahnaz Forotan, Zahra Joya, Jill Langlois, and Corinne Redfern 48 Preparing for the Next Pandemic A drug company organizes a global surveillance network to detect—and move against—new strains of COVID-19, and the inevitable new threats coming after By Alice Park 55 Sound It Out The nationwide push to teach children reading through phonics, which research shows works best By Belinda Luscombe 60 The Greater Good Oxford philosopher William MacAskill and the effort to improve as many lives as possible By Naina Bajekal 71 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年8/8・8/15号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 21 The View 30 Putin’s Prisoner What the detention of Brittney Griner says about the clash of superpowers By Sean Gregory 36 Very Meta The metaverse will alter our lives. Possibly for the better By Matthew Ball The false promise of a play-to-earn blockchain game By Chad de Guzman and Andrew R. Chow 44 The Long Game Jim Clyburn’s unsung quest for Black political power By Molly Ball 52 Power Train A new lithium mine in Argentina could fix EVs’ dirty secret By Ciara Nugent A Vietnamese electric-car company goes global by way of North Carolina By Charlie Campbell 62 Enjoying The View How Joy Behar gets away with it all By Belinda Luscombe 69 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年7/25・8/1号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 17 The View 22 A Nation Asunder Overturning Roe v. Wade upended a lot more than the law on abortion By Abigail Abrams No longer will feminist empowerment be mistaken for power By Charlotte Alter Plus: The privacy questions lurking in employers’ promises By Katie Reilly The looming issue of how to define personhood By Madeleine Carlisle Doctors’ dilemma: When does an abortion save a life? By Jamie Ducharme and Tara Law 32 Healing Ukraine In a nation ravaged by war, First Lady Olena Zelenska immerses herself in addressing traumas both personal and collective By Simon Shuster 37 The World’s Greatest Places The world is re-opening and tourists are venturing forth. Fifty far-flung destinations, from Ahmedabad to Argentina and beyond 63 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年7/4・7/11号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 23 The View 30 A Question of Trust A TIME investigation of “pregnancy centers” run by anti-abortion groups, and the personal data they collect By Abigail Abrams and Vera Bergengruen 36 The Reverend Senator Raphael Warnock runs for re-election a year after going from Ebenezer Baptist to the Capitol By Tayari Jones 42 Enjoying the Ride Peloton instructors parlay fame into lucrative side gigs By Eliana Dockterman 50 The Drink Stirs Oceans can mitigate climate change By Elijah Wolfson Tidal energy goes mainstream By Tom Vanderbilt We’re gonna need a greener boat By Alejandro de la Garza Pakistan’s coastal dilemma By Aryn Baker 73 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年6/20・6/27号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 19 The View 26 One Nation, Under Fire Will Congress overhaul gun laws? By Brian Bennett Mourning in Uvalde By Jasmine Aguilera The rage of teachers from Sandy Hook and Parkland By Katie Reilly A recipe for change By James Densley and Jillian Peterson 34 Europe on the Brink Ursula von der Leyen prepares the E.U. for its next crisis By Naina Bajekal 40 Landing a House How three couples managed wins in a brutal real estate market By Ronda Kaysen 46 Just Kids Young Americans challenging the gender binary—and the politics targeting them By Madeleine Carlisle 59 Future Tense Better batteries and boardrooms Plus: Leaders’ decisive moments 77 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年6/6・6/13号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 15 The View Simu Liu BY SANDRA OH 30 Faith Ringgold BY THELMA GOLDEN 30 Zoë Kravitz BY REESE WITHERSPOON 31 Michael R. Jackson BY BILLY PORTER 32 Ariana DeBose BY KRISTIN CHENOWETH 33 Amanda Seyfried BY DAVID FINCHER 33 Nathan Chen BY MICHELLE KWAN 34 Jazmine Sullivan BY AMBER RILEY 35 Channing Tatum BY MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY 35 Andrew Garfield BY MARTIN SCORSESE 36 Sarah Jessica Parker BY CYNTHIA NIXON 36 Quinta Brunson BY LEBRON JAMES 37 Mila Kunis BY ZOE SALDAÑA 38 Pete Davidson BY JACK HARLOW 38 Jeremy Strong BY AARON SORKIN 39 Candace Parker BY DWYANE WADE 42 SÔnia Guajajara BY GUILHERME BOULOS 42 Gregory L. Robinson BY JOHN MATHER 43 Stéphane Bancel BY ALICE PARK 44 Eileen Gu BY GUS KENWORTHY 45 Valérie Masson-Delmotte & Panmao Zhai BY BILL MCKIBBEN 45 Emily Oster BY STEVEN PINKER 46 Tulio de Oliveira & Sikhulile Moyo BY JOHN NKENGASONG 46 Questlove BY JIMMY FALLON 47 Frances Haugen BY TRISTAN HARRIS 48 Emmett Schelling BY CHASE STRANGIO 49 Mazen Darwish & Anwar Al Bunni BY KENNETH ROTH 49 Nan Goldin BY PATRICK RADDEN KEEFE 50 Cristina Villarreal Velásquez & Ana Cristina González Vélez BY AILBHE SMYTH 50 Volodymyr Zelensky BY JOE BIDEN 54 Mia Mottley BY NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA 55 Umar Ata Bandial BY AITZAZ AHSAN 55 Joe Rogan BY KARA SWISHER 56 Ketanji Brown Jackson BY CORY BOOKER 56 Valeriy Zaluzhnyy BY MARK A. MILLEY 57 Karuna Nundy BY MENAKA GURUSWAMY 58 Joe Biden BY BILL CLINTON 59 Gabriel Boric BY JOSEPH STIGLITZ 59 Ursula von der Leyen BY JENS STOLTENBERG 60 Ron DeSantis BY JEB BUSH 60 Vladimir Putin BY ALEXEI NAVALNY 61 Kyrsten Sinema BY LISA MURKOWSKI 61 Letitia James BY CHARLOTTE ALTER 62 Yoon Suk-yeol BY AMY GUNIA 62 Olaf Scholz BY MAGDALENA ANDERSSON 63 Samia Suluhu Hassan BY ELLEN JOHNSON SIRLEAF 64 Xi Jinping BY JEFFREY WASSERSTROM 64 Kevin McCarthy BY PHILIP ELLIOTT 65 Abiy Ahmed BY ARYN BAKER 65 Lynn Fitch BY ABIGAIL ABRAMS 66 Sun Chunlan BY CHARLIE CAMPBELL 66 Khurram Parvez BY RANA AYYUB 66 Zendaya BY DENIS VILLENEUVE 70 Taika Waititi BY SACHA BARON COHEN 71 Josh Wardle BY QUESTLOVE 71 Michelle Zauner BY BOWEN YANG 72 Michael Schatz, Karen Miga, Evan Eichler & Adam Phillippy BY JENNIFER DOUDNA 73 Mike Cannon-Brookes BY AL GORE 73 Miranda Lambert BY ELLE KING 74 Sevgil Musaieva BY AMIE FERRIS-ROTMAN 74 Derrick Palmer & Chris Smalls BY BERNIE SANDERS 75 Francis Kéré BY DAVID ADJAYE 76 David Vélez BY IVÁN DUQUE 76 Timnit Gebru BY SAFIYA NOBLE 77 Bela Bajaria BY MINDY KALING 78 Demna BY ALEXA DEMIE 78 Tim Cook BY LAURENE POWELL JOBS 82 Michelle Yeoh BY KEVIN KWAN 83 Christine Lagarde BY AYESHA JAVED 83 Andy Jassy BY STEVE BALLMER 84 Sally Rooney BY LENA DUNHAM 85 Gautam Adani BY DEBASISH ROY CHOWDHURY 85 Elizabeth Alexander BY LYNN NOTTAGE 86 Megan Rapinoe, Becky Sauerbrunn & Alex Morgan BY BILLIE JEAN KING 87 Sam Bankman-Fried BY ANDREW R. CHOW 87 Oprah Winfrey BY MICHELLE OBAMA 88 David Zaslav BY CHIP AND JOANNA GAINES 88 Hwang Dong-hyuk BY LEE JUNG-JAE 89 Kris Jenner BY RYAN SEACREST 89 Mary J. Blige BY NAS 92 Rafael Nadal BY TOM BRADY 92 Nadine Smith BY KRISTEN ARNETT 93 Hoda Khamosh BY KARL VICK 94 Jon Batiste BY QUINCY JONES 95 Dmitry Muratov BY BILL BROWDER 95 Adele BY JAMES CORDEN 96 Peng Shuai BY LÜ PIN 96 Maya Lin BY CELESTE NG 98 Keanu Reeves BY CARRIE-ANNE MOSS 98 Issa Rae BY ROBIN THEDE 99 On the Covers PHOTOGRAPHS FOR TIME BY CAMILA FALQUEZ (ZENDAYA); GEORDIE WOOD (TIM COOK); MICAIAH CARTER (MARY J. BLIGE); NHU XUAN HUA (SIMU LIU); CAMILA FALQUEZ (MIA MOTTLEY)
  • TIME 2022年5/23・5/30号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 19 The View 32 Unsettled Law Both sides of the abortion issue mobilize for an overturned Roe v. Wade By Abigail Abrams The Supreme Court may end up reversing more than Roe By Erwin Chemerinsky Our clinic won’t shut down By Robin Marty and Leah Torres 38 Shrinking Big Oil The puzzle of changing a notorious industry when it’s raking in profits By Justin Worland 47 Polar Expeditions Receding ocean ice reveals costs and opportunities in the Arctic By Aryn Baker 60 The Return of Lula Brazil’s former President emerges from political exile to challenge the right-wing incumbent By Ciara Nugent 66 Next Generation Leaders Trailblazers from around the world show the way to a brighter future 81 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年5/9・5/16号
    896円 (税込)
    7 The Brief 25 The View 30 Zelensky at War In the room with Ukraine’s President By Simon Shuster Plus: Russia’s brave dissenters By Mary Gelman 48 The New Germany Chancellor Olaf Scholz on changing course and rearming By Lisa Abend 54 Bird Man Elon Musk takes Twitter By Billy Perrigo Solving the puzzle of his politics By Molly Ball 60 Stuck and Angry America’s middle-class blues By Belinda Luscombe and Alana Semuels 68 Lost Boys When schools paused, they went to work By Corinne Redfern and Ali Ahsan 74 The Memory Room The new science of forgetting By Corinne Purtill 78 Saving the Big Screen MoviePass 2.0 By Eliana Dockterman 85 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年4/25・5/2号
    896円 (税込)
    25 The View 30 Moscow’s Rules The greed that drives Vladimir Putin also makes him vulnerable By Bill Browder 36 Facing Loss How to grieve the roughly 1 million Americans lost to COVID-19 By Rebecca Soffer Plus: Five lives remembered 45 Earth, Inc. Privatizing climate change By Justin Worland Greening mining By Aryn Baker Company scorecards By Emily Barone and Chris Wilson Tribal clean energy By Kalen Goodluck Farming with a future By Maria Gallucci Plus: 2030 ideas 68 Cash Back In Guatemala, a move to slow migration to the U.S. by investing the funds sent home By Ciara Nugent 74 Player of the Century Shohei Ohtani is the All-Star pitcher who also hits home runs by the dozen By Sean Gregory and Karl Vick 81 Time Off The Brief 25 The View 30 Moscow’s Rules The greed that drives Vladimir Putin also makes him vulnerable By Bill Browder 36 Facing Loss How to grieve the roughly 1 million Americans lost to COVID-19 By Rebecca Soffer Plus: Five lives remembered 45 Earth, Inc. Privatizing climate change By Justin Worland Greening mining By Aryn Baker Company scorecards By Emily Barone and Chris Wilson Tribal clean energy By Kalen Goodluck Farming with a future By Maria Gallucci Plus: 2030 ideas 68 Cash Back In Guatemala, a move to slow migration to the U.S. by investing the funds sent home By Ciara Nugent 74 Player of the Century Shohei Ohtani is the All-Star pitcher who also hits home runs by the dozen By Sean Gregory and Karl Vick 81 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年4/11・4/18号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 27 The View 36 Ukraine’s Quartermasters On the road with the largest ever transfer of U.S. arms to another country—and the foreign volunteers showing up to fight By Simon Shuster Plus: Ukrainian women battle behind the lines By Amie Ferris-Rotman 44 Capitol Hill Local 535 Congressional staffers trying to unionize are also testing the sincerity of Democratic lawmakers By Abby Vesoulis 50 On the Trail A retired insurance-claims investigator is determined to figure out who’s shooting wild horses in an Arizona forest By Marisa Agha 56 A Quest for Justice Lawyer Karuna Nundy’s crusade to outlaw marital rape in India By Astha Rajvanshi 61 Most Influential Companies 2022 TIME’s annual list of 100 businesses charting the future 91 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年3/28・4/4号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 25 The View 36 Carnage in Kyiv Photographer Maxim Dondyuk documents the toll of war By Simon Shuster Plus: Mothers return to Ukraine By Amie Ferris-Rotman 52 Crypto Wunderkind Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin on the promise and perils of the new web By Andrew R. Chow 60 The Activists Its goals stymied, a youth climate group charts a new path forward By Molly Ball 68 Flight for Survival Mirard Joseph, the man at the center of a viral image, tells his story By Jasmine Aguilera and Harold Isaac; photographs by Paul Ratje for TIME Plus: Joe Biden’s Haiti problem By Vera Bergengruen 76 Streaming Sensation Inside the creation of CoComelon, a new model for children’s entertainment By Alana Semuels 85 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年3/14・3/21号
    896円 (税込)
    The Brief 23 The View 30 The War President How Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky inspired the West to unite against Vladimir Putin By Simon Shuster Plus: Dispatches from Kyiv, Ukraine; Siret, Romania; Przemysl, Poland; and Washington, D.C. 42 Paying the Price Charging drivers to use roads makes sense as a strategy against climate change. But the politics is something else By Justin Worland 50 Under Attack Doctors who treat trans youth face harassment akin to that faced by abortion providers By Madeleine Carlisle 57 Women of the Year 12 extraordinary women— Amal Clooney, Kacey Musgraves, Amanda Nguyen, Zahra Joya, Kerry Washington, Adena Friedman, Sherrilyn Ifill, and more—strive to create an equal future. Including conversations led by Maria Ressa, Chanel Miller, and Angelina Jolie 81 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年2/28・3/7号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 19 The View 83 Time Off 28 Disturbing Content Facebook moderators in Nairobi make $1.50 an hour to look at the worst things on the internet By Billy Perrigo 36 Road Worriers The U.S. needs more truckers, but the industry prospers by churning through drivers By Alana Semuels 44 Bringing Comfort End-of-life doulas, once rare, have seen their numbers grow significantly during the pandemic By Melissa Chan 52 Army Green Is it possible for the U.S. military to be both combat-ready and carbon-neutral? By Alejandro de la Garza 58 Local Heroes How villages high in India’s mountains hit vaccination milestones long before the rest of the country By Nilanjana Bhowmick 66 What Lies Ahead Nothing is more stressful than uncertainty. And yet here we are, in Year Three By Rebekah Taussig 70 Kid of the Year 2021 Orion Jean, age 11, talks to Angelina Jolie about spreading kindness. Plus 18 others from a generation of hope
  • TIME 2022年2/14号
    896円 (税込)
    The Brief 23 The View 30 A Personal War The real roots of the Ukraine conflict By Simon Shuster Europe must save itself By Bruno Maçães 40 An End In Sight Omicron may shift the virus to endemic status By Alice Park The wait for treatment of Long COVID By Jamie Ducharme 50 Confronting History My search for answers about my enslaved ancestors By Imani Perry 56 Gimme Shelter HUD’s Marcia Fudge faces the housing crisis By Abby Vesoulis 68 Waste Not Finland’s effort to go beyond recycling By Lisa Abend 76 Outlawing Tobacco A town aims to start a movement By Jamie Ducharme 82 Dog Runs Saving millions of pets by moving them north By Andrew Blum 91 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年1/31・2/7号
    896円 (税込)
    The Brief 19 The View 26 The Biden Blues At the end of his first year, the President faces an uncontrolled pandemic, galloping inflation, tanking polls and a blocked legislative agenda. Where does he go from here? By Molly Ball and Brian Bennett 32 Putin’s Nemesis In letters to TIME from a Russian penal colony, opposition-movement leader Alexei Navalny urges the West not to fall for Putin’s distractions By Simon Shuster 40 A Beijing Winter Games Having struggled with fame after winning gold in 2018, snowboarder Chloe Kim is back and stronger than ever By Sean Gregory Plus: 12 other Olympic athletes to watch, Alice Park on China’s plan to keep COVID-19 at bay and Ian Bremmer on the geopolitical stakes 55 The Magic of Collaboration World Economic Forum president Klaus Schwab on coming together; leaders recall winning partnerships; plus advice from Yuval Noah Harari, Indra Nooyi and more 85 Time Off
  • TIME 2022年1/17・1/24号
    896円 (税込)
    5 The Brief 17 The View 87 Time Off 26 Jan. 6, Continued Probed by the FBI and the House, but weaponized by Trump By Vera Bergengruen, Brian Bennett and Chris Wilson, and Nik Popli 34 Bucking Up The CDC It’s up to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky to return trust to an agency brought low by the pandemic By Alice Park 41 The Future At Hand Tiny reactors, digital twins, online creators and a joking robot By Andrew Blum, Andrew R. Chow, Raisa Bruner and Corinne Purti 64 Skiing on An Edge Freestyler Eileen Gu, born in the U.S., will compete for China in the Beijing Games By Charlie Campbell 70 Money Talks Wealthy local residents rode to the rescue of cash-strapped Kalamazoo. Not everyone is pleased By Alana Semuels 78 The Visionary Shonda Rhimes upended network television, romped in the Netflix stream and eyes what’s next By Judy Berman ON THE COVER: Photograph by Djeneba Aduayom for TIME Trump supporters rally near the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, hours before mobs storm the Capitol Photograph by Mark Peterson—The New York Times/Redux
  • TIME 2021年12/27号・2022年1/3号
    896円 (税込)
  • TIME 2021年12/6・12/13号
    896円 (税込)
    9 The Brief 19 The View 26 Whistle-Blower Frances Haugen’s life before Facebook compelled her to expose the company’s secrets By Billy Perrigo 34 Melting Pot To understand why teaching race has become an incendiary political issue, look no further than one school’s fight over “cultural responsiveness” By Molly Ball 44 Wind Workers The U.S. East Coast is preparing to draw energy from offshore wind farms. And trainees are preparing for the jobs they’re told will come too By Alejandro de la Garza 48 ‘Peak Redundancy’ The burden of TV streaming services that want to be all things to everyone By Judy Berman 54 The Year in Photos Moments of clarity, in a 2021 marked by fraught transitions 75 Time Off A fisherman feeds whale sharks in Tan-Awan, the Philippines, in September; while the chance to swim with big fish is a tourist draw, conservation groups denounce hand feeding Photograph by Hannah Reyes Morales—The New York Times/Redux TIME Asia is published biweekly (except for August and December) by TIME Magazine HK Limited. © TIME Magazine HK Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. TIME and the Red Border Design are protected through trademark registration in the U.S. and in the countries where TIME magazine circulates. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations. PRINT SUBSCRIPTIONS: Visit time.com/AsiaJoinus. SUBSCRIBERS: If the postal services alert us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within two years. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: For 24/7 service, or to learn more about special offers online, please visit www.subscribenow.com.au/time/asia/SOLO. You may also email our Customer Services Center at time@subscribenow.com.au or call (61) 2 9158 6172, or write to Time Magazine HK Ltd., 16/F Tower 5, The Gateway, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. ADVERTISING: For information and rates visit: timemediakit.com. TIME Asia is edited in Hong Kong and printed in Singapore and Hong Kong. Singapore MCI (P) No. 080/08/2020. Malaysia KKDN permit no. PPS 676/03/2013(022933).
  • TIME 2021年11/22・11/29号
    896円 (税込)
    11 The Brief 19 The View 28 Abortion’s Front Line The last abortion clinic in Mississippi is at the center of the U.S. Supreme Court case the antiabortion movement has been waiting for By Abigail Abrams 34 Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, is learning as he goes By Charlotte Alter 38 The Kidfluencer How opening toys on YouTube made Ryan Kaji, age 10, the linchpin of a global media empire and earned him a reported $29.5 million in 2020 By Belinda Luscombe 45 Best Inventions 2021 TIME’s annual list highlights vaccines for COVID-19 and malaria, a novel new noodle, a more discreet breast pump and 96 other innovative creations 77 Time Off TIME Asia is published biweekly (except for August and December) by TIME Magazine HK Limited. © TIME Magazine HK Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. TIME and the Red Border Design are protected through trademark registration in the U.S. and in the countries where TIME magazine circulates. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations. PRINT SUBSCRIPTIONS: Visit time.com/AsiaJoinus. SUBSCRIBERS: If the postal services alert us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within two years. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: For 24/7 service, or to learn more about special offers online, please visit www.subscribenow.com.au/time/asia/SOLO. You may also email our Customer Services Center at time@subscribenow.com.au or call (61) 2 9158 6172, or write to Time Magazine HK Ltd., 16/F Tower 5, The Gateway, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. ADVERTISING: For information and rates visit: timemediakit.com. TIME Asia is edited in Hong Kong and printed in Singapore and Hong Kong. Singapore MCI (P) No. 080/08/2020. Malaysia KKDN permit no. PPS 676/03/2013(022933). Doug Emhoff arrives at East Side High School in Newark, N.J., on Oct. 19 Photograph by Landon Nordeman for TIME
  • TIME 2021年11/8・11/15号
    896円 (税込)
    4 | From the Editor 6 | Conversation 8 | For the Record The Brief News from the U.S. and around the world 9 | Tardily on the trail of the coronavirus’s origin 12 | Facebook’s European problem 14 | Cognitive tests for public service 15 | Milestones: illustrator Jerry Pinkney; actor James Michael Tyler 16 | Risking women’s education in Afghanistan 17 | Disarming Hollywood 20 | Migrants’ perilous trek The View Ideas, opinion, innovations 23 | Belinda Luscombe on a wave of rudeness 25 | Ian Bremmer on the Iran deal 26 | S. Mitra Kalita on Indra Nooyi’s secret sauce 27 | Marc Benioff on learning from Colin Powell 28 | Emily Ratajkowski on relinquishing control Features The CEO Whisperer Jeffrey Sonnenfeld gets business titans to stand for more than profits By Molly Ball 32 The Big Quit Young people leaving the workforce have other plans By Raisa Bruner 40 Overlooked What it means that America ignores imprisoned activist H. Rap Brown By Rembert Browne 44 Special Report: Climate Is Everything John Kerry and eight others to watch By Justin Worland 52 Meat off the hoof By Aryn Baker 66 The world’s other “lung” By Vanessa Nakate 74 Green swans By Emily Barone 78 Energy for all in Australia By Amy Gunia 80 Time Off What to watch, read, see and do 89 | The abiding cipher of Diana on stage, screen and tube 92 | Television: a guy rom-com in Love Life; Kaepernick’s Colin in Black and White; the rare pleasures of Dickinson 94 | Books: Darcie Little Badger talks about A Snake Falls to Earth 96 | 7 Questions for marine biologist Sylvia Earle Mark Post, who developed the first lab-grown hamburger at Mosa Meat, visits Limousin cows near Maastricht, Netherlands, in July Photograph by Ricardo Cases for TIME
  • TIME 2021年10/25・11/1号
    896円 (税込)
    4 | From the Editor 6 | Conversation 8 | For the Record The Brief News from the U.S. and around the world 9 | Mitch McConnell’s debt-ceiling dare 14 | Afghan refugees alight in Wisconsin 15 | A global corporate minimum tax 16 | Prison for the Italian mayor who welcomed migrants 18 | TIME With ... retired U.S. Army general Stanley McChrystal 20 | The consequences of California’s offshore oil leak The View Ideas, opinion, innovations 23 | Sean Gregory on Nike’s silence about Kyrie Irving’s vaccine hesitancy 25 | Dr. Raj Panjabi on preparing for the next pandemic 25 | Ian Bremmer on Central Europe’s fragile democracies Features Facebook Exposed The skewed priorities of the social media giant By Billy Perrigo 26 Plus: The industry will not change on its own By Roger McNamee 31 The Future of Money Past is prologue By Jacob Goldstein 34 The promise of the NFT world By Andrew R. Chow 38 El Salvador’s bet on crypto By Ciara Nugent 44 Black Bitcoin By Janell Ross 48 Fish Tale Vanishing salmon pit tribes against officials By Brian Bennett 54 For the Prosecution Atlanta’s first Black female DA eyes Donald Trump By Janell Ross 64 LGBTQ in Korea A community rises against discrimination By Sungsub Billy Choo and Sangsuk Sylvia Kang 72 Next Generation Leaders Showing the way forward 78 Time Off What to watch, read, see and do 93 | Television’s vanishing middle class 96 | Books: In the kitchen with David Chang and Priya Krishna; the fall’s best cookbooks 97 | Movies: Last Night in Soho captures 1960s London; an overcrowded The Harder They Fall; Wes Anderson’s The French Dispatch 104 | 8 Questions for author Elizabeth Strout Maynard “Bugs” Holt nets salmon in a traditional Nez Perce fishery in Idaho Photograph by Kiliii Yüyan for TIME
  • TIME 2021年10/11・10/18号
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  • TIME 2021年9/27・10/4号
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  • TIME 2019年4/29・5/6号
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  • TIME 2019年4/22号
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  • TIME 2019年4/15号
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  • TIME 2019年4/1号
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  • TIME 2019年3/25号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | A second crash puts pressure on Boeing and the FAA 7 | Russians protest state control of the Internet 8 | Saudi women afraid to go home 10 | The Guardians: Struggling for press freedom in Azerbaijan 12 | TIME with . . . college-basketball maven Jay Bilas 14 | Outside the last ISIS stronghold 19 | The lagging response to severe weather warnings 21 | Ian Bremmer: Don’t underestimate Trump in 2020 22 | Anand Giridharadas meets both Elizabeth Warrens 23 | A scandal exposes the hollowness of chasing elite college degrees 24 | Bracing for Battle 32 | The New Slavery 40 | Girl, Build Your Brand 45 | Gayle King’s midcareer glow 48 | Movies: The Mustang and The Aftermath 49 | Books: Amy Hempel’s Sing to It and Laila Lalami’s The Other Americans 50 | Country musician Maren Morris 52 | 8 Questions for cardiologist Dr. Eric Topol
  • TIME 2019年3/18号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | From the Editor 4 | For the Record 7 | Probing the mystery of Jared Kushner’s security clearance 10 | Congo attacks raise fear of Ebola’s spread 11 | Milestones: Luke Perry and Andr? Previn 12 | TIME with . . . the chief ranger of Grand Canyon National Park 15 | Can climate change shape the 2020 election? 17 | Ian Bremmer: why Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is fighting for his political life 18 | dream hampton on R. Kelly and the meaning of justice 19 | Behind the ongoing U.S. measles outbreaks 20 | The Journey North 28 | Man of Faith 38 | Varsity Hotshots 45 | Brie Larson plays Marvel’s first solo female superhero 48 | Reviews: Now Apocalypse and Gloria Bell 50 | Art: rethinking Frida Kahlo 52 | 8 Questions for fashion designer Tory Burch
  • TIME 2019年3/11号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | How Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony hurts Donald Trump 7 | India-Pakistan tensions escalate 8 | A guide to 5G technology 9 | Milestones: Stanley Donen and Mark Hollis 10 | The Pope’s sex abuse summit disappoints survivors 12 | TIME with . . . Meg Wolitzer 15 | Renato Mariotti: Why the Mueller report is a beginning, not the end 17 | Ian Bremmer: The U.S. and China try to rekindle the trade spark 18 | Poland’s Jewish community is growing fast 20 | Venezuela in Limbo 24 | The Homecoming 34 | Queen of Comedy 47 | Writer Laurie Halse Anderson shouts her story 50 | Eating healthy—with the help of the occasional dessert 52 | 9 Questions for Alabama Senator Doug Jones
  • TIME 2019年3/4号
    896円 (税込)
  • TIME 2019年2/18・2/25号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | From the Editor 5 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | The drug war after El Chapo 10 | The Virginia governor and the new bar for political scandal 11 | The first U.S. statehouse with a female majority 12 | TIME with . . . TV chef-turned- cancer crusader Sandra Lee 14 | The New England Patriots extend their reign 17 | Nancy Gibbs on the 2020 campaign and our waning attention span 19 | Ian Bremmer on the danger of the U.S. leaving a Cold War arms treaty 19 | Where Black History Month tributes fall short 20 | Ralph Nader on Howard Schultz and third-party candidates 22 | Small countries make big pledges to slow climate change 26 | Walled Off 34 | Venezuela’s Opening 40 | China’s Time Bomb 46 | To the Rescue 52 | The Optimists 89 | Man Booker Prize winner Marlon James kicks off a fantasy trilogy 94 | Movies: Isn’t It Romantic; The Lego Movie 2; Cold Pursuit 96 | Daniel Radcliffe stars in the new TV comedy Miracle Workers 99 | Eat smart: benefits of fiberrich diets; the unhealthiest fried foods 100 | 8 Questions for author Angie Thomas
  • TIME 2019年2/4号・2/11号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 7 | What’s next for “the Resistance” 9 | Popular revolt threatens Sudan’s dictator 10 | Trump’s art of dealing with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un 11 | An appreciation of poet Mary Oliver 12 | TIME with . . . TV host Michael Strahan 14 | Former U.S. Marine accused of espionage in a Moscow court 17 | A deteriorating federal workforce puts America at risk 19 | Ian Bremmer on Tunisia’s faltering democracy 20 | Tressie McMillan Cottom on what black women endure in health care 22 | Crossing Borders 49 | Mapping the Future 84 | Homecoming 88 | Resurrecting Chipotle 93 | Seven shows about women made by women end this year. What’s next? 96 | A Jimmy Breslin doc 97 | Television: Russian Doll and I Am the Night 98 | Books: a poet’s latest collection; the sad thing about sex; and seeking solace in Virginia Woolf 100 | 7 Questions for Ojibwe writer David Treuer
  • TIME 2019年1/28号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | How Attorney General nominee William Barr will affect Mueller’s probe 8 | Will there be a Brexit? 9 | Tributes: Harvey Fierstein on Carol Channing, and Martin Scorsese on Verna Bloom 10 | Denmark’s plan to send rejected asylum seekers to an island 12 | TIME with . . . actor-director Gina Rodriguez 17 | Viet Thanh Nguyen on a different Martin Luther King Jr. speech 19 | Ian Bremmer on Trump’s messy plan to pull U.S. troops from Syria 22|The Tech Backlash 36 | A Survivor’s Fight 45 | Black Monday and other satires of capitalism 47 | Quick Talk: actor Regina King 48 | 9 Questions for civil rights insider Robert J. Brown
  • TIME 2019年1/21号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | Apple feels the pinch of Trump’s trade war 10 | Three new tech products to watch 11 | The legacy of Southwest Airlines’ Herb Kelleher 12 | TIME with . . . actor Keegan- Michael Key 14 | Elizabeth Warren in Iowa 17 | Great art from not-so-great people 19 | Ian Bremmer’s top 10 global risks for 2019 22 | Let the Battle Begin 34 | Deliberate Steps 38 | The Heir 45 | Mahershala Ali rehabilitates True Detective 48 | Books: Chigozie Obioma’s Nigerian epic; Jamil Jan Kochai’s debut novel; Chris Hammer’s Scrublands 50 | Movies: the downside of The Upside 51 | Lady Gaga’s “Shallow” dominates 52 | 7 Questions for Crazy Rich Asians actor Ken Jeong
  • TIME 2019年1/14号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | A new link from Russia to the Trump campaign 7 | The shutdown standoff 10 | TIME with .. . Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins 12 | More tear gas at the border 15 | Walter Isaacson on how America can regain its edge 17 | Ian Bremmer on 2019 resolutions for world leaders 20 | Texas Gusher 26 | Society’s Expectations 30 | The Future of Fertility 45 | What makes a movie Oscarworthy these days? 48 | Television: Sex Education, Project Blue Book and You’re the Worst 50 | New self-help books for 2019 52 | 6 Questions for director Adam McKay
  • TIME 2018年12/24・12/31号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 10 | Silence Breakers 16 | Apollo 8 Revisited 20 | Covers 22 | Quotes 24 | Firsts & Lasts 25 | Things 26 | Heroes 32 | THE CHOICE 36 | THE GUARDIANS 72 | NO.2 | DONALD TRUMP | THE DISRUPTER 78 | NO.3 | ROBERT MUELLER | THE INVESTIGATOR 84 | NO.4 | THE ACTIVISTS | CONSCIENCE OF A NATION 88 | NO.5 | MOON JAE-IN | THE MEDIATOR 94 | NO.6 | RYAN COOGLER | THE CREATOR 100 | NO.7 | MEGHAN MARKLE | THE MODERN ROYAL
  • TIME 2018年12/17特大号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | Riots test France’s Macron 9 | Mexico’s change President 10 | A deal to curtail fentanyl in China 11 | Remembering an ambassador of Mexican chefs 12 | TIME with . . . author and teacher John McPhee 14 | Under pressure, mobile-home residents unite 15 | The danger of expecting too much from Robert Mueller 17 | Ian Bremmer on the U.S.-China trade cease-fire 17 | Whither history majors? 36 | In war-torn Mosul, debate over how to rebuild 18 | George H.W. Bush 1924?2018 38 | California Burning 48 | Photos of the Year 72 | The Heart Watcher 80 | For His Next Act 87 | Spider-Man’s staying power 90 | Ruth Bader Ginsburg gets the Hollywood treatment 91 | Books: the sounds and sights of London 92 | 11 Questions for Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • TIME 2018年12/10号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | What’s in the new climate report 9 | GM cars on the chopping block 10 | Getting works of art back home 11 | Anjelica Huston remembers filmmaker Nicolas Roeg 12 | TIME with . . . Argentine President Mauricio Macri 15 | China’s claims of gene-edited babies 16 | Migrants in turmoil in Tijuana 19 | James Stavridis on the Russian threat to Ukraine- and beyond 21 | Ian Bremmer on who can replace Germany’s Angela Merkel 21 | Brexit and U.S.- U.K. ties 22 | Six ways to move more 24 | Bound by Grief 32 | Far-Right Turn 38 | Falling Angels 45 | A movie season of women in power 47 | Quick Talk with Britain’s Olivia Colman 48 | Marveling at Mrs. Maisel 50 | Michelle Obama’s Becoming 52 | 9 Questions for director Angela Ponce
  • TIME 2018年11/26・12/03号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | Understanding the France-America divide 9 | Crisis in Yemen 10 | Why midterm votes are still being counted 11 | Remembering Marvel’s Stan Lee 12 | TIME with . . . NBA analyst Doris Burke 14 | California’s worsening wildfires 19 | A former GOP political strategist on voter suppression 22 | Ian Bremmer: what oil production says about Saudi royal anxieties 22 | Practical steps on gun violence 24 | The future of AIDS treatment may be injections 26 | A Letter to America 32 | The Asylum Dilemma 38 | Boots on the Ground 46 | Best Inventions 2018 78 | Movies 82 | TV shows 84 | Comedy specials 86 | Albums 88 | Songs 90 | Podcasts 92 | Books 96 | Theater productions 99 | Video games 100 | 10 Questions for Big Little Lies author Liane Moriarty
  • TIME 2018年11/19号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | Will the new Iran sanctions work? 9 | The fallout from the exit of Attorney General Jeff Sessions 10 | The world’s tallest statue in Gujarat, India 12 | TIME with . . . Margrethe Vestager, Europe’s antitrust czar 14 | London’s spike in murders 17 | Former Sunday Times editor Harold Evans: the U.S. can do more to protect journalists 19 | Ian Bremmer: why China might join the Pacific trade treaty 20 | Divided We Stand 32 | Battle for China’s Soul 36 | Marketing Female Viagra 41 | Widows isn’t your typical heist movie 44 | Eddie Redmayne is tight-lipped about Fantastic Beasts 46 | New novels from Anuradha Roy and Idra Novey 48 | Television: My Brilliant Friend, The Kominsky Method and The Little Drummer Girl 50 | The new mover in American chess 52 | 8 Questions for actor Diego Luna
  • TIME 2018年11/12号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | A report from the migrant caravan 9 | Constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka 10 | A Washington State carbon tax? 12 | Vietnam’s new leader and the U.S.- China balance 14 | TIME with .. . feelings expert Bren? Brown 16 | The Boston Red Sox rejoice 19 | A ruling on the twisted world of college sports 21 | The case for expanding the U.S. House of Representatives 22 | In Extremis 34 | Brazil’s New Strongman 38 | The Body Politic 47 | How House of Cards and The Conners proceed without their stars 50 | Movies: Bohemian Rhapsody gives a queer icon his due 51 | Jonathan Lethem’s new detective novel 52 | 8 Questions for actor Claire Foy
  • TIME 2018年11/05特大号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | U.S. withdraws from another international treaty 9 | Britain polarized over looming Brexit deadline 10 | What happens if the U.S. government defines gender 12 | TIME with . . . actor Jamie Lee Curtis 14 | A migrant caravan heads north 17 | Politicians’ favorite new weapon: texting 19 | Ian Bremmer: Saudi Arabia attempts business as usual after the Khashoggi killing 20 | Trump’s Nemesis 26 | One Family’s Toll 38 | After the Scandal 44 | Nigeria’s Promise 48 | Guns in America 85 | Sequels for true-crime pioneers Serial and Making a Murderer 88 | Movies: Boy Erased; Monrovia, Indiana; and Suspiria 90 | Books: cat fiction, lessons from Stephen Hawking and the father of the A-bomb 92 | TV: political and psychological dramas Bodyguard and Homecoming
  • TIME 2018年10/29号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Affirmative action on trial 9 | Remembering Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen 12 | Digging out after Hurricane Michael 14 | Ian Bremmer: Japan’s calculus in the China-U.S. trade war 15 | Eric Holder on the consequences of voter suppression 18 | Democrats’ Deep Roots 25 | The Heartland Strategy 28 | The Pariah Prince 34 | Ukraine’s New Normal 42 | Asia’s #MeToo Movement 47 | Melissa McCarthy turns to the dark side 50 | What to stream for Halloween 51 | Paul Dano discusses his directorial debut, Wildlife, starring Jake Gyllenhaal 52 | 9 Questions for historian Joseph J. Ellis
  • TIME 2018年10/22号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 6 | Conversation 8 | For the Record 9 | A landmark report on climate change is an urgent call for action 12 | The significance of Nikki Haley’s departure 13 | Ties that bind the new Nobel Peace Prize winners 14 | Among the survivors of Indonesia’s devastating earthquake 19 | The disappearance of a Saudi journalist and the growing brutality of autocrats 21 | Ian Bremmer: the worrisome problem of Italy’s national debt 21 | The latest science on hugging 22 | Beyond the Base 28 | Trumpism After Trump 34 | Next Generation Leaders 47 | The biopic First Man fills in the story of Neil Armstrong 51 | Lena Dunham’s new show, Camping 52 | 7 Questions for actor and author Ellie Kemper
  • TIME 2018年10/15号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | A new trade deal saves NAFTA 7 | Macedonia by any other name 8 | Why landlocked Bolivia needs access to the Pacific 10 | A Peruvian farmer fights climate change- in a German court 12 | TIME with . . . actor Robert Redford 14 | Indonesia’s deadly tsunami 17 | America’s longest war barely exists on social media 19 | Ian Bremmer: Brazil will survive its election 19 | Quick Talk with Donna Strickland, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics 20 | What America Heard 27 | 50 Genius Companies 42 | Self-Defense 47 | Beautiful Boy puts a real face on addiction 50 | Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner’s latest: The Romanoffs 52 | 6 Questions for historian Ramachandra Guha
  • TIME 2018年10/08号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | Europe defies Trump on Iran 10 | Green card rules revised 12 | Climate change puts the heat on ski resorts 14 | TIME with . . . journalist Bob Woodward 16 | NASA’s many orbits 18 | The return of Tiger Woods 21 | Even Big Oil is getting serious about climate change 23 | When Twitter follower counts embolden extremists 24 | In Search of Equality 32 | Supreme Stakes 38 | Sunshine State Showdown 42 | A New Star Is Born 47 | A day out in London with pop star Robyn 50 | Movies: Kevin Hart in Night School; Yosemite climber Alex Honnold in Free Solo 51 | TV: God Friended Me and Maniac director Cary Joji Fukunaga 52 | 7 Questions for The Kite Runner author Khaled Hosseini
  • TIME 2018年10/01号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | From the Editor 5 | For the Record 7 | The mystery of missing actress Fan Bingbing 11 | Volkswagen squashes the Beetle 12 | TIME with . . . Christopher Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica whistle-blower 14 | After the typhoon in the Philippines 17 | Ian Bremmer on the 10th anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse 19 | How learning new words can make you happy 19 | Courage in the NFL 20 | A Modern Morality Play 30 | After the Storms 40 | The Oligarch Connection 47 | Fall books preview: Kate Atkinson’s new spy novel and other must-reads in fiction and nonfiction 50 | Quick Talk: Josh Groban 51 | Movie reviews: Life Itself and The Sisters Brothers 52 | 10 Questions for Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski
  • TIME 2018年09/24号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Trump’s negative effect on Senate races 8 | Why the U.S. distrusts the ICC 9 | Farewell to Burt Reynolds 10 | More time to sue over child sex abuse 12 | TIME with . . . former President Jimmy Carter 14 | Kabul journalists face fire 16 | James Stavridis says America must reassure its allies 17 | Taking first accusers seriously in sexualharassment cases 19 | Ian Bremmer on the odd coupling of Russia and China 19 | The problem with philanthropy 20 | The New Face of Europe 26 | Teachers Strike Back 34 | Future Cures 40 | A Women’s Road Trip 43 | The Fortnite phenomenon 46 | Movies: The Land of Steady Habits, The Angel and A Simple Favor 48 | Debut novels by Wayétu Moore and Olivia Laing 51 | Carrie Underwood takes a turn 52 | 7 Questions for cellist Yo-Yo Ma
  • TIME 2018年09/17号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 5 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | Why Democrats can’t stop Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh 10 | Behind the calls for the Pope to resign 12 | China’s Kingdom of the Little People 14 | Fire engulfs Brazil’s National Museum 17 | The surprising connections between aging and happiness 19 | Ian Bremmer on the emerging market meltdown 20 | Madam Speaker? 30 | John McCain’s Final Act 36 | Our Race Problem 42 | Women Changing the World 49 | The reboot of ’90s sitcom Murphy Brown predicts the future 52 | 7 Questions for Cambridge University historian Mary Beard
  • TIME 2018年09/03・09/10号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | At the U.S.- Mexico border, families remain in limbo 10 | A resurgence of measles in the U.S. and Europe 12 | Remembering Aretha Franklin 13 | Jon Meacham on the parallels between Trump, Nixon and McCarthy 15 | How to raise optimistic children 16 | TIME with . . . defending U.S. Open champion Sloane Stephens 23 | Pope Francis, sexual abuse and the future of the Catholic Church 25 | Ian Bremmer on the state of the United Nations 26 | Susanna Schrobsdorff on older family and hard choices 28 | Firebrand of Brazil 34 | On Afghanistan’s Front Line 44 | All the President’s Men 52 | Trade Warrior 58 | The Real Power of Fake Pills 65 | The World’s Greatest Places 91 | Troye Sivan, a pop icon for the digital generation 95 | New parenting books 96 | The summer of the documentary 98 | New romantic comedies satisfy a craving 100 | 9 Questions for actor Jason Bateman
  • TIME 2018年08/27号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Syria prepares to retake the last rebel stronghold 7 | China detains millions of minority Uighurs 9 | Remembering V.S. Naipaul 10 | Millions in India could lose citizenship 12 | TIME with . . . ABC anchor David Muir 14 | A bridge collapses in Genoa, Italy 17 | Who pays for climate-change damages? 19 | Ian Bremmer on Turkey’s tight spot 19 | Oscars for dummies 22 | The Trump Effect 26 | The Peace Diamond 32 | Serena’s Story 40 | A Belated Breakthrough 47 | Glenn Close plays The Wife 50 | Women writers make the case for living alone 52 | 9 Questions for singer Miranda Lambert
  • TIME 2018年08/20号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Midterms: women keep winning primaries 7 | Saudi Arabia’s thin skin 8 | The “no deal” Brexit option 10 | Has Tunisia’s far-reaching legislation actually reduced violence against women? 12 | TIME with . . . Stock Exchange chief Stacey Cunningham 14 | Europe’s record heat wave 17 | How aging populations threaten democracy 19 | Ian Bremmer: why U.S. sanctions aren’t that effective 19 | Pope Francis joins the trend against the death penalty 22 | Fighting Fake News 28 | The Next Hurricane 34 | New Hope 40 | Spike Lee’s Mission 47 | Meet Mitski, indie rocker and superlative songwriter 50 | Emmy nominee Issa Rae’s Insecure returns 51 | C.J. Chivers brings combat to life 51 | Things go bump in the night at The Third Hotel 52 | 8 Questions for actor Ethan Hawke
  • TIME 2018年08/06・08/13号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 7 | A local-news crisis 9 | Cuba’s retreat from communism 12 | TIME with .. . actor Angela Bassett 14 | Syrians trapped in war 19 | Baseball struggles to keep pace 22 | Ian Bremmer on Israel’s new law 26 | Europe pushes back on tourists 34 | The U.S. tightens the screws on Iran 93 | Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon bond in The Spy Who Dumped Me 96 | Reviews: Theater, movies, books 42 | HOMEWARD BOUND 48 | GEORGIA ON MY MIND 54 | CULTURAL POLITICS 58 | AGENTS OF CHANGE 70 | EVER IN FLUX 74 | THE MIGHTY RIVER 78 | HOLLYWOOD SOUTH 86 | BEYOND BISCUITS 47 | David Joy’s hunting camp 57 | Stephanie Powell Watts on race days 63 | Paul Finebaum’s holy game 67 | Ace Atkins’ faith in Elvis 69 | Julia Reed on Doe’s Eat Place 73 | Lauren Groff’s prairie escape 77 | Silas House on inclusive Appalachia 91 | Nathaniel Rich on the bayou 46 | Natasha Trethewey’s “Duty” 56 | Jericho Brown’s “Foreday in the Morning” 90 | Maurice Manning’s “An Orchard at the Bottom of a Hill” 46 | plus MY FAVORITE PLACE
  • TIME 2018年07/30号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Brett Kavanaugh could help retool the First Amendment 10 | A sculpture in Taiwan honors a dissident— and embodies its rift with China 12 | TIME with . . . venture capitalist and Facebook alum Chamath Palihapitiya 14 | France takes the World Cup 17 | How air conditioners make climate change worse 19 | Ian Bremmer explains a new E.U.- China trade deal 20 | 7 foods that help tamp down inflammation 22 | The Summit Crisis 30 | To the Moon, Again 36 | Mending Colombia 40 | Hope and Change? 47 | Sacha Baron Cohen’s Who Is America? 52 | 10 Questions for philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum
  • TIME 2018年07/23号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | What’s preventing migrant families in the U.S. from being reunited 7 | Ethiopia and Eritrea make peace 8 | Paris seeks heritage status for its bistros 9 | Remembering Shoah director Claude Lanzmann 10 | TIME with . . . Lei Jun, China’s Steve Jobs 12 | Floods devastate Japan 15 | Global politics roils the breastfeeding debates 17 | Ian Bremmer on Britain’s crumbling Brexit coalition 17 | Why plastic straws became a problem in the first place 20 | A Life-or-Death Mission 26 | Tilting the Court 32 | Hope for Democracy 40 | It’s Not Easy Being Green 47 | Bo Burnham’s Eighth Grade turns anxiety into art 50 | Novelist Ottessa Moshfegh blurs boundaries 51 | A former White House stenographer spills secrets 52 | 9 Questions for chef Clare Smyth
  • TIME 2018年07/09号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Is NATO in Trump’s gunsight? 8 | The Supreme Court’s travel-ban ruling 10 | Andrés Manuel López Obrador is on the brink of the Mexican presidency 12 | TIME with . . . Imran Khan, the cricket hero who wants to lead Pakistan 16 | Ian Bremmer on the weaknesses of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan 17 | Seven moments that changed America 20 | Trump’s Court 26 | Driving Change 32 | The Gun Divide 38 | Bad Air 45 | The women behind HBO’s Sharp Objects 48 | A Bodys Isek Kingelez retrospective at MOMA 50 | Thriller Sicario: Day of the Soldado 51 | Can you eat too much fruit? 52 | 8 Questions for Flint pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha
  • TIME 2018年07/02号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | A risky trade war with China 10 | Skyrocketing vanilla prices cause problems in Madagascar 12 | TIME with . . . tennis star Venus Williams 14 | A fleeting cease-fire in Afghanistan 17 | Why drug executives haven’t been punished for the opioid crisis 19 | Ian Bremmer on Germany’s migrant crisis 19 | Who needs a space force? 20 | A White House policy that divided families becomes a referendum on core American values 25 | The facts about family separations 26 | A pivotal moment of Trump’s presidency 28 | Viewpoints: Haley Barbour, Judge Robert C. Brack, Norman Y. Mineta, Ben Rhodes and Sarah Saldaña 30 | Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha is steering his country toward autocracy 34 | Plus: Freedom of the press under threat in Southeast Asia 36 | A Brewing Coffee Crisis 43 | Pop stars stage a sister act 47 | Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s new album 48 | Glow’s second season 49 | Quick Talk with Kevin Costner 50 | Movies: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and Elvis doc The King 52 | 9 Questions for Barbra Streisand
  • TIME 2018年06/25号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | The wrenching toll of separating families at the U.S.- Mexico border 8 | What the Supreme Court’s ruling on voter-roll purges means for voting rights 9 | Anthony Bourdain’s legacy 10 | Fighting extremism, onstage 12 | TIME with .. . humorist David Sedaris 14 | A horse for the ages 17 | The unreliability of outward appearances 19 | When consumers will start noticing the end of net neutrality 19 | A World Cup clouded by corruption 20 | Trump’s Global Gamble 32 | A Woman’s Place 36 | Dear Son 45 | Book publishers seek a jolt from celebrity imprints 48 | Incredibles 2 gets incredibly deep 50 | Christina Aguilera reintroduces herself with a new album 51 | The case for eating more mushrooms 52 | 6 Questions for constitutional-law expert Laurence Tribe
  • TIME 2018年06/18号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Mental health and Kate Spade’s suicide 8 | Phnom Penh gets a train to the plane 12 | TIME with . . . actor Jim Parsons 14 | Guatemala under the volcano 16 | Ian Bremmer on the limits of bullying U.S. allies 17 | The Supreme Court rules for Colorado baker in a same-sex wedding case 19 | Korea expert Victor Cha on the Trump-Kim summit 20 | President Trump’s campaign to discredit the special counsel is putting America’s principles on trial 26 | Plus:Neal Katyal on the legitimacy of the Russia probe 27 | Jack Goldsmith on the sweeping powers of the presidency 28 | Male Birth Control 34 | Iceland, the smallest country to qualify for soccer’s top tournament, is on a larger mission 40 | Plus:Son Heung-min carries South Korea’s hopes 43 | Hereditary and the boom in artful horror movies 46 | Q&A with its star Toni Collette 46 | Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling and Anne Hathaway dish about Ocean’s 8 50 | Kanye’s Ye, filled with contradictions 52 | 8 Questions for Obama confidante Ben Rhodes
  • TIME 2018年06/11号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Roseanne Barr offers a high-profile lesson in division 7 | Voters in Colombia face stark choice for next leader 8 | How the federal government lost track of migrant children 9 | Actor Jesse Eisenberg remembers Philip Roth 13 | James Stavridis: Tough calls on North Korea 15 | Ian Bremmer on U.S.-China relations 15 | Melinda Gates’ advice to grads 16 | Kerry Kennedy on dad Robert F. Kennedy’s legacy 18 | Errol Morris takes on fake news 19 | What Harvey Weinstein’s arrest means for #MeToo 20 | Welcome to the Drone Age 36 | TIME with ... 40 | The Future of Exercise 45 | Pose features the largest ever cast of transgender actors 48 | Dietland displays righteous female rage 49 | Chick lit characters grow up 50 | Music: Father John Misty’s latest tender turn 52 | 9 Questions for Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Rhodes
  • TIME 2018年06/04号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | The haunting pattern of school shootings 7 | The European Union’s strict new privacy law 8 | Will the summit between North Korea and the U.S. happen? 9 | Ebola spreads in the Democratic Republic of Congo 9 | FDA allows first drug for migraines 10 | TIME with . . . U.S. spy chief Dan Coats 15 | How protectionism limits global growth 17 | Ian Bremmer on Italy’s odd-couple leaders 17 | Writer Michael Pollan on the benefits of psychedelic drugs 18| How Britain Celebrated By Kate Samuelson 24 | The Revolutionary Royal By Daisy Goodwin 28 | A New Kind of History By Afua Hirsch 32 | Regal Family Tree By Kate Samuelson 33 | The Dress By Cady Lang 34 | Meghan by the Book By Tina Brown 35 | Who Needs the Royals? By Graham Smith 36 | Taking On Texas Inside Beto O’Rourke’s bid to unseat Ted Cruz By Nash Jenkins 40 | Campus Revival A pivotal moment for historically black colleges By Maya Rhodan 45 | Summer Reading: 25 new page-turners 46 | Rachel Cusk, author of Kudos 47 | The best novels for book clubs 48 | The latest short stories 49 | Six historical reads 50 | Movies: Solo: A Star Wars Story 52 | 7 Questions for Jeremy Irons
  • TIME 2018年05/28号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 6 | Conversation 8 | For the Record 9 | Trump’s plan to boost GOP candidates 11 | Ireland reconsiders abortion 12 | Malaysia’s new Prime Minister 13 | Scott Kelly remembers Tom Wolfe 14 | TIME with .. . the U.S. Senate’s only immigrant, Mazie Hirono 18 | Why kids learn languages more easily than adults 19 | The Supreme Court opens up sports gambling 21 | Ian Bremmer on saving NAFTA 21 | The neuroscience of consent 22 | Behind a Border Clash 28 | America’s Tailspin 36 | Next Generation Leaders 47 | Tea and real talk with Book Club stars Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen, Mary Steenburgen and Jane Fonda 50 | Movies: Saoirse Ronan in On Chesil Beach and Ethan Hawke and Amanda Seyfried in First Reformed 51 | Indie rock’s new throwback star 52 | 8 Questions for playwright Lynn Nottage
  • TIME 2018年05/21号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Do the primary elections signal a return to normalcy? 8 | What to know about CIA director nominee Gina Haspel 10 | The controversy behind Amo, the new Philippines-set series on Netflix 14 | An aerial view of the new lava flow in Hawaii 17 | What America’s withdrawing from the Iran deal means for talks with North Korea 18 | Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak dissents 19 | Ian Bremmer assays what the withdrawal means for Europe and global oil prices 20 | El Chapo Goes to Trial 30 | Mystery Money 34 | What to Do With Bad Men 43 | Zora Neale Hurston’s century old interview with the last slave ship survivor 46 | Fahrenheit 451 on HBO fizzles 47 | Benedict Cumberbatch stars in Showtime’s Patrick Melrose 48 | Movies: Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams in Disobedience; Juliette Binoche in Let the Sunshine In 52 | 6 Questions for director Francis Ford Coppola
  • TIME 2018年05/14号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | From the Editor 4 | For the Record 5 |Will President Trump undo a done deal with Iran? 8 | What leaked questions say about special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe 10 | Can the classic British pub survive? 12 | A migrant caravan reaches the U.S. border 14 | How a genealogy site led to the arrest of the Golden State Killer 15 | Don’t expect North Korea to denuclearize anytime soon 16 | James Stavridis: How the U.S. should approach a summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un 17 | From one White House Correspondents’ Association dinner comedian to another:Elayne Boosler on Michelle Wolf 19 | For one writer, a new memorial to victims of lynching feels personal 20 | The FBI on Trial 28 | Tough Guys 32| The American Dream 41 | Summer Movie Preview: Ocean’s 8 returns glamour to the heist film 44 | The best new documentaries 45 |Mom steps up in The Incredibles 48 |Q&A with Solo star Paul Bettany 50 |Up-and-coming directors 52 | 7 Questions for former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
  • TIME 2018年04/30・05/07号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 pioneers leaders artists titans icons 5 | FROM THE EDITOR 8 | TIME 100 ONLINE 10| POINTS OF ORIGIN 100 | THE QUIZ
  • TIME 2018年04/23号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | House Speaker Paul Ryan decides not to run for re-election 8 | Coffee gains ground in China 10 | TIME with . . . Amy Schumer 12 | A memorial to the Canadian hockey players killed in a bus crash 15 | How the Oklahoma teachers’ strike fits into the broader surge of women’s activism 17 | Ian Bremmer on how the re-election of Hungary’s Prime Minster is a win for “illiberal democracy” 17 | Former Vice President Walter Mondale on 50 years of the Fair Housing Act 18 | Still Nothing to See Here 24 | Strife in Syria 28 | Tech firms battle to control your mind 36 | Facebook’s crisis is 14 years in the making 42 | Why no one knows how to regulate Big Tech 45 | Westworld is one of TV’s most feminist shows 48 | The 1969 Ted Kennedy scandal is revisited in Chappaquiddick 49 | Joaquin Phoenix stars in You Were Never Really Here; Jon Hamm and Rosamund Pike star in Beirut 50 | The Handmaid’s Tale returns to Hulu 52 | 6 Questions for NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt
  • TIME 2018年04/16号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | The EPA takes on clean-car rules 7 | Bracing for more clashes along Gaza’s border 9 | Remembering Winnie Madikizela- Mandela 10 | Red-state teachers revolt 12 | TIME with . . . outspoken Congressman Matt Gaetz 14 | A magical Easter for Notre Dame 17 | Ian Bremmer: What China’s new tariffs mean for the U.S. 19 | Bill Gates on the importance of Factfulness 20 | Why “Latinx” is taking hold 22 | Elise Jordan: I’m a libertarian, and it’s time for gun control 24 | The Crown Prince Makes His Pitch 32 | Dream High 38 | Economic Cycles 45 | In Killing Eve, Sandra Oh follows the scent of a killer 48 | Husband and wife team John Krasinski and Emily Blunt’s A Quiet Place 50 | Meg Wolitzer’s new novel on feminism 51 | R&B triple threat Tinashe 52 | 11 Questions for Oscar winner and former politician Glenda Jackson
  • TIME 2018年04/09号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | Enter right, John Bolton, President Trump’s new National Security Adviser 11 | James Meredith remembers Brown v. Board of Education’s Linda Brown 12 | TIME with .. . Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards 14 | A bird’s-eye view of March for Our Lives 17 | Susanna Schrobsdorff on Stormy Daniels and feminism 19 | Q&A: Labor activist Dolores Huerta 19 | Ian Bremmer on Trump’s approach to Russia 20 | Eddie S. Glaude Jr. on the whitewashing of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy 22 | An ode to March Madness 23 | H.R. McMaster’s terms of service 24 | Law and Order 32 | The Plot Thickens 38 | The Wellness Gap 43 | Steven Spielberg’s latest film is a riff on escapism 46 | Country singer Kacey Musgraves’ latest album 47 | Quick Talk with actor Chloë Sevigny 48 | Novels on school shootings 50 | Wine as history and emotion 51 | New Broadway musical Miss You Like Hell 52 | 9 Questions for poet laureate Tracy K. Smith
  • TIME 2018年04/02号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 | Conversation 6 | For the Record 7 | No staffer is safe in Season 2 of the Trump presidency 12 | San Francisco museum tries “photo-free” hours 13 | Physicist Lisa Randall remembers Stephen Hawking 14 | TIME with . . . pioneering Deloitte CEO Cathy Engelbert 16 | The latest war front in Syria 19 | Lessons from the latest Facebook controversy on protecting people’s data 21 | New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu on the Confederate statue controversy 22 | Gun Fight 24 | Plus: Excerpts from Parkland, Fla., student diaries 30 | Six commonsense ways to reduce gun violence 34 | Making Russia Great Again 39 | Russia has a powerful President— but not a whole lot else By Ian Bremmer 40 | The Fox Newsman 47 | As Roseanne reboots, so does the family sitcom 49 | Quick Talk with actor Bill Hader 52 | 8 Questions for Sean Penn
  • TIME 2018年03/19号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 6 | For the Record 7 | The real trade war inside the White House 9 | Egypt’s upcoming election 10 | A U.S. carrier docks in Vietnam 12 | TIME with Congressman Adam Schiff 14 | Postcard from Dubai 16 | A Nor’easter pummels the U.S. 18 | A female chef thrives in the male-dominated restaurant world 19 | New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson on how to help Myanmar 21 | Ian Bremmer interprets Italy’s election results 21 | A dating app bans gun photos 22 | The latest research on a cure for HIV 24 | Families Divided 32 | Life After War 40 | Trivia Night Goes Mobile 44 | Frozen Hits Broadway 49 | The film Love, Simon mainstreams gay teen stories 51 | Quick Talk: Veep creator Armando Iannucci 52 | 7 Questions for the controversial Jordan Peterson
  • TIME 2018年03/12号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | President Xi Jinping tilts China toward despotism 7 | Boko Haram strikes again 8 | Ian Bremmer on Italy’s election scrum over immigration 9 | Priyanka Chopra remembers Bollywood star Sridevi 10 | A rare snowball fight in Rome 13 | To understand the gun debate in Washington, just follow the money 16 | Innovative design moves to the business mainstream 17 | Nancy Gibbs on the right to silence 18 | Voices from the Rubble 28 | The House of Graham 34 | Moral Majority 38 | Directing a New Narrative 45 | A sneak peek at the new American Idol 48 | Marilynne Robinson’s latest book of essays 50 | Graphic design as a window on history 52 | 9 Questions for Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon
  • TIME 2018年03/05号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 About this issue
  • TIME 2018年02/26特大号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | War in Syria escalates 6 | European Parliament to review daylight saving time 10 | Ian Bremmer on the future of South Africa and Jacob Zuma 11 | Facebook confirms test of a downvote button 12 | Earthquake strikes Taiwan 14 | Jennie Willoughby, a former wife of White House staffer Rob Porter, speaks out 15 | When men can’t silence women 16 | A top U.S. naval commander in the Pacific on tracking North Korea 17 | How to respond to a rude person 18 | Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald on painting Barack and Michelle Obama’s portraits 20 | The Voters Trump Forgot 26 | The Business of Human Smuggling 34 | Puerto Rico from Above 42 | Long View 48 | A Fragile Hope for Alzheimer’s 56 | The Big Chill 64 | You Asked 70 | Clues from the Animal Kingdom 72 | The 2018 Winter Olympics 78 | Jordan Peele on Culture, Race and Fear 85 | Natalie Portman stars in Annihilation 88 | Black Panther reviewed 90 | A reading list for Black History Month 91 | My connection to the Berlin Wall 92 | 9 Questions for entrepreneur Chris Hughes
  • TIME 2018年02/19号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Ian Bremmer on the reality of a nuclear North Korea 8 | The terminally ill and experimental drugs 9 | Laurie Metcalf remembers John Mahoney 11 | A former Trump adviser’s Kremlin contacts 12 | Philadelphia Eagles make history in Minneapolis 14 | Retirement planning pitfalls 15 | Confronting midlife marital ennui 17 | Why Pope Francis must address sex abuse 18 | Model Kate Upton speaks about her #MeToo story 19 | James Stavridis: The military deserves more than a big parade 20 | Trump’s Lasting Legacy 26 | When the Water Runs Out 34 | The Power of Black Panther 43 | Finding humor in Fifty Shades 46 | HBO’s new drama Here and Now 47 | Clint Eastwood’s The 15:17 to Paris 48 | After the Super Bowl, the next teams to end their title droughts 52 | 7 Questions for Rose McGowan
  • TIME 2018年02/12号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Trump and the politics of justice 6 | Poland’s controversial Nazi war-crimes bill 8 | Ian Bremmer on the limits of “America first” in Afghanistan 9 | Why CEOs are optimistic about the economy 10 | Tennis star Roger Federer cries tears of joy 13 | Amazon takes on health care 14 | The relationship between love and money 15 | Widowers share advice on parenting 16 | Nuclear Poker 30 | Through Her Eyes 36 | Winter Olympics Preview 45 | Justin Timberlake returns to the Super Bowl stage 48 | Reviews: A Fantastic Woman and Altered Carbon 48 | Quick Talk: Actor Will Forte 50 | Zadie Smith’s new book of essays 51 | Why children’s books should be dark 52 | 5 Questions for sculptor Anish Kapoor
  • TIME 2018年02/05号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Democrats end the government shutdown, but take a hit from their base 6 | The decadeslong dispute over “Macedonia” 7 | Taliban attacks a hotel in Kabul 7 | North Korea’s pop-star diplomat 8 | Ian Bremmer on Turkey’s ground assault in Syria 8 | Animals with honors 9 | Journalists on trial in Myanmar 10 | The costs of President Trump’s solar tariffs 12 | TIME with: billionaire impeachment crusader Tom Steyer 14 | The real risks of flu outbreaks 16 | Rebels in Venezuela 20 | Davos 2018 28 | The United States Of Poverty 39 | Grammy Awards 2018: How rap took over 42 | TV: Ann Curry’s new show 43 | Movies: Maze Runner and Please Stand By 45 | Books about the resistance 46 | Weight-loss tips that work 51 | Susanna Schrobsdorff on Syrian refugees finding home in Baltimore 52 | 8 Questions for memoirist Kate Bowler
  • TIME 2018年01/29号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | Hawaii’s missilealert misfire sounds alarm about preparedness in the smartphone age 7 | Cape Town’s water crisis 8 | House Speaker Paul Ryan’s job gets even worse 10 | Ian Bremmer on why deteriorating U.S.-Pakistan relations bolster China 12 | Runway scare in Turkey 15 | Jon Meacham looks back at the watershed year 1968 19 | China leads the charge on electriccar production 20 | The Innovator 24 | The Movement 32 | The Big Thaw 41 | A Hollywood bounty to ward off the winter chill 44 | Steven Soderbergh’s latest, Mosaic, on HBO; Quick Talk with star Sharon Stone 45 | Indie musicians to listen to now 46 | Finding the most helpful lifestyle guidebooks 48 | 8 Questions for TV pundit Van Jones
  • TIME 2018年01/22号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 3 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | What sending back Salvadorans means for America 6 | North Korea and South Korea’s negotiations over the Olympics 8 | Ian Bremmer on French President Macron’s China trip 10 | Mudslides in Montecito, Calif. 12 | How to retire in 2018 13 | Why Oprah doesn’t have to beat Trump in 2020 14 | There is no “best” curse word 15 | Swedes and the vital importance of “death cleaning” 16 | Trump’s First Year 26 | The Latest Meltdown 32 | On the 25th Amendment 36 | Nothing New to See Here 38 | In Defense of Leakers 40 | National Insecurity 43 | Nineties tabloid mania revisited in FX’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story and Craig Gillespie’s I, Tonya 46 | Quick Talk: Annette Bening 48 | Books: Ali Smith’s Winter; Denis Johnson’s The Largesse of the Sea Maiden 51 | When the spouses of memoirists on grief fall in love 52 | 6 Questions for San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz
  • TIME 2018年1/15号
    896円 (税込)
  • TIME 2017年12/25号・1/1号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 2 | Conversation 4 | For the Record 5 | What to know about this year's virulent flu 8 | The fine print on President Trump's NASA moonshot 9 |Bitcoin’s milestone year 10 | ANobel Peace Prize winner’s plan for a nuke-free world 12 | A lens on California’s historic wildfires 15 |Katie Couric, Robin Roberts, Patton Oswalt and more on how to muster holiday cheer after trauma and loss 19 |Why former Vice President Joe Biden is in awe of the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre 20 | James Stavridis on working with retired lieut. general Michael Flynn 21 |Raising sons who respect women 24] Power brokers to watch next year, including Alabama’s Senator-elect Doug Jones, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the world’s youngest female leader, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 24 46] The search for solutions to the world’s toughest problems, from antibiotic-resistant infections to climate change.Plus, robots to the rescue46 64] Movies, TV, music, sports, books and plays to look forward to, fromA Wrinkle in Time to the Olympics64 86] The final chapter of our multimedia series following three Syrian refugee families and their babies By Aryn Baker86
  • TIME 2017年12/18特大号
    896円 (税込)
  • TIME 2017年12/11号
    896円 (税込)
    表紙 目次 4 Conversation 6 For the Record 7 NBC’s Matt Lauer’s fall from grace 9 India’s culture wars 10 Ian Bremmer on why a distracted Angela Merkel is bad news for the bad news for the world 12 Infographic: The state of organ donation 14 Dangerous new phase of Yemen's civil war 20 Smarter homesecurity cameras 21 Nancy Gibbs: How Americans became so partisan 24 Cooks from Martha Stewart to Mark Bittman dish on how to ear more veggies 25 The pros and cons of net neutrality 26 Trump’s Republican Critic: Following Arizona Senator Jeff Flake as he wages war with his own party By Nash Jenkins 32 The New American Way of War: A growing reliance on U.S. Special Operations forces around the world is taking a toll on the country and its commandos By W.J. Hennigan 40 Climate Change Peaks in the Alps: Skiing on Alpine snow will be a thing of the past. How businesses and scientists are racing to make enough snow to replace it By Jeffrey Kluger 47 The creator of Gilmore Girls is back with a new dramedy, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 49 Kit Harington plays a real-life ancestor in a new HBO miniseries 50 Films about love: Guillermo del Toro's The Sahpe of Water; Luca Guadagnino's Call Me by Your Name 51 Latest albums by Miguel and  U2 52 10 Questions for editor Tine Brown
  • TIME 11/27・12/4号
    896円 (税込)
    Nov 27, 2017 Vol 190 No 22 & 23 The 25 Best Inventions of 2017 What Makes a Genius? The World’s Greatest Minds Have One Thing in Common Franklin, Einstein, Jobs, da Vinci. How history’s greatest thinkers broke with tradition and solved problems nobody else could see. The Saudi Crown Prince’s Plot to Reshape the Middle East Backfires It’s the Beginning of the End for Zimbabwe’s Dictator Robert Mugabe Theresa May’s Britain Is Headed for a Brexit Train Wreck At the NRA’s TV Network, Guns Are a Weapon in the Culture Wars Why Self-Driving Cars Might Not Lead to a Huge Drop In Fuel Consumption Aly Raisman Opens Up About Sexual Abuse by USA Gymnastics Doctor Larry Nassar Dale Earnhardt Jr. Is Going Out on His Own Terms Dignity, Death and America’s Crisis In Elder Care An 87-Year-Old Nun Said She Was Raped in Her Nursing Home. Here’s Why She Couldn’t Sue The Cruel Math of Finding a Nursing Home for My Dad My Uncle’s Alzheimer’s Battle Inspired Me to Disrupt Healthcare Phantom Thread Is Shrouded in Mystery as Daniel Day-Lewis’ Final Act Allison Janney’s New Favorite Co-Star is a Bird Why James and Dave Franco Waited Their Whole Lives To Make a Movie Together Downsizing’s Hong Chau Gets Her Big Break in Miniature Two New Last Jedi Characters Help the Star Wars Galaxy Look More Like Our Own How Wonder Takes on Being Different in an Indifferent World Hello, I Must Be Going Gary Oldman on Winston Churchill, Populism and Harvey Weinstein Allegations


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