Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership

Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership

Beginning with the drafting of Vietnam’s civil law in 1996, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has supported the “making of laws” in developing countries including Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This is a field of cooperation unique to Japan, originating from its experience studying foreign legal systems during the Meiji Restoration.

Today, Official Development Assistance (ODA) is considered one of the pillars of Japan’s rule of law promotion. JICA has collected documents relating to its 20 years of work, along with interviews with those involved in rule of law promotion from Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more.

Clashes over wariness towards foreigners and differences in understanding of legal terminology… This is a record of the obstacles overcome by the people of developing nations who wanted to draft their own national laws, and the Japanese lawyers who supported them, as well as their sincere efforts, struggles, and challenges. This is a recommended book for those interested in international cooperation, as well as those who want to know more about the rule of law promotion process.


Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership のユーザーレビュー

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Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial Development in Developing Countries: Building Trust and Partnership の詳細情報


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