Japan’s SDGs White Paper 2019: Abridged English Edition The Report on SDGs Initiatives in Japan

Japan’s SDGs White Paper 2019: Abridged English Edition The Report on SDGs Initiatives in Japan

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015, and vigorous efforts to implement them have been rapidly increasing even in Japan.
This book is a collection of articles taken from the first “Japan’s SDGs White Paper” edited by the xSDG Laboratory of the Keio Research Institute at SFC in Keio University in 2019 and translated into English. The activities of various stakeholders, including the Japanese national government, municipal governments, academic institutions, businesses, civic organizations such as NPOs, young people and the media, are reported by experts in their respective fields. It also summarizes the history of the SDGs and explains the issues and prospects in Japan.
This is the perfect book to learn about initiatives in Japan towards achieving the SDGs, where people in all fields work together to change the world.
この本は、2019年に慶應義塾大学 SFC研究所 xSDG・ラボの編集により発行された、「SDGs白書2019」の記事を抜粋し、英訳したものです


Japan’s SDGs White Paper 2019: Abridged English Edition The Report on SDGs Initiatives in Japan のユーザーレビュー

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