ONIGIRI 365wonderful recipes!

ONIGIRI 365wonderful recipes!

1,980円 (税込)




【25th Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2020】 ONIGIRI is Best in the world in category E18 Rice! Easy to make, healthy to eat, a feast for the eyes, and always delish – that is “ONIGIRI”, more casual than sushi and everyone knows this familiar Japanese home cooking. Today, people can enjoy this common Japanese food all over the world and onigiri shops are the places for this. This book has as many as 365 recipes, which readers can experience the onigiri world in-depth. This book also recounts many unique stories about rice, about ingredients, as well as interviews with local farmers and cooking experts. The more the world knows about “ONIGIRI”, the more “ONIGIRI” appeals to everyone like Ramen and Sushi as Japanese signature foods. 日本の食文化「ONIGIRIカルチャー」を世界へ発信する『ONIGIRI 365 wonderful recipes!』。おにぎりの握り方&ごはんの炊き方、料理家やお米の達人インタビューなど内容充実!寿司に次ぐ日本の食文化として、ONIGIRIカルチャーを世界に発信します。


ONIGIRI 365wonderful recipes! のユーザーレビュー

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ONIGIRI 365wonderful recipes! の詳細情報


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