Messages from the Higher Dimensional Universe Oracular Esoteric Buddhism Teachings –the Kokuten Scripture Vol.1

Messages from the Higher Dimensional Universe Oracular Esoteric Buddhism Teachings –the Kokuten Scripture Vol.1

1,100円 (税込)



What is needed to open the future door is kindness in caring for others, dreams, and hopes. Illuminating a new future will illuminate it ahead as well. Our mission is to help as many people as possible to correctly receive the messages from the Light Presence and regain their original gentle hearts.

<About the author>
Born in 1957. After graduating from Hokkaido University, worked for a foreign pharmaceutical company. In 1995, founded and became president of a pharmaceutical advertising company. In 2006, founded a university-launched venture company developing pharmaceuticals and became president. In 2019, founded and became president of the company to implement the grand plan of 1200 years of the Light Presence. Currently implementing the Dragon Project. Field research on the sacred places across the country. Revealing the hidden codes and messages from the higher dimensional universe and distributed them on YouTube. Also writes a guiding book, the Oracular Esoteric Buddhism Teachings (the Kokuten Scripture) and novels to open the door to a new era in the northern sacred place.




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Messages from the Higher Dimensional Universe Oracular Esoteric Buddhism Teachings –the Kokuten Scripture Vol.1 のユーザーレビュー

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Messages from the Higher Dimensional Universe Oracular Esoteric Buddhism Teachings –the Kokuten Scripture Vol.1 の詳細情報


  • 【閲覧できる環境】
  • ・ブックライブ for Windows PC(アプリ)
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  • 【閲覧できない環境】
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  • ・ブックライブ PLUS for Android(アプリ)
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学術・語学 ランキング
